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Celebrity Deaths

Started by noodlehead.crucified.c2c, June 25, 2009, 05:28:29 PM


Peaches Geldof passes away at age 25

Peaches Geldof, second daughter of musician Bob Geldof and the late Paula Yates, has died aged 25, leaving a husband and two sons.



Popple, at the risk of being called cold and heartless, I'd count your previous post about Mildred Cyrus' dog Floyd dieing before the one above.  By the way, I heard Art died?


UPDATE ON FLOYD. Mildred's dancer confirms he was killed by a coyote

Peaches last instagram upload (yesterday) was a picture of her and her mother.
Her mother also died when she was young.


Bart Ell

Quote from: popple on April 07, 2014, 01:28:52 PM

And a different kind of fruit....

Leee Black Childers, the photographer who captured a generation of the New York underground scene in the 1970s has died in Los Angeles. He first came to recognition, in the rock genre, photographing the glam rock scene with Bowie and Iggy. He was also one of the first to record the rise of the seminal New York punk scene, starting with the New York Dolls, in the early seventies. His many memorable shots of Andy Warhol from the factory days and 'drag queens' from the Hotel Chelsea are also iconic.

In 2012 he released a book titled 'Drag Queens, Rent Boys, Pick Pockets, Junkies, Rockstars and Punks'. It featured images of Debbie Harry, Wayne County, Jackie Curtis and Iggy Pop, as well as images of the Sex Pistols in their early stages. During the 1970s, he focused on his stage-management of Andy Warhol's 1971 London stage production, Pork at Camden's Roundhouse, Childers recorded the legacy of a theatrical cross over between rock music and gay culture. He was involved in the management of David Bowie and Johnny Thunders, as well as being one of the main photographers documenting early punk as it moved from New York to London. His pictures from the Stonewall era and Warhol's Factory will be remembered as a milestone in the history of gay culture.

Photographer Chalkie Davies said; "Another sad day in Rock and Roll, Leee Black Childers has passed away. The word legendary is thrown about a lot, but there is no question that Lee truly deserved the title". His photographs documented the 60's and 70's, he was one of the most original of punks, he brought us many fabulous images of Bowie, Iggy, Debbie and Lou, he hung with Andy, managed the Heartbreakers, and he really was one of the sweetest of men".



RIP Mickey Rooney.  The Bill movies were the shit back in the early 80s.


I wonder how Noory will screw up tonight's talk about Rooney's passing.


Quote from: ItsOver on April 07, 2014, 04:15:35 PM
I wonder how Noory will screw up tonight's talk about Rooney's passing.

Noortard will likely confuse him with Andy Rooney.  Or Mickey Rourke.


Quote from: McPhallus on April 07, 2014, 04:17:22 PM
Noortard will likely confuse him with Andy Rooney.  Or Mickey Rourke.
Ha, that's what I was thinking.  Followed by a piss-poor impersonation by Jorch of Andy Rooney.


Quote from: McPhallus on April 07, 2014, 04:17:22 PM
Noortard will likely confuse him with Andy Rooney.  Or Mickey Rourke.

I'm not at all surprised to hear Mickey Rourke died.


I thought it was Mickey Mouse that just passed.  Goatsy got lucky.     


Quote from: ItsOver on April 07, 2014, 07:22:47 PM
I thought it was Mickey Mouse that just passed.  Goatsy got lucky.     

mickey got a reprieve from congress in 1998 via the  Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, aka the mickey mouse protection act.


Quote from: b_dubb on April 08, 2014, 08:04:13 PM
People still read this?  Unbelievable.

Comic Book Men has been a successful show... It's a possibility.


Just days after being inducted into the wwe hall of fame the ultimate warrior has passed away at 54!

...and here he is with the undertaker whose wrestlemania streak just died.



What was odd was how his in ring speech on Monday night's raw almost seemed to predict it...

Has any potential cause been suggested yet?  I don't mean to be reactionary, but I wonder if perhaps steroid abuse was a factor.  Of course, WWE will never admit the possibility.


Quote from: popple on April 09, 2014, 12:55:55 AM
Just days after being inducted into the wwe hall of fame the ultimate warrior has passed away at 54!

I am stunned by how upset my brother is over this death. Gosh, we can still learn new things about our siblings.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on April 09, 2014, 01:05:51 PM
Has any potential cause been suggested yet?  I don't mean to be reactionary, but I wonder if perhaps steroid abuse was a factor.  Of course, WWE will never admit the possibility.
I haven't seen any specifics but it would not surprise. Pro Wrestling is a tough racket; lots of abuse to the body, travel, and drugs especially on the way up to stardom (if you ever make it there.)

Quote from: Seraphim27 on April 09, 2014, 01:27:49 PM
I am stunned by how upset my brother is over this death. Gosh, we can still learn new things about our siblings.

I hear ya, Seraphim...  I have a cousin who adored that WWF (as it used to be called) shit.  It has legions of fans, and I am never absolutely sure that the lot of them know the whole thing is pure theater.  That "professional wrestling" has thrived now (since its resurgence) for something like three decades is astonishing to me.  That cousin I mentioned had "gifted me" a couple times with tickets to those events:  those who attended seemed very strange.  I remember much flatulence, rude gesturing, tons of swearing (at the wrestlers), and just very weird behavior.  Still, it made for some interesting social theater.

Any word yet on what killed that beautiful young woman (Peaches Geldof)? 


Quote from: West of the Rockies on April 09, 2014, 02:06:57 PM
Any word yet on what killed that beautiful young woman (Peaches Geldof)?

probably something related to the fact that she was grossly underweight.  almost skeletal.



The first I heard of Peaches Geldof was a month or two ago (lost track of Bob Geldof some time in the 90's). I saw a story about an Instagram picture she posted with a ghost in it. She claims the hand belonged to no one in the room and you can see in the full-sized photo that the baby's hands are down low and not near her neck. She also claimed to hear strange noises and typical haunting stuff in her apartment.

RIP, Peaches, and peace to her family and friends.


Quote from: Birdie on April 09, 2014, 05:37:03 PM
The first I heard of Peaches Geldof was a month or two ago (lost track of Bob Geldof some time in the 90's). I saw a story about an Instagram picture she posted with a ghost in it. She claims the hand belonged to no one in the room and you can see in the full-sized photo that the baby's hands are down low and not near her neck. She also claimed to hear strange noises and typical haunting stuff in her apartment. Here's a cropped image:

RIP, Peaches, and peace to her family and friends.

that was when i first heard of her, too.

That is a genuinely eerie photo, and so was the timing of the photo of Peaches and her late mum, a day or two before her death.

I'd read about her exploits when she was younger but, according to all accounts,  she settled down married again and had two lovely babies and wrote a lot for fashion magazines, sort of like a down to earth Gwyneth Paltrow without the pretension, which is where I'd read her contributions. She sounded like someone with her head on straight, husband and family, and a great future ahead. It saddens me to hear she's passed and left those two babies behind as she was left when her own mother died. RIP indeed. Twenty-five is too young.


Geldof - who lives in the property in Kent, South East England, with her husband Thomas Cohen, Astala, and their other son, eight-month-old Phaedra - said: 'The house was built in the 1920s by a rich man and his pregnant wife. However, his wife had a stillborn baby and was so grief-stricken she went mad. She apparently drowned herself in the bath.'

She added: 'The presence I feel isn't malignant or angry, rather maternal and friendly - the house has a lovely atmosphere.


Well, so far I've read that the autopsy has brought back no conclusions yet. One doctor declaired she died of natural causes? Sounds like BS. She did have drug past and perhaps a past or ongoing eating disorder. She would talk about going months with only consuming green juices. It's quite common for people who have had addictions in the past to want to "cleanse" themselves with fasts. Sometimes it can sort of becomes their new addiction in a way & ironically can end up hurting them more than helping.


Anorexia and too-quick weight losses can cause damage to the heart. Add certain drugs to that, in the past or present, and heart failure could be a distinct possibility. Giving birth twice while her body was possibly weakened because of the abuse done to it couldn't have been ideal for her heart, either (assuming natural childbirth).
Those cleanses are bad news, cannot believe people use them regularly. Once a year, for a couple days wouldn't be bad, but I cringe every time I hear celebrities talking about using them all the time.

Interesting these two deaths in juxtaposition:  both may have died in pursuit of some idealized version of what some think a man should be (a muscle-bound behemoth) or what a woman should be (a rail-thin woman-child).  Cultural attitudes can kill....

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