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I am no longer an "Insider"

Started by Frys Girl, June 09, 2009, 09:42:53 AM

Should I keep or kill my Coast Insider account?

Yes kill it!
5 (100%)
Keep it! You'll be glad you did!
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: March 16, 2013, 09:51:34 AM


what a poor C2C weekend, about water (last night) and food (tonight)
instead of UFOs and the paranormal


Quote from: JeffreyLXV on July 24, 2011, 07:04:38 PM
That link is very nice.

Anyone know of a way to see upcoming show topics WITHOUT going to the c2c page? I know this is kind of oxymoronic, but seeing Noory's mug all over is a downer and deterrent.

I found myself facing the same issue  ;D
Try this http://feeds2.feedburner.com/C2C-UpcomingShows
and for another streamling alternative try my site
You can even preview the mp3's and see if they are worth the download.
login ftpuser
password FTP@user


Quote from: gandalf50 on July 24, 2011, 09:47:13 PM
I found myself facing the same issue  ;D
Try this http://feeds2.feedburner.com/C2C-UpcomingShows
and for another streamling alternative try my site
You can even preview the mp3's and see if they are worth the download.
login ftpuser
password FTP@user
Gee whiz, thanks Gandalf.  I'm slow in taking people up on these offers, but these both look like something I'll easily use.  You're a good man, Charlie Brown.  :)


Quote from: JeffreyLXV on July 24, 2011, 07:04:38 PM
That link is very nice.

Anyone know of a way to see upcoming show topics WITHOUT going to the c2c page? I know this is kind of oxymoronic, but seeing Noory's mug all over is a downer and deterrent.

Tonight's show from the c2c page:
Food & Health
Sun 07-24
The food we eat is not what it used to be. It is controlled every step from the farm to the dinner table by huge corporations. It doesn't taste the same, isn't as healthy, and has turned farmers into indentured servants. How did it get this way and what can you do about it? Mike Adams, editor of NaturalNews.com and James Colquhoun, director of the film Food Matters, join George Knapp to offer insight on why food companies purposely make you addicted to their food and how eating the right things can cure virtually any disease.

I've been trying to get back into the c2c groove... But, fluoride last night was a dud, and tonight looks similarly disappointing.

Jeffrey, Jeffrey, slow down.  Funklbaldy's site has full descriptions the same day they air, which is better than Streamlink.  Get past the intro page and wait for it to load....jeesh!


Frys Girl

FastBlast is supposedly one of the great features afforded lucky Streamlink customers.

How drunk, stupid, braindead must one be (this goes for customers AND PremiereRadio goons) to think that in the age of Twitter and other new technological nonsense, SlowBlasting this idiot Noory is an incentive to give him the equivalent of a year's salary for a Thai hooker? The term FastBlast should be insulting to noory anyway.

On the Coast to Coast AM web site, when you click CONTACT, the first thing that pops up is SPRINT ACCESS CODE IN ALBANIA. Starving monkeys must be running this company. LMFAO.

Frys Girl

Before I start a topic about it, has anyone posted here about the Streamlink Exit Survey? Let's just say it's a hoot. I would love to attach screen shots too.

Frys Girl

Recently, during the video chat with George Noory through Streamlink (Information: Jul. 21, 2011 - 682 views), George asks himself various questions submitted by those who subscribe to this service. Of them was this gem:
"George, rumor has it you got engaged. Who's the lucky lady?"
George looks up from the monitor and responds to this: "Well, I'm still single, still having fun, still enjoying myself <is holding up his left hand for emphasis as if to say "no woman can hold all this down">. We are however, taking submissions. If you're interested, just send pictures and phone numbers to Producer Tom Danheiser at Premiere Radio Network. He'll screen them for me. Thanks for the good little message there."
I know the rules in radio are loose, but is this acceptable?
With anyone else, who cares. Anything to have this suckfest fired.
Also during this useless chat, George called Ancient Aliens "A great rating boost for History Channel. One of the greatest shows on the channel." WRONG! Pawn Stars is the best one. I'd love to hear the Old Man's thoughts on you particularly.
Finally, during this broadcast, George said Mish Shedlock is a tongue twister. "Try saying that name ten times." He then counted to ten. I would have rather heard him try to do it. It's not a tongue twister, actually, since the last consonants match the first two in the second word. What a fail.
Also, during this broadcast, someone asked if Art was coming back. George said "I'm hosting Ghost to Ghost this year. It falls on a Monday. Art is retired <spoken with emphasis>"
Someone also asked when George will retire. George said, "My contract runs through 2013, but we are going to start talks in the next few weeks to do a 5 year extension. As long as my voice is young, I'm going to keep doing this."
After 16 minutes of this sewage, Tom takes over the chat. He says right off the bat "About George's contract, we're not letting him go. Noory did a Homer Simpson "Woohoo!"

The General

Pathetic!  I wonder how many geriatric midwestern cat ladies are going to submit their photos and numbers to Tommy.  Even if George is joking, he knows that some lonely old ladies are going to take him up on it. 

"Dear Georgie, I like long walks on the beach, metamucil, and Ancient Aliens."

Maybe we should flood them with fake photos and numbers.


Frys Girl

Quote from: The General on July 31, 2011, 10:27:33 AM
how many geriatric midwestern cat ladies are going to submit their photos and numbers to Tommy.
The video only had 628 views, which cracks me up because Alex Jones and Noory are always gloating about the TENS of millions of listeners who tune in each night to hear the radio sewage called Coast to Coast AM. Either no one wants stream link, or the View Counter is wrong. Hmmmm....
Also, I wish I could show you the video to prove it, but I can't. Noory was being very serious about the whole thing. It was a low moment, even for Noory.
Quote from: The General on July 31, 2011, 10:27:33 AMWELCOME BACK
Thank you!


I don't think he was serious. He doesn't know how to joke around. I've heard him try to joke aruond with guests and they dont' get what he's saying. He was probably just joking around about himself and, unfortunately Dan. George is just not that well versed in social graces (for lack of a better word)and he often doesn't think about what he is going to say before he says it. I'm sure if he was interviewing himself, he thought about that bit before he did it and decided to do it but took it to far.

There was a rumor he was getting married but I wonder if that might just have been wishful thinking... like maybe he'd move on from Coast.


i have a friend who does some production work on the Ancient Aliens show.  he informed me that the production company that does Ancient Aliens was the same that produced Girls Gone Wild.  is that accurate?  i don't know.  but given that the Greek/Swedish guy who is the pathetic locus of the bullshit show has a degree in sports marketing and used to be a promoter for the the International Bodybuilding Federation .. i'm not surprised.  now don't read that as a slur against bodybuilders.  just that the Greek/Swedish guy has no training in archaeology or science or (even) journalism.  so the guy speaks five languages (six if you count crazy).  big deal

the paranormal racket is getting old.  i see these hucksters driving away the "normal" folk with their ridiculous assertions.  forget getting any serious consideration from the scientific community.  no professional wants to get involved with a PT Barnum type scam. 


Quote from: b_dubb on July 31, 2011, 11:37:44 AM
i have a friend who does some production work on the Ancient Aliens show.  he informed me that the production company that does Ancient Aliens was the same that produced Girls Gone Wild.  is that accurate?

It's Girls Next Door on the Playboy channel.  GGW is run by "the grossest human being I've ever run accross," according to Stanhope.

Frys Girl

Quote from: SheilaVG on July 31, 2011, 11:29:50 AM
I don't think he was serious. He doesn't know how to joke around. I've heard him try to joke aruond with guests and they dont' get what he's saying. He was probably just joking around about himself and, unfortunately Dan. George is just not that well versed in social graces (for lack of a better word)and he often doesn't think about what he is going to say before he says it. I'm sure if he was interviewing himself, he thought about that bit before he did it and decided to do it but took it to far.

There was a rumor he was getting married but I wonder if that might just have been wishful thinking... like maybe he'd move on from Coast.
It's possible it was just a bad joke. Not surprising for Noory. As for the possibility that the jokes was prepped, I doubt it. The questions are not pre-chosen. They come in randomly during Video Chat. When Tom sat down, it took a long time for someone to ask him anything. Tom is the only person who is more of a suckfestival than Noory.


Quote from: Frys Girl on July 31, 2011, 05:43:34 AM
We are however, taking submissions. If you're interested, just send pictures and phone numbers to Producer Tom Danheiser at Premiere Radio Network. He'll screen them for me. Thanks for the good little message there."

First of all, that whole idea is just gross.

Secondly,  I agree that it doesn't sound like it should be acceptable.

Thirdly,  if this was meant to be a joke it was a huge fail.

Frys Girl

Hey Fractcal! I agree with you to a certain extent.
Quote from: Fractal on July 31, 2011, 01:46:12 PM
It doesn't sound like it should be acceptable.
True, but I don't mind a man being a man and flirting with his audience. It's kinda cute, actually. However, with Noory, traditional radio interaction and any kind of personal details are revolting. He doesn't connect with the audience unless the said audience is intoxicated or is receiving income as a result of the show. This goes without saying, but he has no sexual/social appeal and has no place doing any flirting. In his book (AKA toilet roll with WORKER IN THE LIGHT) he said that he had to use Lucid Dreaming to get a woman to leave a bar with him in order to protect her from men with bad objectives. LMAO. It is in the Archive. I started a thread on GNS.com called "Quotations from Worker in the Light."
Quote from: Fractal on July 31, 2011, 01:46:12 PM
if this was meant to be a joke it was a huge fail.
Noory IS the joke. That's the only humor I find on this show. Ali G is real and exists in Noory.


Quote from: anagrammy on July 25, 2011, 12:49:13 AM
Jeffrey, Jeffrey, slow down.  Funklbaldy's site has full descriptions the same day they air, which is better than Streamlink.  Get past the intro page and wait for it to load....jeesh!


Thanks Anagrammy.... 


Quote from: gandalf50 on July 24, 2011, 09:47:13 PM

...and for another streamling alternative try my site
You can even preview the mp3's and see if they are worth the download.
login ftpuser
password FTP@user

Gandalf, you are a Lore-Master of the first order. Browsing your library I found, among other things, a marvelous audio recording of Frank Herbert's 'Dune.' I have a different recording that is awful and unusable.

Thank you!


Hi Frys Girl.

When I read that the Big Snore was directing interested females to send their pictures, etc. to Tom Danheiser, the first thing my mind flashed on was the photo of the Big Snore on the P90X advertisements and I had to apply some effort to really blot out that mental image.

Or if the guy had some personality or intelligence, then I don't think I would have had such a violent mental reaction.

But, hey, we ARE talking about the Big Snore.  No intellect.  No personality.  Not even paying attention to the people he's talking to.  As you say, "he has no sexual/social appeal and has no place doing any flirting."

Agreed.  Having to think about the opposite causes too much mental trauma.  It's creepy.

Quote from: SheilaVG on July 31, 2011, 11:29:50 AM
I don't think he was serious. He doesn't know how to joke around. I've heard him try to joke aruond with guests and they dont' get what he's saying. He was probably just joking around about himself and, unfortunately Dan. George is just not that well versed in social graces (for lack of a better word)and he often doesn't think about what he is going to say before he says it. I'm sure if he was interviewing himself, he thought about that bit before he did it and decided to do it but took it to far.

There was a rumor he was getting married but I wonder if that might just have been wishful thinking... like maybe he'd move on from Coast.

George laughs when nothing said was funny, doesn't laugh when the guest is being funny, chuckles while delivering gruesome news at the top of the show, his jokes are awful. 

His personal stories don't ring true, yet manage to make him sound creepy.  Somehow I think maybe they are supposed to be funny.

He doesn't seem to recognize certain words, badly mispronounces or misuses others, just goes on without correcting himself.  He is apparently incapable of having a conversation, listening, appearing interested, thinking up and asking a follow up question - no matter how obvious it would be.

Something is wrong with this person.  Who raised him.

About his 'getting married'.  He also said something about Tommy 'being engaged'.  He seems to lie so easily, I think he put this out to counter some of the tongue in cheek commentary on other George Noory Sucks websites about the two of them being more than friends and colleagues...


Quote from: Frys Girl on July 30, 2011, 10:43:54 PM
Before I start a topic about it, has anyone posted here about the Streamlink Exit Survey? Let's just say it's a hoot. I would love to attach screen shots too.

I am going to cancel sometime this month.  I look forward to it.

Frys Girl

Quote from: Lunger on August 01, 2011, 12:38:13 PM

I am going to cancel sometime this month.  I look forward to it.
I hope you'll share your survey with us or at least a version of it. These people deserve to be publicly shamed. They aren't even letting us download MP3 versions of the show from the past anymore. Screw them.

Frys Girl

Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 31, 2011, 11:21:27 PM
About his 'getting married'.  He also said something about Tommy 'being engaged'.  He seems to lie so easily, I think he put this out to counter some of the tongue in cheek commentary on other George Noory Sucks websites about the two of them being more than friends and colleagues...
What happened with Tommy's engagement? Hmmmmm. Elements of mysterious and conspiracy......
I hope Noory meets the hottest, richest, most perfect woman in the universe and marries her and runs away to a topless beach. Let him have a reason to get away. Or man. whatever he likes. Just go away George.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on July 31, 2011, 11:21:27 PM
... About his 'getting married'.  He also said something about Tommy 'being engaged'.  He seems to lie so easily, I think he put this out to counter some of the tongue in cheek commentary on other George Noory Sucks websites about the two of them being more than friends and colleagues...

A couple of years ago I distinctly remember George saying that Tommy was getting married.  Maybe it didn't work out. 

That being said -- I swear that a couple of weeks ago George said Tommy was in Boston on his honeymoon!  Now Tommy is engaged again??? Do ya think Noory just says anything that pops into his head at the moment?  No wonder he lies so glibly.  :-\


If "Tommy" is married, why didn't George go on the honeymoon with him? You'd think..............

Frys Girl

Quote from: JustOneFix on August 01, 2011, 06:13:04 PM
If "Tommy" is married, why didn't George go on the honeymoon with him? You'd think..............
Tommy is married to the mob. The same mob that keeps this stupid show airing each night.


When I went to a Noory meet-and-greet in 2009, I was so surprised at the amount of women there who were shamelessly throwing themselves at him.  Most of them were in their late forties or early fifties, and were hot to trot for Noory.  I remember one particularly well dressed fifty-ish lady sitting at the table right in front of Noory's stage.  She was giving him the eyes the whole time and blatantly smiling and winking.  Ugh. 

When I got in line to meet him, I noticed that he didn't seem to flirt back with those women or give anyone special attention.  It made me respect him a little more at the time.  But he's changed a lot even since November 2009.  Now he strikes me more and more as a skeevy creep.  Maybe if he'd had his P90X body back then, he would have been confident enough to flirt with those ladies.


Quote from: misssirveaux on August 05, 2011, 01:09:24 AM
When I went to a Noory meet-and-greet in 2009, I was so surprised at the amount of women there who were shamelessly throwing themselves at him.  Most of them were in their late forties or early fifties, and were hot to trot for Noory.  I remember one particularly well dressed fifty-ish lady sitting at the table right in front of Noory's stage.  She was giving him the eyes the whole time and blatantly smiling and winking.  Ugh. 

When I got in line to meet him, I noticed that he didn't seem to flirt back with those women or give anyone special attention.  It made me respect him a little more at the time.  But he's changed a lot even since November 2009.  Now he strikes me more and more as a skeevy creep.  Maybe if he'd had his P90X body back then, he would have been confident enough to flirt with those ladies.

they were probably too old for him in his mind, thats why he wouldn't flirt with them.
would be different if they were a young hottie in their 20s-30s though i bet.

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: Scully on August 01, 2011, 06:03:51 PM

That being said -- I swear that a couple of weeks ago George said Tommy was in Boston on his honeymoon!

    As a lifelong Bostonian...I honestly question the sanity and taste of anyone who'd have their honeymoon here. Really, that's unbelievable to me. You could do a tour of the entire city and be done by noon.

Quote from: misssirveaux on August 05, 2011, 01:09:24 AM
When I went to a Noory meet-and-greet in 2009, I was so surprised at the amount of women there who were shamelessly throwing themselves at him.  Most of them were in their late forties or early fifties, and were hot to trot for Noory.  I remember one particularly well dressed fifty-ish lady sitting at the table right in front of Noory's stage.  She was giving him the eyes the whole time and blatantly smiling and winking.  Ugh...

George used to take the bait - until he realized they were debt collectors.  Ran out the back way, right into a mud hole...


Quote from: gandalf50 on July 24, 2011, 09:47:13 PM
I found myself facing the same issue  ;D
Try this http://feeds2.feedburner.com/C2C-UpcomingShows
and for another streamling alternative try my site
You can even preview the mp3's and see if they are worth the download.
login ftpuser
password FTP@user

Hi gandalf50 - I tried to sign up for your site using this link- did not work, can you give me your homepage.



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