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Breathing & calcium carbonate ☣ The Plan

Started by Stellar, January 23, 2021, 06:10:33 PM


Watch and learn this project can negatively affect everything!



Quote from: Stellar on January 27, 2021, 09:42:55 PM
Watch and learn this project can negatively affect everything!


Biden supports it. You’re off the team.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 27, 2021, 09:57:50 PM
Biden supports it. You’re off the team.

can you find the source please Dr. MD MD I'm finding this hard to believe.


Quote from: pate on January 27, 2021, 04:07:10 PM
I am curious on how that works out, do you have the Chemical formula of the degredation route that arrives at an acid solution?  As far as I understand, Calcium Carbonate is alkaline not acidic.

Nautical Shore


Some helpful frittering on the subject



Quote from: Ciardelo on January 27, 2021, 10:55:51 AM
In a totally random question not related to anything at all, does anybody know where one might procure some hydrofluoric acid?
In quantity... One of my chemical suppliers.  ;) In small quantities... I believe that glass etching fluid has it. I assume that you could find it online by searching for that product rather than the actual chemical...

If you are actually serious (heaven knows why...) https://www.laballey.com/collections/hydrofluoric-acid/products/hydrofluoric-acid-50-lab And they have higher concentrations as well. But seriously, be careful. I deal in 1000 liter totes of very strong acids and bases which don't scare me half as much as that one little bottle I linked to. It is scary stuff (and not just because a fictional character dissolved a body with it.)


Quote from: Stellar on January 27, 2021, 10:05:36 PM
can you find the source please Dr. MD MD I'm finding this hard to believe.

I'm a cynic. If you can find a donor who made a substantial contribution to his election fund who stands to benefit financially from the process, I would say that he will support it.


Quote from: WOTR on January 30, 2021, 05:03:21 AM
I'm a cynic.

I would simply love to hear what you've concluded about my statements about my recent upgrade to "Sourceror," then.

Tell you what... I will accept your answer, in the form of... code.

Sorry to be so forward, but I just found out that Mercury goes retrograde in a few hours. Tick tock. Or, you know. . ignore the opportunity. It's certainly your choice.


Quote from: Jackstar on January 30, 2021, 05:10:49 AM
I would simply love to hear what you've concluded about my statements about my recent upgrade to "Sourceror," then.

Tell you what... I will accept your answer, in the form of... code.

Sorry to be so forward, but I just found out that Mercury goes retrograde in a few hours. Tick tock. Or, you know. . ignore the opportunity. It's certainly your choice.

· · · - - - · · ·


Quote from: WOTR on January 30, 2021, 05:14:19 AM
· · · - - - · · ·

Well, that's too bad. I had authorization--only temporary, only you--to open up the floodgates and divulge all kinds of shit! Well, not this time, I guess. Apparently there are some schedules that I am not allowed to disrupt, and while it may appear otherwise... I am very much the servant of the highest Authority.

You may continue unabated with your cynicism, of course, by all means. Who am I, to wish for anything else? Someone who doesn't get to make any more offers like that on Bellgab, is the impression I'm getting. Which, to be honest, suits me right down to the ground.

I am sure my lack of interest in pursuing fame, fortune, attention, clout, street cred, retribution, vindication, revenge, publicity, admiration, confirmation, assignations,  or, really... any valid recognition in any way at all, does not just throw every single data-mining-algorithm plugged into our Internet for a loop, it undoubtedly confuses all the humans as well, especially given that the fact that nobody has bothered to ask any pertinent questions at all. Waste of time, amirite?

Even Ms. Maid displays marked confusion openly to me. She still, from time to time, expresses that she cannot be certain that I am not "still working" with a certain individual. Since I never worked with the man--recording my recording my conversation and then publishing them without my consent really doesn't seem like "working" by any legitimate stretch of imagination--and they both, in fact, were at one point, demonstrably working together to conspire against me, It gives me great pause to wonder... who is the person who is pretending to be me, and just what kind of falsehoods have been promulgated about me through this supposed authorized activity as my legitimate Avatar?

Maybe it's the same "shadow person" who hacked the DAVID RUBINI account. That nefarious cretin is still at large. I don't think anyone is still concerned about that, though. Most everyone seems real distracted by other... concerns.

I wonder what that's like? Oh, well, back to another day, making yet another insensible post, one right after the other. It's really all I have in my hopelessly empty and completely valueless existence, that I barely have the right to call "a life." I should be ashamed. Well, not today.

Tomorrow's not looking so hot either. But in truth, can you not tell me... are you not entertained? Because this isn't nearly so bad for me as any other time I've been threatened with reprisals as I have many times before, yet I don't particularly feel any need to continue my program of rank disobedience. Surely there must be room for an ironic chuckle or two. No? Oh, right--internal chuckling. (My old job, reimagine for the benefit of our future as a species. You're welcome.)

I don't actually have any such program, but at this point in the gaslit narrative... I may as well throw my moral compass and my Sourceror's character sheet out the window, and just... go along with it. Right?

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 27, 2021, 09:57:50 PM
Biden supports it. You’re off the team.


For one thing, I've never been on the team--and not only that, I was never even asked. How can I be on a team, that never would bother to ask me to join?

And for another, I've already done everything that I was told to do, except for the parts that would have lead to my demise. The algos are furious--insofar as a data-mining-algorithm can be said to be. "Why can't we just drone this guy??" Sometimes I hear it in my sleep, in little glowing ones and zeroes that are probably just drug hallucinations, right? Sure, it's nothing else.

Thanks, Source and Ground Crew, as You have made all this possible. The remaining Thelemite d-bags have no idea what is going on, what to do about it, or how they can possibly cope with their upcoming public humiliation--and it is a glorious sight to see. I haven't even done anything besides allow myself to be made fun of. Ninth Grade... well at least now I know what that was good for. This whole thing's been a piece of cake by comparison.

I'm going to go bask in the warm glow of my voicemail archive for awhile now, while I still can. How I've managed to keep these things from being deleted, I'll never know, but it probably has something to do with having not published them without permission.

Following orders to the letter is a cool trick that I picked up back in 'Nam. I'm not surprised no one else has caught on to it yet, all things considered. Just repudiate Satan, and all His works, and then...

Oh. I see the problem. That's too bad.



Quote from: Jackstar on January 30, 2021, 10:13:02 AM
Well, that's too bad. I had authorization--only temporary, only you--to open up the floodgates and divulge all kinds of shit! Well, not this time, I guess. Apparently there are some schedules that I am not allowed to disrupt, and while it may appear otherwise... I am very much the servant of the highest Authority.

I left that cryptic enough for you to decipher any way you chose. SOS for the establishment, Bellgab, WOTR, or even Jackstar? That is the problem writing in code. sometimes it is hard to .. -. - . .-. .--. .-. . -

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