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Merry X-Mas 2020, suckers! You’ll Get Nothing and Like it!!

Started by Dr. MD MD, December 22, 2020, 04:52:39 PM


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 22, 2020, 04:52:39 PM


Dr. MD MD,

We do not live in NAZI Germany nor Communist China, because you could not post your opinions against these government bodies without going to Prison if you were a a citizen there.  You can in the USA so therefore your unfounded grumbling comes from a deep seated root of something else in your mind.  We all hate this New World Order flu and I do not want to have my cells mutated with covid mRNA or its proteins.

I don't believe the covid-19 statistics there is something weird going on I agree, yet I happy I'm an American citizen.  By the way you Trump guy wished to up the anti from $600.00 on socialism by offering every citizen $2000.00 What are your thoughts.


Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 03:34:08 PM
Dr. MD MD,

We do not live in NAZI Germany nor Communist China, because you could not post your opinions against these government bodies without going to Prison if you were a a citizen there.  You can in the USA so therefore your unfounded grumbling comes from a deep seated root of something else in your mind.  We all hate this New World Order flu and I do not want to have my cells mutated with covid mRNA or its proteins.

I don't believe the covid-19 statistics there is something weird going on I agree, yet I happy I'm an American citizen.  By the way you Trump guy wished to up the anti from $600.00 on socialism by offering every citizen $2000.00 What are your thoughts.

Give it time. ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 03:36:05 PM
Give it time. ;)

Are you serious, because I think you are an insider who know shit.  How much time old friend?


Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 03:40:25 PM
Are you serious, because I think you are an insider who know shit.  How much time old friend?

How much time for what?

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 03:34:08 PM
By the way you Trump guy wished to up the anti from $600.00 on socialism by offering every citizen $2000.00 What are your thoughts.



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 03:41:28 PM
How much time for what?

till we cannot voice our minds or risk get thrown in jail for an opinion which is non violent?


Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 03:43:11 PM
till we cannot voice our minds or risk get thrown in jail for an opinion which is non violent?

If Trump is given a second term freedom will continue to reign. If this Biden farce is allowed to continue the crackdowns won’t be far behind. Jail shouldn’t be your primary concern. You are familiar with the Clinton body count? It’s been growing. Violent communist DNC supported goons continue to invade this nation.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 03:50:48 PM
If Trump is given a second term freedom will continue to reign. If this Biden farce is allowed to continue the crackdowns won’t be far behind. Jail shouldn’t be your primary concern. You are familiar with the Clinton body count? It’s been growing. Violent communist DNC supported goons continue to invade this nation.

How can you say that when Trump has corrupted the pardon process.  A pardon should be handed out for when there is great and enormous doubt and a legal challenge for why a person who is probably innocent is incarcerated.  Yet Trump is using the pardon process like a bribe.

I'm using this as an example for Trump is a criminal and maybe a socio path who has sought to destroy the USA because he lost the election Trump is not patriotic, he is quite the opposite being a Treasonous person to the U.S government who maybe gave the keys to the hackers behind Homeland security hack.  That is speculation, but we don't know how much clearance he has and who pockets he is in with Russia.  Putin the Oligarch probably loaned him a ton $$ so Trump could invest now that he broke, he has other big things to offer Mother Russia get the point.  Trump is so far damaging the USA I think you really Dr MD MD might wish for a revolution, because you may not live in the USA.


Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 04:03:14 PMThat is speculation

That's pretty far from speculation, Stell. It's bald-faced made-up lies you're repeating from the M5M. Do you kiss Maddow with that mouth?

But it's Christmastime, merry Christmas!


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 23, 2020, 04:16:04 PM
That's pretty far from speculation, Stell. It's bald-faced made-up lies you're repeating from the M5M. Do you kiss Maddow with that mouth?

But it's Christmastime, merry Christmas!


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 23, 2020, 04:16:04 PM
That's pretty far from speculation, Stell. It's bald-faced made-up lies you're repeating from the M5M. Do you kiss Maddow with that mouth?

But it's Christmastime, merry Christmas!

He’s like a cult member who’s only half way through the deprogramming process. He doesn’t believe MSM about Covid but still thinks they’re telling him the truth about everything else. It would be adorable if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 04:21:20 PM
He’s like a cult member who’s only half way through the deprogramming process. He doesn’t believe MSM about Covid but still thinks they’re telling him the truth about everything else. It would be adorable if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic.

Yep. Sad!


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 23, 2020, 04:16:04 PM
Do you kiss Maddow with that mouth?

You're a curious fellow about all sorts of topics, aren't you? That's fascinating.

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 04:21:20 PM
He’s like a cult member who’s only half way through the deprogramming process. He doesn’t believe MSM about Covid but still thinks they’re telling him the truth about everything else. It would be adorable if it wasn’t so sad and pathetic.

OH LAWD! Stellar got ROASTED!


Quote from: Jackstar on December 23, 2020, 04:26:25 PMcurious

Speaking of curious... Of course, your new avatar would be a Christmas spirited, psychedelic fungi.


Quote from: Ciardelo on December 23, 2020, 04:23:32 PM
Yep. Sad!

Well l, I do declare, as I live and breathe--an actual #MeToo post. I thought these went the way of the dodo and the reciprocating steam engine, but here's yet another live sample, still trending about in the wild.

You probably don't notice yourself--because you're a relentlessly self-absorbed narcissistic douchebag-- but when all you yokels who usually argue with each other about everything just suddenly stop on a dime and turn and start putting on a unified front about everything... well, look, really it's almost like one of you got married or something or lost a bar bet, or... honestly, the less said the better.

For you. But for the others too. you know what happened the last time this whole website spun usually woke up and realized that I've been telling the truth the whole time? The whole thing went down for 3 months while ever more increasingly desperate measures were attempted and cast aside as failures.

Look, maybe it's not that bad. Maybe it's the cough syrup again. Or maybe, just maybe, most of us have figured out that slamming the quote button like a spaz and saying "yeah I agree" doesn't really cut the mustard on the street anymore.

Really, it's just my opinion. Don't bother doing anything about it. You weren't considering my viewpoint in the first place, so why start now?

I'll let everyone else wait with bated breath while I completely forget about this post about 4 seconds after I hit Post.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 23, 2020, 04:36:21 PM
Well l, I do declare, as I live and breathe--an actual #MeToo post. I thought these went the way of the dodo and the reciprocating steam engine, but here's yet another live sample, still trending about in the wild.

You probably don't notice yourself--because you're a relentlessly self-absorbed narcissistic douchebag-- but when all you yokels who usually argue with each other about everything just suddenly stop on a dime and turn and start putting on a unified front about everything... well, look, really it's almost like one of you got married or something or lost a bar bet, or... honestly, the less said the better.

For you. But for the others too. you know what happened the last time this whole website spun usually woke up and realized that I've been telling the truth the whole time? The whole thing went down for 3 months while ever more increasingly desperate measures were attempted and cast aside as failures.

Look, maybe it's not that bad. Maybe it's the cough syrup again. Or maybe, just maybe, most of us have figured out that slamming the quote button like a spaz and saying "yeah I agree" doesn't really cut the mustard on the street anymore.

Really, it's just my opinion. Don't bother doing anything about it. You weren't considering my viewpoint in the first place, so why start now?

I'll let everyone else wait with bated breath while I completely forget about this post about 4 seconds after I hit Post.

Okay, am I the only one that reads Jackstar's posts aloud with an accent? If you haven't, you should start and I'm almost certain he intends us to. :P

This is the voice I speak with.



Quote from: Innerreach on December 23, 2020, 04:49:43 PM
Okay, am I the only one that reads Jackstar's posts aloud with an accent? If you haven't, you should start and I'm almost certain he intends us to. :P

This is the voice I speak with.




Quote from: Innerreach on December 23, 2020, 04:49:43 PM
Okay, am I the only one that reads Jackstar's posts aloud with an accent?

The favored method is while wearing a monocle, chewing on a rum-soaked cigarillo, and wielding a diamond tip cane, but if you want to throw an accent in there too, you go right ahead.

Fact of the matter is that I am terrible at impressions, and the more I try to make myself sound like somebody I am not, the more I sound like somebody I really am.

Quote from: Innerreach on December 23, 2020, 04:49:43 PM
I'm almost certain he intends us to. :P

Actually, I'll let you know--I kind of legit do like you--the actual intent is that all of you take what I write and then say it to everyone else that you know in your real life living... with your own accent.

It works, too. Mostly because I don't care if it happens or not, it's equally satisfying to me to just imagine it happening. it's not like people are going to share your home movies with me... yet.

Quote from: Innerreach on December 23, 2020, 04:49:43 PMThis is the voice I speak with.


Looks like I nearly spoke too soon. Hey, quick question: does the voice that you speak with possess the capability to negotiate licensing rights? Because mine sure as s*** does not.

Mine does not negotiate. Mine delineates. Obviously, I am a big hit at any party. Especially with my palm-sized handheld video projector and my cell phone with 128 gigs of red pill videos on it.

Quote from: Ciardelo on December 23, 2020, 06:35:04 PM

This mindslave is hitting levels of cope that should be possible... for a junior high cheerleader. What have you all done to this guy? People used a cringe when he showed up. "Ooh, Ciardelo... You're baaaaaack, he's baaaaad..."

He's baaaaaaa, alright. This town needs an enema.


Quote from: Jackstar on December 23, 2020, 06:56:12 PM
The favored method is while wearing a monocle, chewing on a rum-soaked cigarillo, and wielding a diamond tip cane, but if you want to throw an accent in there too, you go right ahead.

Fact of the matter is that I am terrible at impressions, and the more I try to make myself sound like somebody I am not, the more I sound like somebody I really am.

Actually, I'll let you know--I kind of legit do like you--the actual intent is that all of you take what I write and then say it to everyone else that you know in your real life living... with your own accent.

It works, too. Mostly because I don't care if it happens or not, it's equally satisfying to me to just imagine it happening. it's not like people are going to share your home movies with me... yet.

Looks like I nearly spoke too soon. Hey, quick question: does the voice that you speak with possess the capability to negotiate licensing rights? Because mine sure as s*** does not.

Mine does not negotiate. Mine delineates. Obviously, I am a big hit at any party. Especially with my palm-sized handheld video projector and my cell phone with 128 gigs of red pill videos on it.

This mindslave is hitting levels of cope that should be possible... for a junior high cheerleader. What have you all done to this guy? People used a cringe when he showed up. "Ooh, Ciardelo... You're baaaaaack, he's baaaaad..."

He's baaaaaaa, alright. This town needs an enema.

So bitter...and at Christmas time too! Won’t someone please think of the children! ::)


Quote from: Innerreach on December 23, 2020, 04:32:10 PM
a Christmas spirited, psychedelic fungi

Frosty the Snowman on mescaline is the vibe I'm going for here, yes. Look at you, thinking you figured something out.

I'll admit, it hasn't been that long since somebody tried, and you did it pretty quick, so go on and head on down to the armor and get Duke to hand you a bandolier.

Then take his scrote and bring back me whatever you find inside as a trophy. Don't worry, they got plenty more of him, and maybe one of these days one of his clones will be capable of apologizing... for anything.

Don't use any ammo you get. It'll have to be cleansed at this point. You don't even know what you started, now do you? God, I love this place.

Now, I'm leaving. Peace.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 06:59:47 PM
So bitter

Don't be so hard on yourself. I bet those nodules you're packing around in your "trophy case" are pretty tasty sweet. They usually are.

At least that's what somebody told me on the Internet so I'm just going to completely believe it without any worry about where it came from.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on December 23, 2020, 06:59:47 PM
Won’t someone please think of the children! ::)

Teach them well and let them lead the way to the armory.


Trump issues 26 new pardons, including ones for Stone, Manafort and Charles Kushner
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening announced 26 new pardons, including ones for longtime ally Roger Stone, former ...
16 minutes ago
Trump Gives Clemency to More Allies, Including Manafort, Stone and Charles Kushner
President Trump doled out clemency to a new group of loyalists on Wednesday, wiping away convictions and sentences as he aggressively employed his power ...
The New York Times
43 minutes ago
Trump issues 26 more pardons, including Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner
WASHINGTON â€" President Donald Trump issued 26 pardons and three commutations to loyalists Wednesday evening, in the final weeks of his presidency.
8 minutes ago
Trump issues new wave of pardons, commutations
Just before heading to his private club in Palm Beach for Christmas Wednesday, President Trump issued a new wave of 26 pardons and three commutations.
Fox News
23 minutes ago
Trump pardons Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner
President Trump granted full pardons to 26 more people on Wednesday night, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, longtime associate Roger ...
52 minutes ago


Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 03:34:08 PM
Dr. MD MD,

We do not live in NAZI Germany nor Communist China, because you could not post your opinions against these government bodies without going to Prison if you were a a citizen there.

Of course he could. It's really a simple matter of bribing the proper officials--something this guy clearly learned how to do very early in life.

I think you should take some classes in debate, Stellar, or at least watch some real people who actually really do it well, and learn a few tricks, why don't you?

You're never gonna supplant me, so why don't you just make something useful of your time? Carry on, Kid, I think you're really trying, deep down inside.

now... DON'T TRY. DO IT.


Quote from: Stellar on December 23, 2020, 07:16:35 PM
Trump issues 26 new pardons, including ones for Stone, Manafort and Charles Kushner
Washington (CNN) President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening announced 26 new pardons, including ones for longtime ally Roger Stone, former ...
16 minutes ago
Trump Gives Clemency to More Allies, Including Manafort, Stone and Charles Kushner
President Trump doled out clemency to a new group of loyalists on Wednesday, wiping away convictions and sentences as he aggressively employed his power ...
The New York Times
43 minutes ago
Trump issues 26 more pardons, including Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner
WASHINGTON â€" President Donald Trump issued 26 pardons and three commutations to loyalists Wednesday evening, in the final weeks of his presidency.
8 minutes ago
Trump issues new wave of pardons, commutations
Just before heading to his private club in Palm Beach for Christmas Wednesday, President Trump issued a new wave of 26 pardons and three commutations.
Fox News
23 minutes ago
Trump pardons Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and Charles Kushner
President Trump granted full pardons to 26 more people on Wednesday night, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, longtime associate Roger ...
52 minutes ago

Keep going, Mr. President! ;D

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