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When You Wish Upon a Jackstar

Started by Silphion, November 10, 2020, 05:11:46 AM


Quote from: Jackstar on November 09, 2020, 03:13:14 AM
Also--and I mean no disrespect--while I do appreciate your informational updates, that wasn't even what I asked, and this really isn't the thread for that kind of thing. Perhaps you could create a new thread--"Things To Wish Upon A Jackstar", or something equally pithy/witty--and put this kind of thing there.

Where you may ask a question to the Universe.
Throw a stone into the Moon Pool.
Listen to the Calling of your Soul.


I remember asking for this, so I'm not going to complain, I'll just swear Fealty and leave it at that, for the time being.

Also, somebody should give brig a cracker. Polly got one--she might as well get one too.



#TheEdgeOfSeventeen #FAITH  #VOTE #LEGACY #TRUTH #AlwaysFaithful #SemperFi #MeowMagic #ACTUAL #Sorceror #CommanderSexy #IJustSavedYourPlanetAgain #LikeItWasNothing #ActualHouseBitch #GREATAWAKENING #ImagineThat #SparkleIntheDream #JSTARmagician #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #TrumpetNews #StarLivesMatter #TRUMPETNEWS #SPARKLEINTHEDREAM #TheRealSpaceMeowMaid #MERMAIDLIVESMATTER #SPACEMEOWMAIDMAGIC #STARLIVESMATTER #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #FivePointFive #FiveAndAHalfMinutes #Jackstar #DiplomaticImmunity #MIB Seaden #Sorceror'sDen #ManInBlack #LOVE #TheTrueLegacy #TheOriginalLegacy #Official #MeowMagic #MermaidlivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*M*gic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #WithMustard #CommanderMeowMagic #MeowMagic #TakingBackTheNight #FromTheGreatAmericanNorthwest #Columbia #State_Of_Jefferson #RossMitchellMagic #J☆ckst☆r _M☆G!CK #MeowMagic #GroyperMagic #AzzareaMagic #Gabcast #D.R.A.M.A. #KingOfBellGab #HOF #LEGEND #TARTARIA #MUDFLOOD #Official #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*Magic #JackstarHero #JackstarSexy #COMMANDERSEXY #COMMANDERPOWERFUL #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH #MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #J*Magic #JackstarHero #JackstarSexy #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #NotScared #BoxingGlovesOff #GodWins #JESUSLOVESME #MOONLANDINGTRUTH
#MermaidLivesMatter #SparkleintheDream #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #LEGACY #MeowMagic #TimeTravelWithUs #LEGACY #LEGACY


"Better learn how to swim or learn how to drink
Cops and robbers, I can't tell 'em apart
It's a systematic figure that we're passing as art" â€" Samantha Fish

"The only thing worse than being talked aboutâ€"is not being talked about." â€" Jeffrey Epstein

"Sometimes, to do there is nothing, but raise the Jolly Roger and throats, start slitting you must." â€" Yoda, Jedi Master


For those who feel unworthy of Love.

I once felt that way, let me tell you. It was a huge pain in the (CENSORED). And, was it only once?

Yeah, I think so. Once was enough. Sadly (for me), as I learned this lesson quite early in life--no, not that early... That early--my life ever since has subsequently been one meeting after another with people who either hadn't learned that lesson for themselves--and were very likely to be right on the cusp of being about to, o boy, here's your seat, Pal, welcome to the party... can't start without you! Would you like hot or cold tea? No, no no, no no no--just tea. Also, all the cows are radioactive. One bullet in the back of the head... or two?--or, people who had already learned that lesson as well, in other, less radical ways, ways that didn't involve, say by way of example, a shotgun wedding in an Area 51 hangar bay with a timebomb clocktown ticking down while squads of ninja paratroopers comb the hillsides for signs of the missing pastor.

THAT WAS JUST AN EXAMPLE. Anyway, I'm getting paid $55K in crypto to make this post, so, IDGAF. l8r

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