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The Worst Guest Ever!

Started by Lunger, May 29, 2009, 07:17:47 AM


I really hate the EVP people with the recordings of "ghosts" supposedly talking that it takes three tries to understand what they think they're hearing and even then it doesn't make sense. Oh brother.

Oh, what about that redneck that bought himself some purdy night-vision goggles at Walmart and spends his nights staring at the sky with his idiot offspring watching 'space battles' between the good and bad UFOs. That guy is priceless.

Back from the Art Bell days, there was this fool named Jose Escamilla with his retarded 'flying rods' BS. (Just pictures of blurred bugs in flight.) Oh man, I wanted to throw the radio out the window when he was on, and Art seemed to really enjoy his nonsense.


QuoteArt seemed to really enjoy his nonsense.

Art understands that he is an entertainer first.  He keeps his tone just credulous enough to keep the story engaging, without insulting the guest or the listener. Sure - there were times when he was truly engaged, and times when he clearly thought something was BS - but he managed to make things fun anyway.

that one cocksucker whose name eludes me, however his UUUUUUHHHH, AHHHHHHHH, UUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH was UN-FUCKING-BEARABLE, i nearly shot my radio with .45 caliber diarrhea blasts.  i actually fastblasted that fucking windbag knownothing hump of camel manure Noodlehead about it...strokes to nowhere

Curtis Loew

I'm not sure you could really pick  just one  worst guest.  The latest one that I can think of however   is some dude ( sorry can't remember his name) who was fully convinced that UFO's were piloted by Demons or some such nonsense.
.......I actually thought the idiot was  a comedy guest or something ( apparently not )

Another guest  that I could never stand was  http://www.drbrucegoldberg.com

There are also the usual suspects of course.

YES! Agree above --

As someone who sort-of believes in past lives, I have a serious problem with Dr. Bruce Goldberg ...

#1 - He sounds like an infomercial pitch man. "George, my partner Morning Song and I are offering the next 100 callers the 3-volume past life regression CD set and, if they call in the next 15 minutes they'll get the teleportation booklet absolutely free. The number is 800 ..." --- George aside (because nothing is unbelievable with him) it is absolutely unbelievable that Lisa Lyon and the Premier sales staff allow this guy on the air since he's there for one purpose and that's to move product. Obviously all guests come on to promote themselves but this guy is just blatantly out to move large volumes of product.

#2 - Nothing against dentists, but if you're working this field the fact that your "DR" references a DDS should be constantly mentioned because people are likely to assume the "DR" = MD, PsyD or Ph.D. in light of legit guests like Tramont, Weiss etc. It's recklessly irresponsible for George not to make more of an effort to explain this to listeners when Goldberg is on.

I don't know their names, but those two morons peddling their book on 11:11 and synchronicity. These idiot chumps blabbered (inarticulately) about how people "all over the world" were experiencing episodes of synchronicity with time, with relationships, etc...

I could smell the bullshit steaming through the speakers, I wanted to punch Snoory for being a dumbass. He didn't even question these people, he just kept say "yep," "huh," etc... I heard his chair creaking a few times as he squirmed around like a brainless worm.

Man that show was awful... but I can think of a bunch of other shitty guests, like Glynnis McCants, John Titor, Ed Dames, Ed Grimsley, etc....

"SIR" CHARLES SCHULTZ ... "knighted" by a Chinese businessman who bought a Scottish barony for $15,000 (seriously)

Curtis Loew

Quote from: RecoveringNoorholic on June 22, 2009, 08:53:31 PM
YES! Agree above --

As someone who sort-of believes in past lives, I have a serious problem with Dr. Bruce Goldberg ...

#1 - He sounds like an infomercial pitch man. "George, my partner Morning Song and I are offering the next 100 callers the 3-volume past life regression CD set and, if they call in the next 15 minutes they'll get the teleportation booklet absolutely free. The number is 800 ..." --- George aside (because nothing is unbelievable with him) it is absolutely unbelievable that Lisa Lyon and the Premier sales staff allow this guy on the air since he's there for one purpose and that's to move product. Obviously all guests come on to promote themselves but this guy is just blatantly out to move large volumes of product.

Yep,  I could see him on late night television somewhere selling this crap,  I'm sure you know the kind of commercials I mean.  ;)

You should check out some of his prices for his sessions ( in the vicinity of $400.00),  good god you can download some excellent hypnosis mp3s for around $12.00 or so.  You can even get some good ones for free.

He reminds me of Sylvia Browne  except much worse, if that's at all possible.


Quote from: Curtis Loew on June 20, 2009, 05:53:32 AM
I'm not sure you could really pick  just one  worst guest.  The latest one that I can think of however   is some dude ( sorry can't remember his name) who was fully convinced that UFO's were piloted by Demons or some such nonsense.
.......I actually thought the idiot was  a comedy guest or something ( apparently not )
Is he a breakaway Catholic priest? His name might be Father Diamond.

Curtis Loew

Quote from: Supernormal on June 27, 2009, 01:40:16 AM
Is he a breakaway Catholic priest? His name might be Father Diamond.

Hi Sn,
           Yes I think that could be him now that you mention it.

The Zetatalk lady really gets to me personally.

Curtis Loew

Quote from: Pirate King Atomsk on June 27, 2009, 07:41:35 PM
The Zetatalk lady really gets to me personally.

I don't think Nancy's been on now for a long time ( thankfully )

I think she was even too stupid for George and that's really saying something.


Quote from: Curtis Loew on June 27, 2009, 07:26:42 PM
Hi Sn,
           Yes I think that could be him now that you mention it.

Yes - Brother Michael Diamond - one SCARY fuck!  Now that is serious fanaticism.

Curtis Loew

Quote from: EvB on June 27, 2009, 08:32:05 PM
Yes - Brother Michael Diamond - one SCARY fuck!  Now that is serious fanaticism.

Thanks for the link EvB,  as well as  fanaticism I would also add the word  lunacy as another descriptive word for this person's ideas.

I remember laughing my head off when I was listening and then realizing that he was actually serious.  :o

Quote from: Curtis Loew on June 27, 2009, 08:28:25 PM
I don't think Nancy's been on now for a long time ( thankfully )

I think she was even too stupid for George and that's really saying something.

Christ, I know. The whole "End of Zetatalk"/"Start of Zetatalk" thing makes me want to kick puppies. >.<


For me, it all started with Hoagland.  Now, I'm sure there are guests who have spiked down far, far below Hoagland.  But Hoagland sucks so continually and regularly, sucks so thoroughly in his blandness- I actually came to recognize his voice and would just turn off the radio the moment I tuned in and heard him in mid-drone.  It reached and surpassed any sort of simple Pavlovian response.

A show with Hoagland and Noory together is like a stolen handful of the pills your Aunt Barbara keeps in the secret compartment in her purse: Numbing and deadly if consumed in any measurable amount.

While Art wasn't the end-all, be-all, he had a way to usually blow away most of the suck pretty actively and expose whatever meager ember of uniqueness each guest brougt to the show.


Didn't Hoagland win a bet with Noory and he get's to host the show one night this year?

Curtis Loew

Okay we have a new one for the list. 

Christian von L?hr  channeling Michael  Jackson.   Nutjob Alert!


I couldn't agree more. This is a new low. Who is this von Lahr anyway?


QuoteWho is this von Lahr anyway?

One very weird dude. 

Quote from: Curtis Loew on June 28, 2009, 01:51:30 AM
Christian von L?hr  channeling Michael  Jackson.

Let me guess..

"I just wanna tell all my fans I'm doing great..yadda..i'm in heaven..yadda.."?


Quote from: Pirate King Atomsk on June 28, 2009, 10:34:32 AM
Let me guess..

"I just wanna tell all my fans I'm doing great..yadda..i'm in heaven..yadda.."?

Strangely - no.  Though he did say he was in a "pleasant place" but not yet heaven.

Ian really went for the questions that many people would want to ask - but would feel bad "speaking ill of the dead."  He even went so far as to ask  him to 'fess up to his "inappropriate behavior" with boys - though he avoided the word pedophile during that part of the interview (I believed he used it before the channeling session started - but I'm not sure)

I realize I'm talking about this as if I'm convince that Jackson was actually being channeled, and that I believe Ian did as well.  The fact is I'm dubious - and all Ian said about it was something to the effect that he wasn't usually into this kind of thing - but was finding this particular session engaging.  As the father of two boys, and someone who has known people injured, as children, by sexual assault (who hasn't? - But I imagine a clergy person would hear more of those stories that your average Joe or Jane) he may have been taking the opportunity to make a point about the issue.  In fact - I'd bet serious money that that was at least part of his motivation. 

Despite the weirdness of von Lehr, and the general weirdness of the interview itself - it was interesting.

Quote from: EvB on June 28, 2009, 10:57:24 AM
Strangely - no.  Though he did say he was in a "pleasant place" but not yet heaven.

Ian really went for the questions that many people would want to ask - but would feel bad "speaking ill of the dead."  He even went so far as to ask  him to 'fess up to his "inappropriate behavior" with boys - though he avoided the word pedophile during that part of the interview (I believed he used it before the channeling session started - but I'm not sure)

I realize I'm talking about this as if I'm convince that Jackson was actually being channeled, and that I believe Ian was as well.  The fact is I'm dubious - and all Ian said about it was something to the effect that he wasn't usually into this kind of thing - but was finding this particular session engaging.  As the father of two boys, and someone who has known people injured, as children, by sexual assault (who hasn't? - But I imagine a clergy person would hear more of those stories that your average Joe or Jane) he may have been taking the opportunity to make a point about the issue.  In fact - I'd bet serious money that that was at least part of his motivation. 

Despite the weirdness of von Lehr, and the general weirdness of the interview itself - it was interesting.

Okay, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued at this point. I wish they would have had the free coast stream archive this week instead of a couple weeks ago. I'd probably go back and listen to it right now.

Irish Annie

So so many, and so many who might not have been so bad had they been on with another host. You mentioned the usual suspects, Nancy,Hoagie,Dames but dont forget Biscardi and his captured/then escaped Bigfoot,and fat ol Sean-always wrong- MORTON. But the best bad guest was a very very drunk David Booth who came on to ''redeem'' himself and his Lady of Fatima story. The Coast Riders site was a party and a half that nite and Noory thought it might have been "just some oxygen" that Booth inhaled.


I can't recall the guest's name. He talked about the Theory of One or something like that. He just said the same thing in a lot of different ways. Rollye James hosted the program.


I haven't been listening for nearly as long as most of you, but I thought that Shelleeey Kaehr, or "Dr. Shelley" was really lame. She was introduced as an expert on gemstones and crystal healing but sounded like a moron. Callers asked her questions about serious problems and she pretty much recommended they get a bloodstone for everything. Still, now that I've found like-minded Noory haters, I will listen more often for crazy ass guests.


The only thing worse than him channeling Michael Jackson, would be him channeling Farrah Fawcett. 


QuoteThe only thing worse than him channeling Michael Jackson, would be him channeling Farrah Fawcett. 

Farrah Fawcett at the Shatner Roast!


My opinion on the Michael Jackson show was that I was glad that Ian did it, and I did enjoy it. Of all of the hosts I thought he would do the best job.  It was too off-center for George Knapp and George Noory, well, you know.

The idiot only whines about what he says he sees - NEVER does he offer any solutions to what he sees. useless human being!.. Only one time when he was on did i hear any constructive solution and that was when a Dominican dude (i think) was on with him speaking from a bilderburger (sp) conference. That person said bank locally - take your money out of mega banks and bank in the local banks that are sprouting up all over! Xcellant advice!!! jones as usual gad nothing!..

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