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Started by VC, July 31, 2020, 06:56:24 AM


SPAM is apparently no longer ubiquitous, I used to see pallets of it at Sam's Club, but it has been absent these past few months...


I understand it is quite popular in Korea, even considered a delicacy.  I believe SPAM is a critical national product, and therefore once I am officially in office I am going to make sure that Hungry Americans have access to a steady, cheap and reliable supply of SPAM.  I will institute new export duties to make sure that Americans (and guest workers) do not work in slave conditions to supply dirty foreigners the delicious delicacy SPAM while hard working honest folk must subsist on the lower quality TREET.

I would like also to provide a Government subsidy to the SPAM industry to encourage more SPAM production.  This programme will have a really snappy name that forms an awesome acronym, you can take that to the bank!

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"


Quote from: pate on November 15, 2020, 08:16:02 PM
SPAM is apparently no longer ubiquitous, I used to see pallets of it at Sam's Club, but it has been absent these past few months...


I understand it is quite popular in Korea, even considered a delicacy.  I believe SPAM is a critical national product, and therefore once I am officially in office I am going to make sure that Hungry Americans have access to a steady, cheap and reliable supply of SPAM.  I will institute new export duties to make sure that Americans (and guest workers) do not work in slave conditions to supply dirty foreigners the delicious delicacy SPAM while hard working honest folk must subsist on the lower quality TREET.

I would like also to provide a Government subsidy to the SPAM industry to encourage more SPAM production.  This programme will have a really snappy name that forms an awesome acronym, you can take that to the bank!

pate/K_Dubb 2020
"We are going to fix this shit"

    Amounts of




There is no new network, folks.


Quote from: The Bell Strikes Midnight on November 15, 2020, 11:53:01 PM



Hunter Biden. You can find the rest of the info on my laptop and on the internet.  ;)


Quote from: The Bell Strikes Midnight on November 15, 2020, 11:55:21 PM

= FOR LIFE????







Rubini Badger don't care



You are literally the most insane idiot on the internet. You win!  ;D


Quote from: The Bell Strikes Midnight on November 16, 2020, 02:26:52 PM

The Narrative: she comes back from doing a bunch of _________, then flips out with a three A.M. freak-out and accuses me of doing _________.

Quote from: The Bell Strikes Midnight on November 16, 2020, 02:26:52 PM


I am, of course, perfectly fine. Howdy, Troopers. She was ranting and raving and threatening me with a microphone stand in the doorway of the bathroom in a budget hotel, threatening to call the police, apparently believing she held all the cards.

So when I laughed at her, and told her I didn't even have anything at all except a whole bunch of hilarious voicemails--Jackstar does not usually leave voicemails (that would be a waste of a pretty good 5 minutes) but I sure as shit COLLECT voicemails, I'll tell you what, never forget, never delete) and that she was welcome to call the police, all she wanted--I would even hold the door for them.

I didn't realize it at the time, as I grinned and laughed while cowering establishing dominance in the bathroom--naked, of course--that the reason she was out there throwing things around and making a huge mess and snarling and growling about how I'm supposedly some huge drugged out wasteoid... it's because she realized that I COULD say no, and she could NOT. And I am sure she remembers exactly what she did not say no to. I mean it was just the other day. She probably still has Polaroids that still haven't been shaken.

She knows exactly what she did, but apparently she didn't know what I told her, because her excuse for flipping out and trashing the room is that she said that I woke her up to tell her that I did drugs with some friend of hers, but in point of fact, I didn't know she was asleep and I decided at that particular moment to tell her that I did NOT do that. I honestly thought she would have wanted to hear the good news, and, I honestly thought that she was awake, as I had just been inside her, just a few minutes before. I guess she was just plain tuckered out. If I knew she was asleep I wouldn't have woken her up at all, I could have climbed back into bed and whispered the truth into her ear while rubbing out a coda on her Grapefruit just as easily, and it probably would have been more fun than I'm imagining, as I've never done that but it sounds like a better time than what she did do.

Friends, Attend Me HERE: I've never had a woman flip out on me and threaten me with actionable violence and then threaten to call the police, but when I saw the madness and lunacy in her eyes, and realized that if I actually did have any contraband I'd be pretty fucked right about then... I was intensely grateful for the rigorous discipline and respect for authority that I not only possess, but embody, that makes my life possible. Hail Melchizedek--and that other Fag, too.

Just today, just now, she tried to tell me on the phone that I woke her up to tell her that I did do them, and it was her final sad attempt at a gaslight, flickering mournfully in the shadows, "no, honey, I thought that you were awake and I wanted to tell you that I did NOT do that with her, so please just knock off with the lies, I don't have any drugs. I didn't have any drugs there. I don't have any drugs here. There's no drugs.You have all the drugs. You did them in _________. Go ahead and call the police I don't give a shit, go for it. By the way, you stole my car keys and my kilt--I'll be there in a few minutes. Doesvedanya."

A lot of this, of course, is paraphrased, but that's the general gist of it. It's always the same, it's always the same bullshit with these people: they do all the shit, then they set people up for what they did, then they destroy lives and move on. That is exactly why all these pages of slanderous bullshit LIBEL was relentlessly spammed here for days and weeks--I was actually threatened over the phone by You-Know-Who to not do something, and then I promptly went right out and did it all the fuck I fucking wanted--and then twice as hard more, with feeling, because I don't fucking respond well to fucking threats, you stupid loser fuckhead self-cuckhandler. You want to get nuts again? Let's get nuts again. Fucking bring it. Bring it the fuck on, Mr. & Mrs. David Rubini.

However, this time these spectacular idiots have met their ultimate absolute match. I've just been pretending to be a drug addict and a wasteoid loser, here on BellGab all these months--very deliberately pretending. And they bought the whole gag: hook, line, Ball, and sink her. I'm fully insulated, immune and invulnerable to their petty little threats. It's not because I'm a Star--of course I can grab all the _____ I want--it is because I am fucking brilliant.


They must be simply beside themselves. Hi! I'm fine. Let me guess: you think I'm in denial, and that statement proves it right there, for the record... right?

Absolutely adorable. Now, as of this moment, I don't know if she was in on the whole thing or not--she's not really acting like a recent victim of sexual assault/forced sex/ACTUAL RAPE, that's for sure--but as she insisted on stealing my car keys before I calmly left this morning, I am forced to go back right now and get them, only because... my microphone is locked into my car, she has the only keys, and instead of taking them from her like a parent would a rattle from a recalcitrant baby, I just drove off in her car knowing that I could easily come back anytime because I'm completely sober.

I do vape a shitload of nicotine and cannabis, though, so my chances at a job as any kind of faggot Fed are pretty much out the window for the entire rest of my life.

Good. Fuck Feds--and, you know, really honestly, I think I just did. It was, of course--banging. Thanks for letting me fuck your wife, David, as her _______ was much more delicious this last time than it ever was while she was still merely... your employee.

P.S. I just made you my cuckoo bitch, David. Feel free to send your little wind up toy to the police anytime; I've got all the documentation I need right here to end your little world forever. However, you're cute and I like you.

P.P.S. Don't forget my dry cleaning.

P.P.P.S: Stay tuned, for an all-new Five Minutes with Jackstar--"Who Is Your Daddy Now?" I got to go get my microphone, it's being held at Customs. I'm pretty sure my NDA/NCA has expired by now, but I will of course Checzk.

P.P.P.P.S.: I told you this would be exciting, didn't I? I wasn't kidding about my dry cleaning either, Tex. Keep those wrinkles out of my collars.



The truth:
Jackstar is a fucking junkie :*(
RUBINI is a mess and a super aggressive
Control freak that doesn't understand the
Word NO!

These fuckers both need to be locked up.
And they are both speed freaks!
I know, big surprise rite!?
They probably won't stop lying about me.
I just don't care anymore.
I need to go into protective custody now.
This is it for me.
Goodbye BellGab!


Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on November 16, 2020, 03:44:16 PM
These fuckers both need to be locked up.

You are ready for your close-up now, Ms. Maid. I've already suggested to you, to call the police several times, I've already told you I'll be happy to substantiate and collaborate your report, and if all of that had been done to me, has had been done to you, if I were you I would be fucking furious.

Iluilu. I'll be there in a few minutes, just as soon as I finish smoking these oxys out of a shotgun barrel. They taste like VICTORY.



Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on November 16, 2020, 03:44:16 PM
Goodbye BellGab!

Don't buy the hype, Kids: we'll be back for the Sunday matinee. And I meant it, the only reason why I'm not speaking this into the mic for another presentation, is that I only have one key to my car, and she's got it--the same as with my heart.

Don't worry about staying tuned, looks like the story is going to go out on all channels. I told you, I told you, I told you:

Jackstar is NOT to be trifled with.


Quote from: SpaceMeowMaid on November 16, 2020, 03:44:16 PM

The truth:
Jackstar is a fucking junkie :*(
RUBINI is a mess and a super aggressive
Control freak that doesn't understand the
Word NO!

These fuckers both need to be locked up.
And they are both speed freaks!
I know, big surprise rite!?
They probably won't stop lying about me.
I just don't care anymore.
I need to go into protective custody now.
This is it for me.
Goodbye BellGab!

If that’s Rubini with you in the first pics he’s wearing an Obama T-shirt.  ::)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 16, 2020, 03:59:52 PM
in the first pics he’s wearing an Obama T-shirt.

I traded it to him for a fat bag.


Quote from: Jackstar on November 16, 2020, 04:01:26 PM
I traded it to him for a fat bag.

You definitely got the better end of the deal.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on November 16, 2020, 04:02:30 PM
You definitely got the better end of the deal.

We'll see: I am, of course, out for David's job. I brought 10,000 marbles, and I've come for all the rest and I'm taking all of them and all the rest with me.

And, no: I knew I was cool, but, I actually had no idea I was this cool. Time to buy a new bomber jacket on my Target REDCard. It's time to redecorate.

This thread is every Louie Theroux special about white people in the pacific northwest.


I can't imagine why anybody would turn down a lunch date with those 2.



Quote from: Corona Kitty on November 16, 2020, 04:31:48 PM
Bellgab is for lovers.

I’m sure you’re thinking of your mamma’s cootch.

Corona Kitty

Quote from: chefist on November 16, 2020, 04:46:10 PM
"I'm not a Democrat." - Myke

I didn't vote for Biden, this thread is about Rubini btw.


It’s good to see BellGab getting back to normal.  Now all we need is for The Pud of York to escape from Laura’s dungeon and elope with Shredmyass to a stylish Motel 6 in Hoboken.

Is that strawvberry Pedialyte?  Is he okay?  Hopefully Rubini doesn't have rumble tummies.

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