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Ian Punnett

Started by sillydog, April 06, 2008, 04:15:35 PM

What do you listen to when you can't take C2C anymore?

Mainstream talk radio
Progressive talk radio


Quote from: Lovely Bones on May 15, 2012, 08:03:00 AM
Good posts, Seamus and Bob G.

I, for one, have never argued that Ian was perfect, only that I really enjoy listening to him and think I understand reasons for some of his more controversial qualities.   

No radio host is perfect, including--GET READY FOR THIS--our beloved Art. 

He's still hanging on to that Global Warming & Obama


long live art bell and yes imo he was da shit.... compared to the rest.... no contest... i was listening to some fine art the other day and he said something to the effect of : "is this something that would make most physisists pull the gun out of the drawer and blow thier brains out?" and it had me on the floor... they were talking about that spooky interaction stuff....  mafe total sense and was funny... nobody else could make such an intelligent joke nobody


Quote from: margoloo on May 14, 2012, 01:56:15 PM
Ian's not so bad on this show.....tho do wish he would stop with the Twitter me.. I actually found the guest interesting and am half inclined to believe that Hitler got away.  Gee, a positive comment about C2C.  My first! 8)
First sentence out of Ian's mouth on his most recent show was about pre show Twitter comments.  (how about who you are and where you are from instead?)  And he refers to comments from his personal Twitter account throughout the show, rather than comments sent to him via the C2C website, which I think is wrong when he's doing a C2C show.
As for the show, Ian did a good job interviewing Peter Levenda, IMO. I found the topic interesting, so I put aside my usual Ian avoidance and gave it a listen. For once, Ian didn't come across as confrontational.  My 2 cents for what it's worth.   


who cares the man loves his stupid twitter?? really? he's probly the most intelligent host we have... I'm actually listening to his show AGAIN... why? cause it was the best show i've heard in months now!! I really wish ma homie Sitchin was around to be interviewed by our oh so wonderful host who presently urinates through the air... He had one story about Sitchin and it was a comment made to him by the late great Z. Sitch.... who... when told by snoory he should sit down (cause he's old as dirt) at some conference... Zach Sitchin said to him "No I want to stand and I will stand" which was Sitchin's way of saying... "go to fucking hell you imbecile" it's totally true... If Sitchin calls you on yer BS yer done man... it's over. 

I enjoy Ian's shows, usually, because he takes the time to read the book or do the background research on the guest, so he brings intelligent questions to the table. When he hasn't either read a book or finish it, he's upfront about that, too. I can forgive a lot, like being confrontational, because he is a good interviewer/conversationalist. Funny, but one of the things that made me begin to dislike Noory was the flap over Quayle, when Ian was forced to apologize for calling BS. It was a crappy thing to do to another host, particularly when Noory lets his medical quacks use the airwaves to plug snake oil 'cures' like the baking soda one for cancer without without either challenging them or their research even mildly. I really can't see Ian doing either, and while it sometimes makes me uncomfortable when he's going after someone, I'd much rather have that than someone who puts his brain and integrity on hold while he coasts through his job and collects a paycheck.

I have a hunch that IP's using Twitter rather than the C2C venues as a way of further distancing himself C2C and setting himself up to communicate with his followers independent of it, like Art on facebook. Maybe he knows his time there is limited, so he's just preparing for that day.

Quote from: margoloo on May 14, 2012, 01:56:15 PM
I actually found the guest interesting and am half inclined to believe that Hitler got away.

I was following my usual M.O. during this show: having the radio on, but ignoring it unless something catches my ear.  I mostly listen for the totally out there stuff â€"- especially looking for things I have not heard before.  Not much jumped out at me during this interview.

I never heard of any Germans escaping to Malaysia so I can’t comment on that.  The guest did make a few errors, however.

He said that no one knew anything about Eva Braun.  But I once saw a book that was published during the war in Germany (can’t remember the date) with her photo in it.  The book was entirely photos with very little writing.  The photos were of very high artistic quality, like Ansel Adams, but with most of the photos featuring people.  The first half of the book featured German subjects and the second half Japanese subjects.  None of it was political, but the photos were of the sort of things the Nazis liked to feature  -- slices of life with a romantic (in the old sense) tint.  Examples: kids tending a garden, an old woman reading a book, a sporty young man in a race car.  The Japanese section was the same, but for Japan:  kids flying kites, a woman and child in traditional outfits, a man fishing, etc.  There were also photos of a few famous (at the time) actors and actresses.  There was a photo of beautiful woman in a stylish dress and I thought, ‘oh she must be another actress.’  But it was labeled as Eva Braun (with no further description of her position in society).  So it is clear that someone had heard of her.  I don't know if the book was for general public consumption -- quality books of photos were very expensive back then.  Still, it shows that Eva Braun was known beyond those who had close contact with Hitler.

The guest also had the idea that there would be no neo-nazis in East Germany during the 1970’s.  Actually, there were/are more neo-nazis in the old DDR than there are in the west.  For one thing the Soviets engaged in a lot more rape and brutality in the zones they controlled than the other allies did.  This caused people to look more fondly on the past.  After the most brutal period was over there was less effort to try to make young Germans feel guilty for the past in East Germany than in West Germany.  One of my German neo-nazi friends told me he was always told in school that his grandparents may have been evil people, but he was born decades after Hitler was dead.  He was told that he was a communist, united with the other communists of the world, and destined to liberate those still oppressed by capitalism.  No reason for him to feel guilty!  He didn’t believe half of what the communists said as they were transparently liars and their propaganda was clumsy, but he didn’t feel guilty.

I believe the guest also said that the bunker site were Hitler killed himself is not visited because everything there was destroyed and nothing is marked.  It is true that nothing is there and it is unmarked, but it is still visited.  So much so that when an American friend who wanted to visit there asked a German how he could find it, the German told him not to worry, just look for the group of people always gathered, and there it would be!  Maybe the government got tired of this and the area is inaccessible now, I don’t know, this was several years ago.

The whole thing about Hitler converting to Islam sounded a bit funny to me too -- too much like something made up to increase popular support among Americans for continual involvement in the Middle East.  Sure there were Muslims who supported Hitler, but there were Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians who supported him too.

It's a good thing, I didn’t hear much of this show or this post would be really long!

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: DangerousBlossom on May 16, 2012, 02:41:07 AM

The whole thing about Hitler converting to Islam sounded a bit funny to me too -- too much like something made up to increase popular support among Americans for continual involvement in the Middle East.  Sure there were Muslims who supported Hitler, but there were Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians who supported him too.

         Alex Abella's "Hitler's Secret Terrorist Plot Against The United States" is an example of this narrative of "Hitler and Bin Laden are alike". This book purports that Hitler was going to use missiles to take down skycrapers(sound familiar?) etc.

         There have been as many "new Hitlers" as there as have been "new Dylans". Saddam,Assad,Osama,Quadaffi etc. Sketchy tomes like Abella's are nothing but propaganda worthy of the most bullet-headed Cold War paranoia. The ultra-Zionist Michael Oren has made similar parallels about Hitler, pointing out his alliance with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem...while ignoring the Allies similar partnerships in Saudi Arabia, Egypt etc. 

          I love how Levenda's entire premise is based on article in an obscure Indonesian magazine in 1983. Gee, ain't that same society that publishes "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in it's "mainstream" press.

            Damn if it's true...I thought Hitler escaped to Uruguay.


Did anybody else like "The World Champion", Judah Friedlander? He was the guy that came on and said he fought bigfoot. I liked him, but I already like some of his comedy and was aware of his farcical book. I thought he did a great job of changing his style and delivery so that he sounded like a normal C2C guest. He was a little more understated than normal which made him sound like a C2C guest. Also, he talks with complete conviction that everything he is saying is 100% true, and considering it B.S. would be outrageous, which is a primary trait of most C2C guests.

I also thought he threw in some nice contrarian touches like his criticism of the media refusing to let his info out, and his stats about ninja attacks. I thought his line about bigfoots being jealous about the food people eat because they eat dirt sandwiches, and that he had seen the leftovers was hilarious--dirt sandwich leftovers, lol.

I wish I could have seen the IMs and emails from the more clueless C2C listeners, i.e. Noory fanatics, who I am sure never caught onto the fact that it was a farcical interview.

I also liked the Hitler escaped to SE Asia interview too. It was more of a classic C2C conspiracy theory than most of the stories they put on now. I was tired when it was on, am I right in remembering that Noory wasn't doing the interview? I didn't hear, "Did Angels look for Hitler" or any other ridiculous questions so I assume it was in the same show.


Friedlander was awesome... I love how he refers to sasquatch as "bigfoots" and his economically challenged ninjas theory was funny too.  His conviction was unwavering and had I not known who Judah was I might actually think he was another kooked out guest.


Quote from: ziznak on May 17, 2012, 01:04:38 AM
Friedlander was awesome... I love how he refers to sasquatch as "bigfoots" and his economically challenged ninjas theory was funny too.  His conviction was unwavering and had I not known who Judah was I might actually think he was another kooked out guest.

That's what he sounded like at first. 90% of being a C2C guest is unwavering conviction so I thought it was good.


LoL, I've seen Judah on T.V. but I tuned into the interview in progress so for a bit I thought this was just another charlatan guest.  Just shows you how far the show has slipped when his "comedy" almost seems legit.


I'm not sure BUT I think it was Ian who made fun of David Childress on a show sometime this year or possibly last??  He did like an impression of him that had me rollin.  I really wanna find this show now.  Anybody, know anything about Dave Childress impersonations on coast?


Quote from: ziznak on May 23, 2012, 10:37:44 PM
I'm not sure BUT I think it was Ian who made fun of David Childress on a show sometime this year or possibly last??  He did like an impression of him that had me rollin.  I really wanna find this show now.  Anybody, know anything about Dave Childress impersonations on coast?

I think I've seen others mention it in this forum, but don't remember it myself.

As for Friedlander I think it would be awesome if he called in to idiot Noory and did essentially the same bit. I know Noory probably didn't listen, and I would love to hear what he would do when Friedlander said he had fought a Bigfoot, or that they were jealous because humans have BBQs and all they get are dirt sandwiches, or that they could run 300 miles in 30 seconds.


Snoory would think he got some sort of new scoop on "Bigfoots."  That would be totally awesome!

Fecal America

Sun 06-10

Joining Ian Punnett, author Richard Kestler will discuss his new book Fecal America.  After seeing reports that most shopping carts, everyday office equipment such as phones and keyboards, and nearly everything else within reach often contain measureable quantities of human fecal matter, the author conducted his own investigation with shocking and often disgusting results.

In the first hour, graphic novel analyst Chester Williams will provide insight into the fantastic worlds of gay superheroes and their impact on pop culture.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 03, 2012, 04:00:53 PM
Fecal America

Sun 06-10

Joining Ian Punnett, author Richard Kestler will discuss his new book Fecal America.  After seeing reports that most shopping carts, everyday office equipment such as phones and keyboards, and nearly everything else within reach often contain measureable quantities of human fecal matter, the author conducted his own investigation with shocking and often disgusting results.

In the first hour, graphic novel analyst Chester Williams will provide insight into the fantastic worlds of gay superheroes and their impact on pop culture.

Truly a shit sandwich, if there ever was such a thing.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 03, 2012, 04:00:53 PM
Fecal America

Sun 06-10

Joining Ian Punnett, author Richard Kestler will discuss his new book Fecal America.  After seeing reports that most shopping carts, everyday office equipment such as phones and keyboards, and nearly everything else within reach often contain measureable quantities of human fecal matter, the author conducted his own investigation with shocking and often disgusting results.

In the first hour, graphic novel analyst Chester Williams will provide insight into the fantastic worlds of gay superheroes and their impact on pop culture.

Punnett has gone off the rails. Neither of those guests can possibly be interesting,


Quote from: stevesh on June 04, 2012, 03:29:39 AM
Punnett has gone off the rails. Neither of those guests can possibly be interesting,

True, but I'd rather hear stuff like this than the same old nwo-buyEfoods-beAfraid! nonsense that makes up the bulk of c2c these days.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 03, 2012, 04:00:53 PM
Fecal America

Sun 06-10

Joining Ian Punnett, author Richard Kestler will discuss his new book Fecal America.  After seeing reports that most shopping carts, everyday office equipment such as phones and keyboards, and nearly everything else within reach often contain measureable quantities of human fecal matter, the author conducted his own investigation with shocking and often disgusting results.

In the first hour, graphic novel analyst Chester Williams will provide insight into the fantastic worlds of gay superheroes and their impact on pop culture.
i think Ian wants out.  how else can you explain this shit?


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 03, 2012, 04:00:53 PM

In the first hour, graphic novel analyst Chester Williams will provide insight into the fantastic worlds of gay superheroes and their impact on pop culture.

...I don't see why gay superheroes are so shocking. Lois Lane shags ALIENS.

Lovely Bones

Re the gay superheroes thing:  I know I'm stretching the "superhero" category a bit, but I was utterly confused by J.K. Rowling's announcement--after the fact and with no supporting textual evidence that we could see--that she had always believed Dumbledore was gay. 

Seemed like gratuitous to me. 


Quote from: Lovely Bones on June 04, 2012, 08:20:16 AM
Re the gay superheroes thing:  I know I'm stretching the "superhero" category a bit, but I was utterly confused by J.K. Rowling's announcement--after the fact and with no supporting textual evidence that we could see--that she had always believed Dumbledore was gay. 

Seemed like gratuitous to me.

You know, I thought the same. Do you recall to whom she made this "confession"? Because I'm confused as to why she would have done so unless she was talking to a gay publication and there was some particular reason she was trying to curry favor with the gay community. Had there been any resistance to Potter or Rowling among gays? Why the hell didn't she just write the character like that instead of sneaking something in years later? It struck me as somewhat cynical that she didn't and later made this remark. As if she would rather have it both ways; to enjoy maximum acceptance by the kids' parents who paid for most of the books, and also to later ingratiate herself with the gay community.

Lovely Bones

Quote from: Sardondi on June 04, 2012, 09:32:45 AM
You know, I thought the same. Do you recall to whom she made this "confession"? Because I'm confused as to why she would have done so unless she was talking to a gay publication and there was some particular reason she was trying to curry favor with the gay community. Had there been any resistance to Potter or Rowling among gays? Why the hell didn't she just write the character like that instead of sneaking something in years later? It struck me as somewhat cynical that she didn't and later made this remark. As if she would rather have it both ways; to enjoy maximum acceptance by the kids' parents who paid for most of the books, and also to later ingratiate herself with the gay community.

My original post is missing the word "pandering" after "gratuitous" but I see you've read my mind instead of my post.  Thanks.

IIRC, JKR talked about this in a mainstream TV interview, but I'm not sure where she made the original announcement which may have prompted said interview.  Completely agree with you that she was trying to have it both ways: create character/books that were acceptable to parental figures, but then curry after-the-fact favor with certain political identity groups.  Made me lose some respect for her, and I thoroughly enjoyed the series of books. 


Apparently she said it at a 2007 appearance at Carnegie Hall, but as someone who never read one of the books and tried to watch one of the movies but gave up after 10 minutes, I don't know what the significance is. My guess is that after she made her first $billion, she just didn't give a shit anymore and mouthed something that seemd like it might get people riled up.


Quote from: Paper*Boy on June 03, 2012, 04:00:53 PM
Fecal America

Sun 06-10

Joining Ian Punnett, author Richard Kestler will discuss his new book Fecal America.  After seeing reports that most shopping carts, everyday office equipment such as phones and keyboards, and nearly everything else within reach often contain measureable quantities of human fecal matter, the author conducted his own investigation with shocking and often disgusting results.

In the first hour, graphic novel analyst Chester Williams will provide insight into the fantastic worlds of gay superheroes and their impact on pop culture.
I thought I heard Ian say on his last appearance that since he is on so infrequently, he was going to stake his claim to some topics so he would be the host to cover them....   

I haven't hear Ian in months, shit maybe over a year. WTF is up withem>?

I am driunking alcoholic beverages.

And on strong strong reefer.


Quote from: guildnavigator on June 04, 2012, 06:02:17 PM
I haven't hear Ian in months, shit maybe over a year. WTF is up withem>?

I am driunking alcoholic beverages.

And on strong strong reefer.
I've never experienced jealousy on the scale I'm currently experiencing. Cheeseburgers? Weed? Booze?

Fucker. Thanks for rubbing it in my face. And not literally either.

Fucking fuck fucker fuck fuck fuck


There's a torrent out on demonoid with all of 2011 c2c shows.  I've been checking it out a lot lately since somebody turned up the suck knob on C2C recently.  Anyways, a lot of Ian's shows are awesome from 2011.  You can probly find the torrent on good ol PB too... I'm also, still looking for his David Childress impression that had me cracking up.

Lovely Bones

Now the promo for Sunday 6/10 says

Ian Punnett is joined by Jerusalem journalist and author, Matti Friedman, who'll discuss the strange journey of a sacred text--the tenth-century annotated bible known as the Aleppo Codex.  Friedman proposes a new theory of what happened when the codex left a Syrian synagogue in the late 1940's and eventually surfaced in Jerusalem, mysteriously incomplete.

None of this seems even vaguely related to fecal history or gay super heroes, for which I am grateful. 


Thank god!  I really don't want to know about how much crap(literally) we come into contact with daily.  Let's face it... the gay super heroes thing is well... just GAAAAY. I just listened to Ian's 03/28/09 03/29/09 shows on a nuclear reactor explosion in 1961 and the kensington runestone both really good shows.  I'll be tuned in Sunday.

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