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Ian Punnett

Started by sillydog, April 06, 2008, 04:15:35 PM

What do you listen to when you can't take C2C anymore?

Mainstream talk radio
Progressive talk radio
While this worst movie-a-thon is going on, here's my vote along with Troll 2:

Samurai Cop

"Shoot! Shoot 'im!"

"It's... big."

"It IS black!"

It's difficult to top this level of action and emotion


Part of Ian's charm for me has always been his mature level of entertainment choices.  ;)


     I laughed out loud a few times at the banter between Ian and dentist/actor George Hardy, who evidently starred in something called Troll 2 (1990), and now it's considered the new worst flick of all time.  I checked out the trailer when I got home.  Yeech.  I think this is the first interview I've heard where someone involved in a movie admits, and celebrates, that it sucks.  After a week of storms in the great and powerful South, the levity was much needed.
     The main guest were two guys talking about innovations in virtual reality.  I got my hands full with regular reality, so I wasn't too interested.

dentist/actor(?) George Hardy


Quote from: Agent : Orange on April 17, 2011, 05:05:03 AM
A Scene From Troll 2

wow. that was really terrible.  which explains why i haven't seen this movie. i'm lactose intolerant and cheese like this would probably send me to the hospital

George sucks

Quote from: cwarner on April 10, 2011, 09:35:19 AM
Man I did not like that guest. Does anyone know the show I'm talking about? It was a female guest talking about how she knew what different people in the bible did like 2,000 years ago.

CWarner - I believe the guest you are referring to was Tricia McCannon. She was on March 15th-16th? Promoting her new book 'Jesus: The Lost Years' or a similar title. I remember a statement from Ian during the show like the one you posted. She then rebuffed his statement. Ian then said something like, "All I am saying is, is that there are many historians at least as good as you and they don't agree with you." Tag that with what you remember.

Compared to Noory, I dig Ian. Very involved questioning. Engaging conversation. He makes you want to listen. To be critical - the self belittling can be over the top, sometimes he does too much of the talking, and his using whatever book he recently read to do a show around doesn't do it for me sometimes. I'm interested in topics and guests that Coast is historically, old history now, known for. Not whatever hair of the week Ian has up his butt.

I was hoping Ian would take the job when Art was leaving. He was committed to school, theology, seminary. But to me he was the heir apparent. And then George happened. The rest is history.

Ian is a breath of fresh air after enduring nightly snippets of George during the week. Knapp has a level of seriousness and professionalism about him that the show hasn't had since Art left. But Knapp's interests are limited, makes him not such a great interviewer sometimes. Very glad that Ian and Knapp are around though to present a higher quality version of the show. They make Noory look soooooooo bad. As they should. The guy is a disgrace.


Somehow I can deal with the topic of putting supplies away for emergency when it comes from Ian, but when it's George N. I feel like I should be looking for Chicken Little.


Quote from: Morrigu on April 17, 2011, 12:16:37 PM
Somehow I can deal with the topic of putting supplies away for emergency when it comes from Ian, but when it's George N. I feel like I should be looking for Chicken Little.

Mmmm... Chicken Litlle wings...


Quote from: George sucks on April 17, 2011, 10:53:53 AM
CWarner - I believe the guest you are referring to was Tricia McCannon. She was on March 15th-16th? Promoting her new book 'Jesus: The Lost Years' or a similar title. I remember a statement from Ian during the show like the one you posted. She then rebuffed his statement. Ian then said something like, "All I am saying is, is that there are many historians at least as good as you and they don't agree with you." Tag that with what you remember.

Compared to Noory, I dig Ian. Very involved questioning. Engaging conversation. He makes you want to listen. To be critical - the self belittling can be over the top, sometimes he does too much of the talking, and his using whatever book he recently read to do a show around doesn't do it for me sometimes. I'm interested in topics and guests that Coast is historically, old history now, known for. Not whatever hair of the week Ian has up his butt.

I was hoping Ian would take the job when Art was leaving. He was committed to school, theology, seminary. But to me he was the heir apparent. And then George happened. The rest is history.

Ian is a breath of fresh air after enduring nightly snippets of George during the week. Knapp has a level of seriousness and professionalism about him that the show hasn't had since Art left. But Knapp's interests are limited, makes him not such a great interviewer sometimes. Very glad that Ian and Knapp are around though to present a higher quality version of the show. They make Noory look soooooooo bad. As they should. The guy is a disgrace.

Ian is good.  I used to listen to him in Chicago. I have listened to all of his shows and only once did he make me angry.  There was an author on named Charles Pelligrino.  I couldn't figure out where I knew his name from. He tells Ian that his books are unavailable online and in bookstores because he and leading authors are boycotting lower royalties from Amazon, itunes, and online booksellers.

After a while I search on the web. Turns out book companies dropped him, and him alone, because the book he wrote on Hiroshima was proven to be a complete undocumented sham.  I know Ian knew this, yet he let him go.  No counter comment, nothing.

Tuned in a week ago, though, and he did a great job on an Israeli murdered in the 70's. I mean great job.  The problem with him is that anything more paranormal than the shroud of Turin and he is too cynical.  That said, would love to see Ian hosting full time. 

Eddie Coyle

Quote from: rkowna on April 19, 2011, 06:37:17 PM

Ian is good.  I used to listen to him in Chicago. I have listened to all of his shows and only once did he make me angry.  There was an author on named Charles Pelligrino.  I couldn't figure out where I knew his name from. He tells Ian that his books are unavailable online and in bookstores because he and leading authors are boycotting lower royalties from Amazon, itunes, and online booksellers.

After a while I search on the web. Turns out book companies dropped him, and him alone, because the book he wrote on Hiroshima was proven to be a complete undocumented sham.  I know Ian knew this, yet he let him go.  No counter comment, nothing.

     Here's my take on that leniency. Pellegrino is pals/collaborator with James Cameron and I think this relationship has lead to some hosts, like Ian, giving him a lot of leeway, because it seems that Pellegrino may have been the point man in getting Cameron to appear on C2C.

George sucks

A decent show tonight after days of bad ones. Carole Alden is a central topic, killed her husband. A writer is the guest as usual.


Interesting enough for me to decide to read some of her stuff.

I miss the "cheeses of Nazareth" caller, though.  Easter would be a perfect time to plug his deli.

George sucks

One of Ian's weirder moments...

Ian Punnett: Altered State: Coast to Coast AM

...to be fair, he was woken up and asked to start talking. This is what happens when you are really tired. There are better recordings on Tube, giving the gibberish context, but they have titles like "Drunk Ian... " or similar. Dude was sleep talking.   


To be fair the best part of listening to Ian is that I don't feel like he is insulting me,or my intelligence, by dumbing stuff down.  No doubt he has his moments where I can't figure out what the hell he is up to but at least h eisn't talking down to me.  This is a trait he and George Knapp share exclusivel.  When Noory tries to "save me from boredom" I get pissed. When Ian or George Knapp do it I give them the benefit of the doubt.  Noory is a stump.  Ian and George are trees.  Art was a sequioa.  That is all. 


Quote from: George sucks on April 27, 2011, 03:48:32 PM
One of Ian's weirder moments...

Ian Punnett: Altered State: Coast to Coast AM

...to be fair, he was woken up and asked to start talking. This is what happens when you are really tired. There are better recordings on Tube, giving the gibberish context, but they have titles like "Drunk Ian... " or similar. Dude was sleep talking.

I remember this - at the time i was totally confused.  thought the guy was having some sort of stroke!

He does have sleep issues (insomnia) and what I remember him saying was that it was his regular pre-weekend call in with George to promote his show.  While he was on hold, he fell asleep - into a light dream state - and what you are hearing here is the kind of rambling dream description  you get from people who are talking in their sleep. It seems that one of the things that had been on his mind was his older son, a high-school athlete, who had become quite buff in recent months and was taking every opportunity to strip to the waist and show off his ripped chest and arms. They weren't always the most appropriate times and places. (like taking the trash to the curb on a day that was actually on the chilly side - hence "getting that shirt off, any reason at all to get it off")

Actually - the funnier clip would have been Ian and his wife (on their local morning radio show the next morning) playing bits of what's on this and laughing themselves to tears trying to explain what had happened.

George sucks

I was totally not trying to make Ian look bad. It's an interesting clip for one because it happened live on the air. And an obscure, human moment. I can only imagine the laughter going on regarding it on his morning show with himself and his wife hosting. Perhaps there is a clip somewhere?

Do you remember the follow up regarding it on C2C? Ian was thankful Noory got him off the phone real quick and didn't make any kind of a scene. No questioning, "What was that all about?". Nothing, he just moved on. However, off the radio I guess Tom? whatever his name is, was on the phone with Ian asking him, "are you alright?", etc. Had to explain to him that he just went off the deep end. Ian said he thought he was making perfect sense at the time. He, Ian, even included it in his show if I remember correctly. Trying to figure out exactly what the cause of that was.     


Oh, I didn't think you were trying to make him look bad at all.  I was just adding what I knew about the story.  Sorry if it sounded that way - maybe it was thinking of what others would presume - but really - it was just a funny moment in Ian's c2c life.

It was clear to me that was what you were sharing.

The General

Quote from: George sucks on April 27, 2011, 03:48:32 PM
One of Ian's weirder moments...

...to be fair, he was woken up and asked to start talking. This is what happens when you are really tired. There are better recordings on Tube, giving the gibberish context, but they have titles like "Drunk Ian... " or similar. Dude was sleep talking.

Here it is with a little context.
I only include it here because George's reaction is PRICELESS.

Ian Punnett sleep talking on air?

Quote from: The General on April 28, 2011, 08:36:21 AM
Here it is with a little context.
I only include it here because George's reaction is PRICELESS.

Yeah, this is a great clip. I didn't hear it on the air but I've been looking for the followup for a long time. I'd love to hear how Ian responded to it on successive shows.


I heard it live and then Ian was on (I think) the next night. I don't believe it was an entire week later. If I remember correctly, he said he was wide awake and waiting for the call from George. And he remembers being completely awake when the call came in. He remembers answering the call and he was making sense right at the start. Then he went off track like that but he said he thought he was still making sense. When George rushed him off the line, Ian was thinking, "What the heck was that? Why did George get me off the line." Then Tommy called right away to make sure Ian was OK. I suppose they thought he had had a stroke, which would be a reasonable suspicion to have. But Ian was just fine.

Yes, this seems to me like sleep-talking rather than drugs or drinking as some on the various forums have mentioned. Every once in a while I'll wake up one of my kids and they sound exactly like this for about a minute. I even remember doing this once when my wife came in and started to talk to me. I was reading a book but must have nodded off and she didn't see that I was sleeping. When she said something to me, I said, "Is he still on first base? Where are we going, up to there or up further?" I actually remember all this and I thought I was making sense. I also became very frustrated and just a little angry when my wife started to laugh at me. I couldn't see any reason at all for her to do that.


Quote from: The General on April 28, 2011, 08:36:21 AM
Here it is with a little context.
I only include it here because George's reaction is PRICELESS.

Finally, the smoking gun.  Someone speaks gibberish "...any excuse to take off his shirt" and George says...."Exactly!"



i remember listening when this happened and being like ... whaaaattt?  "Exactly"?!!!

George sucks

Quote from: mikemcc on April 28, 2011, 10:06:41 AM
Yes, this seems to me like sleep-talking rather than drugs or drinking as some on the various forums have mentioned. Every once in a while I'll wake up one of my kids and they sound exactly like this for about a minute. <snip>

Same thing happened to me when I was a child. Mom trying to wake me up and talk to me. Was speaking such nonsense she thought I was on drugs. Took a few minutes of awake interrogation for her to figure out it was just half asleep jibberish. That's how I know it was just sleep talking on Ian's part, been there done that. And as you mention, it's a fairly common thing. Too bad people try to place the blame on drinking or drugs.


Quote from: b_dubb on April 28, 2011, 02:30:19 PM
i remember listening when this happened and being like ... whaaaattt?  "Exactly"?!!!

I hate to defend George in any way - but damn - what was anyone to say?

"Umm, Ian, buddy - WTF?!?!!"

But yeah - coming from George - it sounded odd. Cuz, well George is odd!


all of this give me an opportunity to tell a story on my son - who thankfully does not read this board.

When he was about 5 or so, he went though a phase of getting up in the night to pee- but instead of going to the toilet, he'd pee in a trash basket, any trash basket he happened upon. Many of them much further from his bedroom than the bathroom was!

I'd seen him do it once - and saw the evidence a few other times. When he did sleep walk like this - he looked awake enough, except for a glazed, mildly insane look in his eye.

One night, I saw him come out of his room and into the living room, where I was watching TV.  He was yanking at the waistband of his boxers - and headed for the basket in the living room. I got up and gently (I'd been told to avoid waking a sleepwalker) guided him to the  toilet, lifted the seat, did all the things a Mom would do under the circumstances and said, softly "okay, go now"

He made a quick torque to the right, and peed in the bathroom trash basket!  I was undone! 

"Jaaaaared!  NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

He came too, light back in his eyes, looked around the room and then we both started laughing so hard.  He had tears streaming down his face and was holding on to me so he wouldn't crumble onto the floor.

I took him back to bed and stayed while we both continued to sputter with laughter, and left him to sleep once we'd both calmed down.

The thing is, after that it never happend again.

The human mind is  weird!


Quote from: EvB on April 28, 2011, 02:57:20 PM
all of this give me an opportunity to tell a story on my son - who thankfully does not read this board.

When he was about 5 or so, he went though a phase of getting up in the night to pee- but instead of going to the toilet, he'd pee in a trash basket, any trash basket he happened upon. Many of them much further from his bedroom than the bathroom was!

I'd seen him do it once - and saw the evidence a few other times. When he did sleep walk like this - he looked awake enough, except for a glazed, mildly insane look in his eye.

One night, I saw him come out of his room and into the living room, where I was watching TV.  He was yanking at the waistband of his boxers - and headed for the basket in the living room. I got up and gently (I'd been told to avoid waking a sleepwalker) guided him to the  toilet, lifted the seat, did all the things a Mom would do under the circumstances and said, softly "okay, go now"

He made a quick torque to the right, and peed in the bathroom trash basket!  I was undone! 

"Jaaaaared!  NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

He came too, light back in his eyes, looked around the room and then we both started laughing so hard.  He had tears streaming down his face and was holding on to me so he wouldn't crumble onto the floor.

I took him back to bed and stayed while we both continued to sputter with laughter, and left him to sleep once we'd both calmed down.

The thing is, after that it never happend again.

The human mind is  weird!

Been there, done that, believe it or not!  My son seemed to have the trashcan-peeing hardwired into his brain, and he also did the sleeptalking thing.  I think it must be some kind of neural issue.  Unfortunately for us, it continued to happen until he somehow outgrew  it.  :(


Quote from: Scully on April 28, 2011, 11:43:49 PM

Been there, done that, believe it or not!  My son seemed to have the trashcan-peeing hardwired into his brain, and he also did the sleeptalking thing.  I think it must be some kind of neural issue.  Unfortunately for us, it continued to happen until he somehow outgrew  it.  :(

I had to laugh - I'd never heard anyone say they had a son  with specific quirk.  glad he did outgrow it.  :o


I can relate many stories about sleepwalking. Here are a few.

I'm the youngest of 6 sons.  When I was little I overheard my dad yelling at my brother Joe asking him why he didn't wake my brother Matt up... In the old house we lived in, there was a 1ft by 9 in chute in the floor, with a lid, which went straight to the basement.  You could fill it with laundry and put a laundry basket beneath it in the basement.. you get the idea.  My mom came upstairs yelling to my dad to figure out which one of us peed on the chute!  Apparently she opened the trap door thingy and pee dripped all over her.  So Joe says, "Oh. Matt did that last night. yea I watched him get out of bed and pee down it."   Matt used to sleep walk a lot so this wasn't all that surprising... Joe got grounded because he didn't stop Matt or tell anyone.

My wife talks in her sleep a lot. The difference here being that I can actually have conversations with here while she's dreaming...I wish I recorded some of them, because they can be extremely odd...But the funniest event was when she was pregnant with our first.  She hadn't been sleeping well which always made here babbling worse...So I'm in bed about 1am and I here water dripping, then I notice the shadow of my wife at the end of the bed. I turn on the light by my night stand and there is my wife in a tee and underwear pee dripping down here legs with those glazed eyes. I ask her what the hell she is doing and she starts rambling incoherently and gets mad that I can't understand that its perfectly normal for her to be peeing here... I realized she was sleep peeing and started to laugh my ass off...Finally I got her awake... she was not amused. She says to this day that in her mind at the time it made complete sense what she was doing and she remembered thinking that I was the crazy one.  I could go one with many more but these are probably the most interesting...oh yea, my wife has been none to start feeling me up in the middle of the night and instigated sex a few times. We've remembered becoming awake together to realize we were both molesting each other...trippy...And that was nights with little or no alcohol..

Quote from: YNOT on April 29, 2011, 07:18:07 AMoh yea, my wife has been none to start feeling me up in the middle of the night and instigated sex a few times. We've remembered becoming awake together to realize we were both molesting each other...trippy...And that was nights with little or no alcohol..

Who needs roofies when you've got a sleepwalker?

Thanks for sharing these YNOT. I laughed out loud at the laundry chute :)

@ YNOT:  Loving the new avatar, my man!

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