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Minneapolis/St.paul riots

Started by nooryisawesome, May 28, 2020, 07:48:30 PM


Quote from: ItsOver on June 10, 2020, 09:00:32 PM
Speaking of, where is my favorite fancy pants, K_Dubb?  I'm almost starting to get worried.

They put out appeals for food yesterday after the homeless they invited ate all the stash, so because I believe Black Lives Matter I baked a big batch of hveteboller and put on my best protest hoodie and skinniest jeans and brand new Converse and took them down with some good butter and goat cheese.  At first they wouldn't let me in because of my fascist haircut but I explained I'm only a style nazi and have the boots to prove it and it is my upscale gayborhood they took over and not some Rainier Valley slum where they live so I belong there as much as anyone.  But I couldn't provide certification that the Norwegian goats who made the cheese were compassionately herded in only the lushest free-range pastures (though I believe this to be the case) and anyway everyone at the food tent was gluten-intolerant except for some old graybeard in a skirt with flounces who thought the gjetost was sliceable peanut butter and demanded some jelly so I took most of them home.


Quote from: albrecht on June 10, 2020, 09:05:31 PM
He is liking defending the Seattle Leif Erikson statue wearing a dashing H&M euro athletic-cut sleeveless shirt and Converse sneakers ensemble. Pipe in mouth, just daring the skateboarding wielding leftists to take it down over his dead body!

I don' think the skrælings have a clue who he is, or why he is there, and that's probably just as well for now.


Here is Magik turning his back on Councilwoman Sawant (the one who let them into City Hall) after mocking her accent.  This whole thread is a hoot.


Somehow she got them away from chanting Black Lives Matter and on to "Tax Amazon" which is her personal hobbyhorse.  I think it is safe to say the focus of the movement has become diffuse.

Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 08:20:48 PM
Here is Magik turning his back on Councilwoman Sawant (the one who let them into City Hall) after mocking her accent.  This whole thread is a hoot.


Somehow she got them away from chanting Black Lives Matter and on to "Tax Amazon" which is her personal hobbyhorse.  I think it is safe to say the focus of the movement has become diffuse.

Thanks.  Nice to see the enigmatic Magik himself.   Saw some pictures of that zone today.  They had a bunch of barricades up - So a U.S. border wall is bad but their border wall is just and good.   Also heard a clip from a the FD.   They got a call on a dumpster fire and the dispatcher said - "Such and such an address is in the zone.  They can handle it.  <click>"


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 07:56:23 PM
They put out appeals for food yesterday after the homeless they invited ate all the stash, so because I believe Black Lives Matter I baked a big batch of hveteboller and put on my best protest hoodie and skinniest jeans and brand new Converse and took them down with some good butter and goat cheese.  At first they wouldn't let me in because of my fascist haircut but I explained I'm only a style nazi and have the boots to prove it and it is my upscale gayborhood they took over and not some Rainier Valley slum where they live so I belong there as much as anyone.  But I couldn't provide certification that the Norwegian goats who made the cheese were compassionately herded in only the lushest free-range pastures (though I believe this to be the case) and anyway everyone at the food tent was gluten-intolerant except for some old graybeard in a skirt with flounces who thought the gjetost was sliceable peanut butter and demanded some jelly so I took most of them home.

"Good times, good times..."


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on June 11, 2020, 08:42:18 PM
Thanks.  Nice to see the enigmatic Magik himself.   Saw some pictures of that zone today.  They had a bunch of barricades up - So a U.S. border wall is bad but their border wall is just and good.   Also heard a clip from a the FD.   They got a call on a dumpster fire and the dispatcher said - "Such and such an address is in the zone.  They can handle it.  <click>"

It is mostly a barricade to prevent car attacks, which makes sense.  The police chief said today she had no reports of ID checks or extortion.

You can hear Magik here https://soundcloud.com/black_umbrella_magik if you want; I don't listen to that junglebunny stuff myself.

Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 08:52:09 PM
It is mostly a barricade to prevent car attacks, which makes sense.  The police chief said today she had no reports of ID checks or extortion.

You can hear Magik here https://soundcloud.com/black_umbrella_magik if you want; I don't listen to that junglebunny stuff myself.

I love me some Magik.   Here is that dumpster clip:



Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 08:52:09 PM
It is mostly a barricade to prevent car attacks, which makes sense.  The police chief said today she had no reports of ID checks or extortion.

You can hear Magik here https://soundcloud.com/black_umbrella_magik if you want; I don't listen to that junglebunny stuff myself.

Oh, yeah! You would get accurate reports of such things out of a situation like that. ::)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 11, 2020, 08:59:07 PM
Oh, yeah! You would get accurate reports of such things out of a situation like that. ::)

Haha enjoy your Fox fear porn while it lasts.  It's mostly old hippies and fat actiivists sitting around listening to endless speeches waiting for their chance on the aptly named bullhorn.  I don't know where all the cute ones went.  And some street art.

Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 09:12:35 PM
Haha enjoy your Fox fear porn while it lasts.  It's mostly old hippies and fat actiivists sitting around listening to endless speeches waiting for their chance on the aptly named bullhorn.  I don't know where all the cute ones went.  And some street art.

It is Seattle after all.............    I heard Portland was trying to get something going too.  Then maybe they could get raids going.   
You could be a valuable man then.


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 09:12:35 PM
Haha enjoy your Fox fear porn while it lasts.  It's mostly old hippies and fat actiivists sitting around listening to endless speeches waiting for their chance on the aptly named bullhorn.  I don't know where all the cute ones went.  And some street art.

Yeah, well get ready because after they’re done going after all the “racists” they’ll be going after all the fatists, like you. Just imagine being smothered to death by two fatties. It could be in your future. ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on June 11, 2020, 09:26:55 PM
Yeah, well get ready because after they’re done going after all the “racists” they’ll be going after all the fatists, like you. Just imagine being smothered to death by two fatties. It could be in your future. ;)

Oh we'll be long gone before then.  Nothing will kill the vibe in the old gayborhood faster than herds of lumbering jellophants roaming the streets with megaphones instead of lithe men in short shorts and crop tops -- you don't want to breathe the same air as those monsters since fat is even more contagious than covid.  The whole show will just pick up and move like a circus, hopefully to somewhere with a proper beach.


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 09:39:46 PM
Oh we'll be long gone before then.  Nothing will kill the vibe in the old gayborhood faster than herds of lumbering jellophants roaming the streets with megaphones instead of lithe men in short shorts and crop tops -- you don't want to breathe the same air as those monsters since fat is even more contagious than covid.  The whole show will just pick up and move like a circus, hopefully to somewhere with a proper beach.

While I love "The Warriors" and Mad Max scenarios those are East Coast and Oz scenes. Really y'all need a Citizen's Auxillerary Police flare-drop and some Bob Fossey (sp?) moves by Jay Santos with blue armbands, Pith helmets, and Bermuda shorts willing to "take a peek around" and enforce order. There could be even a Taco Bell situation that might necessitate a Taco lockdown and detainment situation.


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 08:07:57 PM
I don' think the skrælings have a clue who he is, or why he is there, and that's probably just as well for now.

Maybe, in the dead of night, Lief statues were the secret beheaders of Columbus statues? Using the BLMs and skate-board wielding kids as a cover. A false flag!


Quote from: albrecht on June 11, 2020, 10:56:27 PM

While I love "The Warriors" and Mad Max scenarios those are East Coast and Oz scenes. Really y'all need a Citizen's Auxillerary Police flare-drop and some Bob Fossey (sp?) moves by Jay Santos with blue armbands, Pith helmets, and Bermuda shorts willing to "take a peek around" and enforce order. There could be even a Taco Bell situation that might necessitate a Taco lockdown and detainment situation.

Good idea as well as those fancy pants with the snaps down the sides.


Quote from: albrecht on June 11, 2020, 10:59:47 PM

Maybe, in the dead of night, Lief statues were the secret beheaders of Columbus statues? Using the BLMs and skate-board wielding kids as a cover. A false flag!

Were you not briefed on this operation at the lodge?  Report to the basement of the nearest Lutheran church where the SON tribunal will consider your fate.


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 11:04:59 PM
Good idea as well as those fancy pants with the snaps down the sides.

I do think Hendrie might be writing this timeline. I saw somewhere that "Macho Man" will no longer be performed  by a certain musical group to some possible offense or in memory of Gentle Giants. And just when bandanas were becoming popular again- due to another modern virus. If Phil doesn't win  literary prize for this stuff, a travesty.


Quote from: albrecht on June 11, 2020, 11:16:11 PM
And just when bandanas were becoming popular again- due to another modern virus.

Dare I inquire what color you wore?


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on June 11, 2020, 08:42:18 PM
...   They got a call on a dumpster fire and the dispatcher said - "Such and such an address is in the zone.  They can handle it.  <click>"

Sounds like bellchan operatives were on the scene...


Meet Raz man.  The new boss in town in the land of Dubb.

It should be a regular party, the next time Jorch invades Seattle.


"Militant activists have taken over a six-block section of Seattle, including a police precinct, and declared it the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” releasing a list of demands that must be met before they relinquish control of the area. One of those demands was a 100 percent defunding of the Seattle Police Department, including pensions, with the money being redirected toward things like free public housing and socialized medicine."

Sounds reasonable.  Life is just one big party, thanks to the money tree.


This reminds me of stories I heard about Banlieue 93 or Seine-Saint-Denis.


New York, was named after York because King Charles II gave the land to his brother, James, the Duke of York (later James II). Some places, such as Hartford, Connecticut, bear an archaic spelling of an English place (in this case Hertford).

The Duke of York, who later became King James II of England (and James VII of Scotland), created Britain's greatest slave empire known as the Royal African Company, which transported between 90,000 and 100,000 African slaves to the Caribbean and American colonies between 1672 and 1689.


Time to give NY the CHAZ hands! Silence equals violence.


Quote from: Gd5150 on June 12, 2020, 11:40:33 AM
New York, was named after York because King Charles II gave the land to his brother, James, the Duke of York (later James II). Some places, such as Hartford, Connecticut, bear an archaic spelling of an English place (in this case Hertford).

The Duke of York, who later became King James II of England (and James VII of Scotland), created Britain's greatest slave empire known as the Royal African Company, which transported between 90,000 and 100,000 African slaves to the Caribbean and American colonies between 1672 and 1689.


Time to give NY the CHAZ hands! Silence equals violence.
Absolutely. 😊


Quote from: K_Dubb on June 11, 2020, 11:27:52 PM
Dare I inquire what color you wore?
Ha. No thanks. This is an interesting fact of which I was unaware. Apparently Speilberg was wanting to direct, but Friedkin ended up doing it. I was aware of the really bizarre deal of the real homo serial killer appearing in The Exorcist and so later Friedkin made Cruising.


Former UT President tore down statues in the dark of night a few years ago- without input from students, alumni, or Regents. Now there are calls to rename buildings, rename Memorial Stadium, and ban "Eyes of Texas" by a scholarship 'student'  athlete. And also to have dedicated Black 'student' Athlete History Museum.


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