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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM

Quote from: ItsOver on July 11, 2020, 09:45:43 AM
Dayum.  No doubt something from a Chinese bioweapon lab... err, I mean "wet market," again.  I wouldn't put it past those bastards to purposely dump something into the general 'stan/ PRC population to decimate the World, as long as they had a vaccine for the hallowed ChiCom party members.  Look how well CoronaChan has done at screwing things over.  Hell, the ChiComs can easily sacrifice millions of Chinese for the good of the state. 

Well nothing on GLP, ATS, Reddit, /pol/ or twitter that I can find.  This source raised the alarm about Wuhan in early January before it all blew up so we'll see. Keep you ear to the ground and your powder dry thread.  30% kill rate is on par with MERS or hantavirus.

Now I did find this on GLP posted by a guy called Furry Buddy.  Not really relevant but I can't see how it fights disease either.

QuotePelosi pushing a farm bill to legalise sexual relations with farm animals!
The "Farm Evoloution[sic] Copulatory Indiscretion Act" is designed to break down moarl[sic] barriers that prohibit spiritual developement for evoloution.

It will pass the house but she may wait until after the november elections to introduce.

Biden has already expressed his approval.


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on July 11, 2020, 10:23:52 AM
Well nothing on GLP, ATS, Reddit, /pol/ or twitter that I can find.  This source raised the alarm about Wuhan in early January before it all blew up so we'll see. Keep you ear to the ground and your powder dry thread.  30% kill rate is on par with MERS or hantavirus.
I'll keep partying in my bunker until I get the "all clear" from Lee.


Kazakhstan denies the Chinese reports.
That’s about like a GM saying he has complete confidence in the football coach who’s 1-10.

Quote from: Juan on July 11, 2020, 10:56:37 AM
Kazakhstan denies the Chinese reports.
That’s about like a GM saying he has complete confidence in the football coach who’s 1-10.
Maybe that is it Juan.  Kazakhstan is a 'stan after all.


Quote from: Juan on July 11, 2020, 10:56:37 AM
Kazakhstan denies the Chinese reports.
That’s about like a GM saying he has complete confidence in the football coach who’s 1-10.
Ha!   Not to worry, though.  It's the "Ka-shoo Flu"... or "non-COVID pneumonia"... or we don't really know what the hell it is. 

"The statement originally referred to “Kazakhstan pneumonia” but this wording was later changed to “non-COVID pneumonia”."

Rest assured, wearing a mask, 6 foot distancing, and not breathing will no doubt stop it.


I do hope this new strain does not spread to either Tjk'stn or Krg'stn, lovely countries.

I honestly enjoyed my Kyrg'stan visit, driving past old Soviet buildings that had profound lack of maintenance was delicious...



The below photo of John Ritter demonstrates his prescience in anticipating the time when face masks might be required apparel at one’s favorite watering hole.  Even though the ability to ingest one’s preferred libation through one’s nostrils is a hard-won skill requiring many long hours of practice, recent events have proven its value.  I do not regret having put in the required effort notwithstanding the expressions of revulsion and ridicule I suffered during many a happy hour.


That hit me in the feelz, kid...

I recall better daze:


Quote from: pate on July 11, 2020, 02:43:19 PM
That hit me in the feelz, kid...

I recall better daze:



Quote from: Walks_At_Night on March 27, 2020, 01:09:52 PM

I started at page 1 an hour or two ago to find this.  Worth it.


Asuka Langley

boomer and fatty miracle cure discovered Rosegirl now has a chance at surviving this 99% survivable flu



Quote from: Kidnostad3 on July 11, 2020, 12:56:36 PM
The below photo of John Ritter demonstrates his prescience in anticipating the time when face masks might be required apparel at one’s favorite watering hole.  Even though the ability to ingest one’s preferred libation through one’s nostrils is a hard-won skill requiring many long hours of practice, recent events have proven its value.  I do not regret having put in the required effort notwithstanding the expressions of revulsion and ridicule I suffered during many a happy hour.
First, Ritter's untimely passing. Then the evil lunatics were trying to ban straws everywhere, not long ago.  THEY knew what was coming.  The bastards.


Quote from: Asuka Langley on July 11, 2020, 05:37:40 PM
boomer and fatty miracle cure discovered Rosegirl now has a chance at surviving this 99% survivable flu

As long as Rosegirl and Heater Wade survive the plague, Mankind will have a suitable legacy.


Quote from: albrecht on July 11, 2020, 08:46:35 AM
Jurisdictional purposes, not property. So crimes (as well as normal any crimes on actual tribal owned land) will be prosecuted by the Feds or by Tribal courts- not by the State of Oklahoma courts. And only for "tribal citizens." So essentially a new "separate but equal" by the Court, maybe? Apparently some previous convictions might have to be retried or just quashed. So if they revert to old ways and start a scalpin' and a rapin' they will only be tried by fellow Injuns or in Federal court.

Your privilege is showing, Meine Herr.  You are judging their culture.


Quote from: ItsOver on July 11, 2020, 05:45:48 PM
As long as Rosegirl and Heater Wade survive the plague, Mankind will have an unsuitable breeding pool. legacy.


Killing yourself could prevent spread of Coronavirus, experts say -CNN


Quote from: paladin1991 on July 11, 2020, 07:23:26 PM
You are judging their culture.

NEGATIVE GHOST RIDER. Your quoted example represents discernment.

Quote from: paladin1991 on July 11, 2020, 07:23:26 PM
Your privilege is showing, Meine Herr. 

Do you even know how long you've been on Double Secret Probation, Officer? cuz I think you pretty much lost all your checkered privilege privileges quite a while ago, Buddy.

Bring me my new Audi immediately. Do something useful in the battle to save your world from the ravages of gender dimensional war for a change. How hard is this? Make sure it has a nice stereo too.


Quote from: Tootsie on July 11, 2020, 07:51:04 PM
Killing yourself could prevent spread of Coronavirus, experts say -CNN

Texas is literally the first time I've laughed out loud at one of your posts so congrats I appreciate it

I guess Disney is back open.  Red did a good job here in not getting herself busted up.



Quote from: Jackrabbit on July 11, 2020, 07:54:31 PM
NEGATIVE GHOST RIDER. Your quoted example represents discernment.

Ooooooo.  Thank  you!  I  feel so privileged by your display of privilege in 'splaining to me.


Quote from: Asuka Langley on July 10, 2020, 05:07:07 PM


And all the poor bastard was doing was looking for a can of Vienna sausages, FFS.

Probably horseshit but worth keeping an eye on:

FROM CONSPIRACY TO COVER-UP: Chinese Scientist`s from Wuhan Defect to the West- Are We Ready For The Truth?

Edit:  Looks  like the only source is Bannon.  YMMV

New Zealand to quarantine people 'for months, maybe years' as COVID-19 rages around world - epidemiologist Michael Baker  ;)


Sounds some have had enough:

QuoteThe latest escapee, a person in their 60s, broke the window of the Waipuna Hotel in Auckland on Friday and climbed out of the building. They then scaled the fence and began to knock on the doors of neighbouring homes.

Their escape is the fourth since last Saturday, when a woman scaled two fences to escape from Auckland's Pullman Hotel. She was out of isolation for more than an hour.

Of course the article  headline is kind of a troll in that 14 day quarantines will go on for years.


Pretty cool rapid spectroscopy test for covid. Have to see if it holds up to further testing.


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