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Coronavirus 2020

Started by MV/Liberace!, January 23, 2020, 11:29:38 PM

analog kid

Quote from: ItsOver on April 17, 2020, 09:28:29 AM
I don't watch Fox, Cheetah.  Keep flinging your poo, if you have any left over from your breakfast.

Sure you don't.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 17, 2020, 09:57:13 AM
Oh please, you're the biggest pussy on BG. You shy away from the slightest challenge, you pathetic mannikin.

Please! Guys physically threatening people over the internet? Even a fag like you must see how gay that is. ::) ::)



Well, here we go! People who were doing just fine before this are having their lives ruined over this shit. ::)


Honestly, I'm happy. No guvmint checks. But amazing opportunities to clean up stuff. Go through old boxes, attic, garage- now super organized. Yard prestine. Amazing. And fun to sort, and throw some, stuff. Re-read Xmas letters, sort photos, sharpen tools, bust yer head on rafters, figure awesome ways to break, cut, n shove stuff in bins for fitting in, and waiting on bated breath if they will be. (Rumors says trucks have weight limit to cans.)


Quote from: Hog on April 16, 2020, 07:06:58 AM
No, I would go in there and help them and hold their hands, PPE or not, but I'm the selfless type.

That's the problem, people walk around thinking they are "healthy". 
If you're an overweight fat fuck(70.7% of Americans are overweight/obese), BUZZ. 

Got diabetes(11% of United States citizens do with 17% of Appalachans afflicted), BUZZ. 

Had surgery within the last couple years, BUZZ.

There were Long Term Care Facility residents that were discovered wearing 3 or 4 diapers because Personal Support Workers wouldn't remove soiled diapers, clean the person up and apply new garments.  Not afraid enough not to come to work and punch in, but "too afraid" to do their fucking job while there.

I'm going to type this out from my copy of Potter and Perry-Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing. This book is the standard for RPN/RN/RN-Extended Class(Nurse Practitioner), page 639 table 33-1. I paid $170 for it, so fuck the copyright. 

Course of Infection by Stage

1) Incubation period- this is the interval between the entrance of pathogen into  body and the appearance of symptoms (chicken pox 2-3 weeks, common cold-1-2 days, influenza-1-3 days, mumps 15-18 days)

2) Prodromal Stage
-Interval from the onset of non-specific signs and symptoms(malaise, low grade fever, and fatigue) to more specific symptoms(during this time, micro-organisms grow and multiply and the client may be more capable of spreading disease to others)

3) Illness Stage
-Interval when the client manifests signs symptoms specific to the type of infection (eg-common cold is manifested by a sore throat, sinus congestion, and rhinitis(runny nose), mumps is manifested by ab earache, high fever and swelling of the parotid and salivary glands.

4) Convalescence
-Interval when the acute symptoms of infection disappear and the body tries to replenish its resources and return to a state of homeostasis(a state of normal "balance"), the length of recovery depends on the severity of the infection and the client's general state of health(may take several days to MONTHS)

here's a pic of the parotid glands location

Regarding SARSCoV-2 treatment as related to BMI "Some 42.4 percent of people with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 were able to go home after successful treatment, compared with 56.4 percent of patients with a BMI of less than 25."

Pardon me, what do the paratid glands have to do with all this?

If you ever wondered how partisan people were you now have your answer.

Really it isn’t good for anyone. Like literally the finger pointing and blame game is completely unacceptable. The inability to get the small business funding which both sides actually want but prefer to grandstand tells you are current political system should not continue it it’s current form.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 20, 2020, 01:01:26 AM
If you ever wondered how partisan people were you now have your answer.

Really it isn’t good for anyone. Like literally the finger pointing and blame game is completely unacceptable. The inability to get the small business funding which both sides actually want but prefer to grandstand tells you are current political system should not continue it it’s current form.

What are you proposing?

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 20, 2020, 01:04:00 AM
What are you proposing?

Bellgab is one thing feel free to troll and flame, that’s par for the course.

But at the national level people act like leaders can just will more test, treatments, ppe, etc into existence. A lot of the anger is misdirected at the opposite political party of them. It’s pointless. The media, politicians, talking heads etc do nothing but make a bad situation worse.

Celebrities with the stay at home videos in their mansions aren’t helping either. Fuck them.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 20, 2020, 01:32:32 AM
Bellgab is one thing feel free to troll and flame, that’s par for the course.

But at the national level people act like leaders can just will more test, treatments, ppe, etc into existence. A lot of the anger is misdirected at the opposite political party of them. It’s pointless. The media, politicians, talking heads etc do nothing but make a bad situation worse.

Celebrities with the stay at home videos in their mansions aren’t helping either. Fuck them.

While I agree with most of what you’re saying I think the answer is probably just to get back to the constiutional fundamentals of what made this nation great in the first place rather than getting further away from them or scrapping them altogether; because if China is the shinning example of what the elites want for the world then God help us all.

Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 20, 2020, 01:37:59 AM
While I agree with most of what you’re saying I think the answer is probably just to get back to the constiutional fundamentals of what made this nation great in the first place rather than getting further away from them or scrapping them altogether; because if China is the shinning example of what the elites want for the world then God help us all.

China needs to be held accountable period end of discussion. They should be removed of the G7. The fact they are trying to tell the Middle East this is America’s fault is a real issue. There is no pretending they are a friend.

Funding small business is not something that should used as bargaining. Fund the damn program.

Also giving money to  small business is not somehow against libertarian ideal. If the government is forcing a business closed the closed business deserves to be compensated.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 20, 2020, 01:42:49 AM
China needs to be held accountable period end of discussion. They should be removed of the G7. The fact they are trying to tell the Middle East this is America’s fault is a real issue. There is no pretending they are a friend.

Funding small business is not something that should used as bargaining. Fund the damn program.

Also giving money to  small business is not somehow against libertarian ideal. If the government is forcing a business closed the closed business deserves to be compensated.

Don’t you remember the chorus of liberals wishing for economic collapse to get rid of the evil orange man? Well, here it is. It’s pretty clear they don’t care who gets hurt along the way as long as it’s not them. The ends always justify the means to by any means necessary communists.


Quote from: nooryisawesome on April 20, 2020, 01:42:49 AM
China needs to be held accountable period end of discussion. They should be removed of the G7. The fact they are trying to tell the Middle East this is America’s fault is a real issue. There is no pretending they are a friend.

Funding small business is not something that should used as bargaining. Fund the damn program.

Also giving money to  small business is not somehow against libertarian ideal. If the government is forcing a business closed the closed business deserves to be compensated.

China is not a member of the G7.

I agree with your sentiments about the small businesses but I struggle with the implementation.

The federal government didn’t shut down a single business.  The states did. When the federal government rushed through the CARES Act there were too many opportunities for companies that weren’t even closed down to take advantage of it.  Hedge fund managers, government contractors and law firms with less than 500 employees for example - they kept operating for the most part because they could, or in the case of government contractors were directed to telework.  These companies took advantage of the loans/grants which, to me, is an abuse of the program.  It should have been limited to businesses that were actually negatively affected and the grant portion should have been limited to proven actual losses in regular revenue.  Being made whole is one thing No business should be profiting from the shutdown unless they are providing essential services. 


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 15, 2020, 03:29:37 PM
That plane makes grown men weak at the knees, and no wonder. Fun fact: one of the names they considered for it was The Shrew. I think we can all be glad they picked the name they did!
German air-raid siren BLARING in background, over the loudspeaker could be heard "Achtung, Spitfire, Achtung Spitfire"

What a beautiful bird.



Quote from: Kidnostad3 on April 15, 2020, 01:35:42 PM
I've got one of those on left shoulder.   My sister got her's on her outer hip just above the joint as did other girls her age.    I suppose doctors did that to avoid visibly scarring someone who might be wearing a bare shouldered frock later in life.  My grandfather who fought in France in WWI had 5 or 6 such vaccination scars.

Women on the hip, men on the shoulders, it makes corpse sorting or "to be corpse" sorting much easier.

May peace be with your Grandfather. My Grandfather couldn't fight as a childhood accident left him with a single functioning eye.

The original "vaccines" were merely pus drawn from the pustules associated with certain diseases and injected creating these scars.  Of course this was very early vaccine research.



Quote from: WOTR on April 16, 2020, 03:13:57 PM
I always think when I see somebody around 80 that a "little" extra weight is a good thing. When you see the 98lb individuals, they have absolutely no reserves to get them to the state where they can recover. Of course, that "little" extra weight has limits. Somewhere before "Senda size"- and usually it is a mix of muscle and fat.
That's what I always thought as well.  Onan had the same opine in an old Gabcast as well.  It is amazing what the human body can take.



Quote from: Hog on April 20, 2020, 05:29:54 AM
Women on the hip, men on the shoulders, it makes corpse sorting or "to be corpse" sorting much easier...

You must be a real joy on the medical front.

Looks like crude oil futures are down about 38% this morning - currently at $11.37 a barrell.   Could we see single digits?


Might be time to get a little something under the hood again.   :)

Edit: Still a dropping:


Quote from: Jojo on April 20, 2020, 12:22:34 AM
Pardon me, what do the paratid glands have to do with all this?
In an evidenced based sense, nothing.  But due to their proximity to certain cranial/facial nerves, I was curious if any inflammation of the parotid or salivary nerves(which are affected in mumps) MAY have something to do with with symptoms of odd taste, smells/sensations of olfactory system involvement. The early taste/smell symptoms associated with SARSCoV-2 which causes COronaVIrus Disease discovered in the year 2019(COVID-19) are interesting.

I supplied pictures mainly so people knew where they were and what the hell I was rambling on about. Viruses are NOT living things, you can't KILL what is not dead.

A virus is exactly like a simple thumb drive, on its own it cant do anything. However when someone picks it up and introduces it into their body, the virions which are NOT destroyed via your immune system infect healthy cells and actually "reprogram" your own body to NOT attack it as your body now identifies it as a "friendly".  Without a host a virus is merely a package of carbs/proteins/fats and nucleic acids. 

PLAIN OLD SOAP with water(any temp-too hot merely helps to strip natural oils) and 20 seconds of vigorous rubbing.  The soap actually degrades the lipid Bilayer of the cell(in effect its cell membrane) and allows its "guts" to be exposed. Further deactivating the virus.
There were these reports of the virus being found weeks after one of those death cruise ships was empty. Their swabs detected the RNA of SARSCOV-2.  If you took a shotgun and blasted someone with "00" buckshot in your kitchen, left for 3 weeks then came back, would you not expect to have that corpses "guts" still contaminating the scene? Of course.  Same for viruses. Prescence, does NOT equal ability to infect.  Because viruses are not living, the term "deactivated" is more suitable.


Virus classification
Phylum-Incertae sedis
Family- Coronaviridae
Species-Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus(SARS-CoV or SARSr-CoV)
Strain- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

SARSCOV-2 is made up of BASE PAIRS of amino acids which compose DeoxyriboNucleic Acids(DNA) and RiboNucleicAcids(RNA)

DNA-Is composed of base pairs comprised of Gâ€"Câ€"Aâ€"T.  adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.  DNA comprises your typical "double helix" shape.

RNA-Like DNA, RNA is assembled as a chain of nucleotides, but unlike DNA, RNA is found in nature as a single strand folded onto itself, rather than a paired double strand. In RNA is comprised of base pairs of adenine, guanine, cytosine and uracil. As you can see with RNA DNA's thymine is substituted for uracil.
See how the RNA folds on itself

Here is a Watson-Crick base pair.

"Although each individual nucleotide is very small, a DNA polymer can be very large and contain hundreds of millions, such as in chromosome 1. Chromosome 1 is the largest human chromosome with approximately 220 million base pairs, and would be 85 mm long if straightened."

Digitally colourised scanning electron micrographs of SARS-CoV-2 virions (yellow) emerging from human cells cultured in a laboratory.

Out of all the base pairs of these 2 Corona viruses SARSCOV-1(caused 2003 epidemic) and SARSCOV-2 causing the 2020 pandemic, ONLY 5 base pairs are different.

Anyone here on ACE inhibitors for hypertension/kidney protection?  I am and the same binding sites in my lungs where my Coversyl(peridopril) exerts its action is the same sites where SARSCOV-2 infiltrates.
If a person keeps their "binding sites", (binding site is the lock and the drug/virus is the key, and only certain keys fit in certain locks) full(insert a key a break the key off) could infection by the virus be prevented?
It works for receptor sites in the brain.  A person with a heroin/morphine/codein, fentanyl addiction is put on Suboxone or Methadone.  This fills the receptor sites with buprenorphine(Suboxone/Subutex) or Methadone, and will prevent any effects from any other opiates, so long as they arent as strongly attracted to the receptor sites than the Suboxone/Methadone you could take a truckload of opioid drugs and not feel a thing.  Drugs like Fentanyl and the stronger fentanyl analogues like Carfentanil can kick out the blocking substance(methadone/suboxone) and allow the fentanyl analogue to attach and exert its opioid agonist action on the individual.
I'm sure someone is investigating this possibility blocking the "uptake" of the virus at the receptor level.



May 18th is our latest projected date for "relaxing social distancing" (ugh what an ugly phrase), a date clearly chosen to suppress the huge crowds that gather for syttende mai.  Somewhere a Swede is at the bottom of this.


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 20, 2020, 08:18:31 AM
May 18th is our latest projected date for "relaxing social distancing" (ugh what an ugly phrase), a date clearly chosen to suppress the huge crowds that gather for syttende mai.  Somewhere a Swede is at the bottom of this.


They usually are...................


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 20, 2020, 08:28:41 AM
They usually are...................

Oh that is horrible.  Bravo!


Quote from: K_Dubb on April 20, 2020, 08:18:31 AM
May 18th is our latest projected date for "relaxing social distancing" (ugh what an ugly phrase), a date clearly chosen to suppress the huge crowds that gather for syttende mai.  Somewhere a Swede is at the bottom of this.

One notes that they didn't do a "lockdown" during the virus, helping the spread. Hydrocarbon prices are spiraling downward (they always jealous of Norway's reserves and sovereign wealth fund.) And they also were so-called "neutral" in WWII.


I'd never thought WWIII would originate in Scandinavia, but the idea of a bloody Norsk-Sverige conflict is certainly promising. We might even get rid of K_Dubb if he decides to strap on his glittery bandoliers and go fight for his pseudo-countrymen like some pansified Lord Byron. Cut down in a hail of frozen meatball fire.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 20, 2020, 09:50:56 AM
I'd never thought WWIII would originate in Scandinavia, but the idea of a bloody Norsk-Sverige conflict is certainly promising. We might even get rid of K_Dubb if he decides to strap on his glittery bandoliers and go fight for his pseudo-countrymen like some pansified Lord Byron. Cut down in a hail of frozen meatball fire.

Which side will the Danes throw their lot in with?    The whole world wonders...............


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 20, 2020, 09:59:08 AM
Which side will the Danes throw their lot in with?    The whole world wonders...............

I'm hoping they form a temporary alliance with Stockholm and wipe those bastards out permanently. Mine the fjords. Outlaw lutefisk. I want that whole place left a bleeding cinder.


Quote from: albrecht on April 20, 2020, 09:37:26 AM
One notes that they didn't do a "lockdown" during the virus, helping the spread. Hydrocarbon prices are spiraling downward (they always jealous of Norway's reserves and sovereign wealth fund.) And they also were so-called "neutral" in WWII.

You are so right!  The very statistics they cite to support their approach, like the high percentage of Swedes who live alone, coupled with their already-enormous regard for personal space and individual alienation, makes them supremely fit for this new bid at world domination, except that instead of champions of Protestantism they are now proponents of godless evolutionary theory, nature red in tooth and claw.  They have already positioned themselves with widespread secularization of churches!  If ever there were a race to take a coldly sanguine view of culling the herd, it would be the Swedes.  Passionless, cynical bastards.  I believe they would push their own Nanas off a cliff if nobody was looking.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 20, 2020, 09:50:56 AM
I'd never thought WWIII would originate in Scandinavia, but the idea of a bloody Norsk-Sverige conflict is certainly promising. We might even get rid of K_Dubb if he decides to strap on his glittery bandoliers and go fight for his pseudo-countrymen like some pansified Lord Byron. Cut down in a hail of frozen meatball fire.

I would cut a magnificent figure and you know it!  It would be worth it, gravy stains and all.  Alt for Norge!


Quote from: Walks_At_Night on April 20, 2020, 09:59:08 AM
Which side will the Danes throw their lot in with?    The whole world wonders...............

The Danes are always with us.  Lusty seafaring folk holding out against Germany the way we do with the Swedes.  In the backs of all our minds are the heady days of King Canute and the European empire everyone else forgot.

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