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Richard Groypers' Bellgab Podcast

Started by Lilith, April 07, 2019, 01:07:54 PM

Quote from: Kizuna Ai on April 18, 2019, 05:28:16 PM

r u saying George Senda dindu nuffin?

really gets the noggin' joggin'

indeed. time will tell.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 18, 2019, 04:49:39 PM
years of accepted Falkie lore could be tossed, no, THROWN out the window.

Follow it.

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 18, 2019, 05:31:26 PM
indeed. time will tell.

If i have learned anything from watching Georges videos it that he is a selfless man that would do anything to save kitty's from a kill shelter holocaust.

Quote from: Kizuna Ai on April 18, 2019, 05:39:37 PM
If i have learned anything from watching Georges videos it that he is a selfless man that would do anything to save kitty's from a kill shelter holocaust.

Mr. Senda is a SAINT!


What did Rally do now? He's a simple man that sells Tchotchkes at flea markets...I admire him.

Quote from: chefist on April 18, 2019, 08:38:41 PM
What did Rally do now? He's a simple man that sells Tchotchkes at flea markets...I admire him.

Rally did not like Brig making a musings thread about his videos, and that is 90% of it.

I did ask her not to do it and I did use profane language, mostly for humor never anger. I mean the phrase "fuck Brig with Senda’s flaccid mayo encrusted penis." is funny, you got to admit that.
Later in Erinn's thread I saw a video where she said she was not happy about getting a Bellgab thread. She did say go ahead and do it but with all the enthusiasm of a woman laying back and saying "fine, just do it but please don't hit me." People here saw it differently.

Well I said my piece and that is it, apparently that is a tantrum and implosion. Anyways I am pleased that the thread about my stuff is dead and should be buried soon, I do appreciate that.

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 19, 2019, 03:28:24 PM


GOOD LAWD ALMIGHTY! Betty White is actually a illegal Mexican lucha libre wrestler HOLY SHID!

brb calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement, FUG!

Quote from: Kizuna Ai on April 19, 2019, 03:54:05 PM
GOOD LAWD ALMIGHTY! Betty White is actually a illegal Mexican lucha libre wrestler HOLY SHID!

brb calling Immigration and Customs Enforcement, FUG!


Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 19, 2019, 03:28:24 PM


Super sleuthing there Sherlock, your skills rank right up there with Damon.

Who would have guessed that I was your anonymous source and your reader has began and ended with looking at things I post here and in Ellgab. Dig deeper Chachi there are much more salacious things that I have posted.

Oh and BTW, that is me working as a scare actor at a haunt in Holistet, Ca. I had a blast.

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on April 19, 2019, 04:27:50 PM
Dig deeper Chachi there are much more salacious things that I have posted..

thank you for giving me permission to proceed, Greg. stay tuned!


Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 19, 2019, 04:38:57 PM
thank you for giving me permission to proceed, Greg. stay tuned!

I'm hooked!  I'm a Fan!!!

Always looking forward to your next vid!

BREAKING: former BellGabber & "elf king" Damon will be a featured in the next episode of RICHARD GROYPER INVESTIGATES!

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 19, 2019, 10:58:42 PM
BREAKING: former BellGabber & "elf king" Damon will be a featured in the next episode of RICHARD GROYPER INVESTIGATES!



Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 19, 2019, 10:58:42 PM
BREAKING: former BellGabber & "elf king" Damon will be a featured in the next episode of RICHARD GROYPER INVESTIGATES!

I'm intrigued!!!!

Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 19, 2019, 10:58:42 PM
BREAKING: former BellGabber & "elf king" Damon will be a featured in the next episode of RICHARD GROYPER INVESTIGATES!

I will just put out this info. I once emailed Damon photo proof that Falkie called me by mistake, he thought he was calling Abram but he picked up a pizza receipt that had my number on it. The number was given to Chiefist and he made a classic "Detective" phone call.
Fast forward to over a year later and Damon is messaging me on Facebook. He claimed he used my email to find the page.
One problem, I used a different email for Facebook.
So yes, Damon did stalk me because he wanted to be buddies and I found it creepy as fuck. So enjoy the interview with mush mouth as he tells you all his deep dark secrets about me.

Quote from: Rally Squirrel on April 20, 2019, 01:18:26 AM
I will just put out this info. I once emailed Damon photo proof that Falkie called me by mistake, he thought he was calling Abram but he picked up a pizza receipt that had my number on it. The number was given to Chiefist and he made a classic "Detective" phone call.
Fast forward to over a year later and Damon is messaging me on Facebook. He claimed he used my email to find the page.
One problem, I used a different email for Facebook.
So yes, Damon did stalk me because he wanted to be buddies and I found it creepy as fuck. So enjoy the interview with mush mouth as he tells you all his deep dark secrets about me.

Damon and i are not in contact. however, he has piqued my interest due to information passed along to me from an anonymous source. all i can say at this time is--it paints Damon in a very poor light. very scandalous indeed.

stay tuned!


Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 20, 2019, 02:31:44 PM
Damon and i are not in contact. however, he has piqued my interest due to information passed along to me from an anonymous source. all i can say at this time is--it paints Damon in a very poor light. very scandalous indeed.

stay tuned!


Quote from: brig on April 21, 2019, 01:23:31 PM


wow! thanks for posting this so quickly, brig. 👍🏻

also a big thank you to all the anonymous sources out there. my PM's are always open. 


Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 21, 2019, 02:00:55 PM
wow! thanks for posting this so quickly, brig. 👍🏻

also a big thank you to all the anonymous sources out there. my PM's are always open.

No need to thank meeeee  groyper.  It is I who thank YOU!  You are my favorite YouTuber EVER!

#LitCity #LookAtThemTiddies


Quote from: Richard Groyper on April 21, 2019, 05:16:15 PM
#LitCity #LookAtThemTiddies


There is a reason he is mad at me, and it is pathetic. Here is the back story. Falkie calls himself "The Guy From Pittsburgh" and if you doubt that he is from Pittsburgh he loses his shit. Well Damon said he was from Roseville, CA and I said there was no way that he was cool enough to be from Roseville. And even made the blatant comparison to Falkies need to prove his city of birth and how silly it is.
Damon flipped out so others said he was not really from there because it is a ridiculous thing to get bothered by. That is where his vendetta started.

You can even point out that no cares, that it is a joke and it is silly but as long as you say "Damon has never even been to Roseville" he will get triggered.

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