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Democrat Candidates

Started by albrecht, January 27, 2019, 07:39:54 PM


Quote from: albrecht on December 04, 2019, 03:35:23 PM
She is coughing again. A signal she might decide to enter the race, after all? As some have predicted.


She needs to stop hitting the bong...and to stop being a communist.


Funny how these convenient and beneficial "glitches" happen in politics, surveillance equipment and security cameras, social media, and in financial trading,

"finance and media group Bloomberg said Thursday it fixed what it termed a glitch in its market information terminals that directed users to presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg's campaign website" 



Bloomberg and the other DNC billionaire candidate refuse to financially disclose! And uses legal filings to do so! A party of the people! Social Justice!



Quote from: albrecht on December 05, 2019, 06:31:36 PM
Funny how these convenient and beneficial "glitches" happen in politics, surveillance equipment and security cameras, social media, and in financial trading,

"finance and media group Bloomberg said Thursday it fixed what it termed a glitch in its market information terminals that directed users to presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg's campaign website" 


Well since he’s a presidential candidate the DOJ investigating “the glitch” is off limits as it would be construed by the communist Democrat media/party as “bribery”, “treason”, and “abuse of of power”, power by that orange man TDrumofththrjrft.

Maybe the Democrats can have Ukrain investigate the Bloomberg servers again.


Another one bites the dust but, while quitting, claims to "keeping fighting".....by quitting? Juan Castro- out and good riddance. 


Williamson, has fired all staffers.


Bernie, the pro-Soviet avowed socialist, has raised the most money in the Democrat field. 



Quote from: albrecht on January 02, 2020, 10:06:50 PM
Another one bites the dust but, while quitting, claims to "keeping fighting".....by quitting? Juan Castro- out and good riddance..

Looks like contributions to his campaign petered out. Hey, isn’t Castro the asshole who published the names of local contributors to Republican campaigns.  Hallelujah!  There is a God and he gets even with Dirty Democrats!!!


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on January 03, 2020, 06:31:00 PM

isn’t Castro the asshole who published the names of local contributors to Republican campaigns.

Modify message
Yes, well I seem to recall maybe it was his twin brother who did it but, likely, at his behest? I forget he is so not-on-the-radar that I've stopped following his news.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on January 03, 2020, 06:31:00 PM

Looks like contributions to his campaign petered out. Hey, isn’t Castro the asshole who published the names of local contributors to Republican campaigns.  Hallelujah!  There is a God and he gets even with Dirty Democrats!!!

Not the way I see it.


Not sure if all his ads are working, he gets a boost from all the reporting on "anti-semitic" attacks, his news and information services skew reporting and polling, or the even more crazy and further-left candidates are scaring some voters but diminutive billionaire Bloomberg has gained in the polls in the DNC race according to reporting by The Hill. 

the Hill, apparently, is for sale. Maybe Bloomberg could buy and use as another asset? 



Williamson....out.  >:(   I hope she comes back on C2C to dish the dirt about the DNC.   



Quote from: albrecht on January 11, 2020, 02:21:03 PM
Williamson....out.  >:(   I hope she comes back on C2C to dish the dirt about the DNC.   


I'm just wondering if she's angry with the Universe for not providing her with sufficient campaign funds and a favorable media.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on January 11, 2020, 03:05:14 PM
I'm just wondering if she's angry with the Universe for not providing her with sufficient campaign funds and a favorable media.
She is going to send a storm to the racist DNC in revenge.   



The diminutive billionaire candidate starts off his bus tour here.  Apparently with former judge and current tv personality, and fellow tribeswoman, in tow. I did not attend but just find it hilarious that a billionaire is going on a bus tour. 



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 01, 2020, 05:53:49 PM


This is must-see-tv.   A Great Reckoning is coming and its name is Lindsay Graham.  Standby for blood letting on a biblical scale. Woe to all who pisseth in the ear of the American People and abide not in the Constitution!  No prisoners!!!



I can't remember anything from his last presidential run or time as Secretary of State, so that's probably not something in his favour.

John Kerry overheard discussing possible 2020 bid amid concern of 'Sanders taking down the Democratic Party'
QuoteIt's not clear how serious Kerry was on the call about jumping into the race. But that he would even discuss the possibility suggests that prominent members of the Democratic Party remain deeply unsettled by the current field, Sanders' strength in the polls and the ability of any candidate to defeat President Donald Trump.


Quote from: Taaroa on February 03, 2020, 08:02:00 PM
I can't remember anything from his last presidential run or time as Secretary of State, so that's probably not something in his favour.

John Kerry overheard discussing possible 2020 bid amid concern of 'Sanders taking down the Democratic Party'https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/john-kerry-overheard-discussing-possible-2020-bid-amid-concern-sanders-n1128476

I still think Hillary is waiting in the wings but the diminutive billionaire might have taken that wind out of her sails. the "Des Moines Register" and CNN spiked their traditional polling information and rumors are flying everywhere as to why, with various candidates' surrogates spreading (mis)information to Caucus members. The DNC or State Party also initiated 'apps' into the already chaotic process which are already having flaws, or allowing rigging.  DNC has also changed some rules to help eliminate certain candidates and allow Bloomberg (or potentially others in the future) onto debates, caucuses, primaries. I think, not sure, that they were rules against Bernie and Chang, mostly.

It is a fun process to watch.


Democrat Party has totally Fd up the Iowa caucuses. Guess they’re having issues rigging the count again.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on February 02, 2020, 11:57:59 AM

A Great Reckoning is coming and its name is Lindsay Graham. 

Hooo boy. I'll believe that when I see it.


Quote from: Gd5150 on February 03, 2020, 11:07:00 PM
Democrat Party has totally Fd up the Iowa caucuses. Guess they’re having issues rigging the count again.


Ha!  Yeah, that's put this clown party in charge of completely fucking up the country.  ::)


Quote from: ItsOver on February 04, 2020, 07:16:47 AM

Ha!  Yeah, that's put this clown party in charge of completely fucking up the country.  ::)

Mayor Pete comes out and claims victory in Iowa despite no results having been released.  Meanwhile, the Bernie campaign releases internal metrics showing them winning handily with 40% of the vote counted.  As this is all happening, hashtags like #MayorCheat are trending, and I'm seeing DNC cleanup crews letting everyone know it's the Russians promoting those hashtags in order to divide the democrats.  Haha, holy hell, this election is going to be every bit as entertaining as 2016.



Quote from: Liberace! on February 04, 2020, 08:21:02 AM
Mayor Pete comes out and claims victory in Iowa despite no results having been released.  Meanwhile, the Bernie campaign releases internal metrics showing them winning handily with 40% of the vote counted.  As this is all happening, hashtags like #MayorCheat are trending, and I'm seeing DNC cleanup crews letting everyone know it's the Russians promoting those hashtags in order to divide the democrats.  Haha, holy hell, this election is going to be every bit as entertaining as 2016.


#DNCCORRUPT  They'll do anything to stop Bernie  :'(

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