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Democrat Candidates

Started by albrecht, January 27, 2019, 07:39:54 PM

Quote from: Jackstar on March 01, 2020, 05:19:12 PM

Who could have allowed this?

Corona-Chan allowed it.............   She tempted him and he relented. 


Quote from: Jackstar on March 13, 2019, 12:29:37 AM
It's going to be Trump v. Bernie and Bernie will take a dive, just like last time.


Minnesota Klo next, then the squaw.  I expect Biden will just end up as a Silver Alert.


KRON and AP report Mayor Pete is pulling an Art.


Asses in seats for the debates. Trump craves an audience and the Sanders/Warren clown show is going to bring just that.


Quote from: Jackstar on March 01, 2020, 05:44:43 PM

Tots playing those numbers on the next Powerball drawing...


Romanian subtitles added as a speshul bonus!




Go back to your tribe of beer chugging phony pony riding windians BEYOTCH!!!
Yes, I have a little bit of contempt for this mofo and I hope she gets an indictment right along with Biden... Not sure about Bernie yet. He is definitely compromised.... We shall see.


Klobuchar has joined Buttgieg, Yang, ,and Steyr  in pulling an Art. She, like Buttigig, is endorsing one of the Bidens.  Apparently Obama made a "late night call" to Buttigeig and then he dropped out. Bloomberg's news reports. No mention of any quid pro quo or if Obama's "late night call" was a booty-call. 




Pete and Amy quitting just before Super Tuesday is certainly strange. Why not ride it out? I smell a Clinton.

The DNC is for anyone but Bernie, so has called upon weaker candidates to drop out and back Bloomberg or Biden; neither of whom can beat Bernie nor Trump.  The trouble for the DNC, is that when Bernie wins the nomination, which he inevitably will, that the DNC will then have shifted, too far left to include swing voters.

Four more years.


Quote from: Juan on March 02, 2020, 02:51:19 PM
Pete and Amy quitting just before Super Tuesday is certainly strange. Why not ride it out?

If Biden doesn't get the nomination it is disaster for Them--Buttigieg and Klobuchar have exactly zero chance of winning against Trump and absolutely everyone knows it. Their only chance for anything like survival is Trump v. Biden, and then to claim the election was "rigged" when Biden inevitably flops.

Once Sanders gets the nomination, attention inevitably extends to Sanders' last nomination getting straight up stolen by the DNC. This is not a story that They want further attention focused on. Thus, all in on Biden. What choice do They have left?

Quote from: Juan on March 02, 2020, 02:51:19 PM
I smell a Clinton.

The obvious hidden fight here is Biden/Clinton v. Sanders/Warren. There are still those who believe that if Hillary can get VP, they will be spared the noose. It's amazing what one can believe in when one is in a state of utter desperation.


Quote from: Stupid Robbings on March 02, 2020, 03:23:26 PM
The DNC is for anyone but Bernie, so has called upon weaker candidates to drop out and back Bloomberg or Biden; neither of whom can beat Bernie nor Trump.  The trouble for the DNC, is that when Bernie wins the nomination, which he inevitably will, that the DNC will then have shifted, too far left to include swing voters.

Four more years.
I don't think that I can find any fault in that reasoning. I'm pretty certain that is exactly how it will play out.


I can't wait to see what "Nooooooo! 2.0" or "NOooooo!:  Reloaded" looks like.

apropos of nuthin, I bet that dude wishes he had gotten a haircut before watching the election resluts.  Must suck to get turned into a meme...



Quote from: Jackstar on March 02, 2020, 04:24:40 PM

The obvious hidden fight here is Biden/Clinton v. Sanders/Warren. There are still those who believe that if Hillary can get VP, they will be spared the noose. It's amazing what one can believe in when one is in a state of utter desperation.


Speaking of Hilliary.  (My monthly contribution to Judicial Watch may be the best investment I've ever made.)


Pro-Trump group shuns Obama's cease-and-desist letter with fiery response
Jack Davis, The Western Journal   
March 3, 2020

A South Carolina super PAC that drew the ire of former President Barack Obama for using his words in a way he didn't like fired back with gusto after getting a cease-and-desist letter from Obama's lawyer.

The 30-second ad sponsored by the Committee to Defend the President was entitled "Enough Empty Promises."

The ad pushed back against Biden's claims that he supported black Americans, and included a voice-over from Obama reading a segment of his 1995 memoir, "Dreams from My Father."


"Plantation politics, black people in the worst jobs, the worst housing, police brutality rampant. But, when the so-called black committeemen came around election time, we'd all line up and vote the straight Democratic ticket, sell our souls for a Christmas turkey," Obama said in the ad.

In response, Obama had the legal firm Perkins Coie demand, in Obama's name, that the group take down the ad.

Instead of compliance, the Wednesday letter triggered a response aimed at the firm, which according to The Washington Post helped facilitate the now-infamous and discredited anti-Trump dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele.

The Committee to Defend the President's letter from attorney Dan Backer told Perkins Coie that "your mere assertion that you represent the rightsholders in this matter is untrustworthy, given your firm’s alleged participation in potentially unethical acts on behalf of political clients."

"I refer specifically to your firm’s willful participation as a most-likely-unlawful conduit to conceal  payments made by Hillary Clinton’s campaign committee(s) and the Democratic National Committee -- not for legal services, but for financing the involvement of foreign nationals and foreign government intelligence assets to interfere in American elections through the salacious and discredited Steele Dossier. Shame on you," Backer wrote on Friday, demanding proof that the firm actually represents Obama.

The letter defended the ad as a "truthful and accurate portrayal of Joe Biden’s disrespect of African Americans in precisely the way described and discussed in President Obama’s novel."

The video was a "lawful expression of political speech, and CDP has complied with all applicable laws and regulations governing its advocacy activity. CDP’s use of any third-party content contained in this advertisement is either directly licensed or falls within the well-established principles of fair use of copyrighted material and is thus not an infringement as you unjustifiably allege," the letter said.

"The use of Obama’s recording clearly critiques and comments on the issues surrounding Democratic politics in relation to the African American community in precisely the way discussed in the book, reverberating across the decades since Joe Biden entered  politics over forty years ago, to Chicago’s election of Harold Washington thirty-seven years ago, and remain arguably unchanged today as Joe Biden campaigns to be President," it added.

The letter accused Perkins Coie of "banal attempts to abuse the legal process and shut down grassroots-driven  political speech your firm disagrees with," and characterized the cease-and-desist letter as "wholly un-American."

The group then said that it would respond as free Americans do when they feel wronged -- double down on what the other side objects to.

"Our commitment to free political speech is absolute," the letter said.

"Thus, in response to your outrageous attempt to disrupt the sharing of  political ideas you disagree with to African American voters, CDP will not only refuse to take 'Enough Empty Promises' down but will distribute this advertisement to an additional 50,000 South Carolina Democratic primary voters."

The letter closed by challenging Perkins Coie to take the matter further.

"Should you feel compelled to continue this Brobdingnagian waste of my client’s time defending this frivolous attempt to suppress free speech, I look forward to the extensive depositions of your client and his various ghostwriters necessary to resolve the matter," the letter said.

The fictional land of Brobdingnag was part of the Jonathan Swift novel "Gulliver's Travels."

As used by Backer, it means "large."

Biden won South Carolina's Democratic primary on Saturday.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.



Quote from: Stupid Robbings on March 03, 2020, 02:37:13 PM
Pro-Trump group shuns Obama's cease-and-desist letter with fiery response
Jack Davis, The Western Journal   
March 3, 2020

A South Carolina super PAC that drew the ire of former President Barack Obama for using his words in a way he didn't like fired back with gusto after getting a cease-and-desist letter from Obama's lawyer.
That Firm, Perkins Coie, should be investigated- and thoroughly. They have been connected, either primarily or tangentially, to a lot of 'interesting' clients, groups, connected corporations, politicians, and political scandals.


Looks like it’s Bernie. Classic showdown: communism vs capitalism. Llllllllllet’s get ready to rumblllllllle!!!


I spoke too soon. Looks like Biden is stumbling through a victory speech now, saying Look! a lot! He actually started talking about dreamers but then stopped and backed up and said he wasn’t going to go there. Strange. Of course, he’s claiming that president Trump and all his supporters are racist haters. He also said he wants to heal the division between the parties, by which he means that he wants RINOs to follow the Dem agenda once again. Good luck with that! He’s a stumble bum who just barely got through that without totally embarrassing himself once again. Look! ::) ;D


I know it is pocket change and, in all seriousness Mini-Mike is taller when he is sitting on his wallet, but still. Spend that much money and win....a few delegates from America Samoa? I would LOVE to see him in some pictures with some of those yuuge Samoans. Mini-Mike make SuperFly Snuka look like Andre the Giant!

"And now entering the squared circle the undefeated team- the "Protectors of the Earth!!" Mini-Mike, hailing from the battlefields of Wall Street, and Jimmy "The Superfly" Snuka born in the head-hunting jungles of Samoa!!!"


Our incredible team in American Samoa, who calls themselves "Protectors of the Earth," not only got out the vote but took time out of their day to clean up a park.

Together, we will elect a president who believes in climate change.

Thank you all for all that you're doing.
â€" Mike Bloomberg (@MikeBloomberg) March 3, 2020 


Elizabeth Warren Loses Home State of Massachusetts â€" In THIRD Place


I can hardly wait to see what Pocahontas has to say after losing big on her own reservation.  Heap bad medicine!


Minnie Mike takes a hike. Didn't measure up. Big Gulps safe. Film at 11:00.



So really... It now comes down to Biden and Bernie? I have to say that out of the two, Biden would stand a better chance against Trump. But Bernie would be more fun to watch.


It should be hilarious to watch senile, gaffe-a-minute Joe in a debate with President Trump.


Quote from: ItsOver on March 04, 2020, 11:24:33 AM
It should be hilarious to watch senile, gaffe-a-minute Joe in a debate with President Trump.

With his landslide win on super Thursday Biden fires up the troops! “ We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing“. Look out you lying dog faced pony soldiers!


Quote from: Gd5150 on March 04, 2020, 11:36:12 AM
With his landslide win on super Thursday Biden fires up the troops! “ We hold these truths to be self-evident. All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing“. Look out you lying dog faced pony soldiers!
Ha!  Last time it was an alky, disease-ridden old biddy now it looks to be a creepy, corrupt, senile old codger.  You'd think the demonrats could at least dig up someone that wasn't a prime candidate for a nursing home.


Warren is obviously playing the coronavirus card. She’ll step back, isolate herself, and when the two geezers get the virus, she’ll be in line.

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