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Bomb..bomb..bomb, bomb bomb, DC

Started by Gd5150, October 24, 2018, 10:31:17 AM


Quote from: Jackstar on October 25, 2018, 11:30:55 AM
A gatekeeper's worst nightmare. I didn't even vote for Trump, suckers!!

No but you knew he’d win and repeatedly said so before the election; and so, in that way, you were instrumental in getting him elected. Thanks for your participation! ;)


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 25, 2018, 12:23:57 PM
She’s the direct threat to our democracy.

Atleast she's wearing thin...


Quote from: Gd5150 on October 25, 2018, 10:26:01 AM
We can only hope that when they catch that evil “bomb” maker they have an extensive social media presence that hasn’t been “scrubbed”. Otherwise it’ll confirm the nutjob was Christine Blasey Ford since she’s the only person in the history of the world with a “scrubbed” social media history.

I remember a time when making a fake bomb got you into the White House to meet the President, a bunch of scholarships, and the spotlight as a "media darling."
My, oh my, the times, they are a changin'...


Quote from: WeinerInHand on October 25, 2018, 12:42:22 PM
I remember a time when making a fake bomb got you into the White House to meet the President, a bunch of scholarships, and the spotlight as a "media darling."
My, oh my, the times, they are a changin'...

It’s good to see that despite your afiliation with that turd site you’re not a complete reprobate. ;)


Anyone remember this bombing being covered at all? I don’t.

Trump JR owns CNNs joke Jim Acosta.


I do not recall seeing any coverage, thankfully his tweet has revived it:


A Massachusetts man has been charged after Donald Trump Jr.'s family and others received threatening letters with suspicious powder last month, the US attorney for Massachusetts announced Thursday.

The criminal complaint filed by US attorney Andrew Lelling's office said Daniel Frisiello, 24, was charged with five counts of mailing a threat and five counts of false information and hoaxes. The announcement said Frisiello was arrested Thursday morning and is scheduled to appear in federal court in the afternoon.

The complaint said investigators were able to identify Frisiello by tracing a glitter bomb he ordered with his name to one of the people who also received the suspicious powder.


Quote from: Metron2267 on October 25, 2018, 01:00:40 PM
Weiner's good peeps.

Yeah but he kinda jumped the shark with the whole NPCgab thing. I think I have warrant to bust his chops on this. ;)


This has been a great opportunity for the media to show themselves fools.


Quote from: Juan on October 25, 2018, 02:21:21 PM
This has been a great opportunity for the media to show themselves fools.
Most of them do that quite well on a daily basis.


The media is expecting evidence in the “bombings.” It will be hard to find evidence on “bombs” assembled in CIA clean rooms.


Quote from: ItsOver on October 25, 2018, 04:54:36 PM
Most of them do that quite well on a daily basis.

Joe looks just like Beavis. Mika not so much like Butthead.

Quote from: ItsOver on October 25, 2018, 04:54:36 PM
Most of them do that quite well on a daily basis.

Zbigniev's demon spawn deleted this tweet after she was reminded that humans care about love and family.


Quote from: Juan on October 25, 2018, 04:57:10 PM
Joe looks just like Beavis. Mika not so much like Butthead.
Ha!  He does.


Quote from: ItsOver on October 25, 2018, 04:50:10 PM


So, clearly wasn't going to vote for them.

I did feel that there was a possibility that he would have helped industrialize hemp. Hemp, motherfuckers, not just the medicine part. It is the strongest, most durable, and cost-effective fiber on the planet, and its continual demonization is proof positive that undeniably despicable forces of evil still hold undue sway over the affairs of Men on this planet.

I do not regret my votes. Besides, things have worked out okay for everyone now, right? In fact, knowing what I know now, I would certainly vote the same way again. Bad, but still the lesser of the three scumbags.

Change my mind.


Quote from: malachi.martini on October 25, 2018, 05:03:40 PM

Zbigniev's demon spawn deleted this tweet after she was reminded that humans care about love and family.

I think someone skipped empathy class that week. :D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 25, 2018, 12:57:53 PM
It’s good to see that despite your afiliation with that turd site you’re not a complete reprobate. ;)

Hahaha - not complete!


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 25, 2018, 02:14:30 PM
Yeah but he kinda jumped the shark with the whole NPCgab thing. I think I have warrant to bust his chops on this. ;)

Praise BE!

Quote from: Jackstar on October 25, 2018, 05:33:25 PM
I did feel that there was a possibility that he would have helped industrialize hemp. Hemp, motherfuckers, not just the medicine part.

[joe roganisms intensify]

Quote from: Jackstar on October 25, 2018, 05:33:25 PM
Bad, but still the lesser of the three scumbags.

Accelerationism would have been consistent across all these shills, implying otherwise is masturbatory.

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