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Ask Liberace! Anything

Started by Lilith, October 11, 2018, 08:10:37 AM


Quote from: Liberace! on October 11, 2018, 10:46:23 AM
I personally like Dave.  I've spoken with him privately (oh my!) on a few occasions and felt like we had a really solid rapport.  I hope he succeeds, despite the contempt I feel for the low frequency people he's chosen to work with.

I listen to him when he has a topic on I like.  I found him to be a very different person to talk to one on one, than is apparent in his hosting personality.

Although I find him hard to listen to, I wish him only the best in life.

Quote from: brig on October 11, 2018, 10:47:29 AM
Bart had given me the smites as a gift, only to ban me later.  I wear my "PUT OUT TO PASTURE" avatar, with pride.   ;D

what was the deal with that? why was he so anti brig?


Quote from: brig on October 11, 2018, 08:17:27 AM
Dear Liberace,

What do you think of the Bartcast?

I haven't heard it, but based on the host roster, I'm sure it's juuuuuuust tops.


Quote from: Richard Groyper on October 11, 2018, 10:49:21 AM
what was the deal with that? why was he so anti brig?

I can only speculate.  He seemed to not appreciate my comments about free speech, and my opinion that the DMDN Fansite is nothing like Bellgab.

Maybe Bart will post, and tell us himself.

Quote from: brig on October 11, 2018, 10:54:43 AM
I can only speculate.  He seemed to not appreciate my comments about free speech, and my opinion that the DMDN Fansite is nothing like Bellgab.

Maybe Bart will post, and tell us himself.


it's time to bring back GABBING NOW!


Quote from: Jackstar on October 11, 2018, 10:41:46 AM

Frankly nothing special compared to several of my ex-s.

Wear it with PRIDE!


Quote from: Liberace! on October 11, 2018, 10:50:13 AM
I haven't heard it, but based on the host roster, I'm sure it's juuuuuuust tops.

The guests didn't help it much I don't think. Mostly DMDN show hosts.  I could be wrong.

You haven't missed anything.


Quote from: Liberace! on October 11, 2018, 10:48:55 AM
His name is Cleet.  He's a Sagittarius.

Would you like to tell us more about this?

Is he a Bellgabber?

We could troll him for you if you like.


Quote from: Liberace! on October 11, 2018, 10:43:57 AM
I don't listen to it.  I can't take more than about 45 seconds of her faux Art Bell delivery.  It's the most creepy, awkward, cringe inducing thing I've ever heard, EVER.  I wish I could go back in time to visit with the Heather Wade (Redacted) of five years ago and play a clip of it for her.  I think she's a terrible person who is devoid of talent and riddled with poorly concealed self hatred and feelings of inadequacy.  Her attempts at hiding the pain with an outward veneer of confidence are too much for me to take.  So fake.  I've never heard a more disingenuous presentation.

Pretty accurate synopsis.


Quote from: brig on October 11, 2018, 08:18:43 AM
Dear Liberace,

What color is your new drum set?  Can we see a picture?

This is it:


Quote from: brig on October 11, 2018, 08:21:57 AM
Dear Liberace,

Do you think Ellgab sucks?

Well, I guess I naturally do since it's run in the same way as a million other awful forums.  It doesn't get my vote, but I suppose it's fine for some people.  There's a place for it in the world.


Dear Liberace,

Do you like cats?


I would like to do a GabCast some-thyme, unfortunately the best I have for a microphone is a questionable mobile-phone earbud thing, and maybe an ancient bluetooth earbud, maybe.

Lately I have been thinking of doing a podcast.  I have decided, if I go down this path to embrace my innate ability to make "bad radio."  My goal being to be recognized, bar none, the #1 worst radio personality.

I will sink past the Noarees, the Reds, the Dietrichs, the Mycheals and Hoaxsters all.

I vow that the world will tremble before my suckage.  My ability to produce uncomfortable lengthy periods of dead air with occasional mysterious background noises, barking dogs and the occasional passing emergency vehicles will be unsirpassed.

My segues into non-sequitors and inane banal interjections will be Noareesque.

My hot-mic commercial breaks will be legend.

On air bathroom breaks, singing in the shower and perhaps even a live remote driving in rush-hour traffic while simultaneously botching an interview with a special big-name guest that no-one has ever heard of (I am thinking one of the local mentally disturbed homeless guys).

But first, I would like some training. eMCee will you grant me the opportunity one day?  I have heard you on air with some of radios biggest names in radio suck (Noaree & Red spring to mynd immediately, YP and the other Anglais dude as well).

I am not saying you suck, mind you, just that you seem to have some magical power to bring out that attribute in co-hosts.  I think you might be able to assist me in my goal of being the #1 bad radio personality worldwide.

I want to beat the fat eff, I will dig a hole to set the bar really low for myself if I have to.

I guess my first step is to set up a GoFundMe page for a podcast microphone.  Would you be a dear and do that for me eMCee?

I will PM you my home address.  TIA.



Quote from: brig on October 11, 2018, 11:15:47 AM
Dear Liberace,

Do you like cats?

I like and respect them as living beings sharing this existence with us, but I think they make for terrible pets and a dirty home.


Quote from: pate on October 11, 2018, 11:30:31 AM
I would like to do a GabCast some-thyme, unfortunately the best I have for a microphone is a questionable mobile-phone earbud thing, and maybe an ancient bluetooth earbud, maybe.

Lately I have been thinking of doing a podcast.  I have decided, if I go down this path to embrace my innate ability to make "bad radio."  My goal being to be recognized, bar none, the #1 worst radio personality.

I will sink past the Noarees, the Reds, the Dietrichs, the Mycheals and Hoaxsters all.

I vow that the world will tremble before my suckage.  My ability to produce uncomfortable lengthy periods of dead air with occasional mysterious background noises, barking dogs and the occasional passing emergency vehicles will be unsirpassed.

My segues into non-sequitors and inane banal interjections will be Noareesque.

My hot-mic commercial breaks will be legend.

On air bathroom breaks, singing in the shower and perhaps even a live remote driving in rush-hour traffic while simultaneously botching an interview with a special big-name guest that no-one has ever heard of (I am thinking one of the local mentally disturbed homeless guys).

But first, I would like some training. eMCee will you grant me the opportunity one day?  I have heard you on air with some of radios biggest names in radio suck (Noaree & Red spring to mynd immediately, YP and the other Anglais dude as well).

I am not saying you suck, mind you, just that you seem to have some magical power to bring out that attribute in co-hosts.  I think you might be able to assist me in my goal of being the #1 bad radio personality worldwide.

I want to beat the fat eff, I will dig a hole to set the bar really low for myself if I have to.

I guess my first step is to set up a GoFundMe page for a podcast microphone.  Would you be a dear and do that for me eMCee?

I will PM you my home address.  TIA.


I now charge a $100 fee for any "help me podcast" requests.


Quote from: pate on October 11, 2018, 11:30:31 AM
I would like to do a GabCast some-thyme, unfortunately the best I have for a microphone is a questionable mobile-phone earbud thing, and maybe an ancient bluetooth earbud, maybe.

Lately I have been thinking of doing a podcast.  I have decided, if I go down this path to embrace my innate ability to make "bad radio."  My goal being to be recognized, bar none, the #1 worst radio personality.

I will sink past the Noarees, the Reds, the Dietrichs, the Mycheals and Hoaxsters all.

I vow that the world will tremble before my suckage.  My ability to produce uncomfortable lengthy periods of dead air with occasional mysterious background noises, barking dogs and the occasional passing emergency vehicles will be unsirpassed.

My segues into non-sequitors and inane banal interjections will be Noareesque.

My hot-mic commercial breaks will be legend.

On air bathroom breaks, singing in the shower and perhaps even a live remote driving in rush-hour traffic while simultaneously botching an interview with a special big-name guest that no-one has ever heard of (I am thinking one of the local mentally disturbed homeless guys).

But first, I would like some training. eMCee will you grant me the opportunity one day?  I have heard you on air with some of radios biggest names in radio suck (Noaree & Red spring to mynd immediately, YP and the other Anglais dude as well).

I am not saying you suck, mind you, just that you seem to have some magical power to bring out that attribute in co-hosts.  I think you might be able to assist me in my goal of being the #1 bad radio personality worldwide.

I want to beat the fat eff, I will dig a hole to set the bar really low for myself if I have to.

I guess my first step is to set up a GoFundMe page for a podcast microphone.  Would you be a dear and do that for me eMCee?

I will PM you my home address.  TIA.


I would listen, maybe even be your number one fan!


Dear Liberace,

Do you still watch Falkie2013 YouTubes?


Dear Liberace,

Would you consider ongoing efforts to help Falkie achieve his dream of having his own show?


Dear Liberace,

Would you be open to the possibility of reopening the Falkie Fortress, to bring Falkie back to Bellgab?


Quote from: Liberace! on October 11, 2018, 11:34:34 AM
I now charge a $100 fee for any "help me podcast" requests.

It should be $500.



How did you feel about having your entire website cloned and renamed?

Did you consider a cease and desist or takedown?


Quote from: brig on October 11, 2018, 11:40:37 AM
Dear Liberace,

Do you still watch Falkie2013 YouTubes?

i was never a regular viewer of his videos.  i might occasionally take a quick peek if there's something specific that gets heavily mentioned on this forum, but otherwise, i don't follow it or him.

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