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Twitter Censorship

Started by Norm, January 21, 2018, 12:49:08 AM


Quote from: Gd5150 on January 21, 2018, 06:42:49 PM

Cant argue with irrefutable evidence like that.

Get an adult to search for #ReleaseTheMemo on Twitter.

Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 07:13:17 PM
Et tu Ibby? A generalized condemnation of Progressives? And about facts of all things?

Je suis très déçu de toi

That's your prerogative. I used to be a shit lib too until I got "woke". Liberalism is a cult. You need to think for yourself. That goes for people the right as well.

Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 21, 2018, 07:19:24 PM
Get an adult to search for #ReleaseTheMemo on Twitter.

Why don't you do it?


Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 07:13:17 PM
Et tu Ibby? A generalized condemnation of Progressives? And about facts of all things?

Je suis très déçu de toi

C'est une dommage, le pauvre vache.

But she was probably huffing paint again so I don't take it to heart.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 21, 2018, 05:29:26 PM
By the way, ever bothered to check whether the premise of this thread is true? It isn't.

I finally got curious to see what all the hoopla by right wingnuts was all about. You know, fact checking. Imagine my lack of surprise. Belongs somewhere between Pizzagate, Unmasking and Obama's wiretapping. The memo is a much better prop unreleased; as soon as you see the actual sizzle it will fizzle. Btw Trump could get it released by the wave of one teeny hand

Right-wing demand to 'Release the Memo' endorsed by Russian bots, trolls - Euronews

WASHINGTON â€" The latest attempt by some Republicans in Congress to discredit the Trump-Russia investigation has been embraced by Russian bots and trolls on social media.

At issue is a classified memo written by House GOP staffers that purports to describe abuses in FBI surveillance practices, but has been denounced by Democratic lawmakers as deeply misleading.

House Republicans have described the revelations in the memo as "worse than Watergate," and are demanding its release. The story is getting major coverage by right-leaning news organizations, including Fox News, Breitbart, the Washington Examiner and the Daily Caller.

The Republican message is being amplified by Russian propagandists, according to independent experts.


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on January 21, 2018, 07:23:42 PM
Why don't you do it?

I did. The last time I checked there were over 6000 in one hour.


Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 07:26:09 PM
I finally got curious to see what all the hoopla by right wingnuts was all about. You know, fact checking. Imagine my lack of surprise. Belongs somewhere between Pizzagate, Unmasking and Obama's wiretapping. The memo is a much better prop unreleased; as soon as you see the actual sizzle it will fizzle. Btw Trump could get it released by the wave of one teeny hand

Right-wing demand to 'Release the Memo' endorsed by Russian bots, trolls - Euronews

WASHINGTON â€" The latest attempt by some Republicans in Congress to discredit the Trump-Russia investigation has been embraced by Russian bots and trolls on social media.

At issue is a classified memo written by House GOP staffers that purports to describe abuses in FBI surveillance practices, but has been denounced by Democratic lawmakers as deeply misleading.

House Republicans have described the revelations in the memo as "worse than Watergate," and are demanding its release. The story is getting major coverage by right-leaning news organizations, including Fox News, Breitbart, the Washington Examiner and the Daily Caller.

The Republican message is being amplified by Russian propagandists, according to independent experts.

Independent experts! LOL! ;D


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 21, 2018, 07:24:58 PM
C'est une dommage, le pauvre vache.

But she was probably huffing paint again so I don't take it to heart.

Très amusant.  True story. I had a French boyfriend that once said to me, "tu parles Française comme une vache espagnole". I was not amused


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 21, 2018, 07:32:41 PM
Independent experts! LOL! ;D

Go ahead and laugh, traitor to your country. Still being scammed by Russian scammers. And liking it "Cause it feeels sooo gooood." Ridiculous


Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 07:26:09 PM

Standard lemming cut and paste. Surprised you could find time with your mouth locked on svendies dumper.



Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 07:40:38 PM
Go ahead and laugh, traitor to your country. Still being scammed by Russian scammers. And liking it "Cause it feeels sooo gooood." Ridiculous

You're ridiculous! Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! ;D



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on January 21, 2018, 07:32:41 PM
Independent experts! LOL! ;D

What other part of the article do you disagree with? That Republicans are demanding the release of their own memo? That it was written by GOP staffers? in an attempt to discredit the Trump-Russia investigation? Tell me, oh ignorant one?

And anyone trying to block the investigation into an ongoing attempt by a hostile foreign government to disrupt and discredit free democratic elections in his own country is a traitor. Trump or no Trump


Quote from: Gd5150 on January 21, 2018, 07:43:33 PM
Standard lemming cut and paste. Surprised you could find time with your mouth locked on svendies dumper.


You continue to be an idiot. Say something smart. I dare you


Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 07:48:50 PM
What other part of the article do you disagree with? That Republicans are demanding the release of their own memo? That it was written by GOP staffers? in an attempt to discredit the Trump-Russia investigation? Tell me, oh ignorant one?

And anyone trying to block the investigation into an ongoing attempt by a hostile foreign government to disrupt and discredit free democratic elections in his own country is a traitor. Trump or no Trump

I'd just suspect everyone and start killing immediately. It's the only way!  :-\

Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 21, 2018, 05:29:26 PM
By the way, ever bothered to check whether the premise of this thread is true? It isn't.

I've seen enough Left-wing censorship from Twitter that it doesn't really matter if this particular case is true.

If it had been a one time thing, this thread would have gone a lot differently


Run for your lives! The Russian Twitter bots are coming!

This comes down to whether people believe in net neutrality or not.  I thought the nationwide concensus is we do.  I do.  Turns out the progressive fascists in Silicon Valley only want the portion that doesn't interfere with their plans

This whole thing - which became a huge deal at one point - was all just about internet speeds?  Really?  I sure don't recall that being the case, until the internet trusts and the Obama Administration got together and redefined it to just that.  And predictably surprisingly enough, somewhere along the way the fake news media signed on to support their redefinition as well. 

And then not a peep from any of those industry ''creatives'', who had been full-throatedly in favor of true net neutrality at the beginning.  You know:  angry, demanding ''justice'', on the march against ''corporations'' and ''greed''.  Then, nothing.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 21, 2018, 08:27:41 PM
This comes down to whether people believe in net neutrality or not.  I thought the nationwide concensus is we do.  I do.  Turns out the progressive fascists in Silicon Valley only want the portion that doesn't interfere with their plans

This whole thing - which became a huge deal at one point - was all just about internet speeds?  Really?  I sure don't recall that being the case, until the internet trusts and the Obama Administration got together and made it about just that.  And predictably surprisingly enough, somewhere along the way the fake news media signed on to promote that as well. 

And then not a peep from any of those industry ''creatives'', who had been full-throatedly in favor of true net neutrality at the beginning.

Ajit Pai did a really good interview with Joe Pags in December, but his position had not changed since this one last spring.


There are several layers of protection without these FCC regulations. The interviewer tries to use an example where a Canadian telecom blocked access to a website - as if our FCC regs would govern what goes on in Canada.

All this talk about speed - how come with net neutrality Comcast can charge different rates for different speeds on cable internet?  Isn’t that throttling?  Why, yes it is.

I do not like any industry being regulated by unelected bureaucrats for their core business models. It is too subject to change based on who is in charge and leads to onerous bureaucracies with civil servants trying to justify their existence.

Quote from: GravitySucks on January 21, 2018, 08:54:40 PM
Ajit Pai did a really good interview with Joe Pags in December, but his position had not changed since this one last spring...

I don't think he agrees with me, so...

Quote from: GravitySucks on January 21, 2018, 08:54:40 PM
... I do not like any industry being regulated by unelected bureaucrats for their core business models. It is too subject to change based on who is in charge and leads to onerous bureaucracies with civil servants trying to justify their existence.

All regulations are conducted by unelected bureaucrats.  FDA, health departments, SEC, zoning, building codes, workplace safely, the licensing of professionals - such as doctors... and all the rest.  Since we need certain regulations, it's a trade off like anything else.

What I would like to see changed is the regulatory agencies making up regulations with no underlying legislative support; or the practice of encouraging non-government organizations to sue, then settling out of court with new regulations in favor of plaintiff demands.

The elected legislature passes general laws, and the relevent agencies write up specific regs to comply with those laws.  They aren't supposed to be going beyond that, but they've gotten way out of control in doing so.

Quote from: GravitySucks on January 21, 2018, 08:54:40 PM
... I do not like any industry being regulated by unelected bureaucrats for their core business models. It is too subject to change based on who is in charge and leads to onerous bureaucracies with civil servants trying to justify their existence.

The companies we're talking about are among the worst corporate citizens.  Google, FakeBook, and others like them collect our personal information without our consent, and use it for their own benefit, including selling it.  Comcast and some of the other conglomerates that provide ISP service have content and cable monopolies, and their horrible service and outrageous fee schedules reflect that. 

Net neutrality regulations are an easy call.  I'm to the point of considering whether some of them should be broken up.


Quote from: GravitySucks on January 21, 2018, 08:54:40 PM

All this talk about speed - how come with net neutrality Comcast can charge different rates for different speeds on cable internet?  Isn’t that throttling?  Why, yes it is.

Yep. And that’s how it should be. You get what you pay for, free market. And we all benefit by competition and lower prices because of it.

If we’re going to ban that. Then we need to ban search engines charging more to be listed at the top. And we need to ban internet retailers for charging more to be listed at the the top.

If all ISP speeds should be equal then shouldn’t everyone’s computers be as well. We should all get the exact same computer, tablet, phone, regardless of what we can afford. And all colleges should have to admit all students regardless of their intelligence and grades. And they should all have to charge the same amount. And we should all get paid the same weather we work or not. Let’s just all live in a harmonious equalness of crap. Whoops I just gave away the progressive lefts Marxist dream.


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 21, 2018, 09:38:14 PM
The companies we're talking about are among the worst corporate citizens.  Google, FakeBook, and others like them collect our personal information without our consent, and use it for their own benefit, including selling it.  Comcast and some of the other conglomerates that provide ISP service have content and cable monopolies, and their horrible service and outrageous fee schedules reflect that. 

Net neutrality regulations are an easy call.  I'm to the point of considering whether some of them should be broken up.
I don't have the data but heard claims that when Standard Oil was allowed the real oil prices were better than when broken up. Also interesting price levels when electricity was "free marketed" here compared to areas in which it wasn't. I do know that a real AT&T phone has a louder ring and easier to slam down on politicians doing robocalls and salesman interrupting dinner than the phones made now- if one even has a landline (at AT&T was still charging people for the "lease" even after Bell was broken up.) Not saying monopolies are good in all cases, though sometimes they are or even naturally occur, but it is interesting. There also could be, in some cases, I think, to go back to the idea (not the form) of corporations having a "royal" almost charter with some limitations or review over time and not just shareholders, but public in some cases? I'm not full on this but have some idea on it and pros/cons.
ps: not a fan of many regulations either especially since most are mad by unelected bureaucrats with almost no accountability and so many are a form of regulatory capture for certain interests.  www.federalregister.gov


Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on January 21, 2018, 07:23:00 PM
That's your prerogative. I used to be a shit lib too until I got "woke". Liberalism is a cult. You need to think for yourself. That goes for people the right as well.

So interesting, Ibby. The cult thing is exactly what I think of the Trumpbots. I certainly don't see a lot of independent thinking. Trump says "fake news",  fake news it is. The kneelers hate the military, ok. McCain is a shitbag, oh yeah. The Russia thing is just a hoax, of course! Fox "News" and Breitbart, et al are in the bag for Trump. They are propaganda rags that tell you that only Rush and Hannity and Alex really are the only ones that know the truth, sounds good. This "memo" is just the latest example of your ilk getting taken in, echoing to  other "independent" thinkers and thinking the whole world is wrong. Without any independent research and fact checking or corroboration - outside the echo chamber. And there are innumerable examples of the same thing

I don't think this all applies to you personally.  You are smart enough to pretty much avoid the politics thread so not sure where you stand on many of these issues. So from someone like you I like and respect it unsheaths my claws to be lumped in as an "unthinking liberal"  and part of some cult? Cult? Have you met me?

I will fold up my soapbox now and go hither unto the night and listen to some good ole Knapp. Have a good one, Ibby


Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 11:34:33 PM
So interesting, Ibby. The cult thing is exactly what I think of the Trumpbots. I certainly don't see a lot of independent thinking. Trump says "fake news",  fake news it is. The kneelers hate the military, ok. McCain is a shitbag, oh yeah. The Russia thing is just a hoax, of course! Fox "News" and Breitbart, et al are in the bag for Trump. They are propaganda rags that tell you that only Rush and Hannity and Alex really are the only ones that know the truth, sounds good. This "memo" is just the latest example of your ilk getting taken in, echoing to  other "independent" thinkers and thinking the whole world is wrong. Without any independent research and fact checking or corroboration - outside the echo chamber. And there are innumerable examples of the same thing

I don't think this all applies to you personally.  You are smart enough to pretty much avoid the politics thread so not sure where you stand on many of these issues. So from someone like you I like and respect it unsheaths my claws to be lumped in as an "unthinking liberal"  and part of some cult? Cult? Have you met me?

I will fold up my soapbox now and go hither unto the night and listen to some good ole Knapp. Have a good one, Ibby

It's the arrogance and audacity in your own behavior that you don't seem to see. All you ever do is regurgitate party line talking points that your deep state controlled media tell you to and you accuse us of being unoriginal thinkers. Hoo boy! ::) ;D

Quote from: GravitySucks on January 21, 2018, 08:54:40 PM
... All this talk about speed - how come with net neutrality Comcast can charge different rates for different speeds on cable internet?  Isn’t that throttling?  Why, yes it is...

I think where speed comes in, at least for me, is when an ISP that has content of their own deliberately slows the download speed of their competitors content - like, say, Comcast ISP limiting the speed of Netflix movie downloads.

Of course they should be able to charge customers different rates for different amounts of content download, and higher rates for higher download speeds


Quote from: PB the Deplorable on January 21, 2018, 11:42:25 PM
I think where speed comes in, at least for me, is when an ISP that has content of their own deliberately slows the download speed of their competitors content - like, say, Comcast ISP limiting the speed of Netflix movie downloads.

Of course they should be able to charge customers diferent rates for different amounts of content download, and higher rates for higher download speeds

But the situation you described was what was not supposed to happen under Obama’s rules. 

They couldn’t throttle anyone - which is understandable. But they couldn’t enhance a portion of the network to make it faster for some content without making it faster for everything which seems silly. 

If netflix wants to pay extra to get faster speeds and youtube doesn’t then that should be ok.

Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 11:34:33 PM
So interesting, Ibby. The cult thing is exactly what I think of the Trumpbots. I certainly don't see a lot of independent thinking. Trump says "fake news",  fake news it is. The kneelers hate the military, ok. McCain is a shitbag, oh yeah. The Russia thing is just a hoax, of course! Fox "News" and Breitbart, et al are in the bag for Trump. They are propaganda rags that tell you that only Rush and Hannity and Alex really are the only ones that know the truth, sounds good. This "memo" is just the latest example of your ilk getting taken in, echoing to  other "independent" thinkers and thinking the whole world is wrong. Without any independent research and fact checking or corroboration - outside the echo chamber. And there are innumerable examples of the same thing

I don't think this all applies to you personally.  You are smart enough to pretty much avoid the politics thread so not sure where you stand on many of these issues. So from someone like you I like and respect it unsheaths my claws to be lumped in as an "unthinking liberal"  and part of some cult? Cult? Have you met me?

I will fold up my soapbox now and go hither unto the night and listen to some good ole Knapp. Have a good one, Ibby

Let me help you out.  The mainstream media coined the term ''fake news'', in an attack on everyone else.  It blew up in their faces, as they are obviously heavily biased and a key component of the Democrat coalition - all the while claiming to be unbiased journalists.  The term fit them so well, half the country started referring to them by their own smear.  Trump didn't start that, they did.

As far as McCain, he's been a pain in the side of the Republicans for decades.  1) He loves being a media darling, and is happy to be a sellout to do so, and 2) he believes in general concensus among Senators regardless of party lines - he's willing to vote against the party positions for now, hoping to build bipartisan support down the road.  Unfortunately, the Ds play him for the fool he is, and never come around.  So he ends up thwarting his own party.  Again and again, over and over. 

It wouldn't be so bad if it was something he genuinely believed in, but it's always something he's personally campaigned on.  Like repeal of ObamaCare.  So yeah, people are beyond tired of his act and want him gone.  At this point some of us don't care how.  Again, wanting him gone didn't start with Trump.  Nothing to do with the military, veterans, or whatever else the pukes on the Left want to say about it.

Yeah, BLM and their supporters hate this country.  Listen to them, they'll tell you themselves.  It's not a coincidence they've gotten some fool supporters in the NFL to show their distain for this country during the pregame flag ceremony.  And yes, that includes the military who sacrifice to defend the flag and what it stands for.  One doesn't have to be too bright to figure that out, but it apparently does take a level of intelligence some simply don't have.  And again, Trump didn't start the trend of Americans telling these shitbag players what they thought of it, and he didn't tell them to stop attending and watching games.

As far as independent thinking, I have yet to hear one single thing from you that isn't straight out of the fake news media bubble.  Not one. 

Quote from: GravitySucks on January 21, 2018, 11:49:48 PM
But the situation you described was what was not supposed to happen under Obama’s rules...

Which is why they needed to be thrown on the garbage heap.  With the rest of his ''legacy''.


Quote from: TigerLily on January 21, 2018, 11:34:33 PM
So interesting, Ibby. The cult thing is exactly what I think of the Trumpbots.

The reason you and other lemmings are referred to as such is because you never say anything different from each other or the DemoKKKrat media. I have not seen a single left winger here, or in the media, say a single positive thing about Trump in over a tear. I’ve seen them whine a complain about anything and everything Trump has done.

Now take we the Trumpbots. I have criticized Trump on several occasions. The last being certain aspects of the tax plan. I’ve praised Obama’s speaking ability before he was the Democrat nominee. I’ve praised Oprah for being a positive influence. PB doesn’t even like Trump, but he is Republican. MD voted for Obama. Kindostad has been critical of Trumps bombastic behavior. Albrect seems to be the most well behaved and well spoken. And I know I’ve seen a few other “Trumpbots” offer criticism.

Not once, from anyone on the left, here or the DemoKKKRat media, have I seen or heard a single piece of open mindedness, praise for something Trump did, anywhere. The MLK memorial, he’s done plenty for minority businesses and women’s businesses. Just typical leftwing lemming insanity.

If left wingers want to be taken seriously, they’re going to have to approach things with a little more sanity and open mindednesss and lose the absurd Hitlarian crap. They can lose the Russian crap as well as it’s obvious to everyone with a brain that it’s a complete sham.

Anyways I really don’t care what the left does. Their policies are a proven failure and danger to our country. They’re anti freedom, anti individualism, and their leaders only care about acquiring political power. They have no platform, and I will continue to point this out until they present one.

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