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Alex Jones

Started by Frys Girl, April 07, 2009, 08:57:10 PM

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: West of the Rockies on April 24, 2013, 04:59:36 PM
Nicely put, Eddie.  Yes, for the rich and powerful and well-connected, life is one big revolving door.  Easy access to the best schools, easy access to good jobs.  They go from political office to a think tank or lobbying firm or to a position of authority with some multi-national (think Haliburton) or to some media outlet.  They slide pretty easily back into politics when the mood hits (and they're able to con enough voters).  It's all pretty damn discouraging.

It's the same here in the UK. Come general election time, the ministers who were instrumental in driving through policies that favour certain sectors (Defence industry for example); cite that they wish to step down from the front bench and "Spend more time with their family" (some have more than one, but I digress)..And by an incredible coincidence a few weeks/months later the same ex minister (but still a member of parliament-ministers are not allowed to hold business links) is on the board of a defence company.. The same goes for civil servants who incredibly retire due to illness (on full pension) and would you believe it, are well enough to be invited to the purchasing department of the same company they'd previously been negotiating arms procurements with, when they were a civil servant!

Back to Alex Asshole: may I make a suggestion? I'm in the UK, most of you are not, you're in the USA. Forget your Dem/Rep judgement on someone's character and get a consensus and get up a petition t bring Jones' to court on a charge of inciting (insert charge here-I'm not familiar with US federal law); and get this bloated bastard a new best friend inside who can't stand people with a voice sounding as if it's full of phlegm.  C'mon guys...you know you want to.. I'm serious..He's dangerous and his rantings have indirectly murdered and seriously injured dozens of people. He'd be arrested here probably under 'incitement to commit terrorism'. 

Just watched a 20-minute portion of Rachel Maddow eviscerating Jones, Drudge, and the other far-far-right whackos (who are now being quoted on more mainstream conservative pages and airwaves).  They are dangerous, ill-informed people.  Some people on this forum who pretty clearly lean right have done the right and necessary thing and identified Jones as a crackpot.  I'd like to see more such activity from the talking heads at Fox.  And for the record, Maddow said the left has its conspiracy weirdos, too, but that they are not being mainstreamed the way the rightwing conspiracy folks are. 

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: West of the Rockies on April 25, 2013, 06:35:09 PM
Just watched a 20-minute portion of Rachel Maddow eviscerating Jones, Drudge, and the other far-far-right whackos (who are now being quoted on more mainstream conservative pages and airwaves).  They are dangerous, ill-informed people.  Some people on this forum who pretty clearly lean right have done the right and necessary thing and identified Jones as a crackpot.  I'd like to see more such activity from the talking heads at Fox.  And for the record, Maddow said the left has its conspiracy weirdos, too, but that they are not being mainstreamed the way the rightwing conspiracy folks are.

I found and watched the fragrant Ms Maddow's eloquent appraisal. (Is it pronounced Maddow or Maddov?) Reading some of the comments posted reads similar to youtube. Partisan blindly following partisan irrespective of whether it's right or wrong. Just why do Americans judge others by who they voted for, or who they're registered as? It's a concept that would be laughed at in the UK; The idea of registering en masse to a particular political party. Sure you can join a party and have all the 'kudos' you think it may bring, but the vast majority of the electorate don't. In fact I've changed my mind who to vote for in the voting booth. Our system is different to yours, we don't have electoral colleges, but it's been discussed before so I won't do it again.

Could Jones be charged with treason? What I find typical but incredibly cowardly and disingenuous, is his denial of responsibility. He works up the hard of thinking and reactionary t possibly inflict great harm, but then claims it's a) nothing to do with him b) claims it's a conspiracy against him! Twat. The scary thing is when you have politicians taking the cunt seriously and quoting him as some sort of oracle.


I don't think Jones could be charged with treason.  That takes an overt act of some kind, and all he seems to do is run his mouth. He couldn't be charged with conspiracy because he doesn't shut up long enough for anyone else to conspire with him.

I also don't know that Jones is properly classified as right-wing.  He doesn't really fall on the left-right spectrum.  I think he's just an opportunistic bastard who's catapulted his paranoia to riches.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 26, 2013, 01:42:08 AM
Could Jones be charged with treason? What I find typical but incredibly cowardly and disingenuous, is his denial of responsibility. He works up the hard of thinking and reactionary t possibly inflict great harm, but then claims it's a) nothing to do with him b) claims it's a conspiracy against him! Twat. The scary thing is when you have politicians taking the cunt seriously and quoting him as some sort of oracle.

I would imagine the FBI has a file on Alex Jones.  Probably several volumes. 

Alex Jones is a kooky person, but harmless. I would be shocked if the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any intelligence/law enforcement agency,  is even remotely interested in anything he says or does. He`s a non-factor in the big scheme of things, as are virtually ALL other entertainer/radio hosts - left, right, center or neither.

Tinfoil Hat

Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 26, 2013, 08:11:55 AM
Alex Jones is a kooky person, but harmless. I would be shocked if the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any intelligence/law enforcement agency,  is even remotely interested in anything he says or does. He`s a non-factor in the big scheme of things, as are virtually ALL other entertainer/radio hosts - left, right, center or neither.

I think you're right, FTF. Alex Jones, C2C, Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow etc. are all just noise and only out there to sell ads. There are much more important things to be worried about.

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: Tinfoil Hat on April 26, 2013, 09:44:29 AM
I think you're right, FTF. Alex Jones, C2C, Rush Limbaugh, Rachel Maddow etc. are all just noise and only out there to sell ads. There are much more important things to be worried about.

Hmm, but what if he was responsible for making someone of the persuasion that the 'government is out to get ur guurns, and flood the streets with CIA/FBI/NSA/Klingons/Stormtroopers, etc' think that Jones and his ilk were some sort of leader of the 'freedom fighters' who took it on themselves to face martyrdom after killing maybe your family and friends, how would you feel? I agree he's a noisy loud mouthed ad. But I also think one day he will be the proven catalyst to mass murder; Then it will be people wringing hands, shuffling feet and muttering that they should have 'done something' to stop Jones. But then, it will be too late.

Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 26, 2013, 08:11:55 AM
Alex Jones is a kooky person, but harmless. I would be shocked if the FBI, CIA, NSA, or any intelligence/law enforcement agency,  is even remotely interested in anything he says or does. He`s a non-factor in the big scheme of things, as are virtually ALL other entertainer/radio hosts - left, right, center or neither.

For me, FtF, Jones IS dangerous because he is now being quoted in mainstream news (or semi-mainstream news).  That was the whole point Maddow was making.  Jones comes up with his False Flag nonsense, and suddenly Matt Drudge and a couple of the faces of Fox are discussing the idea.  According to Jones, Oklahoma City was the work of the U.S. gov, as was the Columbia shuttle disaster; 9/11; Aurora, Colorada; the Newtown massacre; and the Boston Marathon bombing. 

You also have knuckleheads like Beck making specious claims and demanding that the U.S. government prove his claims wrong.  Does he not get how American justice works?  (Innocent till proven guilty.)

Yes, these guys are grifters (or possibly true believers who learned that grifting pays well!).  But when they spew horseshit and some unstable person takes their words as true and acts on them, bad things happen.... 

Noory is harmless.  Jones is not.


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 26, 2013, 10:02:29 AM
But I also think one day he will be the proven catalyst to mass murder; Then it will be people wringing hands, shuffling feet and muttering that they should have 'done something' to stop Jones. But then, it will be too late.

I agree.  There are more Timothy McVeighs out there just waiting for someone to push them over the edge.  Jones, with his non-stop "the government is plotting to enslave and kill you" nonsense, is just the type to do it. I believe the FBI would be 100% justified in maintaining a file on Jones.  And SHAME on George Noory for giving Jones a bigger soapbox from which to spout his insane rhetoric. 


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 26, 2013, 10:02:29 AM
......[size=78%] But I also think one day he will be the proven catalyst to mass murder; Then it will be people wringing hands, shuffling feet and muttering that they should have 'done something' to stop Jones. But then, it will be too late.[/size]

I agree with Pud ...... Someone, at sometime, somewhere ..... will do something that can be linked back/influenced by Alex Jones.
If that motor mouthed gasbag were to tone his delusional rants down a bit, I believe that a catastrophe will happen sooner than later.

He is an enemy/enema of your country ......

Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on April 26, 2013, 11:59:37 AM

I agree with Pud ...... Someone, at sometime, somewhere ..... will do something that can be linked back/influenced by Alex Jones.
If that motor mouthed gasbag were to tone his delusional rants down a bit, I believe that a catastrophe will happen sooner than later.

He is an enemy/enema of your country ......

I just think that`s way over-the-top rhetoric. First of all, he`s never  called for armed rebellion or  anything even remotely resembling violent action. Furthermore, from what I`ve observed, I seriously doubt his target audience is even capable of mounting a serious threat even if he were to attempt to incite such an action.

Alex Jones is no more a threat to society than folks like Louis Farrakhan - who is much, much more inflammatory in his tone and enjoys a far broader audience - or Khalid Muhammad,  Pastor Fred Phelps, and the list goes on. I can`t think of one occasion in which any those controversial blowhards played a key role in prompting some weak-minded sycophant to engage in any dreadful act of violence. 



Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 26, 2013, 12:46:21 PM
Alex Jones is no more a threat to society than folks like Louis Farrakhan - who is much, much more inflammatory in his tone and enjoys a far broader audience - or Khalid Muhammad,  Pastor Fred Phelps, and the list goes on.

Alex Jones is heard daily on more than 60 radio stations.  That number increases to more than 500 when his buddy George Noory gives him a bully pulpit on Coast to Coast AM.

How many radio stations are Louis Farrakhan, Fred Phelps and Khalid Muhammad heard on?

Consider this: No rational person believes the government was behind Oklahoma City, 9/11, Aurora, Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombings, but Jones has a huge following of idiots who do.

Quote from: Sleepwalker on April 26, 2013, 01:12:21 PM

Alex Jones is heard daily on more than 60 radio stations.  That number increases to more than 500 when his buddy George Noory gives him a bully pulpit on Coast to Coast AM.

How many radio stations are Louis Farrakhan, Fred Phelps and Khalid Muhammad heard on?

AJ has a handful of  followers - perhaps in the thousands. Minister Farrakhan counts his followers in the millions. Don`t believe me? Go to any prison and inquire about the influence of  NOI. Go to any major urban center and inquire about the influence of NOI. I assure you, not in Mr. Jones` wettest dream does he have a fraction of the influence that Farrakhan and NOI enjoy.

How many prisons have you visited, FtF to ask your question?  You're making a "Just ask anybody" argument here:  "Everybody knows the moon is made out of cheese!  Just ask anybody!"  Sleepwalker offered a meaningful argument that Jones has legions of followers. 


Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 26, 2013, 01:21:01 PM

AJ has a handful of  followers - perhaps in the thousands..........

What do you base your all encompassing statement on?

Yorkshire pud

Quote from: FightTheFuture on April 26, 2013, 12:46:21 PM

I just think that`s way over-the-top rhetoric. First of all, he`s never  called for armed rebellion or  anything even remotely resembling violent action. Furthermore, from what I`ve observed, I seriously doubt his target audience is even capable of mounting a serious threat even if he were to attempt to incite such an action.

His target audience are those who are like minded. Namely the paranoid, the unstable, the ones who think that he (AJ) actually makes sense and speaks from a position of received wisdom. The intelligent and critical thinkers of course know he talks out of his arse, but that still leaves those who believe what he says, because he believes what he says too. In the thirties was a little insignificant Austrian corporal who was ridiculed, mocked openly, but eventually had people listening and believing him. His target audience initially were the disaffected, the ones who thought that the government was against them in league with the Jews and anyone else they decided wasn't one of 'them'. AJ knows exactly who he's aiming his vitriol at, and exactly what effect it has; Would you bet your family's life on one of his disciples going la la over something AJ said?


Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 26, 2013, 02:10:36 PM

His target audience are those who are like minded. Namely the paranoid, the unstable, the ones who think that he (AJ) actually makes sense and speaks from a position of received wisdom. The intelligent and critical thinkers of course know he talks out of his arse, but that still leaves those who believe what he says, because he believes what he says too. In the thirties was a little insignificant Austrian corporal who was ridiculed, mocked openly, but eventually had people listening and believing him. His target audience initially were the disaffected, the ones who thought that the government was against them in league with the Jews and anyone else they decided wasn't one of 'them'. AJ knows exactly who he's aiming his vitriol at, and exactly what effect it has; Would you bet your family's life on one of his disciples going la la over something AJ said?

Well said!


For all his inflammatory rhetoric and histrionic delivery, Jones is *just* smart enough not to actually come out and explicitly incite violence or riots. He will take it right up TO that line, he will imply it, insinuate it, say he won't be surprised if it happens--but he WILL NOT say anything along the lines of "I would like my listeners/followers/all true Americans/whatever to take up arms and march against the government". He won't do it because (a) he knows he's living like a pig in shit from the REVENUE his inflammatory rhetoric is bringing him from his followers and (b) he knows he CAN be indicted for inciting it, if he says it and it happens, and those who do it claim it's because of him. He's a broadcaster and an entertainer, for all he wants us to believe he's a serious truth-telling journalist as well. He won't do it. And that's where his bullshit ultimately gets called.

And while I think he's enough of a true believer that he would be a martyr to his own cause in some circumstances, I also think that if he was physically backed into a corner and threatened he would completely break down like the wimp that he is.

Wells, on the other hand, is dumb enough to say those things. And he has come much closer to it. And I'm surprised he still has a job.

By any chance, morphia, have you read a book entitled "The Eliminationists:  How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right" by David Neiwert?  He presents some compelling and disturbing material on the subject.  There is clearly big, big money to be made in appealing to the baser insticts of some people.  I think that's why he have certain reality TV shows that do their damnedest to be mean-spirited and degrading, hate-talk radio (and, yes, there are haters on both sides I am sure, but, damn, it sure seems like one side has a whole lot of those cats), and such.

I think that over-the-top self-esteem mixed with ignorance and anger is really taking a major toll on this country.  Don't know how many of you will recall when an S.F. Giants fan was attacked and his life ruined a couple years ago by a couple of thug-fans at Dodger stadium.  The man was left in a vegetative state that will affect the rest of his probably-shortened life.  Why?  Because the fans of one team were pissed at the fan of another team.

Sometimes I think that American culture has become all-too-toxic.  I remember a line from that old Peter O'Toole miniseries Masada.  A Roman centurion plants a flag in the dry dirt and declares that Rome has secured a great victory in Masada.  An embittered, disillusioned O'Toole looks up and says, "The victory?  We have won a rock in the middle of a wasteland on the shores of a poisoned sea."  The scorched-earth policy that has become SOP in political debate could prove ruinous.  And all in the name of a dollar.... 


I haven't read it, but it's damned well on my Amazon wish list now. Thanks for the tip. And your post is dead on.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on April 26, 2013, 04:04:34 PM
By any chance, morphia, have you read a book entitled "The Eliminationists:  How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right" by David Neiwert?....
Is that anything like the eliminationist rhetoric that was virtually exploding from the usual leftward chatterers in the past two weeks, who were openly hoping beyond hope - as they told everyone who would listen how hateful and bigoted it was to assume Boston was an act by Islamic terrorists, and how brilliant and patriotic it was to conclude it was *gasp!* some kind of Tea Partiers on steroids - that sweet, sweet Gaia would grant them that this time....this time....it would please, please be a right-winger? You mean that kind of "eliminationist"?

After seeing the horror in Boston reported on the major news outlets, I have to admit that one of my first thoughts was "Alex Jones will have a field day with this". I have not kept up with the latest from Jones except for what I see here. I'm saddened that he is getting an increasing amount of mainstream exposure. I also feel that it's likely something bad may happen with the inspiration pointing directly at Jones and his niche in the "alternative media".

Alternative to what? Facts?


Quote from: West of the Rockies on April 26, 2013, 04:04:34 PM

The scorched-earth policy that has become SOP in political debate could prove ruinous.  And all in the name of a dollar....
I disagree with the dollar part - I think it's all about political power.  Of course, the dollar usually follows political power, so maybe it's both.

Quote from: Sardondi on April 26, 2013, 09:18:48 PM
Is that anything like the eliminationist rhetoric that was virtually exploding from the usual leftward chatterers in the past two weeks, who were openly hoping beyond hope - as they told everyone who would listen how hateful and bigoted it was to assume Boston was an act by Islamic terrorists, and how brilliant and patriotic it was to conclude it was *gasp!* some kind of Tea Partiers on steroids - that sweet, sweet Gaia would grant them that this time....this time....it would please, please be a right-winger? You mean that kind of "eliminationist"?

Sardondi, such talk may well have been short-sighted and fueled by foolishness, but, no, it was not eliminationist.  The point by the author (Neiwart) of the book I mentioned is that hate talk has become so fierce, so toxic on the right as to call for the physical elimination of those "on the other side".  Are there leftists who have voiced thoughts such as, "I wish Limbaugh would die of a heart attack"?  To quote Ms. Palin, you betcha.  Do I think their talk is hateful and non-productive.  You betcha.

One thing is for certain; people still have no sense of history. To label "right-wing talk" as hate speech is complete nonsense. In early America, political rhetoric was far more corrosive than anything we see today.

As early as the Presidential race of 1800, Jefferson and Adams accused the other of being everything from a hermaphrodite to a murderer. And that was relatively tame compared to the 1828 race between JQA and Ol` Hickory!

No, talk radio isn`t "hate speech". It can be entertaining and occasionally educational, a bit disrespectful at times, but certainly mild when compared to the rhetoric of our Founding Fathers.


Quote from: West of the Rockies on April 27, 2013, 09:53:33 AM
Sardondi, such talk may well have been short-sighted and fueled by foolishness, but, no, it was not eliminationist.  The point by the author (Neiwart) of the book I mentioned is that hate talk has become so fierce, so toxic on the right as to call for the physical elimination of those "on the other side".  Are there leftists who have voiced thoughts such as, "I wish Limbaugh would die of a heart attack"?  To quote Ms. Palin, you betcha.  Do I think their talk is hateful and non-productive.  You betcha.

"Sardondi, such talk may well have been short-sighted and fueled by foolishness, but, no, it was not eliminationist...."

Oh.Yes.It.Is. By your very definition. And the toxicity is everywhere in the mainstream media.

And I cannot for the life of me understand why you would not admit it.

Sardondi, I think we must truly not be understanding each other here.  I don't see how -- prior to facts coming out -- that some people who have said that the Boston bombing was not necessarily the work of Islamists is a call for the elimination of conservatives.  I do not see how some people wondering if the perpetrators were Tea Partiers is a call for the elimination of Tea Partiers.  Facts have revealed that the Boston boming was NOT the work of TPers.  Facts reveal that the religious affiliation of the bombers was Muslim.  I sure as shit ain't here to defend radical Islam.  I'd love to see more of the "so-called" peaceful Muslims stepping up and denouncing acts of violence perpetrated by the followers of that religion!

Look, there are blithering idiots on both sides of the policital spectrum and in every country.  We here in America wince when we hear some Muslim leader call for jihad, for the elimination of America.  But I've heard people here call for the nuclear annihilation of those damn A-Rabs, too.  (I've even heard such talk from people who self-identify as progressive libs, by the way!) 

What I'm saying -- perhaps inartfully -- is that hate-talk and demonization of large swathes of our fellow human beings is very, very dangerous.  Do I think that the swathe of folks who call themselves radical Muslims are dangerous?  Absolutely!  Would I cry if they were all imprisoned or had an asteroid come crashing down on them?  Nope.  Do I hope they might one day be rehabilitated?  Sure, though I hold out little hope of such.

There are several Alex Jones-type individual pundits who I really find annoying because they come across as bullies.  I can easily, easily imagine an Alex Jones or a Eric Bolling -- you're on national TV... would it kill you to wear a tie? -- punching someone.  I can't picture Hannity or Bill O or John Stewart or Tucker Carlson doing such a thing.  That bully-pundit type I just find especially annoying.


I'm going to paste this here because it's relevant. Fuck Alex Jones and Info Wars

Boston Guy Owns Conspiracy Theory Reporter (News Blooper)

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