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yorkshire pud now making personal threats against me

Started by gnooryblows, January 02, 2018, 12:11:52 AM


Quote from: Jojo on January 02, 2018, 02:57:45 AM
You were a child.  Give it up.  Get over it.  I haven't ever found a Bible verse against masturbation.  Ghosts are spirits and spirits DO exist!  Wake up.  A man is not held accountable for his underage decisions once he realizes!

jojo, also i don't know why im even bothering to talk to someone as insane and sociopathic as you, but just for the record, there's no legal liability with calling someones avatar on a website a pedo. it's not "defamation" if there's not a real concrete identity attached to it. if you aren't targeting an actual person in a public square. jesus christ. literally everything you say is insane and fucked up.

beyond that, that's not what he was talking about anyway. he's been challenging me to fist fights and saying he was going to beat the shit out of me all day, on multiple threads. go read the pizzagate thread if you want, he was doing it on there, and on other threads too and now in PM obviously. this wasn't even the only PM he sent me.

Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 03:04:19 AM
Missionary style for 3 minutes is hardly "sensual" 21st!

LOL.  Good one!  It's nice to come back to that one every now and then.  There is a good reason why it is so popular but no. I was thinking beyond Carnality 101.  ;D

I've got to run.  G'night.


even to prove a defamation case is pretty hard, honestly. you have to prove that the person made a real impact and caused you some kind of real measurable harm (either physical or monetary.......not sure if emotional counts, don't think it really would).


Quote from: 21st Century Man on January 02, 2018, 03:08:41 AM
LOL.  Good one!  It's nice to come back to that one every now and then.  There is a good reason why it is so popular but no. I was thinking beyond Carnality 101.  ;D

I've got to run.  G'night.

LMAO! Butt-man right there!


Quote from: 21st Century Man on January 02, 2018, 03:08:41 AM
LOL.  Good one!  It's nice to come back to that one every now and then.  There is a good reason why it is so popular but no. I was thinking beyond Carnality 101.  ;D

I've got to run.  G'night.

goodnite buttdude.


someday i want swishy to do to me what 21stcenturymans wife does to him.


AAAAAAAAH man! It's so cold outside. My fireplace is roaring. I'm all SNOOG-AL-UMP-KINS! Yes I am! Uesss I AAaaaam! Coffee sounds good.


god damn here is another 4chan thread with someone talking about me, calling me a cuck
just because someone posted the picture of my avatar.

lmfao, look, let me clear this up for people, the guy in my avatar ISNT ME. that's a MOVIE CHARACTER from a movie called "dr. strangelove: or how i learned to stop worrying and love the bomb". it was directed by stanley kubrick and it's considered a major classic, potentially one of the greatest films of all time. but the truth is that its a shitty movie and it's really anti-american and all of that stuff. i hate the movie. but this character is dr strangelove, he's a nazi scientist who was brought over by the USA during operation paperclip (presumably) and working in the pentagon. he is a crazy dude. at the end of the movie he talks about everyone going into bunkers and waiting out the nuclear war. then he jumps up and give the nazi salute and he's like "MEIN FUHRER!".

i picked it pretty much at random. it was a photo that was already uploaded to the website and was available to be used as an avatar. i've just never changed it cuz i don't really care about the avatar. i honestly didn't even pick it cuz of the nazi connection, that's a total coincidence.

it is NOT a picture of me though. if you see this picture posted on 4chan it does NOT mean it's me lmfao. it doesn't mean anyone is talking about me or anything else.

i have posted on 4chan and used to do so pretty regularly, but i always posted about ending taxes, abolishing income tax, police brutality, or other libertarian causes like that. if you want to know if its me, i normally post in ALL CAPS as opposed to here, where i post in all lowercase letters. i have pretty much an OCD thing where i can only post in either all lowercase or all caps. i fucking hate capitalizing the first letter of each sentence and stuff like that. i dunno why.

but i do think it's really weird that all of these people on 4chan say my username and think its me everytime someone posts a photo of this guy.


on 4chan, cuz everyone is already sympathetic to nazism, and isn't going to flip their shit when you say something pro-hitler, i usually end up arguing AGAINST nazism, almost invariably. and honestly, this doesn't happen cuz im just trying to be an edgelord or anything (although i do do that sometimes) but rather its the context of overbearing intellectual authority. it's about when people start to get indignant and violent and throw these stupid fits over someone who disagrees with them.

Quote"If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so."

that's a quote from thomas jefferson. truer words never were said, IMO. now i realize i'm being a little over the top in applying this to discussions about politics on internet forums or whatever, but there's a principle there that rings true nevertheless.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 03:22:28 AM
on 4chan, cuz everyone is already sympathetic to nazism, and isn't going to flip their shit when you say something pro-hitler, i usually end up arguing AGAINST nazism, almost invariably. and honestly, this doesn't happen cuz im just trying to be an edgelord or anything (although i do do that sometimes) but rather its the context of overbearing intellectual authority. it's about when people start to get indignant and violent and throw these stupid fits over someone who disagrees with them.

that's a quote from thomas jefferson. truer words never were said, IMO. now i realize i'm being a little over the top in applying this to discussions about politics on internet forums or whatever, but there's a principle there that rings true nevertheless.

the only point im trying to make is that if someone makes something TOTALLY TABBOO to say or talk about, then IMO you really do have a bit of an obligation to talk about it, because freedom of speech and free discourse is really the most important thing. it's the bedrock of our society. its the reason WHY we don't live in a brutal totalitarian society like the national socialists built, or like the fucking rotten communists in the frozen north built around the same time.


Say what you want about Hitler, he fuckin' LOST! Regardless of any good points he had, he fucked it up! I'm a whore! I roll with the highest bidder or the winner!




Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 03:24:56 AM
Say what you want about Hitler, he fuckin' LOST! Regardless of any good points he had, he fucked it up! I'm a whore! I roll with the highest bidder or the winner!

he picked a pretty big fight. i still think britain and france should have just backed off of him after he went into poland. i don't think it was their business PERSONALLY. i mean the dude was fighting against communism, even though he was allied with the ruskies at that point. his whole ideology was based around the avoidance of the evils of communism. how did he decide to fight communism? by basically resorting to a lot of the horrible and wrong policies that communists themselves used (for example, despite what lefties claim, there is a reason they were called the national "socialist" party). also his obvious use of authoritarianism.

look i mean nazi germany was fucked up. he fucking banned picasso, and so many fucking books, he banned albert einstein and his theory of relativity, lol. people disapeared in the middle of the night. he genuinely forced sterilization on people, and yeah he probably did euthanize a lot of the mentally handicapped. and just like in communist russia, bad things happened to people who disagreed with the government. it's really bad. but people ignore the historical context of WHY he did it and WHY he was pushed to those ends. and when you try to actually think about it and understand the historical context, these fucking retards just go "hur durrrr, ur a nazi, you piece of shit! fuck you!". so yeah, naturally eventually, like a lot of people, you just end up saying "uh yeah, well hitler was a great man!". lol.

i dunno, he was great in a lot of ways. his country was starving when he came to power. he genuinely and objectively did a lot for his people in a LOT of ways, i don't think even the most mainstream historians can dispute that. but obviously there were very bad things too.

BUT unless you just ignorantly and stupidly say "NO! EVERYTHING ABOUT NAZI GERMANY WAS BAD!" when that's obviously patently untrue and insane to say, then you get labelled as a monster, so wtf, might as well just embrace it.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 03:31:55 AM
he picked a pretty big fight.

You are still young enough to want to believe this mudda'fuckah' isn't every man for himself! More suffering will "learn ya!" Fuck ideologies! MONEY is FREEDOM! Get some in a way that doesn't get you slung in jail and that you can live with yourself over. Your friends will leave you. Your family will betray you. It's just you. Rock up. The sky is blue and water is wet. That's enough. You're a fucking predator even though you don't want to admit it to yourself.  Only with money and power can you change a small piece of the world. Until you have that, all the ideologies are worthless to you.


Start a Pooper Scooper Business. IN 5 years you'll be a multi-millionaire if you bust your ass! Actually it will only take a year of actually working really hard.  Get some grocery sacks and a hand trowel and some business cards. 20 bucks to start-up!


Pooper Scooper King! So long as you have the money, bitches will fuck your brains out! Anyone will at least refrain from giving you "shit" face-to-face. Let go of your desire to be accepted and conquer! Be kind to those who are kind to you, and a vicious pit-bull to anyone that fucks with you. This life is less than you hope it is. It just is what it is and the faster you make yourself comfortable, the happier you will be.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 03:38:06 AM
You are still young enough to want to believe this mudda'fuckah' isn't every man for himself! More suffering will "learn ya!" Fuck ideologies! MONEY is FREEDOM! Get some in a way that doesn't get you slung in jail and that you can live with yourself over. Your friends will leave you. Your family will betray you. It's just you. Rock up. The sky is blue and water is wet. That's enough. You're a fucking predator even though you don't want to admit it to yourself.  Only with money and power can you change a small piece of the world. Until you have that, all the ideologies are worthless to you.

dude not for nothing but i spent a really long time living totally exposed in the elements, where everything wants to eat you or fuck you or rob you. i've known hunger and thirst and freezing cold you can't escape from. i've sat in the cold outside of peoples warm houses and knew if i went and knocked on the door for them to let me in they would not just turn me away but prob call the fucking cops on me. and then the cops would arrest me for "vagrancy" or some other BS law because they essentially outlawed by very existence if im not buying property and paying taxes and keeping their sick economy proppped up. i'm just sayin', i know as well as anyone about the dog eat dog nature of the world. why do you think so many of my ideas are so unsentimental?

but i dunno, i still think the most freedom i ever had was when i was like 25 and i really felt like i could go anywhere and do anything, no matter how dangerous, without a penny of money in my pockets. you know? if i want food, i'll forage it or kill it. if im cold, i'll deal, but i'll be strong enough to build a fire. so you know, i say strength and health and fortitude are freedom.

but you know, money is good too in its ways. it definitely has a power in our society. its just that its a social illusion. without the power people give it, money can't feed you, clothe you or keep you warm. it makes people weak and dependent on one another. that's just the downside of it. so in that sense i'm still pretty anti-materialistic. but there's no doubt that as you get older you can't do all of the things you used to do. so its either money or die.


I think people ought to be careful about Yorkie. The man spent two decades in a Buddhist temple just outside Doncaster, honing his fighting skills and ability to blend in with his surroundings. You might think you're looking at a lamp post or pot plant, until it suddenly sprouts arms and legs and strangles you with your own intestines.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 03:55:13 AM
Pooper Scooper King! So long as you have the money, bitches will fuck your brains out! Anyone will at least refrain from giving you "shit" face-to-face. Let go of your desire to be accepted and conquer! Be kind to those who are kind to you, and a vicious pit-bull to anyone that fucks with you. This life is less than you hope it is. It just is what it is and the faster you make yourself comfortable, the happier you will be.

lol bitches will fuck my brains out even if i don't have money. i'm "hawt" dude. but i still haven't fucked them in like 5 years cuz i was in love and shes gone forever now and i don't have any more interest in them. like i said before, i tried but it just made me sad and depressed.


Quote from: SredniVashtar on January 02, 2018, 03:59:13 AM
I think people ought to be careful about Yorkie. The man spent two decades in a Buddhist temple just outside Doncaster, honing his fighting skills and ability to blend in with his surroundings. You might think you're looking at a lamp post or pot plant, until it suddenly sprouts arms and legs and strangles you with your own intestines.

yeah and then it says "im still with her!" and you just kill yourself. a fine assassination technique.


look, whatever, i don't want to insult the guy too much, i would rather make amends with him here.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 03:59:21 AM
lol bitches will fuck my brains out even if i don't have money. i'm "hawt" dude. but i still haven't fucked them in like 5 years cuz i was in love and shes gone forever now and i don't have any more interest in them. like i said before, i tried but it just made me sad and depressed.

You only THINK you have lost and suffered. Eventually you will turn cold inside and a hollow will ring where your dreams and hopes once were. You will become neigh robotic. You won't get sad. You won't get happy. You will just execute the mission. And you will still want to live. You will still have passing moments of feeling. You will find that it is enough. It makes you KIND, but only realistically KIND; to those you can help and not to things that don't really matter.


And once the worm has turned for you, you will attain everything you ever wanted. You won't care. That's the way it works. You get stuff when you don't want it anymore. But you will hold on to what you attain because it is a tool. A tool to help execute the mission.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 04:02:51 AM
You only THINK you have lost and suffered. Eventually you will turn cold inside and a hollow will ring where your dreams and hopes once were. You will become neigh robotic. You won't get sad. You won't get happy. You will just execute the mission. And you will still want to live. You will still have passing moments of feeling. You will find that it is enough. It makes you KIND, but only realistically KIND; to those you can help and not to things that don't really matter.

well i can definitely relate to the "not feel happy, not feel sad" part. even if i feel an emotion once in a while, it ends up being more like im watching it play out on a television screen. like from a 3rd person point of view. like you're looking at it from a distance, observing it, reaching out and touching. "ooooooh, what is that? is that one of those emotions! what a fascination!". you know like going to the fuckin' zoo or something.

as far as dreams and aspirations are concerned, my only dream or aspiration for a very long time has only been "don't die today" and frankly i think i'm more or less giving up on that one too. getting pretty apathetic towards that. any time where i had any other kind of drive or motivation genuinely seems like a lifetime ago. seems like it was some other entity living that life, and i'm just stuck with his memories. doesn't feel like me.


Quote from: gnooryblows on January 02, 2018, 04:06:50 AM
well i can definitely relate to the "not feel happy, not feel sad" part. even if i feel an emotion once in a while, it ends up being more like im watching it play out on a television screen. like from a 3rd person point of view. like you're looking at it from a distance, observing it, reaching out and touching. "ooooooh, what is that? is that one of those emotions! what a fascination!". you know like going to the fuckin' zoo or something.

Don't get theatrical. You've still got more suffering to go. You will be pushed beyond anything you ever even imagined you could survive. But you will survive. Then you will thrive.


You want to be a "White Man." This is the forge.


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 04:08:55 AM
Don't get theatrical. You've still got more suffering to go. You will be pushed beyond anything you ever even imagined you could survive. But you will survive. Then you will thrive.

i have a literary flair, but it's all the truth. i don't think i'll survive. i didn't think i'd survive to be this old but i REALLY don't think i'll survive much farther. i don't care dude lol. i'm always like "eh, if shit goes wrong for me i'll just die, no big deal".


Quote from: Swishypants on January 02, 2018, 04:09:36 AM
You want to be a "White Man." This is the forge.

eh, meh. once upon a time my life had a purpose. to make life and make a family with someone i loved. and i was working really hard to do that right. but i fucked that up apparently, even though i don't see how it could have been my fault, still feel like somehow it was because it's like the mans responsibility to protect shit and take care of shit.

oh well, hell it turned out the girl was my fuckign half sister anyway so who knows how our kids would have come out. in fairness i never did get a DNA test so it might technically not be true but im pretty sure it is.

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