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Critical Omissions with Douglas Dietrich

Started by Walks_At_Night, April 11, 2017, 08:01:43 PM


Now attacks Jews....Naples 1494, rape of kids and syphillis?


You really don't have to shout Douglas.


Quote from: Gunner65 on October 14, 2018, 06:33:26 PM
Now attacks Jews....Naples 1494, rape of kids and syphillis?

He said only Native Americans had syphillis prior this period of Columbus' arrival I think, I could be wrong.


Quote from: brig on October 14, 2018, 06:34:34 PM
He said only Native Americans had syphillis prior this period of Columbus' arrival I think, I could be wrong.
That was a quick trip by sail......sailed West in 1492 and was in Naples. Italy  screwing kids two years later?


Quote from: Gunner65 on October 14, 2018, 06:37:15 PM
That was a quick trip by sail......sailed West in 1492 and was in Naples. Italy  screwing kids two years later?

Well, aparently, when he landed in America, he thought he had landed in Indonesia....  ???


So according to ddd,  Christopher Columbus slept with the queen of Spain, but betrayed his lover the Queen of Spain, because he was a secret Jew.

I think I have that right.


I think Dietrich is avoiding addressing willingness, and/or unwillingness to assimilate.


Sorry ddd.  I don't think the US. is anywhere near that "religious" anymore.


Quote from: brig on October 14, 2018, 06:46:10 PM
I think I have that right.

I have heard that story before. It doesn't seem like he was very good at secrets.


Quote from: Jackstar on October 14, 2018, 07:53:22 PM
I have heard that story before. It doesn't seem like he was very good at secrets.

I think this is a very interesting listen tonight Jackstar.  Some of it is really thought worthy, and some of it seems just made up to make the other pieces fit together.


You got it Brig...and DD is a total lying POS ...


Shouting really isn't helping your argument any ddd.


Well, I'm glad they missed the "opportunity" to implement that crazy sounding plan.


4 hour shows now twice a week.... and he claims to have his "lungs stapled to his ribs".......HAAHAA lol

Asuka Langley

I just opened the youtube link to this guy and he only pulls in 44 listeners most of which are probably bellgab. The guy clearly needs to be silenced he is corrupting literally tens of people with his pear shaped earth and Christopher Columbusbergstein bullshit LOL!  REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quote from: Gunner65 on October 14, 2018, 08:32:26 PM
4 hour shows now twice a week.... and he claims to have his "lungs stapled to his ribs".......HAAHAA lol


His lungs have to be full of a lot of air to go on like he does for four hours in a row.


Kizuna Ai has been also posting to Ellgab.com tonight

"PRAISE JAPAN! 勝利の救い "

"She" posted this GIF of an A6M Zero attacking a US Navy PBY

Asuka Langley

Quote from: Gunner65 on October 14, 2018, 08:43:59 PM
Kizuna Ai has been also posting to Ellgab.com tonight

"PRAISE JAPAN! 勝利の救い "

I have been around teh bellgabz since Art was on Sirus nibba.


Does Kizuna Ai wish to comment?   As Dietrich pounds his table and rants on Columbus again?


Quote from: Kizuna Ai on October 14, 2018, 08:49:47 PM
I have been around teh bellgabz since Art was on Sirus nibba.

Are you also teh crazy like Dietrich?


Quote from: Gunner65 on October 14, 2018, 08:43:59 PM
Kizuna Ai has been also posting to Ellgab.com tonight

"PRAISE JAPAN! 勝利の救い "

"She" posted this GIF of an A6M Zero attacking a US Navy PBY

I'm banned at Ellgab Gunner, that's why I don't stop by to say hi to you anymore there.  That said, I'm much happier here, but thanks for sharing anything we're missing from there, on here.


@Kizuna Ai Go back to Dietrich and tell him that Bellgab and Ellgab are still here.......


This audio quality... is he broadcasting using an electrolux vacuum?


Quote from: Liberace! on October 14, 2018, 08:53:57 PM
This audio quality... is he broadcasting using an electrolux vacuum?

HaaaHAAA   lol


Quote from: Liberace! on October 14, 2018, 08:53:57 PM
This audio quality... is he broadcasting using an electrolux vacuum?

Somebody tried to tell him, but seems that his executrix lady friends told him he sounds great.  He had mentioned he was getting a low stream signal from YouTube.

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