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Critical Omissions with Douglas Dietrich

Started by Walks_At_Night, April 11, 2017, 08:01:43 PM


AFR Niko House precedes Dietrich:

"Niko House was the founder and president of Carolina students for Bernie Sanders, Former President of North Carolina Colleges for Bernie Sanders, Executive Board Member of Revolt Against Plutocracy, Political Strategist, Speech Coach, Analyst, Independent Journalist, and Prominent Social Media Personality.


Critical Omissions and Dietrich are both oxi-moron


DD has not asked for the 100.00 to make his rent for a entire month!  Where is his money coming from?  DD claims he was a SFPD "Law enforcement agent"    Re writes the "Law of Deadly Force".......slurring his speech already


White American males ......DD has no valid  conception of history.  He will lie himself into oblivion.   DD is a screaming transvestite who believes he is "Melek Taus" and is a proven liar.  Attacks Rev Radio and his using "Milo" and his last broadcast (I dozed off too) but continues to read a "script" from which he does a piss poor job


Accusing people of being pedophiles and posting false evidence is illegal.  Posting photos of Stuart Allison (a Scottish felon) claiming they are Richard K Cole is defamation.   DD is a POS.  Accusing Bellgab.com of trafficking in child porn without evidenceis also a falsehood,


Has anyone figured out what texts he uses?  He was NEVER a DOD employee or a SFPD cop. 


or a US Marine...and his claims to be a US Marine and the documents proving he was NOT are public.   Dietrich is a clever liar.  And he accuses anyone who challenges him to be a sexual deviant or a satanist.  All falsehoods to reinforce his lie about Aquino since 2008.  And his presentation as a "vampiric", immortal  with "Nano blood" will be  his downfall.


DD will use people then stab them in the back. 


Claims old equipment for 600.00   Same claim for the past two years at AFR


Send money for his abandonment of Solomon ..killing of cats by gangstalkers, driven from her job because of DD
Jonn Lilyea, Richard Cole and Aquino


Dietrich now attacks the NRA ....."Russia" Dietrich is done.


DD is a lying transvestite POS.  Accusing ordinary people of gang-stalking and pedophilia.  Dietrich cannot  provide evidence for anything.  What he has provided is childish..RA Haditha and Taboo Bros and all the BS to cover for DD


Did you lose ddd's program or is it just me?

El Chorro

Quote from: Pelayo on July 02, 2018, 08:29:21 PM
Did you lose ddd's program or is it just me?

I've lost it altogether for the past eight or so minutes


I wonder when ddd is going to find out Bellgab is back up?  ;D


This is interesting.....how did this happen?  Not only is this another blow to DD's credibility, but all our previous Bellgab comments are resurrected!

On the other hand it does pose a problem...as to whether or not to continue here.  Just as he did to us when he removed Bellgab.com, MV suddenly causes it to reappear without warning or explanation. But the former thread was started by Walks At Night.....so I suppose he will need to make a decision about it.


Quote from: Gunner65 on October 07, 2018, 09:16:11 AM
This is interesting.....how did this happen?  Not only is this another blow to DD's credibility, but all our previous Bellgab comments are resurrected!

On the other hand it does pose a problem...as to whether or not to continue here.  Just as he did to us when he removed Bellgab.com, MV suddenly causes it to reappear without warning or explanation. But the former thread was started by Walks At Night.....so I suppose he will need to make a decision about it.

There's an old saying.  "Never put all your eggs in one basket"

That said:

Carry On.


Give us a shoutout ddd,  I'm here at Bellgab listening to you!



ddd, please work on that audo hiss during your break, or is that ambience?


"White trash piece of Sheet"?   Honestly ddd, your language  :o


Sticks and Stones ddd,  Sticks and Stones.


Honestly ddd, you sound jealous.   I could be wrong.


Send you a hundred dollar money order?   ::)

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