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The Clinton Trump Debates

Started by Laughing Gator, September 23, 2016, 08:48:58 AM


Quote from: Donald Noory on October 19, 2016, 11:16:53 PM
Do you fuck yaks? Inquiring minds want to know.

..no I fuck girls who milk them by hand ;)

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: Donald Noory on October 19, 2016, 11:19:40 PM
Why do you take such delight in being an offensive prick?

Oh like that's not the pot calling the kettle black. As much of a dick as you are Donald, I'm convinced that you've made the bed you lay in. And I find that sad. You are a tragic figure on Bellgab. Someone to be pitied.

Donald Noory

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 19, 2016, 11:20:14 PM
Ah, that's revealing. You haven't ever worked in an actual upper level business environment have you. You're flipping burgers or something. Am I right?

Heh heh. You're projecting again, because of your own failures. Paying off your $100k house in MO, in about ten years, stating your writing paid it off. So you made about 10k a year from your writing? Or much less, maybe less than 1k a year from writing, and the other 9k came from flipping burgers? Do they have White Castle's in MO?

Quote from: mikuthing01 on October 19, 2016, 11:21:37 PM
It's crazy how many mothers want to kill their children pretty fucked up world we live in desu~

I grew up around a lot of fucked up women who were having abortions as young as 15 and I have seen the most horrible conditions when kids have unwanted kids. It's grim but abortion is the best available option. Planned Parenthood is one of the best organizations in America. Even with all the wacky liberal shit going on with them.


Quote from: onan on October 19, 2016, 11:19:55 PM
I did what I needed to do to be independent while my kids got through school. I let it fail I guess. I quit taking new jobs and told my customers where they could find other suppliers. I still have a few pieces of pre-press gear, some old macs, I could let you have.

..admitted - you run out of ink


Quote from: Donald Noory on October 19, 2016, 11:24:38 PM
Heh heh. You're projecting again, because of your own failures. Paying off your $100k house in MO, in about ten years, stating your writing paid it off. So you made about 10k a year from your writing? Or much less, maybe less than 1k a year from writing, and the other 9k came from flipping burgers? Do they have White Castle's in MO?

Yeah, but that's all ad hominem. People that read see through that Donald. You must be compelling in your writing, and that's just superficial. Be better.

Value Of Pi

Incidentally, everybody should make a note of Trump's wonderful comeback line for future use: "No, *you're* the puppet!"

And if that doesn't do the trick, do what Donald did. Say it again.


Quote from: Value Of Pi on October 19, 2016, 11:28:05 PM
Incidentally, everybody should make a note of Trump's wonderful comeback line for future use: "No, *you're* the puppet!"

And if that doesn't do the trick, do what Donald did. Say it again.

He said it because she's a puppet of her donors and special interests. And she is, along with most politicians. The influence in question is called lobbyists, it's an industry and should have been eliminated from the political system years ago. Correct me please and defend that system.

Donald Noory

Quote from: Value Of Pi on October 19, 2016, 11:28:05 PM
Incidentally, everybody should make a note of Trump's wonderful comeback line for future use: "No, *you're* the puppet!"

And if that doesn't do the trick, do what Donald did. Say it again.

Yeah, that one probably only impressed George Noory. Klashic!


Quote from: theONE on October 19, 2016, 11:25:31 PM
..admitted - you run out of ink

That does sum it up nicely, yes.

Donald Noory

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 19, 2016, 11:29:54 PM
He said it because she's a puppet of her donors and special interests. And she is, along with most politicians. They're called lobbyists and should have been eliminated from the political system years ago. Tell me why they shouldn't be.

You're pontificating again.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: GravitySucks on October 19, 2016, 11:15:40 PM
Don't think I have heard that one.

Harding or Coolidge, can't remember which.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on October 19, 2016, 11:21:40 PM
Agree.  He could have modulated it a bit.
It was weird. Ted Cruz demamd in some weird deal? Again, weird. Does he want to win? Or  a Clinton stalking-horse for the Republican race that went over the fence? He shouldbe just mentioned off-hand the abortion Bill paid for or Hillary's supposed 'retard' abortion threat thing, and moved on to another subject.


Quote from: Donald Noory on October 19, 2016, 11:30:40 PM
You're pontificating again.

And you're pussing out again. No substance, just bullshit.


Quote from: albrecht on October 19, 2016, 11:21:33 PM
As the bros say "dont hate the player, hate the game." Doing what you can within the rules and laws to make money is, legal and ok, one could argue moral both ways.. Maybe even more so if a corporation or company where your responsibilities and duty are to shareholders. So, I'm all for, change the rules and laws. But until then I DEMAND any company I have interest in seek profit and divendends etc on our behalf. I'm all for changes to tax-code and regulatory capture but until then? If some illegals or unproductive aspects of the economy gets give-aways and we give so much money to foreign countries? Than I say everybody n companies here take as much legal tax strategies as possible. Heck, maybe lack of funds might stop more wars. Ha. Yah, right.

Very well put but you know what they say about pearls and swine.  Tomorrow their going to wake up just as willfully ignorant as they woke up today.  There ain't no hope for'em.   

Donald Noory

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 19, 2016, 11:31:57 PM
And you're pussing out again. No substance, just bullshit.

Yada yada yada. Every post of yours screams "Look at me! Look everyone! I know all about this! And even if I don't I'll pretend I do! I'm smart everyone! I really am!"

Damn, you're hilarious.


Quote from: Donald Noory on October 19, 2016, 11:33:26 PM
Yada yada yada. Every post of yours screams "Look at me! Look everyone! I know all about this! And even if I don't I'll pretend I do! I'm smart everyone! I really am!"

Damn, you're hilarious.

Still pussing out. Why?


Quote from: onan on October 19, 2016, 11:30:40 PM
That does sum it up nicely, yes.

Was it emotionally hard -or liberating ??


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 19, 2016, 11:35:11 PM
Still pussing out. Why?

Because he's really got no game.  After he runs out of inane bullshit and ghetto banter he craps out. So he must be a close relative of Jorch--right?


Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 19, 2016, 11:31:57 PM
And you're pussing out again. No substance, just bullshit.

His amo is only tough enough for targets like *turd*(Redacted)-Heather -but here against Trump he is too weak

Donald Noory

Quote from: Kidnostad3 on October 19, 2016, 11:39:56 PM

Because he's really got no game.  After he runs out of inane bullshit and ghetto banter he craps out. So he must be a close relative of Jorch--right?


Quote from: onan on October 19, 2016, 11:22:26 PM
Yeah, I did. Mostly, though because I hated every minute of it.

Yeah, that happened to me too under other but similar circumstances. You just burn out and don't want to deal with the shit anymore. I sympathize.

Donald Noory

Quote from: theONE on October 19, 2016, 11:42:33 PM
His amo is only tough enough for targets like *turd*(Redacted)-Heather -but here against Trump he is too weak

Someone told me your mom is a yak that likes to get fucked by humans.

Value Of Pi

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 19, 2016, 11:29:54 PM
He said it because she's a puppet of her donors and special interests. And she is, along with most politicians. The influence in question is called lobbyists, it's an industry and should have been eliminated from the political system years ago. Correct me please and defend that system.

I know why he said it. I'm just saying it's a good line. The delivery was perfect, too. SNL should have fun with it.

What's so frustrating is the few times Trump brushed up against Wikileaks or all the corruption, she had a look on her face like she was being BTFO. But he didn't rip out her throat when he had the chance.

I still think it was a draw. Trump looked awful on the pro-life rhetoric. Hillary came off as insane. Really goes either way depending who you're biased towards. Trump needed a home run tonight though and he was woefully unprepared.


Quote from: theONE on October 19, 2016, 11:42:33 PM
His amo is only tough enough for targets like *turd*(Redacted)-Heather -but here against Trump he is too weak

Yes indeed.


Quote from: theONE on October 19, 2016, 11:38:57 PM
Was it emotionally hard -or liberating ??

It's been a long time. I still hang with a couple people that worked for me, others I wonder how they are doing. I miss seeing a project grow from a concept to shipping it out the door. But I sure don't miss some buyer taking a magnifying glass to finished work to chisel a cheaper price. I don't miss carrying companies with more money than I had for more than 90 days.

Donald Noory

Quote from: SciFiAuthor on October 19, 2016, 11:47:53 PM
Yes indeed.

Speaking of Heather, shouldn't you be in her thread, defending her against all critics? What happened to that? Or maybe you're back to defending George Noory? That would be extra hilarious.

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