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Oh, Canada! ::)

Started by Dr. MD MD, November 13, 2019, 07:28:45 AM


I envy you and your country . . . the USA. You appear to have a President that has done something for the country.  Lots of bumps along the way, but overall, your country is better economically than pre: last election.
On the other hand, we Canadians have a traitor, an enemy of the country in control.  Willing to undermine every facet of this country to progress his delusional globalist agenda.  A true act of treachery . . . .   Good luck to the Republicans in your upcoming elections.


Quote from: ACE of CLUBS on February 04, 2020, 12:32:35 PM
I envy you and your country . . . the USA. You appear to have a President that has done something for the country.  Lots of bumps along the way, but overall, your country is better economically than pre: last election.
On the other hand, we Canadians have a traitor, an enemy of the country in control.  Willing to undermine every facet of this country to progress his delusional globalist agenda.  A true act of treachery . . . .   Good luck to the Republicans in your upcoming elections.

You’re a great Canadian!


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 09, 2020, 11:35:19 AM


Stefan Molyneux put out a video in response to the above that was full of snark and cheap shots and was an obvious  attempt to vindicate his philosophical position on certain matters that differ from Peterson’s.   He did this at a time when Peterson is recovering from a lengthy medical/psychological crisis and is in no position to defend himself.  Despite his overdone efforts to disguise his motivation in making the video, it was clearly driven by hurt feelings over past arguments in which he felt bested by Peterson and a professional jealousy that he took pains to deny.  It was a shitty move that one might expect from a chapped-ass liberal but not from one who professes to be a truth-seeking conservative.  Molyneaux needs to get a grip.


Quote from: Kidnostad3 on February 09, 2020, 12:46:03 PM
Stefan Molyneux put out a video in response to the above that was full of snark and cheap shots and was an obvious  attempt to vindicate his philosophical position on certain matters that differ from Peterson’s.   He did this at a time when Peterson is recovering from a lengthy medical/psychological crisis and is in no position to defend himself.  Despite his overdone efforts to disguise his motivation in making the video, it was clearly driven by hurt feelings over past arguments in which he was bested by Peterson and likely a professional jealousy that he was overly overly emphatic in denying. It was a shitty move that one might expect from a chapped-ass liberal but not from one who professes to be a truth-telling conservative.  Molyneaux needs to get a grip.

I thought what he had to say about the difference between empiricism and first principles was very interesting and largely true. I don’t think it was meant as a slight against Peterson. I could be wrong but I think Moly considers him a friend and has had him on his show a few times. I think it was meant as an attempt at a diagnosis, as hack as that may be. Still, I found his observations interesting. I’ll admit though that I tuned out about half way through because he was having weird audio issues and I basically knew where he was going with it anyway.


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 09, 2020, 01:05:35 PM
I thought what he had to say about the difference between empiricism and first principles was very interesting and largely true. I don’t think it was meant as a slight against Peterson. I could be wrong but I think Moly considers him a friend and has had him on his show a few times. I think it was meant as an attempt at a diagnosis, as hack as that may be. Still, I found his observations interesting.

Note that I have edited my post a bit for the purpose of clarity.  (What can I sayâ€"I’m a compulsive editor.) It’s not the validity of Molyneaux’s arguments that I take issue with, it’s the tone, tenor and timing of his video.  I’m a Molyneaux fan and subscriber and have been for some time.  I generally agree with his take on things but I have noted times when he seems more personally and emotionally involved with respect the topic under discussion than he should be and his objectivity and patience suffers.  This is especially true in his responses to callers.  I don’t recall his interview(s) with Peterson or other exchanges between the two in great detail but I was left with the impression that Molyneaux was on the defensive much of the time which of course is usually the case when one argues with Peterson.


Oh, Canada... I mourn your tradition of an independent press. I'm sad that they have all sold themselves out to the Liberal party.

Even the Huffington post couldn't bring themselves to lie about your prime minister like the Canadian rags. Of course, they are not able to take part in the millions of tax payer dollars presently being spread around by the Liberal party to "trusted" media sources.

The Huffington post reports that a reporter questioned Trudeau if he raised the issue of homosexuality being illegal in Senegal when he met with the leader. The reporter forced him to tap dance while he talked about the law. The Toronto star, the globe and mail as well as the CBC are reporting that "Trudeau raised the issue of homosexual rights."

No, the male feminist only talked about it when forced to do so. But making it sound like he raised it rather than a reporter plays to his base- makes him look like the "hero."

Oh, Canada- I wish that you were still "strong and free."

*If you want to read the slanted version of the truth, it can be found here with Trudeau painted as raising the issue. https://www.thestar.com/news/world/africa/2020/02/12/canadian-pm-trudeau-raises-gay-rights-with-senegal-leader.html


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 13, 2020, 04:31:03 PM


I love the protester trying to explain her position. Didn't I see her lover close friend on television a few years ago?



Such pained :human" she's practically asking for a double tap.



Canada gave Omar Ahmed Sayid Khadr roughly 10 million dollars (Canadian.)


Quote from: albrecht on February 14, 2020, 10:31:09 AM
Canada gave Omar Ahmed Sayid Khadr roughly 10 million dollars (Canadian.)
Our illustrious leader said that it was cheaper to pay him CAN$10 million than to pay him CAN$30 million after a court trial.

Last I heard was that he was either IN nursing school or attempting to get into nursing school.  In my province we not only have to have police checks done, there is something called the Vulnerable Sector Search(VSS).  This is a specific criminal search that is based off of your birthdate. People can change their names, but you can change your birthdate.  The VSS is required for any person in Ontario that does/will work with people within the Vulnerable Sector.  Vulnerable populations are children, people undergoing general anesthesia, the aged, or any other person who may be vulnerable to abuse due to health, circumstance, age etc.

The VSS was instituted because there was a hockey coach who sexually abused many hockey players, one being Theron Fleury.  IIRC this coach after abusing young boys was caught, charged and jailed. After release, he obtained a Pardon from the Canadian government and moved to Mexico and changed his name.  After a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) reporter traveled to Mexico and outed the guy on camera.  After that, the guy with his new name, moved back to Canada and secured employment as a hockey coach.
The revelation that he received a Pardon was met with outrage.  Changes were made to the Canadian Pardon system, you can no longer get a Pardon in Canada, it's called a Record Suspension.  Record Suspensions for "Indictable Offenses(similar to the USA-Felony classification) and Summary Offenses(similar to the USA Misdemeanor classification) have waiting periods which begin AFTER your dept to society has been paid, not when the crime was committed.  For Indictable convictions the waiting period is 10 years, for Summary convictions the waiting period is 5 years.  Those time periods only begin after: all fines have been paid, all jail time is completed, all child support payments are up to date, all parole or probation is finished etc etc.
In 2017-18 there were 2,150  Indictable offence** and 2,279 Summary offence* applications
*Summary conviction offences are considered less serious than indictable offences because they are punishable by shorter prison sentences and smaller fines. The maximum penalty for a summary conviction offence is a sentence of six months of imprisonment, a fine of $5,000 or both.

**An indictable conviction offence is an offence which can only be tried on an indictment after a preliminary hearing to determine whether there is a prima facie case to answer.

So for every job I apply for, offers of employment are contingent upon clean police checks and clean Vulnerable Sector Search reports.  The Police Check is easy, but if there is some child molester that has the same birth date as me, every time I have a VSS done, the VSS report says that there was indeed a "hit" and that I am required to PROVE that I am NOT the child molester that shares the same birthday as me, so I must report to a certain place in order to be finger printed.  Once the fingerprint analysis proves that my fingerprints are NOT the same as the child molesters, a new report is written up thus clearing myself for working with the Vulnerable Sector of our population.
Until you get that secondary VSS clearance, potential future employer would probably see me as a 6'4" 240 pound pedo.  I mean there's only 365 days in a year to share with 7 billion people.  That's 19,178,082 (and carry the 3) or so potential weirdos of calendar year

Full circle back to Omar Khadar, he has some pretty hefty convictions, how the hell can he be a nurse in Canada??
In my province any criminal can apply to any college/university and be accepted. The rub occurs whenever that nursing student has to complete Clinical portion of the nurse(or any other healthcare professionals) training in a hospital, Long Term Healthcare Facility(retirement home/nursing home, etc.  In order for ANY student to be allowed inside the facility for the purpose of clinical experience with actual human patients/clients/residents MUST have a clear Police Check and VSS check completed and on file. The schools dont care, the clinical sites DO.
They said "OK sir, do you have your police check?"
I said "But I dindu nuffin.'"
They said "I believe you, but I still need the paperwork."
I just found this Wiki page about the child molester guy Graham James.



Just slipped out of the 1/2 hour edit limit,
  Within the list offences for which a Record Suspension(pardon) was approved, one of the specific offences listed was "Anal Intercourse." of which a single pardon was issued.

The Record Suspension application costs CAN$650 and can take 6 months for the more minor Summary conviction and a year for the more major Indictable conviction.  Any of this process of Record Suspension/pardon does nothing to erase your criminal record from international border services.  A pardon in my home country matters not in the eyes of the USA as Crimes of Moral Turpitude are frowned upon and may get you turned back at the border.
You can pay US$600  I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Nonimmigrant

Number of Record Suspensions(pardons) ordered/denied based on classification of crime
Indictable**-2,674 were ordered and 99 were denied
Summary*-4,364 were ordered and 43 were denied
**=USA Felony offence
*=USA Misdemeanor offence


I didnt realize Anal Intercourse was a crime.  Perhaps they meant interCOARSE aka "buggery whilst dry"?



Quote from: Dr. MD MD on February 14, 2020, 05:55:37 PM


I have given it a bit of thought and realize that I am cynical. The government has let this go on without enforcing court orders or laws. They do not want Transmountain pipeline built- but right now lack any real tool to block it that will not cause a massive western revolt.

If they let this smaller pipeline and the smaller protests bring the country to its knees, they have set a precedent. When the inevitable protests happen with TMX, they will be able to stop construction and say that they could not risk the economy of an entire country to force one pipeline through. They will give a small group of people that much power because it is what they ultimately want.

I honestly believe that is the game plan.


Quote from: WOTR on February 18, 2020, 01:46:00 AM
I have given it a bit of thought and realize that I am cynical. The government has let this go on without enforcing court orders or laws. They do not want Transmountain pipeline built- but right now lack any real tool to block it that will not cause a massive western revolt.

If they let this smaller pipeline and the smaller protests bring the country to its knees, they have set a precedent. When the inevitable protests happen with TMX, they will be able to stop construction and say that they could not risk the economy of an entire country to force one pipeline through. They will give a small group of people that much power because it is what they ultimately want.

I honestly believe that is the game plan.

Hey, anything for the Wet, so wet-ans, you racist pig. :P


Bwahaha. I love what Levant sent the investigators. You can skip to 17:30 to see the top secret documents that were sent. Kind of priceless.

The whole thing is disgusting. That Trudeau and the liberals can use the RCMP with all of their powers of interrogation, intimidation and force to go after an opponent makes me sick. The little cretinous shit-stain who pleaded with the public to ignore his conflict of interest with his vacations as well as all of his ethics breaches around SNC deserves to be prosecuted- not acting as puppet master for our national police force with his own kangaroo court.



Quote from: WOTR on March 04, 2020, 03:47:46 AM
Bwahaha. I love what Levant sent the investigators. You can skip to 17:30 to see the top secret documents that were sent. Kind of priceless.

The whole thing is disgusting. That Trudeau and the liberals can use the RCMP with all of their powers of interrogation, intimidation and force to go after an opponent makes me sick. The little cretinous shit-stain who pleaded with the public to ignore his conflict of interest with his vacations as well as all of his ethics breaches around SNC deserves to be prosecuted- not acting as puppet master for our national police force with his own kangaroo court.


I finally had a chance to watch it. Hilarious! ;D


Quote from: Dr. MD MD on March 06, 2020, 06:49:25 PM

Another example where they will pay $100,000 to their lawyers (and friends) to try to avoid paying somebody who they owe (and dislike) $10. I only hope that they are able to use tax payer funds to drag this through the courts.

I keep hearing more and more rumblings of people in the west saying it might be time to leave...

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