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Messages - Tarbaby

Quote from: eddie dean on August 19, 2013, 06:34:41 PM
I cant believe it was that simple!
I removed the file name spaces and replaced them with "_"  and, what do you know, downloaded with no problems...
The sample/bit rate had NOTHING to do with it!!
stupid technology!!!
I've been working on this all afternoon!!

Thanks MV.

Yes, that doesn't happen as often as it used to years ago but as you see it can still happen. That spaces aren't allowed in filename. It depends on the software involved on both ends.
I just discovered Dave Schrader less than two months ago. As I listened (to Darkness Radio) he made me laugh. And then again. And again. So now I like him. He's very quick. BUT, the one thing I didn't care for, and it was only one time so far, was he went into his "teacher" mode with callers AND threw in a good dose of religion. Didn't like that combo at all. If he stays light and glib he's at his best. When he waxes preachy he comes off unqualified and just spouts out what he as taught through social indoctrination.
Quote from: area51drone on October 05, 2013, 06:34:48 AM
Tarbaby  = Heiser?

Just because I look for the positive in a guest doesn't mean I AM the guest. You're way off! I'm not Michael; Michael is my Dad!
Yeah, I found ol' Roger boring at first but I made myself listen. And by the time I got to the end I was enjoying him and the variety of subjects they covered. And the callers.  I'm intrigued by the idea that these implants move around when a surgeon approaches them with a scalpel. And, allegedly now, it's been happening with various surgeons and patients, not just Whitley. One caller said he even saw it on "one of those cable shows".
   Dr. Leir was about to reveal more about the stages involved in processing a removed implant but the show ran out of time. He was just explaining how the implants are found to be inert non-biological constructs but become covered with a substance and convert to biological matter after time goes by. If true, very interesting. Not just a coating but a quality of the material itself.
This is unfortunate. I heard the show and sensed the problem as it progressed and worsened. I  liked Hogue. He's a deep thinker, fascinating. But Art's program wasn't large enough to accomodate him. I don't "buy" his whole schtick though. He could be a BSer or could be just delusional. At the same time I'm a devout Art Bell fan and his response above makes perfect sense.  So it was just one of those unfortunate situations. When Hogue would begin to go deeper into responses they were indeed broad-sweeping and  I knew immediately Art's show was not a good forum for such.
   Delusion and double-talk? Or insight? Especially relevent when we're talking about the realm of prophecy.
   But I would say IF we had the time to hear those lengthy answers they might well have been compelling or even persuasive.  So, sorry John Hogue.
Guest: Jim Sparks, professional on human abdustion.
I didn't believe his story, although he did have instant answers to caller's questions. But he had an odd affect as he told the story, odd ways of pausing and dissembling and also odd laughter at inappropriate moments, on issues that should have been serious and scarey, not amusing.
   Secondly, he would occasionally hawk his CD or website with special offers for Art Bell listeners, etc. Yes, he could have just been an especially brave soul capitalizing on his experiences but I mean, really... aliens have been invading your life and consciousness, kidnapping you for bizarre experiments for 6 years, and you laugh about it and casually try to make money on it? C'mon. Not credible. There were only two or three times my imagination was "sparked" by Sparks.

   It was* interesting, though, how Sparks could so immediately respond to callers with intricate details of parallel experience directly related to the caller's topic. I thought that added to his credibility somewhat. But the dissembling and sputtering now and then detracted from his credibility, as if his mind was racing for those "details". Art, several times, actually jumped in to rescue him at these times more than once.

   And, BTW, large parts of it just didn't make sense. For example, he spent years learning their* alphabet, symbols which corresponded to our alphabet. Going over each letter until it was firmly memorized. That implies a one to one correspondence. But subsequently he said he would read a 50 page story, in English, and then the same story in the alien symbology but that* would only take less than ONE page. Implying major compression. What happened to the one to one language letter exchange?

   One can never easily tell which of these people are very clever and imaginative authors and storytellers and which are genuinely delusional. I guess it's mostly a matter of whether it's subconscious or conscious deception. Suddenly I'm now think of John Titor.
Quote from: onan on October 12, 2013, 06:27:26 PM
Seems to me there would be some conversations, somewhere along the line, that dealt with really conversing. Or, perhaps something along the line of: "Hey my name was Bob Smith, from Boinkville, can you tell the preacher he doesn't have it quite right?

I've thought about that issue from time to time, how these people have to spend HOURS listening to NOTHING. But then he cleared that up on that last program, they use a spectrum analyzer to scan the recordings for any signs of sound and then focus in on it. That would make it much easier.

I'm, I guess, even beyond skeptic. I think it's totally bogus. Why would ghost voices have echo? How would they even possibly reproduce a voice sound which is modulated vibrations in the air that register on the ear to produce "sound" in the brain (which is the brain's ability to interpret nerve data? It just doesn't make any sense at all except superstitious nonsense. Or outright hoax.
   I am considering trying it myself but I don't want to spend 10 hours  LISTENING to blank recording hiss. I don't have a spectrum analyzer set up.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 10/10/2012 - Open Lines
October 13, 2013, 06:30:31 AM
Steelbot! I just saw your handle here and I wanted to tell you I heard your call the other day and I thought you were GREAT!
Archive of Old Threads / Re: 10/10/2012 - Open Lines
October 11, 2013, 12:12:28 PM
Quote from: jazmunda on October 10, 2013, 09:23:39 PM
Did I sound ok? Was the call clear?

I forgot to ask Art as I was calling in on Skype.

You can obviously call in for free on Skype for overseas.

I just wanted to know whether the call was clear and whether there was a delay?

The call was 5 by 5, crystal clear. But why? did? Every? Word? End? With? a question? mark?
Quote from: DanTSX on October 09, 2013, 08:03:37 PM
Fukushima rants and coverup is the sole territory of Jeff Rense (that and blaming the Jews for everything).  Poodlehead gonna be mad.

Wow. I'd forgotten all about Jeff Rense. Haven't heard that name for over 10+ years. I tried listening to his show way back in the day.
Linda is right up there with Hogueland when it comes to nonstop dissertation. Her elocution is still as impeccable as ever. If you follow her and don't let your mind wander she is compelling. Wide range of relevant associated memories, facts, events and history at instant recall.
World traveler and investigator. I think, however, she conflates personal anecdote (or projection or fantasy or even fabrication) for "fact" and then looks for forensic evidence to support or weave around the person's story. I'm sure it's an occupational hazard; love Linda.
Quote from: guildnavigator on October 03, 2013, 08:15:04 PM
Damnit this is so good having Art back on the air! It's like Dolemite came out of prison and back to the old neighborhood to run things the way they should be! Oh Dolemite, I'm so happy.

Does "Dolemite" rhyme with "Yosemite"?
The problem is I have no way of knowing if Matthew has his causality correct. Did the peak experience cause the bio-chemical changes in the brain or vice versa. He offers no evidence either way to prove causality, just inductive inference.
   BUT, I would say that to me his premise is still open. A possibility.
The idea that existential angst has prompted the genetic mechanism to create a safety valve. Thus preventing mass suicide.
   When Art said wouldn't you (Alper) worry if we convinced everyone to become atheists wouldn't people become more unethical. Alper says NO because people aren't ethical because of religiosity anyway. Alper is a secular humanist.
I must say I don't believe one word of what Meador's putting out. I also did not believe that elderly lady that called next with the story about herself and two friends who had a "Close Encounter of the 3rd Kind" right out of the movie. She's the one who sounded just like Sylvia Brown. Didn't believe a word of her tale either.
I didn't believe the Texas E.V.P. from the cemetary either. Why shouldn't we just assume that was the guy's girlfriend whispering?
The call I did like most was the very last one, the lady that lived in Vera Cruz that saw the glowing green object rise up from the water and float up into the sky to reach out with a "hand" like apparatus and gather something from the power lines
Dr Michael Heiser, theist/dualist - Good one. Alper's name came up. Heiser had about the same criticism of Alper as I do, that of causality and proof.
"Faith without Reason is ridiculous" Dr. Heiser says. I'd give this program a very high rating,
   And the unscreemed-callers segment was fascinating. And I'm not particularly religious.
Quote from: area51drone on October 04, 2013, 03:40:26 PM
Yes, much agreed!  I can kind of understand them grabbing the assholes of cattle, but why would they need to sodomize any person is beyond me.  Too see if it hurts?  To make the abductees feel raped?  There has never been any explanation as to what might have been done in the raping.   Maybe they extract the poop to see how digestion works?

Yes, that thought occurred to me, too. Anal probes. I was wondering if maybe al the alien females stayed home and the guys on the UFOs are gay? So why do they do anal probes?  As the old saying goes, "Because they can."
    Plus, aren't all the victims anesthetized at the time thus end up with  'lost time'?
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