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Messages - Tarbaby

Quote from: jazmunda on July 10, 2014, 06:01:44 PM
My non-serious posts are posted by my online persona which is a separate entity to my real life persona. As the great aldousburbank was fond of saying, "I'm just a dude playing a dude".

My real life persona is not responsible for my online persona's posts or the butt hurt that is generated as a result.
so, I take it I am talking to your real-life persona now? ;-)
Well what the… I never thought I'd see the day. A serious post from the jazz meister!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader C2C AM
July 10, 2014, 03:00:36 PM
Good impressions, well reasoned, well stated!
Yep, could be amusing. For someone in the right mood.
I can understand why the "church" wants to convert people, they want to Acquire tax-free dollars for the coffers. But I don't see why the members of the flock become glazed-eyed obsessed with converting  anyone they run into. What Intense subconscious mandate is being satiated? It's like they are hypnotized. Literally unable to think. When I ask them why they feel driven to proselytize they just stare blankly and thump  the Bible and mutter a cliché as if in a post hypnotic trance. As happened above between stellar and me. 
The way I got dragged into this is a tangent from my post to Stellar. It's a digression that I'm just not interested in, sorry. I don't see where religious platforms (or secular platforms for that matter) have been successful in advancing civilization. I mean, look around, it's a shambles. And old books don't contain any particular wisdom as they are concerned with issues and values of their times. Including the bible.

But what I was aiming for in my post to Stellar  was an honest introspective answer from a devout believer as to why there is such an obsession among believers to convert others. I could understand it with the upper hierarchy of churches that are interested in getting more tax-free income. Tything the new converts. But I don't see why the "soldiers" (common members of the flock) become glazed-eyed obsessed about converting others. What unconscious mandate is it satiating? And when I ask a believer about this they absolutely do not even hear or understand the question, they just go back to something the Bible. It's like they're hypnotized. And are literally unable to think.

Yup, OTR. I've listened to them for years. Great for loading onto a little Sanza player to take on a long walk. I have many many gigs stored on a hard drive.DL'd for free. Also good for road trips. A large repository of classic Sherlock Holmes episodes (including many with Nigel Bruce and Basil Rathbone who also did the movie series), two different noir detective series with Dick Powell,etc. frankly, there's a lot of dreck there too but you just have to be selective to your own tastes..

Note: I did run across an app for the iPad (there might be more) that automatically downloads and hour which includes two randomly chosen programs, not sure how many times per week but it's automatic for free, maybe wants a week, they just show up in your "podcast" directory.
Yes. I understand your point and your reasoning. I don't agree with it.
Albrecht: I had already left this thread but I saw your name in the "last post" box and since I think so highly of your posts I came back to see what you posted. I am not sure why you ignored the vast bulk of my post and fixated on one tiny concept. And then hammered away at it for another post or two. But it does suggest a few things.
anyway, you misunderstoodd my post. I wasn't referring to all ancient books, justt the one in question (the Bible, the one he was citing  as thee  self referential source that wouldd provide the basis of his beliefs. the reference to a "2000 year old book" was made in a specific context. In reference to that particular book. Of all the things that might have troubled you with my post I'm surprised that that was the   red flag to the bull.;-)
As evidence I submitt that one of my favorite books is from the 14th  century..
And I agree with the fine posts by Onan and Yorkey.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Spec Sheet
July 09, 2014, 02:47:36 PM
Saxgod: also check out the "train wreck "podcast in the archives. Hours and hours of entertainment there.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Spec Sheet
July 08, 2014, 08:33:02 PM
July 8, 2014: great show! Hard to determine who has the more lovely voice, Redacted or ponyboy sunset. The new equipment with its fuller functions as exciting and promises much for GabCast too.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dark Weekend
July 08, 2014, 05:20:33 PM
Quote from: wr250 on July 08, 2014, 05:02:54 PM
ive listened to it like 5 times lol.
ewwww…. :-)

But yes, I was going to add that, that the guest  might have been exceptional or that you might have been the extra CataList, Or that thse combination really work.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dark Weekend
July 08, 2014, 02:40:21 PM
Yes, I agree with everyone so far. Good show! I thought it might be a topic that was too dry for me but no, it was very interesting. What I mean is if a guest just starts rattling off unfamiliar acronyms and aircraft numbers and part numbers my eyes glaze over usually but this was more.
AO: good to put a voice to your name after our discussions in your thread a while back. Your voice sounds just like I imagined. A cross between Harvey Fierstein and Emo Phillips. No no no, J/K! Your thread here (astrophysics and cosmology) is absolutely riveting!
I am outraged that we have a shrine out west for him: "the Grand Kenyon".WTF!
Art, I'm checking in on this thread as we discussed. Go ahead and set up that simulcast on CNN, in Larry Kings old time slot, it's the only thing that can save them now. I will use whatever pull I have to make it happen. You will be able to take all the phone and Skype calls you wish., on air.

I'm keeping an eye on things over here. Don't worry about Titor. He can't triangulate on me, My computer room is a faraday cage. Yes, Mr. fidget showed up here as you predicted. He's playing it meek and mild but occasionally his tremendous intellect shows through.

I have toggled this post to "stealth "mode so no one can see it but us.
Quote from: Stellar on July 05, 2014, 12:41:46 AM

Hmmm did not Jesus say, "Go out and preach the Good News"?  There are 2 path's here alone one Heavenly the other Hell.  Enough said.
I suppose if I had any belief that a 2000-year-old book would have relevance or meaning for modern times I might consider that some sort of answer. But I don't and it isn't. I was aiming at a direct answer from your own thoughts, not from ancient indoctrination. With all due respect I've been hearing that religious doubletalk my whole life. It seems to be the refuge of people who are  too afraid to forge their own destiny. People who have succumbed to existential angst.

That book you cite has been radically edited and altered over the centuries most notably at the Council of Nicaea where they took out  doctrines they didn't like and added books they did like.(From the Apocrypha). Various major doctrines (like reincarnation) were taken out completely. I always feel vaguely insulted when people try to exchange ideas about their religion and really know nothing about it. I will withdraw please.
 I had the impression that the Elysium earth was a dystopian society, falling apart at the seams, similar to Blade Runner movie.
Quote from: Treading Water on July 04, 2014, 05:04:15 PM
Does this mean you liked it??   ;)
I did enjoy it but remember, I can't see, I just enjoyed the audio. And frankly, I was half dozing and the audio and music and special effects was very evocative. And of course I absorbed the dialogue and plot.
Stellar "": in your worldview, why does God create man without an innate awareness of the connection between God and man? Why do men have to spend their lives trying to convert others? I would think God should have caught that flaw in the beta testing stage. And why does God care if we convert our fellow man? I'm not trying to be mean or Callous, but I never understood the reason for proselytization. If we are containers or vessels of gods essence then whether we consciously know it or not makes no difference. At the end we would return to theSource. and don't say because if one believes in God they act more morally because I haven't seen any sign of that whatsoever.

If you don't care to discuss this I apologize and withdraw immediately.

(Added in edit) if there is a God then all mankind are manifestations of that God in three dimensional reality. So God would have purposely omitted Self-knowledge so that each independent autonomous person would have a separate unique experience; thus God discovering itself in millions of lives throughout time (which by the way is also an illusion created by God) as part of the three dimensional reality). So, this obsession some have with convincing others of God's existence might actually be irritating God.
Quote from: onan on July 04, 2014, 12:42:36 PM
if the presentation is from organic disease or symptom of a mental illness then yes glossolalia, otherwise... faking.
yes, I assume they are all faking even if only unwittingly. But in the best cases of glossolalia I wonder if there is conformity to structure and internal integrity. IE., is it a consistent language(established or spontaneous) or just a string of gibberish. In the few cases I have heard the overall voice inflection is the same as if they were speaking English or their own base language. If I were just a bit more interested I would look up and see if there is any internal integrity or consistency to this spontaneous language, in a best case scenario.

When it's not out right fraud it's probably a form of mass hypnosis/suggestion I suppose. I think I might look into it.
(Manwell comes running out of the kitchen)
"Eez fire! Eez fire! FUEGO!"
Fawlty: "Is no fire! Only drill!" (Pushes Manuel back into the kitchen… which is in flames)

Yes, that "speaking in tongues" sounds like it could be interesting. I have never studied it.Glossolalia, right? I mean study it from the secular approach.
Elysium(2013)sci-fi Ill-received follow-up by the maker of "District nine". Earth's elite  live in luxury on a satellite while the rest of us Rabbo scrounge for existence here on the planet. Set in 2154. I see that for every person who loves this movie about nine people hated it.
"Which one man with beard?" manuel (fawlty towers)
Politics / Re: Sgt Bergdahl comes home (finally)
July 04, 2014, 07:34:17 AM
I wonder… Should we wait until all the actual facts are revealed before we get our undies in a knot?
Quote from: MV on July 03, 2014, 10:57:33 PM
were you listening to the spec sheet?
exactly. That was my little homage to the recent spec sheet. Glad you caught it.
Now wait a second. I thought it was only 17 years ago. I am nonplussed.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
July 03, 2014, 08:03:36 AM
Quote from: Treading Water on July 03, 2014, 05:33:12 AM
Oh, I've missed you, Eddie. 
It's the little things....I love this stuff.    :)
quote for a two bit hood he has his fingers in a lot of pies…"
(That was said about Eddie coil about halfway through the movie "the friends of Eddie Coyle")
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dark Weekend
July 02, 2014, 04:58:37 PM
RE: Greg bishop

Downright personable but what he calls research the rest of the world calls hearsay. Whenever you probed his research he simply quoted something he heard or read. I mean, all we are really left with is his impression of other people's work.

Steve, let me know if I'm out of line; if so I apologize.
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