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Messages - Tarbaby

Random Topics / Re: Favorite place to vacation?
July 17, 2014, 02:01:46 PM
Umm …
I've been curious about that caller on the last show that got cut off after about six words. B _dubb thought it might have been Ziznak judging from the similar handle in the chat room. The caller had a great voice. Ziznak, are you reading this thread, was thatyou?

As for Mel's Hole, it's closed. He was reaching for preparation H but got super glue instead.
Hmmm.And once again justice is thwarted by spurious issues. And then they wonder why the war against racism is two steps forward and one step back.
My frustration throughout this whole thing is, I understood the bitch… I mean, the lovely young lass, punched Anthony in the face. So what I want to know aside from all this site issue about Anthony's firing is was she arrested for assault?
Technology / Re: The Apollo Program was a Hoax!
July 16, 2014, 07:42:01 PM
You guys wait here. I'll run git Onan.
Ahhh! Those are good.

I remember a long time ago there was a group of scientists who thought the universe was toroidal shaped.
French-American? I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing. ;-)
Technology / Re: The Apollo Program was a Hoax!
July 15, 2014, 03:09:01 PM
Not sure about theraison d'tre of BARBARELLA. I think it's to see how large an erection I can get watching Jane Fonda prance around and that skimpy outfit. I'm not sure if that movie has another plot?
Technology / Re: The Apollo Program was a Hoax!
July 15, 2014, 02:46:01 PM
Stellar: look!now  Yorkey is referring to himself in the third person. Something these time lords do. And by the way, that bunny sounds suspiciously like the one in the holy Grail. Clearly extra terrestrial. Big pointy sharp teeth!
Technology / Re: The Apollo Program was a Hoax!
July 15, 2014, 02:26:14 PM
Psssst! Stellar: ask Yorky why he is purposely omitting any mention of the reptilian mothership! It's a cover-up!
Random Topics / Re: Making tough choices
July 15, 2014, 01:35:02 PM
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
July 15, 2014, 12:57:24 PM
Quote from: onan on July 15, 2014, 03:58:51 AM
What about all of us that put the onion on the top and the tomato and lettuce on the bottom and secure them with mustard on the bottom and catsup on the top?
hey, I like that idea! I've been using superglue.
Feldman claims he gets his material from various reliable sources. I'm not so sure. The quiz I was listening to was "whatya yo know" with Michael Feldman on NPR. Somebody actually guessed Sweden or Denmark and he said no, it's Australia. But I had to wonder what criteria they were going by and how did they find out who was the happiest  countries.
Random Topics / Re: Ouija Board Possesion Story!
July 14, 2014, 02:26:46 PM
The Ouija board phenomena, when it works, needn't be the supernatural gateway to the nether worlds. But it could be the vehicle for expressions of the subconscious. And occasionally with the right two people maybe it could transfer information of latent psychic abilities. I don't know, I just know it works for Jesse and me. I used to try to check to see if he was hoaxing and never caught him at it. And of course I know I wasn't hoaxing. Also, when I tried the Ouija board with anyone else it just never work, didn't blow as effortlessly as with Jesse.

I tried the board again (with my girlfriend) sometime later after I got out of the Navy and -- nothing. The planchette  would move which is more than can happen for a lot of people but all it did was swing back and forth between the letters N & A. "N A N A N A N A N A…"
Random Topics / Re: Ouija Board Possesion Story!
July 14, 2014, 01:46:44 PM
Quote from: Juan on July 14, 2014, 05:45:39 AM
So (ha) what happened to her?
don't know. Never kept track of her. I knew the people in the house, they were friends of mine, but I didn't know the neighbors. Kind of interesting though, maybe I should try to find out what happened to that woman. Probably nothing though because even if she lost her so  she wouldn't know about it until she died, right? We were all around 16 or 17 and I think she was about 24 or 25.
Random Topics / Re: Ouija Board Possesion Story!
July 14, 2014, 01:34:21 PM
I know it's not infallible. I have lived way past the date it said I would die.
Quote from: Tarbaby on July 11, 2014, 07:50:36 AM
Robin Thicke was married to Paula Poundstone?
jaz: I was listening to a quiz show the other day and the question was "what country is the happiest"?

(Everyone can guess. I'll be back tomorrow with the answer… Unless I forget to come back)
and, the answer is: Australia!
Random Topics / Re: Making tough choices
July 13, 2014, 03:16:02 PM
I attended Bowie's Glass spider tour/concert. I was there with my girlfriend.  We  were in the process of breaking up. Some guy walked along in the row behind us and still about half of his 28 ounce ice cold beer down her back. The whole event was a huge disappointment including the band. Although we were both fans  of bowie's music in his previous better days.
Random Topics / Re: Making tough choices
July 12, 2014, 09:02:29 PM
Quote from: Foodlion on July 12, 2014, 06:32:32 PM
That's a tough one. Wolf spiders are friendly little guys.

But if you don't, you might miss the target and hit yourself... and that's not cool.
Hell, I might hit someone through the window going down the street in a car. Knock their hat off.
Camazotz Automat: that was good! (Above)
See? I finally learned your name.
Random Topics / Re: Ouija Board Possesion Story!
July 12, 2014, 08:24:19 PM
Thanks, Albrecht. I have thought of calling it in to some show but never have although I did post it all on another forum some years ago. I wouldn't call it in to Noory but I might do Dave Shrader.
Random Topics / Re: Ouija Board Possesion Story!
July 12, 2014, 08:00:49 PM
Here's what happened to me. I don't blame you if you don't believe it, I know I sure as hell wouldn't. But it happened.
I wasn't a believer in the Ouija board (or anything supernatural, ghosts, etc)  but when I was a teenager friends and I used to get it out during once summer and have sessions. Most of the time the person on the other side of the board from me was my best friend, a Latino. I would say he was quite superstitious.

I won't go into all the events of that summer but I will say one particular night with a house full of spectators the board was really lively. It was telling us the serial numbers off dollar bills that people were holding in their hands across the room. And it apparently was making a dog outside stop and start barking on command. We said to it, initially, "make that dog stop barking!"it said, "in exchange for your soul."my friend and I weren't about to make such a blanket agreement but a young woman in the room (a neighbor) said "I don't believe in that shit, I'll do it."so for the next 10 or 15 minutes we were making the dog stop or start barking on command.(Or else it was one hell of a coincidence).

Now here's the verbatim events I set out to relate:
Me:"is anything going to happen to Jesse or me tonight?" (My friends name is Jesse. Granted this was a leading question)
Ouija board: simply said "yes".
Me: "what is going to happen?"
Ouija board: "bleed."
Me: "What is going to bleed?"
Ouija board:"Eye".
Me: "Whose eye?"
Ouija board: "Jesse".
Me: "why will his eye bleed?"
Ouija board: "rock".

At this point we were all spooked. Someone let out a nervous giggle and the planchette started moving in a circle. It began to circle faster and faster, faster than I had ever seen it move and it flew off the board. There was a lit candle in the room and suddenly the Candleflame grew to a height of about 8 inches. Not the whole flame but just the very tip. I watched it as it undulated.

At this point, our bravado broken, we got spooked and put it away. A couple hours past, we try to be jovial and take our minds off it. Eventually, around midnight, I was going to leave and give Jesse a ride home on the back of my motorcycle. About halfway to his house I was going down a long hill and there was a sudden commotion on the back. He was yelling "stop, stop". So I pulled to a stop which just happened to be under a streetlight. He reached his hand over my right shoulder and I could see  blood on his fingers. I Yelled, "what happened?"
  He said, "I thought I felt my crucifix move (the one he had on a chain around his neck) and it actually fell off. So I reached down for it and a rock flew up and hit me in the eye. I remember it was one of those wild windy summer nights, the air was filled with ozone.

I swear to God this actually happened. I would take a lie detector test without reservation. This unnerved me some for years but I think I figured out a prosaic explanation. I won't prolong this but it has to do with the power of the subconscious mind. In this case Jesse's. Well, except for one thing, how did his subconscious mind make that rock fly up? Not to mention the prediction of the event itself. One thing I'm sure of, it wasn't a hoax. I trust Jesse with my life. He wouldn't have Hoechst that. This still leaves the matter of the Ouija board reading the serial numbers off the dollar bills and a few other matters.

Random Topics / Re: Making tough choices
July 12, 2014, 08:53:16 AM
Shouldn't this thread go under "sticky topics"?
Random Topics / Re: Making tough choices
July 11, 2014, 05:13:42 PM
Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on July 11, 2014, 10:14:34 AM
Last night I was randomly viewing some nudie photos of Asian girls with big boobs, and I felt that familiar stirring.  I was in the mood for what is euphemistically known as "racking the pump action yogurt rifle," "shaking hands with the one-armed sailor," or "educating Quick Karl" (and for you libertarians, "shrugging Atlas").

I got things prepared, including some paper towels laid out in a little stack on the desk in front of me for easy access.  I got a particularly good rhythm going with the porn clip I was watching, and felt the satisfying sensation of a giant load moving into the firing chamber (guys will understand what I mean here).  This was gonna be a good one.  I made a quality check to see if I had enough towels on hand.

With exquisite timing, I brought myself closer and closer to the edge until the moment of truth arrived.  As I crossed the threshold of inevitability, I could sense that this was indeed going to be a typhoon, and I reached for the towels.

Just then, with a golf ball-sized load traveling down my plumbing, I noticed that a medium-sized wolf spider had scampered onto the paper towels.  And it just sat there.  Watching.

Under other circumstances, I could have dealt with this situation cleanly.  But circumstances, and the clock, were not on my side.

How about you guys?  Have you ever faced a "tough choice" situation under time pressure?  How did you resolve it?
what was the tough choice? Whether to aim at the spider or not?
Crystallized Plutocrat (sorry, I just can't seem to memorize your alias): the problem with your metaphor is… I don't think Sleep holds our legal.
Quote from: qaddisin on July 11, 2014, 05:37:57 AM
tl;dr version of this post: I stopped listening to FTB, but not because of the twitter thing.

Now, if you have an attention span longer than that of the average internet user, I present my critical analysis of why I no longer enjoy the program.

I started listening to the show at the very beginning, and at that point I thought it was pretty good (think I was one of the first posts in this thread). It wasn't Art in his heyday, but certainly better than Noory and Clyde Lewis. I figured he'd work out the rough patches as he went, and eventually polish himself into a decent talk show host.

So the more I listened, the more I noticed some things. First, that the "conversation on my couch" statement really meant  "It's my house, so I'm going to eventually let you talk, but not until I have the chance to talk about every personal thing that's ever happened to me related or unrelated to this particular subject." Second, he sounds more and more like a top 40 pop station DJ trying to conduct an interview. I kept waiting for him to interject "Twelfth caller wins two tickets to the monster truck extravaganza this Sunday" in the middle of his guest talking. Third, the "sitting in for Art Bell" thing got real old, real quick. Even though Jimmy sounds like he has an ego the size of southern California, he still needs to placate the audience with a "don't worry, Art will come back soon". And finally, the website is the absolute worst thing in the world to try and navigate through. I figured Keith would have stepped in at some point and at least given Jimmy the current artbell.com template to work with, but instead it's like an old geocities website. Whenever I went there to look for guest information, I expected to be greeted by midi music. And don't get me started on the clunkiness of the forum.

Overall, his style is not suited to a long form interview. He's better off just having a topic for a show and taking callers offering their opinion and riffing on that. Unfortunately he's basically doing a live podcast instead of drive time AM radio, so that option is out the window.

If you enjoy his show, that's cool. I'm not going to be the internet asshole and tell you that you're wrong. Nor will I criticize his program on the basis that he may or may not have artificially inflated his popularity. I guarantee you that every person that posts here would engage in some form of shameless self promotion if they undertook a similar endeavor. I listened to the show and gave it more than a fair chance, and have just not found it enjoyable enough to continue supporting.
Aha! Good to see you post again.
Random Topics / Re: Pope Frances
July 11, 2014, 08:46:17 AM
Behold! Stellar. BellGab's own little Man of LaMantia. Tilting his lance  at the heathens. It's like poor little BellGab has something horrible on the bottom of it's shoe.
Robin Thicke was married to Paula Poundstone?
jaz: I was listening to a quiz show the other day and the question was "what country is the happiest"?

(Everyone can guess. I'll be back tomorrow with the answer… Unless I forget to come back)
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
July 11, 2014, 07:23:00 AM
Quote from: ItsOver on July 10, 2014, 11:29:32 AM
Hey Dinovite.  How about toning down the descriptions of the poor non-Dinovite canines.  Do we really need to hear about "stinking dogs covered with oozing, yeast-filled sores and who knows what else" in order to push your crap? At least the lame Carnivora commercials aren't describing folks as looking worse than The Elephant Man.  Yet.
you didn't want to hear about it but you thought WE would? ;-)
Sorry about that. I think I had two similar posts because my system crashed when I was trying to save the first one. Looks like BellGab  saved it  during the crash.
When I say "church" I mean any standard church that passes the collection plate.
As for Obama, I am really not concerned with what politicians say. I have more interesting things to think about. They're generally lying. I don't belong to either party. You guys will just have to sort it out.
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