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Messages - Tarbaby

Random Topics / Re: Intolerably pompous words
July 24, 2014, 04:29:39 PM
Quote from: zeebo on July 23, 2014, 11:54:27 PM
That's ok, you can replace it with a veritable plethora.
:-) or a myriad.
Random Topics / Re: Intolerably pompous words
July 24, 2014, 04:15:52 PM
The premise of this thread is fallacious.  It's not words that are pompous, it's people. And even that is usually projected by the ignorant and illiterate. Rather than crack open a book and learn the English language they would rather wine resentfully and feel insulted. Stupid mouth breathers. A pox on them.
Random Topics / Re: Live Human Experimentation
July 24, 2014, 03:28:20 PM
So far mankind has shown absolutely no ability to experiment humanely. But I have often thought of the benefits to mankind of eugenics, properly managed. But that will be done with Gene manipulation.
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 24, 2014, 02:07:48 PM
Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on July 23, 2014, 02:48:00 PM
MB and I used to be blood enemies until that time we met at the Home Depot to settle our differences.  He got the drop on me and nailed the toe of one of my shoes to the ground, then beat me with a baseball bat while I shuffled around in a circle trying to get away.  Did I cry like a little girl, puss out and call him dishonorable?  No, I did not.  I shook his hand and congratulated him.  We kissed and made up, and he's been blowing me on the weekends ever since.

So as you can see, great moments come from great opportunities.  Don't be so quick to dismiss a chance to make a friend in this world.
was that before or after you were banned last year?
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 02:30:45 PM
Magnificent bastard and Celt: loving your posts.
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 02:27:30 PM
Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on July 23, 2014, 02:20:41 PM
No, that was not me.
yes it was. I checked before posting that.
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 02:13:39 PM
Good stuff, good stuff. But I think, while we are all dancing here, we should all take the time to look up the word "sophistry". And, Dps, JackStarr called the podcast yesterday so if that wasn't you  well, that's mainly who this thread is about. (You asked what the purpose of this thread was).
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 12:26:31 PM
Yes, I do somewhat understand your perspective. You didn't get much chance to elaborate or clarify it on the podcast yesterday. But do you see my side?[A sociopath never seems to glimpse his own lack of empathy. Not saying you… I mean jackster  is one but the sweeping social reaction seems to suggest it. IE, he is perceived that way. And if both sides are not feeling the humanity in each other well, I guess your "game" is deficient.  quote author=DigitalPigSnuggler link=topic=6446.msg280756#msg280756 date=1406138937]
As there is in all sports that are played skillfully.

Here's the distinction: in art, success is measured by the esteem that the viewers have for your work.  In a general sense, the more approval, the more successful is your effort. 

In sports, you measure success by approval of those that like you, and the hateration of those who don't.  In both cases, the magnitude of those sentiment rises as you perform more skillfully.  And so it goes with trolling.
[/quote] yes, these dynamics I already knew. I guess I've just been too isolated to notice if/when trolling became the least bit honorable.
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 12:07:22 PM
Quote from: onan on July 23, 2014, 11:57:36 AM
You guys suck.
where were you yesterday, young man?
Random Topics / Re: Your Celebrity Stories
July 23, 2014, 12:02:01 PM
Wow! You have a way of telling stories that is quite moving.
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 11:56:39 AM
I ain't got me no game! (sob)
Random Topics / Re: Your Celebrity Stories
July 23, 2014, 11:45:46 AM
I love it. Sweet story.
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 11:35:33 AM
Quote from: West of the Rockies on July 23, 2014, 11:03:48 AM
A thousand times NO.  We don't sign up here to read your not so clever crap.  You want to start your own blog or forum where you can share your wit and wisdom and disdain for everyone who isn't you or in your special club, go for it.  It's like putting shitty graffiti on someone's house.  Do that crap to your own place. ("You" here refers to trolls.)
May I ask if you are referring to me… or Jackstar? I am keeping track of where people stand.;-) :-)
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 11:27:01 AM
Quote from: DigitalPigSnuggler on July 23, 2014, 08:13:58 AM
When you see this "tell," it's a sure tipoff that what follows is coming from somebody who has no game.
care to elaborate? On impulse Iadded IMP because I didn't want MV to think I was usurping his milieu. Again, as with Albrecht, if you submit a list of words to me that you would like me to eschew I will consider placating you. I don't live in the Zona Roja  so don't know what "baby got game" means. ;-)
Random Topics / Re: Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 11:14:29 AM
Albrecht,Sometimes"milieu" is the word that comes to mind. Once I learn all the words you don't like I can try to avoid them. ;-) "

YP: I don't think disemboweling is involved. It's just a question of reinstatement or not.
Random Topics / Re: Audio Of You Making Music
July 23, 2014, 10:29:57 AM
Quote from: eddie dean on June 15, 2014, 04:10:29 PM
Recorded in 2003, added drums and remixed in 2006.
I'm playing everything except drums.
ahh, nice. Tight vocals!
Fact-based personal attacks. They require a more complex waiting system. ;-)
Random Topics / Re: Your Celebrity Stories
July 23, 2014, 09:12:59 AM
Quote from: Robert Ghostwolf's Ghost on July 22, 2014, 11:23:44 PM
Did he ask you if you liked gladiator movies?   :D

you beat me to it. I was about to ask if he said, "did you ever see a grown man naked?"
Regarding the chat room : I'm often in the chat room but I'm on my iPad and I still haven't figured out how to post with it. When I try to post it just freezes. But, just to assure everyone, I'm not stalking anyone.
 author=Bart Ell link=topic=4969.msg280576#msg280576 date=1406085223]
They usually do it themselves right before exiting a venue.
[/quote] oh. Okay. But then why did you say "my dick"?
Random Topics / Re: My band has a new track
July 23, 2014, 08:33:56 AM
Fucking awesome!
Random Topics / Trolling as "performance art"?
July 23, 2014, 07:57:59 AM
Trolling as "Performance Art"?

Trolling has long been discouraged and is usually disallowed becauseIMO it contributes to a gradual erosion of healthy social integrity and trust. When trollers treat people as objects, foils, and strawmen to be ridiculed or knocked down it's a blatant form of sociopathism. With no concern for the feelings of others.

Do you think trolling should be allowed on a social milieu under the guise of "performance art"?
(I should add that this issue has its origin yesterday on the latest "SpecSheet podcast where a banned member pleaded this case.)
Random Topics / Re: Your Celebrity Stories
July 22, 2014, 09:56:57 PM
I* liked it. It beats the hell out of my brush with Emilio Estevez.
Let me see if I got this straight… The tour manager wants people to rub their dick on the hors d'oeuvres?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Spec Sheet
July 22, 2014, 08:08:41 PM
I listen to the live show tonight. is JackStar's friend Andy someone here on Bellgab?
Oh my God, already bellGab has tarnished Albrecht! ;-)
Good job, señorFidget. I have done transcribing like this in the past. It's fun and it's an excellent way for the transcriber to really absorb the material.
Two words = paranoid delusional equals Jones. Still, doesn't mean he isn't right on a  few issues now and then. But G, what a pleasant voice he has.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
July 22, 2014, 09:21:10 AM
Somewhere, last month, I heard people discussing how Superman might have been circumcised. What with being indestructible and all. One guy said it would have had to have been on krypton, before he left. They didn't address the question of why he might have been circumcised.
Quote from: Imconfused on July 21, 2014, 08:00:35 PM
The phrase "it's what it is " is forbidden in this forum. 

Just saying......
ha! Thankyeww for honoring me "it is what it is" mandate!

When I heard that sword being described I was thinking "scimitar".
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