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Messages - yumyumtree

Politics / Re: 2016 Likely Candidates for POTUS?
October 24, 2014, 04:59:25 PM
I would rather not see Mitt Romney run again, but if he gets the nomination, of course I'll vote for him.

Today Ben Shapiro was saying that if a person recieves any kind of benefits, he would rather they didn't vote.  I don't know if that included Social Security.  Some day, you'll be old, Ben, though SS will probably have collapsed by then.
Random Topics / Re: Marysville Shooting
October 24, 2014, 04:54:56 PM
Yes, it seems to connect to the girlfriend some way. They had been dating since grade 7, apparently. The other unnamed dead victim is a girl.

Updates from heraldnet.com: 2 dead, they are including the shooter.  One victim taken to Harborview, after first being taken to Prov.

Uncle says, "not a monster, he's a nice kid."  Just shut up already.  Sorry, I get really tired of family members who come out with these dopey comments after something like this.  What's wrong with saying nothing?
Here is a good Halloween movie, not a gorefest, but definitely good for the season, recommended by an old movie buff--Carnival of Souls, from the early 60s.  Extremely low budget, cast of unknowns, including some townspeople with community theatre experience, that sort of thing.  Black and white.
Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 24, 2014, 03:10:38 PM

Loved it! Very gritty WW2 flick. Brad Pitt is amazing in this.

Thanks for the tip.  Ever since Moneyball, Tree of Life and a few other recent things, I am liking Pitt more and more.
Abandoned 1949
Sunday Bloody Sunday 1971

I had never seen Murray Head in a movie before. I'm pretty sure that this is a film that my mother was excited about seeing when it came out after she saw clips on the Academy Awards or some TV talk show.  It seems curious that she would want to see a movie which features a family's callous reaction to the death of their dog, a little kid puffing on a joint and two men in bed together kissing passionately. ( I personally was a lot more bothered by the first two than the third, of course.) But I suppose these choice bits weren't used for clips on primetime American television. It wasn't a bad film.  Now I won't always think a U2 song when I hear that title. No IRA terrorists at all, BTW.
Quote from: expat on October 24, 2014, 12:40:01 PM
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Excrementum Tori, but really that Dolores Cannon woman was pathetic. I don't think she had the slightest idea what frequency actually means.

My latin is rusty.  Does that mean "Don't speak ill of the dead?'  This is the trouble with this type of show.  It makes us feel guilty for ripping the guests the way we normally would.
George is so silly.  He thinks that 65 is a lot of guests to have died.  Death is part of life, George. How long has he been doing the  show--11 or 12 years, now?  And he's probably had hundreds of guests.  So the law of averages is that a substantial number would have passed, especially since many are senior citizens or at least middle-aged.  Not a lot of guests in their teens and 20s.

Somebody has written a whole book on Robert the Doll? My goodness. BTW, I saw that movie "Childs' Play" recently. I had never seen it in the theatre.  It pretty much stinks. But that's for the movie thread.
Random Topics / Marysville Shooting
October 24, 2014, 03:52:16 PM
It doesn't look like anybody else has started a thread on the Pilchuck h.s. shooting, so I will. I found out at 11:30 PST during the news break while I was listening to Glenn Beck and getting ready for yoga. I understand two are dead.  I don't know if they are counting the shooter, who I guess shot himself. Marysville is the next little burg north of Everett, where I live.  So when they say "hospital", I don't know if they mean Providence Everett or Harborview, the Level 1 trauma center in Seattle.  According to the Medved show, the kid was from a prominent Tulalip family and had some some disturbing stuff on his Twitter account, well disturbing to Medved and Rockstar Greg(his answer to Tommy)

All I know is the problem ISN'T guns.  When I was a kid growing up in Montana in the 60s, were about as big a gun culture as you could get.  People owned firemarms, hunted, etc.  The vast majority of kids learned a respect for firearms whether or not they were a gunowning home, though most were, of course.  But this stuff never happened.  The worst thing I remember was one not-too-bright kid who shot himself in the groin practicing quick draws.  Miraculously he recovered quickly and as far as I know didn't suffer permanent damage.
Quote from: 21st Century Man on October 23, 2014, 12:19:39 AM
Well, the fact is Jones, I believe, is still in his 30's.

Jones was born in 1970, so he's getting up there.
But the analogy I liked best was from a poster on this forum who compared them to bitchy, gossipy, jealous old women who have something nasty to say about every neighbor.

And the amount of mutual fawning with these two is horrible.  "Bulldog"? "New media"? Don't forget how Jones tried to compare himself to Andrew Breitbart when Breitbart was dead(but just barely)
Quote from: Beyond Bleef on October 23, 2014, 01:54:41 PM
Giving him the benefit of the doubt, he may have been referring to a police dog.  But saying "K9 dog" is an act of high ninniness since "K9" is nothing more than a common abbreviation for "canine" and it applies to all dogs not just dogs that are part of a police department's K9 program.
To me, it's an example of forgetting how you sound, which is of utmost importance on radio, versus what you may have meant, or what a  print word or picture looks like.  It seems like something a beginner might do.  Also some hosts would have corrected themselves after realizing how it sounded.
Quote from: Juan Cena on October 22, 2014, 11:18:12 PM
Snoory forgot to mention that John Coleman was forced out of his position at The Weather Channel, and apparently doesn't have a degree in meteorology or climatology.

I don't follow the conservative party line on climate change--I'm still undecided because it's a complex subject. But interchanging "climatologist" and "meteorologist" makes me crazy.  Mark Levin has a  fill-in, I can't remember his name, who thinks he's an expert on climate change because he was a weatherman and reminds people of it every 30 seconds.
Quote from: Immy on October 22, 2014, 11:17:30 PM

According to brainiac Jorch, the latest White House fence jumper was brought down by a "canine dog".  :o

Much worse than those feline dogs.  ;D

You caught this too!
Quote from: paladin1991 on October 22, 2014, 12:34:23 PM
Shit floats.  Every now and then one of the true predators will flush the toilet, when it suits their purpose.  Dames got flushed.
Thanks for the plain- speaking.
Listening to Stephen Harper made me wish we could trade Obama for him, even for a little while.  Maybe throw in a Keystone XL pipeline?
I haven't read all of the posts yet, and somebody else probably caught this, but George referenced a "K-9 dog" when talking about the latest White house fence jumper incident, but it sounded like "canine dog", which made him sound like a ninny.
Quote from: MV on October 22, 2014, 11:26:22 AM
I'm watching the coverage of this event, and I'm noticing something very peculiar.  I don't believe the people they're showing on TV are real Canadians.  I believe them to be American actors.  I suspect this because with every supposed "Canadian" they show, the two halves of the person's head are attached as a singular unit.  This makes no sense, as we all know the top half of Canadian heads float independently above the bottom half.

A proper Canadian.[/

I will monitor this situation and report.

Joke if you want, but don't be surprised if heckbirds like Alex Jones come up with something like this.
Thanks for posting.  I did not know about an Islamic angle.  I suspected it, of course, but wanted to reserve judgement until knowing the facts.
John Carlson covered this this morning, but Limbaugh and Beck said nary a word, at least as of 10:45 PST, when I left my apt.  I suspect Medved will talk about it.

You combine this with the recent security breaches at the White house in America, and it's scary stuff.
Quote from: Juan Cena on October 21, 2014, 11:56:43 PM
Dames is saying nice thing about Russia and dissing America.

Worse, he's licking Putin's junk worse than John Hogue did.

Or Michael Savage
I'm pretty sure that Craig Smith is one of the ones trying to sell something.  Financial people peddling things need to come with big disclaimers as do medical people peddling things.
Ed Dames is
a. a delusional nut
b. con artist
c. harmless and well-meaning but naive
d. other

I am leaning toward b. The Army usually does a fair job of screening out the mentally ill, plain scoundrels not so much. But seriously, how did this character get to the rank of Major? Any ex-military out there care to  posit a theory?

Also, was it just me, or did George get St. Petersburg Russia and St. Petersburg FL confused and try to gloss it over?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Lisa Garr
October 16, 2014, 01:33:07 PM
I had to be up early on Sun. but would have probably tuned out anyway. The combination of Lisa Garr and this guest talking in a monotone was just too much.
Quote from: FightTheFuture on October 11, 2014, 12:54:40 PM

Thanks for posting these.  At least one of them is actually already on my Pinterest boards. Thanks to all who continue to stick up for the Palins, in any way.  Remember Obama Girl?  I wonder what became of her?


The Big Red One(the reconstruction) 1980 (or 81)
Where Eagles Dare 1968 Did I mention that already?
The Exorcist 1973
Basket Case (early 80s)
Childs' Play 1988 Don't recommend this one
The Grand Budapest Hotel 2013 or 2014 Didn't see the end because of a malfunction
Quote from: VtaGeezer on October 09, 2014, 11:34:41 AM
I'm surprised no one else commented on Quayle's saying "rumored Nazi incidents of slaughter".  And Noory's cowardly and weak reaction; "Well, neither one of us was alive in WWII".   Alarm bells went off in my mind instantly.

I was unnerved by that too.  I think what he meant was that before we knew (and of course I wasn't around then either) with certainty what the Nazis were doing, it was rumor. Same with Stalin, starving Ukrainians, etc. The rumors may or may not have been true.  It turns out that they were true, in both cases.  But yes, without clarification, it sounds disturbingly like holocaust denial or things of that sort. And any halfway competent interviewer(that leaves George out) would have made sure there was clarification.  Unless Quayle really is a holocaust denier on top of everything else. That needs to be clarified too.

With a few exceptions, I thought that Quayle actually sounded less manic than usual.  But there was a lot of name-dropping.  And such names--Michael Savage, Mike Adams. And there was some story about some neighbors of his in Bozeman.

Did anybody hear the cold fusion guy say that ebola could be cured or prevented with colloidal silver and vitamin C?

Quote from: VtaGeezer on October 10, 2014, 02:19:11 PM
Funny how the fact that Reagan ended up grinning at the wall with dementia never enters into the "Carnivora" discussion.

I thinks that's whay they've now added "in 1985" to the spots.  He wasn't diagnosed until the 90s.  But still.
Quote from: Georgie For President 2216 on October 08, 2014, 12:12:18 PM
I don't know, I always find Fitz pretty sane in her views but maybe that's my own failing  in not understanding the economy well enough.

I may have her confused with someone else, but isn't she often talking about the "black budget" and things like that? She does have some things to say that are worthwhile, I agree.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
October 08, 2014, 11:44:30 AM
Quote from: paladin1991 on October 08, 2014, 09:57:56 AM
Hmmmm.  I wonder.....payola?  George takes money to ramp up the ouija interest until the movie hits?

Quote from: Jorch Einstein on October 06, 2014, 10:23:12 PM
The other night that idiot Craig Hulet basically called for an armed insurrection against the U.S. government, in no uncertain terms. What a fool. And what an idiotic dolt Jorch is for giving this moron a platform. Wonder if either one of them will take responsibility when one of their sub-human knuckledragger listeners decides to take the advice, and commits a violent act.
Hulet is another one we have been hearing from way too much lately on C to C. As I have mentioned, the late Jack Metcalf, the congressperson he worked for, was from the Everett area.  I can only think that these people get nuttier and kookier after they leave these prestigious posts which they then keep bragging about for decades.  If they had been like this at the time, people like Sonny Bono and Jack Metcalf I hope wouldn't have to do with them. Incidentally, Katherine Austin Fitz is in this category also.  She has good ideas about permaculture and stuff, but she also makes some wild claims about financial issues.
Quote from: Mike. on October 05, 2014, 11:52:27 PM
WoW! Bob Fletcher just tried to justify Strauss Kahns attempted rape of a hotel maid. What a piece of shit. Even gn saw fit to correct the bastard.
Yes, thank you for calling Fletcher out on this.  I worked many years as a hotel maid.  Fletcher seemed to be implying that Strauss-Kahn wouldn't bother a maid because, you know, he could do so much better. This is a lame and insulting defense that sex offenders( and people who who have no understanding of the crime of rape) use.
How could a guy like this have Sonny Bono's ear or be testifying before Congress or whatever?
But here's what really irked me, and frankly it's been pissing me off all day today. He was talking about his theory of contraband being smuggled by the CIA or somebody and said that "carcasses" of Iraq war dead were being used. Well, this is a very serious allegation in and of itself, probably breaks about 20 laws.  But that word "carcass" really got me.  Couldn't he say "body" or "corpse"? This guy isn't a high school dropout or somebody whose first language isn't English, he's an author of some sort.  He has to know that carcass has connotations of animals and most veterinarians probably wouldn't even say it about a deceased patient to the owner( well, small animal guys at least). What if gold star parents were listening? Can't we show a little respect? And Noory, with his much-touted 9 years in the Navy. Maybe I'm being hyper-sensitive, but this really bothered me.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Dave Schrader
October 05, 2014, 04:31:35 PM
I was quite disgusted with the Schraeder show last night.  All the important stuff going on in the world and they want to rehash Ouija board stuff?  Was a Ouija board involved in the original case on which the Exorcist was based, I wonder?  I'm guessing no, since they changed so much other stuff in the story.  I like Led Zeppelin ( a little less now that I'm not 14 anymore) too  but still have to wonder how many drugs the one guest ingested.
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