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Messages - yumyumtree

Quote from: FightTheFuture on November 11, 2014, 11:51:38 PM

I was watching that on c-span at the time and it was funny as hell. It took Kennedy about three or four tries to get his name right, and I'm not sure he ever did. It was definitely looking like a seven or eight martini lunch day for ol' Teddy.

**edit** I believe this is the clip:


Orrin Hatch claimed Teddy sobered up toward the end of his life.
Quote from: Gd5150 on November 09, 2014, 04:31:32 PM
And who could forget when at one of his million campaign stop march , "The Lion", Ted Kennedy called him Osama Obama.

I remember that one.
Politics / Re: Sgt. Tamoressi home
November 10, 2014, 06:36:31 PM
Quote from: paladin1991 on November 06, 2014, 08:54:07 PM
I went thru in the 70's-early 80's.  We stood, hand over heart.

Yes, that's what I should have said, hand over heart. But people do that at sporting events and stuff, too.  I was thinking of"salute" more in the figurative sense, rather than literal.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
November 10, 2014, 06:34:02 PM
I think that this was my first time hearing Jimmy Church, and I like him, especially compared to some of the usual on C toC.

I ended up listening to the whole show, except for between 12 and 12:30 when I dozed off. I had heard Lavenda discuss Ratline with Ian, probably more than once, and got increasingly annoyed with him as the show went on.  He seems to think that the radical Muslims behaved themselves until they were corrupted by the Nazis.  I don't think that this is true. I know of the connections between the grand Mufti, the Muslim brotherhood, etc. and Nazis. Lavenda isn't the first person to point this out.  But radical Islamist bad behavior goes back to the 1700s.  I suppose one big difference is that a lot of others were behaving in uncivilized ways, taking slaves, etc., so it wasn't as noticable.

I don't like this blanket condemnation of  Catholics and other religious figures, either, claiming that they protected or cooperated with Nazis. I know that some did, just like some protected child molesters or were child molesters, but it's unfair smear them all. There were in fact some Christian figures who stood up to the Nazis.  Maybe he gives them credit in his book, but he didn't last night.  He also claims that there were ties with some Buddhists and Hindus and Nazis.

He claims that South America, and in fact the whole world, was crawling with old Nazis. I say "was' because by now, they have to be awfully dang old, even if it was Hitler Youth they were in. Did anybody hear him say something about Hitler still being around in 1995? I think I did? Hitler was born in the 1880s so that would have meant he was well over 100. This is comic book stuff. Call me an idiot, but I believe the account (which I think was the British historian Trevor-Roper). Hitler and Eva committed suicide in the bunker and had arranged for their bodies to be incinerated immediately because he feared them falling into the hands of the Allies(especially the Soviets, I imagine) or feared having a macabre display such as the one of Mussolini and Clara Petacci hanging upside down in the street. Lavenda gets one thing right--the Nazis were a cult, a death cult. Magda Goebbels killed her own children, for crying out loud, and Hitler had his beloved dog put down.

Maybe it happened while I dozed off, but I did not hear one word of praise for the tireless work of people who did dedicated themselves to bringing old Nazis like Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, to justice.

Wolf of Wall Street 2014

I liked it a lot more than I expected to.
Oops, I was thinking of Killer's Kiss.  The Killers was Robert Siodmak.
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on November 09, 2014, 11:37:24 PM
I know you are talking about the TV show The Killing. I just saw the old movie (1956) The Killing on the MGM channel about two Sundays ago. I enjoyed it and then later found out it was directed by Stanley Kubrick.

It is an all-time favorite of my film noir buff friend.  To add to the confusion, though, there is another one, based on a Hemingway story or something, called The Killers.
Random Topics / Re: Overrated Movies
November 07, 2014, 01:26:28 PM
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 07, 2014, 10:48:38 AM
Star Trek movies (PC)
Star Wars movies (Mac)

Apocalypse Now
Pink Floyd's The Wall

Almost anything with George Clooney. The hype rarely matches the reality. What was that overrated film wherein he was a frequent flyer and fired people? WOW. That was like counting a horde of BBs suspended in a mason jar of Dippity-Do.

Oh, and that old made for TV movie, starring Elizabeth Montgomery as Lizzie Borden, and she's walking around naked and covered blood, carrying an axe after giving so and so forty whacks.

Wait a second.  I loved that! It wasn't hyped enough!

(later, it was discovered that Montgomery was related to Borden, thus proving that soul transmigration into an actor/actress, while not common, is certainly possible and often is prevalent along genetic lines.  We're all waiting to see where Ernest Borgnine rears his astrally activated DNA.)


Oh, so agree on The Wall.  An attenuated MTV video.  You have to be a young teen or on drugs to see it as profound.
Random Topics / Re: Overrated Movies
November 07, 2014, 01:24:44 PM
Quote from: Gd5150 on November 06, 2014, 09:26:40 PM
Everything Tarantino made after Pulp Fiction.

Anything by Oliver Stone.


Agree on Avatar.  The remarkable FX and animations did not make up for the sometimes ridiculous content.

I would actually include Pulp Fiction in Tarantino badness and say after Reservoir Dogs.  Pulp Fiction sent a lot of bad messages to kids, etc.
Quote from: b_dubb on November 07, 2014, 01:05:06 PM
"Who is this "4chan" person? Who is that?" - talking head on CNN

Yeah, I had never heard of this darn thing.  I think some early reports erroneously reported that the pictures were on facebook.
Well, as I said, Kalac did not end up committing suicide by cop.  He ended up giving himself up and being taken to Port Orchard.  But enough of them succeed.  In this case, the victims of the narcissism were mainly the girlfriend and her son.  He was also driving into oncoming traffic at some point.

His picture was in the Herald yesterday. I'll see if I can link it.  The Kitsap Sun probably has more about it.
Random Topics / David Kalac extradited to Kitsap county
November 07, 2014, 12:57:33 PM
Since George digs these macabre stories in his newsbriefs section, I'm sure this was mentioned, but I was so exhausted last night I went to sleep before listening to even a minute of Coast.

This guy killed his girlfriend, seemingly arranged for the body to be found by her 13-year old son, and posted pictures of it on a site called 4chan, which I am proud to say I've never heard of. He surrendered in the Portland OR area after attempted what was evidently suicide by cop.

Suicide of all kinds is out of control in this society, but I am even more disturbed by these toxic narcissists who have to take out others with them.  Suicide by cop?  Do they have any idea what that does to that officer's life if they succeed?
Shakedown 1950
The Great Moment 1944
Blood Simple 1984

If you liked Fargo and/or no No Country for Old Men, check out Blood Simple.  It had been several years since I'd seen it, and I'd forgotten how good it is.
Random Topics / Re: Overrated Movies
November 07, 2014, 12:43:08 PM
Quote from: Roswells, Art on November 07, 2014, 11:09:46 AM
There's Something About Mary


I liked Sideways, but was disturbed by the moral bankruptcy of some of the characters. Giamatti's character (a schoolteacher, yet) steals money from his mother to go on a wine vacation. Then Sandra Oh's character jumps into bed with some guy engaged to another girl and lets him bond with her child, then goes ballistic when she finds of the truth about him.  This is what happens when your'e promiscuous, Honey. A sizable chunk of the guys will be in other relationships that they haven't told you about. Don't introduce your child unless he's a keeper.  Listen to Dr. Laura. Also what's the matter with Merlot?  I drink that Charles Shaw Merlot all the time, and recommend it while listening to Dr. Laura.
Random Topics / Re: Overrated Movies
November 07, 2014, 12:37:27 PM
Quote from: Camazotz Automat on November 07, 2014, 12:25:15 PM
And yet I espy the gates of Kane's Xanadu as your closing graphic for The Spec Sheet finale.


I have a friend who's a Welles buff.  He doesn't consider the film a piece of shit, but does consider it overrated.  Check out Touch of Evil.
Random Topics / Re: Overrated Movies
November 07, 2014, 12:36:13 PM
Haven't read all of the replies yet, but agree on Gravity.

Beetlejuice--appalling waste of talent.

Paranormal Activity One--what was the deal with all the miles of fine print at the end.  Was I supposed to sit through that?

The English Patient.  I abandoned this one a few minutes in.  I felt like Elaine on Seinfeld. My reaction to the book by Canadian big deal author Michael Ondtaaje(sp)was identical.  We could also do a thread like this for books.

Platoon  I missed this one when it came out in the 80s, but saw it a few weeks ago.
Random Topics / Re: Getting Free Shit
November 07, 2014, 12:26:04 PM
We have had a lot of craigslist horror stories up here--I mean true horror stories.  Frankly, I avoid them like the plague, even for jobhunting.
Oh, I'm sure it's because of rules and regulations.  It just makes you wonder what was going on in their minds in Helena that day when somebody said, "you know that medishare thing they advertise on the radio?  A menace to society."
Random Topics / Re: Getting Free Shit
November 06, 2014, 04:51:30 PM
Got Trader Joe's?  If you're out of coffee some morning, you can get a tiny cup of free drip coffee in these parts.  Also, like CostCo, they have food samples EVERY DAY, not  just on weekends? I do buy a fair amount there, so don't feel guilty taking advantage.

Also, is anybody here on freecycle?  I've never gotten everything from there, but unloaded many things, especially before I moved.  I didn't have quite enough that had enough value to have a sale.  But I gave away houseplants and pots, fabric scraps, empty jars, cleaning rags, a matchbook collection from my chambermaid days, board games, Stephen King books, some shelving, lumber scraps and tomato plants. They do have rules, though.  The stuff must be 100% free, no strings attached, and people are not supposed to get greedy with outlandish requests(requesting an old-fashioned TV is reasonable --a new plasma or whatever is unrealistic.)  My peeve is people who want transportation.  No, I'm not able to transport leftover crafting supplies from Capitol Hill to Lake City.  You need to arrange that for yourself. Anyway, check it out.

When I lived in Seattle, you could score amazing stuff in some neighborhoods at the end of the month when people were moving.  They would just put it out, in alleys, near dumpsters or on parking strips. I got pots and pans, dishes, glassware, small furniture items, electronics, DVDs, videos, books, magazines, art supplies, pictures, posters, frames, bedding, towels, clothes, shoes, small rugs, pictures, frames, pet supplies, laundry baskets, dish drainers, plants and pots and Christmas stuff.  I don't do it here, mainly because people in Everett are too poor to put out anything good.

Do be careful of bedbugs.  Remember they don't just get into textiles.  They can also hide in wooden furniture, paper and


After re-reading the question, I guess that my answer falls into the "dumb stuff" category.  Oh well. 

My experience with a lot of these other things is that when companies get onto you, loopholes get closed. For example people used to try to beat the phone companies at their own game by switching service constantly.  Now they lock people into 2 year contracts. A woman phoned Rush Limbaugh about her scheme to take advantage of pharmacies like Rite Aid who give a gift card for $10 or $20 when you change your prescription to them. She was very poor, on disability(probably) and medical and food benefits so was using them to buy non-food neccessities like toilet paper. I'm not a promiscuous prescription changer, but had to change when I moved to Everett anyway, so decided to try it at Safeway, who was offering gift cards.  It doesn't apply to people on government benefits for prescriptions, which I am. It may have once, but not any more. It's their right, of course, to make any rules about it they want, but I imagine it was because people were gaming the system. I've since switched prescriptions to QFC.  I didn't even ask about gift cards, but was happy to see that their co-pays are lower.
People have speculated on answers to burning questions about Carnivora here--

Now I would like to know: Just why IS medishare not available in Montana, and why should we care?
Quote from: area51drone on November 05, 2014, 03:27:47 PM
If you didn't know already, their show is available on demand (for free obviously) through the kiro app.

No more smart phone here, but thanks.
Quote from: MV on November 05, 2014, 01:13:24 PM
i think medved is what you put on the air when you think a sunday gardening show is too good for your station's listeners.

Good one.  How about a krill oil infomercial?
Politics / Re: Sgt. Tamoressi home
November 06, 2014, 04:26:51 PM
We always saluted and said the pledge. I went to school in the sixties.
Agreed on Constantine.  Among other things, he's obviously part of the "blame America first crowd."
Politics / Re: Sgt. Tamoressi home
November 05, 2014, 01:16:09 PM
Normal school is an old-fashioned term for teachers' college.
Quote from: area51drone on November 05, 2014, 11:08:36 AM
I hear the kiro guys talk about him occasionally, but I haven't tuned into a Medved show in I don't know how long.   I'm surprised that he's on the air too.    IMO, the best local show right now is 9-noon Tom & Curley on Kiro.

I will check it out.
I like his movie reviews(though I sometimes wonder if we saw the same movie) and he gets some really interesting guests, but I will never forgive him for making excuses for Thad Cochran. And the episodes with Lanny Davis , especially the most recent one, are sometimes quite vomit-inducing.

Closet case?  I doubt it.  Him and Diane just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary, I think. He's one of those uxorious talk show hosts, and frequently has her as a guest or even co-host of the show.

If you listen to the station a lot, you will notice he turns up on David Boze's and Ben Shapiro's shows lot too.  It's almost as if he lives at the station. Well, of course, that gives him more opportunity to gripe about the drunk dorms and other aspects of urban life in downtown Seattle that don't suit him.

You know there are good shows they probably have access to--Handel on the Law, Alan Hunt, Kim Kommando, Larry Elder maybe, even John Batchelor--that could be used on weekends and late-nights. I'd almost prefer infomercials to 24/7 Medved.
Random Topics / Re: Mark Driscoll
November 05, 2014, 12:58:51 PM
Yes, I was also wondering who Francis Chan is.
Sounds like I missed something last night that5 I wouldhave liked to listen to out of morbid fascination. I listened to about 10 minutes of the alien doll guy.
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