Quote from: K_Dubb on October 04, 2022, 01:05:59 PMOh poor Hoagie, is he living in a mouse-infested hovel just watching them move crumbs around? He needs a live-in producer to abuse, and to sweep.Gas fuels up on those electric cars promoted by Democrats (which work great in a flood, wildfire, earthquake, or long trips.) We got gas and should drill, baby, drill. And if Europe wants to buy our LNG even better. Arab oil is sweeter than most of ours but, and I don't have the metrics now, but at some point besides the fluctuating prices, the costs of shipping, having wars, etc might make domestic (N.American) supply cheaper in the long run. And also bring jobs and have secure supply, not delayed or disrupted by whatever Mullah, OPEC, global 'events,' etc.
No, no more drilling for corporate profit, does not help gas price since prices are fixed internationally bu the cartel, they just profiteer off the regular folks. That should be crystal clear to everyone now.
Needs to be managed for the people like Alaska's permanent fund or Norway's. I had high hopes that a right-wing populist president would take on big corporations like TR and work something like that out, that is the only real excuse for that kind of thing, busting monopolies like tech/entertainment and natural-resource and whatever Amazon is now, but he showed no appetite for either, just gave away the farm like typical golf-club Republican.
The financial speculation is a problem with the industry, though I'm not sure how, or if, that could be curtailed. The actual producers would rather a more stable price but speculators and relying on international supply screws that up. One reason why the 7 Sisters, mostly, actually are supporting Democrat/Globalist ideas about carbon credits etc. (Knowing the price and situation allows easier future planning, unlike dotcoms the industry thinks longterm and planning.) There is an argument also, that 'wild west' scenarios is also worse environmentally. Along some historical bad accidents it might be worse when you have many, independent producers versus a Standard Oil. Sometimes a monopoly is a natural one and brings cheaper, or stable, pricing- though I'm arguing this as a Devil's Advocate and speculating myself!
Also, many groups that Democrats support (unions, teachers, pension plans etc) have investments in energy companies, so undercutting them is taking money and dividends out of their pockets, besides the other investors and workers- and the associated businesses downstream.
ps: the RCH segment about the mice making structures even made his cohorts and guest silent and quickly moved on because soulnded even more bizarre than the usual claims. It was some kind of 'sign' and he later mentioned that he 'wished he could put an Accutron inside some kind of pyramid model that a guest sent him.' But I guess his Accutron was broken (or pawned.) But the mice might have been 'telling him' to do this by the 'geometric structures' they were making.