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Messages - albrecht

Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
October 04, 2022, 02:33:05 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 04, 2022, 01:05:59 PMOh poor Hoagie, is he living in a mouse-infested hovel just watching them move crumbs around?  He needs a live-in producer to abuse, and to sweep.

No, no more drilling for corporate profit, does not help gas price since prices are fixed internationally bu the cartel, they just profiteer off the regular folks.  That should be crystal clear to everyone now.

Needs to be managed for the people like Alaska's permanent fund or Norway's.  I had high hopes that a right-wing populist president would take on big corporations like TR and work something like that out, that is the only real excuse for that kind of thing, busting monopolies like tech/entertainment and natural-resource and whatever Amazon is now, but he showed no appetite for either, just gave away the farm like typical golf-club Republican.

Gas fuels up on those electric cars promoted by Democrats (which work great in a flood, wildfire, earthquake, or long trips.) We got gas and should drill, baby, drill. And if Europe wants to buy our LNG even better. Arab oil is sweeter than most of ours but, and I don't have the metrics now, but at some point besides the fluctuating prices, the costs of shipping, having wars, etc might make domestic (N.American) supply cheaper in the long run. And also bring jobs and have secure supply, not delayed or disrupted by whatever Mullah, OPEC, global 'events,' etc.

The financial speculation is a problem with the industry, though I'm not sure how, or if, that could be curtailed. The actual producers would rather a more stable price but speculators and relying on international supply screws that up. One reason why the 7 Sisters, mostly, actually are supporting Democrat/Globalist ideas about carbon credits etc. (Knowing the price and situation allows easier future planning, unlike dotcoms the industry thinks longterm and planning.) There is an argument also, that 'wild west' scenarios is also worse environmentally. Along some historical bad accidents it might be worse when you have many, independent producers versus a Standard Oil. Sometimes a monopoly is a natural one and brings cheaper, or stable, pricing- though I'm arguing this as a Devil's Advocate and speculating myself!

Also, many groups that Democrats support (unions, teachers, pension plans etc) have investments in energy companies, so undercutting them is taking money and dividends out of their pockets, besides the other investors and workers- and the associated businesses downstream.

ps: the RCH segment about the mice making structures even made his cohorts and guest silent and quickly moved on because soulnded even more bizarre than the usual claims. It was some kind of 'sign' and he later mentioned that he 'wished he could put an Accutron inside some kind of pyramid model that a guest sent him.' But I guess his Accutron was broken (or pawned.) But the mice might have been 'telling him' to do this by the 'geometric structures' they were making.
Quote from: Morgus on October 04, 2022, 01:48:40 PMNorway even pushed Dick Morris to get Donald Trump himself to be a guest on c2cam.  He thought Trump would love to interact with the callers.  Imagine the sad pack regulars including Cornelius, Mike the Millenial, Thomas in La Jolla, Walt the skeptic - all calling in for Trump!
I would listen to that show. It would be hilarious. Corny would go on about his pardon and the corruption of the FBI, Trump would agree. Mike would mention some issue about video games and the problems in his generation and thank Trump for giving them hope. Trump would wish Mike's mother well, and shake his head and mutter 'what a friggin loser.' Thomas would ask some weird, esoteric question that would go over Trump's head and he would say "look, Thomas, I don't know about pyramids in China, or whatever crystal oscillations used in old monasteries prior to the Council of Nicea- but CHINA! I'm more concern with the trade imbalance with China. We need to bring manufacturing back here- to the USA!"
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
October 04, 2022, 11:44:11 AM
Quote from: comaphobe on October 04, 2022, 11:35:45 AM~ Country music legend from Butcher Holler KY ~You cannot view this attachment.

Dave frequently says that C2C "doesn't do politics." And last night guest was....wait for it....Dick Morris! No politics were discussed, I'm sure. He probably was on to talk about the shadow people in the White House and his UFO experiences.
Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
October 04, 2022, 09:24:47 AM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 03, 2022, 10:11:07 PMWasn't Trump trying to wean Germany off Russian natural gas, for exactly this reason?  Seems to me back when US energy independence was an issue those funny ships with the big domes that look like egg crates were in the news and I had to look them up to see what they were.  US has always had issues with that pipeline until it became convenient for one party to use Russian state propaganda in our domestic politics.  Tucky is a big hit on Russian tV, I hear; I wonder if Pootie suns his ballsack ;D  Reminds me of RCH's wife who was into that light-therapy business before she croaked poor thing.

We should be selling more gas. And more drilling. Biden is thwarting it by tying up with regulations, permits, and so on. Along with our neighbor in the Great White North we have plenty of gas and oil to exploit. Why buy from corrupt Arabs or from volatile countries?

RCH's wife still visits, in a way, and leaves him messages by moving items around. Of course, he also recently claimed that mice were moving objects into 'geometric patterns' in accordance with the 19.5 model.
Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
October 04, 2022, 09:20:44 AM
Quote from: Silphion on October 03, 2022, 11:23:47 PMState actor? Antony Blinken has been front and center from the opening act.

And a proud Dalton School graduate, where Jeffery Epstein was a teacher hired by headmaster Barr,former OSS, who is the dad of William Barr.
Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
October 03, 2022, 06:43:30 PM
Quote from: Silphion on October 01, 2022, 02:12:43 AMWe know this today because, years later, the people involved finally started bragging.
I missed this post and hence posted about it. There are so many possible scenarios, which is how the spooks like it.
There was an article in the Economist a couple weeks ago about how some in the EU are getting nervous/jealous about Norway making so much money due to the war and gas problems. They in NATO but,not EU so getting to have their cake and eat it too.

Now there is news that NYC is approaching Norwegian Cruise Lines to purchase, or lease, some vessels to house illegals! Norway seems to be winning on many fronts. I also laugh that people complain about a few illegals who are getting free vacations, including flight, to Martha's Vineyard or visiting the Big Apple- maybe take in some shows- with free hotel rooms! And now, maybe, give them a free cruise! This is abuse? We don't do that for our own people! And most people have to pay for cruises, flights, and hotel rooms.
Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
October 03, 2022, 06:10:37 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on October 03, 2022, 11:04:40 AMhttps://twitter.com/The_Lookout_N/status/1576922726270656512
VWs? I get why they wouldn't want Saabs (maintenance and parts are a pain,) plus they are Swedish.) But going German? For historical reasons alone I would've thought they could've gone Ally. Well, I guess USA because I think the UK mfgs are owned by VW now. So, basically, the Krauts won at least on the vehicle front.

I don't know:

Wheels within wheels and lots of internal politics on all sides besides the international ones. Then there are financial interests also so maybe not even a 'state actor,' though the depth and precision would seem to need some tech and training. OPEC is cutting off supplies again also.

Politics / Re: China Coup?
October 03, 2022, 09:42:14 AM
Quote from: pate on October 02, 2022, 09:43:32 PMKind of dealer's choice there, The Kansas *spit* side is primarily centered on the lands stolen from the Shawnee Indians (this would be Johnson County, KS), and one of their little townships "Leawood" had, up until a few years ago, prohibitions from Jews and Blacks owning real estate within the City Limits.

Wyandotte County (Home of Kansas City, Kansas *spit*) is still somewhat owned somewhere by an Indian Tribe (they have a casino) and is known as realitively crime-ridden.

Jackson County, MO & Platte County, MO are the two parts of Missouri that actual KC,MO is situated in also have their problem areas.  North of the river (Platte) is not so bad, but Jackson County can get rough East of Troost (Old US 71 Highway) and a few other select areas...

I think you are more likely to be pulled over for "driving while black" in Johnson County, or at least that used to be the joke about JoCo (which is a joke).

KCMO is a Democrat-run shithole, basically.  Especially since they removed party-affiliation from the Mayor's race (and all city races) on the ballots a few years ago.

You used to be able to pick between a "D" or an "R" (the "D's" always seemed to win, something about Pendergast/Truman masheens!), but now it is just either unopposed "D's" or two slightly different "D's" that show up for local stuff.

Sad really.

Not that I'm moving there but thanks for the info. Btw there was much made many years ago when baby Bush was running because he lived in a neighborhood that had some restrictive covenants. What people don't understand is that they (when race, ethnic, etc) can't be enforced anymore due to law changes and court decisions (Shelby v Kramer etc.) But since they are so pervasive in the past sometimes it was not worth the effort to change all the paperwork.
Politics / Re: China Coup?
October 02, 2022, 09:27:20 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 02, 2022, 08:34:50 PMKansas City nigger. 🙄
I always forget which side was the good side. Bloody Kansas, as they said, back when. But I forget which state their "KC" was better than the other these days, in terms of crime and undesirables. In the few times I had to problem to drive that way I avoided both.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on October 02, 2022, 09:09:24 PMIt's perfect for a simpleton then.
Or a way to kill time. And more fun than youtubes or tv. And no need to upgrade or deal with phones charger how to work online movie etc on a flight, just break out a paperback and get to where you need to go. Alistair MacLean was my go-to for a while. Simple stuff but action some plots decent writing but quick to finish. Clancy had good stuff also for this purpose. Though, post death, 'his' novels increased in more volume but still a quick read. I think they expanded the print and font for audience ages, maybe. Haha.
Quote from: pate on October 02, 2022, 07:19:04 PMWhat was the line on tonight's Sunday Night Football game?  It certainly doesn't seem to be going the way of the SuperBowl LV game.



I don't know what line was. But, yeah, syndicates usually wait to big games for the big stuff. But, I think, not sure, the real money is made in not the big games- which cause too much wild betting and also scrutiny. Like elections- look to down-ballot stuff, local, bond elections, and so on for the 'fix.' Who gets the contracts to repave or move trash? Some interesting zoning changes? And so on. I think a mistake is to go for the longshots or the yuugge move but money made in the small stuff and aggregate and compound interest.
Quote from: pate on October 02, 2022, 08:48:13 PMDoc, when you are finished "reading" that last one;  you might get a kick out of this one:

It is neither about the Kansas City Chiefs nor the impending Republican mid-term victory;  it is about your favorite:  Communists!

Not to be confused with "The Hunt for Red October," which was written awhile after "Red Storm Rising."

Pretty good thriller, I think you will like the ending and will find it less confusing than my last recommendation for you.


ediot:  This is only "Part 1," I imagine that Part 2-?? can be found in the video's description on the 'Tube.
There are conspiracies about his death, who wrote the books, and his/their connections. Still, decent reads on a flight/beach etc. Not great literature but fun escapism, kill time, etc. Though some would say a type of propaganda or, even, predictive programming, in some.
Politics / Re: China Coup?
October 01, 2022, 10:19:24 PM
Quote from: Walks_At_Night on October 01, 2022, 07:31:02 PMWinnie the Pooh showed up at China National Day. Very much alive.

It is ALL a commie plot. I sorta hate when I'm right.
Quote from: BobGrau on October 01, 2022, 11:56:06 AMI'm shockingly indifferent regarding whiskey (don't tell my neighbours), but I do enjoy a wee nip when I go outside to smoke on a cold winter's night. I call it the whoosh.
But I dare not get drunk on spirits. I've abused pretty much every drug in my 45 years on this planet, including solvents, but nothing scares me as much as the three occasions that I've got black-out drunk.

Maybe I'm doing it wrong?
Stick with your plan, though not solvents. But, yes, doing it wrong. Read some more Burns, yer Bard. The spirits can show you some! And cause for strange, but nice, speculations on even -what seem- normal things! Blackouts are a 'missing time' phenomena- and, I suspect, some great Art callers. But I'm not a doctor.
Random Topics / Re: Celebrity Deaths
October 01, 2022, 09:52:59 PM
Quote from: paladin1991 on October 01, 2022, 08:51:41 PM;D
One of the free local papers, not sure if still does, used to republished articles from the past. Crazy-ass stuff. Wildwest types of stories and sordid stories about the 'cribs' for cheap prostitution and various shootings, opium dens, frauds, and dramas. Police kicking ass and corruption. Much of that area was razed for the Expo. Even in modern times there are weirdness there. I  recall some politician got into a car accident off E. Sprague, at night, drunk, but wasn't seeking 'entertainment?' King of the Gypsy funeral (he made money from a lawsuit, in addition to the usual Gypsy crime rackets.) He "cursed" the city. Maybe true! Californians (not you, the true blue types) and Seattle etc moving there!

Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
September 30, 2022, 11:02:55 PM
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 30, 2022, 10:47:24 PMYeah, those little meatballs are great.
And they are crappy. Some of the herring, is ok. Ok,some actually good the 'wine/dill' is, very good. Though I got some glass in mine once, and not from eating quickly! The meatballs aren't good.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on September 30, 2022, 10:43:58 PMI guess I'm a weakling. I've tried it and it's not for me. I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to single malt and really only prefer highland whiskey.
You gotta go smokey n peat. It is awesome. Few ones. Caveat,then beer, if a peat fire in pub or house. I heard some crap they gonna ban peat burning?
Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
September 30, 2022, 09:50:08 PM
Quote from: Silphion on September 30, 2022, 09:05:03 PMBlaming Russia for destroying their own pipelines is just another absurd CIA narrative. This has been a USA/Russia proxy war from the beginning. The annexation of the Eastern provinces was such a big move, one that would inevitably prompt an equally consequential countermove. Cui bono? Europe loses, Russia loses, USA gains and the war must go on.

I think some might ignore some certains tribes, who enjoy divisions and such? Only speculation, of course.
Quote from: pate on September 30, 2022, 05:27:44 PMYou like that one because of the "16 Men of Tain(t)" that make it.

Try this one sometime:

It's not just a single malt, it's a single Islay malt.

Not for weaklings.

I will be honest and say Ardbeg Uigeadail is awesome. But only for a few. And price and taste of that stuff shouldn't be swilled to oblivion. Otherwise you wake up smelling like you've be cast ashore from the sea in a burning peat bog after screwing fat chick you thought was a Bonnie Lass, who liked to smoke unfiltered cigarettes. Not that either isn't a good thing, sometimes.

I think blended whiskey isn't that bad! Famous Grouse is a go-to.
Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
September 30, 2022, 05:38:38 PM
Quote from: Juan on September 30, 2022, 03:28:04 PMI was reading today an article by someone who worked on oil and gas pipelines.  He said to never underestimate Russian incompetence when it comes to maintenance.  He points to the 17-hour gap between explosions and says no saboteurs would have that kind of gap.  Interesting take.
A Dave Norway, cribbed line, "Interesting take."
This is true. And for their ships and boats, including Navy, is/was horrible. But Russians also build 'dumb.' In that I mean they use less high-tech and so easier maintenance, brute force over nuance. I thought the Germans/Russian companies were responsible for most of the Nord maintenance? Germans like hightech and although also corrupt (Siemens, VW, Bayer, etc all have had many issues and settlements) I would think have tech to maintain an high-tech system.

Also, if sabotage, one would certainly use a timing system and 'get outta Dodge' and also do so close in precision timing, so that is a stupid argument. Unless it one wanted it to seem a 'natural' event. Then you would time another way (in relation to a natural event or month later as a 'random' problem in maintenance systems etc.) Not in such close, especially as other pipeline just up and running. 
Politics / Re: Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
September 30, 2022, 05:24:57 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 30, 2022, 03:56:06 PMThe Baltic is surrounded by countries with motive.  The lines even unused were kept pressurized hence the leak.

Putin in his speech today blames the Anglo-Saxons I think he is on to something with the Anglo thing maybe not the Saxons though they like that gas in Saxony, they are in for a Texas-style winter without heat, I blame the SWEDES 😈 fuck them regardless

I,frankly, LOVED the Texas-style winter blackout without heat! Of course, I didn't like the few deaths, and any death is bad. But, sorta hopes it happens this winter again. It should be a thing, every year! I like wake-up calls, excuses to use all the woolen and eider-down stuff I got, excuse to show idiots how to cut off their water and/or gas lines and use tools, and laugh (internally) about folks who say prepping is bad and used to joked about my stash of sardines, batteries, battery operated radios (all bands) and flashlights. And water and booze. And we never got that cold, really. And nice. No more tv or internet and can read in quiet solitude.

I also hoped it might discourage the illegals coming over the open border who are more used to balmy weather. Alas, that didn't happen. Illegals got shelter and food first, of course, as they always do.

It also was a point to make about why you shouldn't live in apartments, have electric vehicles, etc. You can't shut off water (easily) if you don't have your own place and insurance/code provisions make it so only emergency workers or ownership maintenance men can shut off. So you flood from busted pipes, including the fire suppression systems. Electric car? Good luck in a blackout, flood, or wildfire situation. Not fun.
Politics / Re: Random Political Thoughts
September 30, 2022, 02:09:07 PM
Arnold Schwarzenegger visited Auschwitz and left the message "I'll be back" in the guest book. Hilarious. But some in Hollywood and elsewhere in the interweb/twittervers are outraged or at least bitching. Even though he was there to promote some tax-free Foundation to fight against "Hate."

ps: Auschwitz has a guestbook ledger? One would think that itself would be considered offensive considering the meticulous records that were kept decades ago.

Quote from: Juan on September 29, 2022, 03:42:43 PMI just saw a video of something called Lizzo twerking and playing James Madison's Crystal flute.  Just what does Lizzo puport to be?
Apparently a 'professional twerker,' one would've thought that kind of activity would cause some weightloss, at least eventually, but not. Maybe it is the 'tweakers' who lose the weight? She also can play the flute- and that is isn't some kind of sexual euphemism by twerkers.
Politics / Nord Stream Pipeline 'events'
September 30, 2022, 01:54:20 PM
Who, what, why, and how?

1) bomb (and type,) earthquake, ship anchor, some other natural event?

2) why was there a yuuge methane leak if, as the news was claiming earlier, that Russia shut down Nord Stream 1, and threatened 2, why would there be a gas leak after the 'event?'

3) Much has been made of Biden's threats, or comments, to the Nord Stream pipelines a while back but he likely doesn't recall them and might not have meant what he threatened or said.

4) Why did the 'events' happen just after the opening of "Baltic Pipe" a new pipeline from Norway to Poland?

5) Cui bono? This could be several parties or countries. Russians were initially blamed, and it could be, but doesn't seem logical when they make money off it, they could simply shut it down (as all the news was claiming,) and it will cost a lot to fix.
Quote from: BobGrau on September 30, 2022, 12:25:24 PMThe angels didn't want to share.

This should be a top right quote and hasn't gotten the praise it deserves.

If you mentioned this to Dave Norway he would reply "maybe it was a portal."

Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 29, 2022, 03:37:33 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 28, 2022, 06:33:04 PMThat is interesting, I know three fingers are used in blessing by priests or crossing oneself which is sort of the same gesture turned inward, I wonder where simply raising the right hand when swearing an oath comes from.  Checking Washington's inauguration it appears to be the full hand, either raised or left hand over heart, the other on the Bible.

I watched one of the rallies where the crowd was doing this gesture, strongly reminiscent of altar-call moment in church when I was a kid.  Soft music plays, the speaker intones in a markedly different cadence, you expect Pastor Trump to invite anyone wishing to convert to slip up to the platform so an elder can pray with them, very odd.

I've heard that in the good old days criminals would sometimes be branded on his hand and showing the hand to the judge would be a quick way of determining if the person before the court had previous convictions. I don't know if this is true.
Politics / Re: President Donald J. Trump
September 27, 2022, 05:31:36 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on September 26, 2022, 10:00:49 AMHahaha "we're not just a bunch of crazy internet cult members, we're regular Americans, honest!"

Normally it is the Muslims who hold up the 'One' finger. The 'only Allah, one god deal. Not the middle-one as a gesture if in a roadrage or traffic frustration but in 'only one god' type of deal. Christianity of various types (Roman, Protestant, different Orthodoxies, even Boy Scouts, have different systems of fingers and blessings, which are varied how they do it and the symbolic nature of number of fingers and order of crossing, swearing oaths, and such. Blacks (nationalist) and communists do they closed fist deal (ignoring all authority from 'on high.')
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Michael Decon Program
September 27, 2022, 05:24:11 PM
Quote from: Corona Kitty on September 25, 2022, 03:09:05 PM

Funny. But Myke H doesn't know history. And he lives in Pennsylvania and never heard of William Penn and why that Colony, now State, was founded? Or Utah? Or even the Pilgrims and the Mayflower Compact? Or the various witch trials? Or the National Cathedral (originally, not how used now?) Or references to "Year of Our Lord" in both and God 4 times in the Declaration of Independence? And so on....
ps: loved the electronic Tribal musical selection. But still up on the Toob! (For now.) It could be 'they' just appreciate the merchandising attempt!
Random Topics / Re: Fuck huitie
September 27, 2022, 05:18:34 PM
Quote from: Asuka Langley on September 27, 2022, 05:06:28 PMGIBS ME DAT HONKEY SHEEEEEEEEIT

Some black nation groups armed marched here recently. Demanding 'reparations' but also against Biden's open border and allowing in all the Mexicans (generic term for illegals) and busing them all over, giving them free stuff, against the gentrification of the city, and various other bitching.


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