Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on January 27, 2016, 02:56:35 PM
You're dodging. Granted, the Eberhardt question is inside baseball (though we already have a good idea of what happened after Heather's last Gabcast appearance) but the one about Noory only concerns your legal threat against MV and encouraging a raid on Other Side of Midnight was public, based on a post from Ross.
1. Did you give Heather the go ahead to fire Peter Eberhardt?
2. Will you admit that you encouraged BellGab, through Ross, to embarrass Hoagland on air because of your little behind-the-scenes spat?
3. Do you see it as hypocritical to goof on Noory for his team's hollow libel threats toward MV, using "public person" as a defense, only to do the same thing a few months down the road?
The statement made about me went well beyond the bar of Libel even for a Public Person.
As for the rest I will not comment.