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Messages - Art Bell

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 10, 2015, 10:59:11 PM
Yes we have a delay system in place.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 10, 2015, 02:21:58 PM
Just to clear this up NO SCREENED CALLS EVER.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 09, 2015, 10:01:44 PM
Here are two guys doing there own version of the Blitz....https://www.facebook.com/art.bell.716/posts/848160141898773

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 09, 2015, 01:53:15 PM
Well it might be my age showing but if we have a Gov't Media relationship that allows this, anything is possible. When I was young you could mostly believe our leaders. Not now, sad.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 09, 2015, 01:33:07 PM
I thought for sure the main stream Media would have picked up on the fact that there was a claim before the fact about Wall Street. I guess it is just no longer possible to trust what we hear from them at all.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 08, 2015, 11:32:34 PM
What's her name is right, I am a old Man, but just wait and listen.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 08, 2015, 11:24:05 PM
As long as we get enough members and yes a few commercials and don't lose money I will be a happy camper.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 08, 2015, 11:05:11 PM
I want to thank all of you who are or will be Blitzing, trust me it is working, besides a small start is just fine with me, I built it once and I can do it again . All it takes is a good show, time will do the rest.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 08, 2015, 08:48:28 PM
The night before the New York Stock Exchange temporarily suspended trading due to an “internal technical issue,” the hacker collective Anonymous had a cryptic message for Wall Street on Twitter.

“Wonder if tomorrow is going to be bad for Wall Street…. we can only hope,” said the tweet posted at 11:45 p.m. Tuesday.

I knew it.....

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 08, 2015, 08:01:57 PM
Well folks we are getting close. I am sure looking forward to finally getting this show on the road, I will be devoting Friday's to open lines and please remember our two hour open lines test show at 9PM PT on July 19th.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 08, 2015, 12:24:06 PM
NYSE Down, United Airlines down Worldwide, WSJ Website down....sounds like a fire sale.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 07, 2015, 11:00:57 PM
We just had a really violent thunderstorm here, lost Power and Internet for almost a hour, if I had been on air.....

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 07, 2015, 01:06:43 PM
Shocking Bill Cosby was just quoted on CNN as saying that in Las Vegas he met Ms. Redacted and had sex with her.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 07, 2015, 12:14:05 AM
We went there to get a break from the heat but should have stayed home, sick at 72 degrees is still sick.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 06, 2015, 11:51:33 PM
Anybody putting up Blitz messages thank you, I know it's not easy. I tried a big Trucker site and got banned for the effort.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 06, 2015, 11:49:24 PM
Hi everybody, just got back from a trip cut short to San Diego where I got sick as a dog from something I ate at Denny's, jeez I was sick. Really a bummer because it cut short our trip.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 05, 2015, 12:26:51 PM
It's a great day to post a Blitz message in the place or places of you choice!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 04, 2015, 10:32:39 PM
I hope everybody had a great 4th of July! It was indeed a poor day to begin the Blitz but I would not change a thing. It is going to be so cool to be free of all large companies and just do what I want to do. The Blitz will pick up Tomorrow and in all the time left before the 20th. Also don't forget we have about  two hour near full time test we will run on July 19th.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 04, 2015, 01:53:14 PM
 I know July 4th is not the best day for this but I could not ignore the symbolic feel of it for me. I am FREE!

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 04, 2015, 01:51:54 PM


ATTENTION ART BELL FANS! Wanna Take a Ride? Art is returning to broadcasting his famous nightly paranormal talk show,
starting July 20th. The new show entitled “Midnight in the Desert” will be LIVE from 9PM-Midnight Pacific, Midnight-3AM
Eastern and will be streaming out FREE over the Internet at http://www.artbell.com bringing you the same great topics, same
great music, Monday thru Friday.
You can also listen to Art Bell on your smartphone or tablet using the great TuneIn Radio app. Download the FREE TuneIn
Radio app and search for and follow the "Dark Matter Digital Network.” The new home for Art Bell.
If you can’t stay up to listen LIVE for FREE, you can become a Time Traveler and listen the next day or weekend. Go to
ArtBell.com, click on the "Join the Time Travelers" link, and subscribe for a low price of only $5 a month to access the past
New show name, New digital station, same great Art Bell! Check out ArtBell.com and join us for the best in overnight talk radio.
Please SHARE the good news to all your followers. #ArtBell.com
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 03, 2015, 10:54:44 PM
Linda will be on in my first Week, she pointed out a video to me of objects clearly leaving our Atmosphere taken by NASA till they shut off the camera, wink wink. At ArtBell.com

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 03, 2015, 06:55:35 PM
Quote from: morgana213 on July 03, 2015, 05:54:10 PM
Timmy Church is still trying to ride Art's coattails.  Notice in this picture what is on the computer screens behind Art. I doubt seriously Art will be looking at Timmy's show while he's on air.  Give me a break!  ::) :( :-[

I have decided I don't like Jimmy Church at all. Does he really have to do this kind of thing to prop himself up? Gross

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 03, 2015, 05:46:46 PM
Hi everybody, well the Blitz begins Tomorrow, all I ask is that you do what you can, I understand there is only so much that can be done. So any help you can give will be very welcome. Keith has posted info in the Blitz thread and I will post it again Tomorrow.

Don't sweat it if we start small because I sure won't. All your support has been golden to me.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 02, 2015, 03:00:41 PM
It should be a interesting Interview.

I want to say this again, if we start small and grow it is more then ok with me. I just want to have fun. I have done the big company thing and am looking forward to something with less pressure and more fun, that's what I think Midnight will be.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 01, 2015, 02:15:53 PM
I see Dave has not logged in to explain this latest mess away, good. I know they watch everything here like a hawk so here is the deal, let me live in peace and just try to do a good show and I will not in any way come after you. Consider this yet another peace offering.

However if you come at us again, all bets are off. Remember, you are the big company and I am a small start up nothing at this point and every time you come at me it only hurts you.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 30, 2015, 11:32:30 PM
Can not confirm nor deny. It will reveal itself in due time.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 30, 2015, 11:22:49 PM
There is another SHOCK ahead.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 30, 2015, 11:16:44 PM
Quote from: Bounder on June 30, 2015, 11:02:58 PM
C2C was all ready to let Hoagland host on the night of the Pluto probe's closest approach â€" July 13/14.  Then the plans changed, the pieces got shifted around (by Dave) specifically to step on Art's July 20 debut.  A chess move to â€" I guess unwittingly â€" pitch Art's appeal against Richard's.

Well, Art and Richard invented a third option and checkmated the living Christ out of Dave by making RCH â€" and his own show, "The Other Side of Midnight," a Dark Matter Digital Network exclusive.

Make sense?

In my opinion it was a plan that goes back to Dave more or less telling Richard to shut up. Why would a Producer call Richard and tell him he could be on with Dave on the 13th but not talk about the news breaking while he was on the air but instead hold the big news for the 20th. That make no sense on so very many levels.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 30, 2015, 09:23:47 PM
Thank you all for the support and help, this really is quite a ride even before the ride has started! As far as Dave is concerned I hope you all have noticed I have not been posting anything negative about him or for that matter anything at all but this latest stunt was simply too much.

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