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Messages - Jasmine

The objective reality of impermanence is so liberating. That nothing lasts forever during the course of our lives, to shed one's skin, over and over again, provides for me a profound sense of hope.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
January 09, 2013, 11:33:52 AM
I don't know Piers Morgan's professional history enough to feel qualified to formulate a tangible opinion of him, but I do agree with him re the gun situation/mindset in the U.S. is a nightmare. The elephant in the room is the very fact that no matter what is debated, no matter what laws or policies are implemented, the horses are well out of the barn and roaming free where gun control is concerned. This "debate" should have taken place long, long ago, while the situation was perhaps (I could be wrong) somewhat containable. Then again, "somewhat containable" offers no concrete solutions or respite. It's a situation which is well out of control at this point.

While I don't think Alex Jones did himself any good by his ranting and raving on Pier's show, and came across as a stark raving lunatic, I cannot say that I disagree with him about certain beliefs he holds, namely the questioning of 9/11. I myself don't have the answers, but I do ask questions, and am instantly attacked and labelled as a tin foil mad hatter for even broaching the subject and stating my questions about the events of that day.  Speaking of which, it was a very low blow and cheap shot for Piers to interject and suddenly ask Jones out of the blue about his beliefs re 9/11 and other "conspiracies". It had nothing to do with gun control, yet everything to do with Morgan painting a picture of Jones for the audience - a portrait of Jones wearing a tin foil hat in order for Jones to be instantly discredited. Jones' mocking Morgan's British accent was another low blow on his part.

In my opinion, neither Morgan (from what I've seen of him) or Jones is the positive proverbial poster boy for their respective camps.
Quote from: Centurion40 on January 02, 2013, 07:48:48 AM
I too was born in Montreal. My family moved to NS when I was 5, so as to avoid one of us getting blown-up by the FLQ.

One of the things that causes me to pause about the dream is the possibility that, if we reincarnate, it is done quickly in close geographic vicinity to where we die.  I don't know why that would matter, or even be a factor in such business- should any of it be true/possible.

In my dream I have the sense that I was Austrian, Hungarian, Romanian or possibly even Russian or Polish.  Lots of those ethnicities settled in Montreal after WWII.  So, in my mind, it is possible that my soul could have travelled to Montreal via a European immigrant.

I grew up in one of the Anglo neighbourhoods of Montreal, but attended French immersion primary and secondary schools. Montreal still has, hands down, the best smoked meats and poutine on the planet!  :D

Re European WW2 era soul reincarnating in North America. It's quite likely that you, and countless others, selected a North American current incarnation to grow, to learn new lessons, and to cast off the negative residue that was accumulated while living the horrors imposed by the Third Reich. I read where countless souls who were Jewish holocaust victims purposely selected their new incarnations to live a life "on the other side of the coin" in Canada and the U.S. (and other nations, too). We have all lived lives of both sexes, ethnic identities, various economic and vocational standings, etc. If only we all could realize this, acknowledge this...oh, what a different planet this would be.

I believe many don't pay enough attention to vivid dreams, nor do they lend them credence. These vivid dreams, which, in many cases, are far, far more than mere mind scramblings during slumber. Our astral body leaves our physical shell when we are asleep, and thus we are are in tune with all that was, and all that shall be.
Too bad there wasn't a 10th anniversary gluten-free cake (complete with joke exploding candles) presented to George in the studio. The Numbers Lady could have jumped out of it.

That's Noory...all gluten and icing and no substance whatsoever. Noory congratulates himself on a job well done, and and wants to share his success with his listening audience...he wants them to all eat cake.
Quote from: HorrorRetro on January 07, 2013, 11:47:02 AM
It's narcissism.  Noory is a very mean-spirited man.  You can tell he gets off when he hears stories about people not being able to find a job, being homeless, etc.  It props up his ego.  I think we all know someone in real life who fits this description.  They only associate with people who are beneath them, because it makes them feel better about themselves.  This is also why he frequently goes on and on about his supposed charitable deeds.  He doesn't care if it embarrasses the recipient; he just cares that it makes him look good  -- at least he thinks it makes him look good.  The rest of us see him for what he really is.

Well said. I couldn't agree more. It truly annoys me and turns my stomach when pseudo altruistic individuals shout their selfless charitable deeds from the rooftops, which is highly indicative of a person who is out for themselves and who stroke their image to appease themselves. True and sincere individuals who work with or support charitable organizations keep their work and achievements where they belong - under wraps.

Recently I read somewhere that only 11% (approximate figure) of humans are capable of introspection. At first I thought this figure to be too low, but on on reflection feel it's most likely correct. George Noory certainly can be placed in the 11% bracket.

On another tangent, I was vaguely listening to a repeat Noory show last night. He and the guest (forget his name) were discussing the pros and cons of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and advances in cell phone capabilities. What pulled me out of my quasi-slumber state was when Noory made the statement (more or less in these words) "Technology has pushed us to the brink of intelligence!"


Given the fact George finally mastered the fine art of copying and pasting emails a while back, one can surmise he has reached his intellectual zenith.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
December 28, 2012, 11:22:12 PM
Quote from: McPhallus on December 28, 2012, 08:31:10 PM
Woah.  Catfight?

I'm afraid not. I don't have the inclination to get into it with this, pardon the language, this fucking delusional cunt (at least I think she's a she) the satisfaction. My God, it's Nicky Nolan all over again. I'm actually amused and bemused by her rant towards me. I don't know her; she doesn't know me, yet presumes she does.

Then again...ChewMouse, sweetheart, I disgust you? LOL! I really think you need to do a reality check. I've been on this forum for close to a year now, and that's a pretty damn long time to be trolling and faking the vaj. Why I would ever change my sex in order to post what I have posted is beyond me. This is a forum about a horrific radio program, hosted by a horrific host who interviews numerous horrific guests. That's it. That's all.

Now please, fuck off.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
December 28, 2012, 08:11:35 PM
People who get their knickers all in a twist and clutch their pearls over such innocuous things as goblins, trolls, warlocks, and hemlock. The sky is falling, and we are all doomed to insipid idiocy. Tch Tch Tch.
Quote from: Centurion40 on December 28, 2012, 12:21:10 PM
LOL!  Nice find!!

Centurion40, your eerie tale above sent shivers down my spine.

It reminded me of a strange incident which happened to my brother, years ago when he was 18. Our parents were away in France visiting with my mother's family, and he and I were home alone for a couple of weeks. One night, I went over to my girlfriend's house to visit, leaving my brother alone at our house. He was watching a movie on TV, and decided to drive to the store to buy some snacks. He took our family dog with him in the car. He left the house with only the front porch light on, and the the two table lights on in the family room. He is, to this day, absolutely certain of that. He also switched off the TV.

As he returned from the convenience store and  puilled into the driveway, our dog began barking furiously while staring at our house. My brother couldn't quiet the dog down and that dog would NOT get out of my brother's car. It was then that my brother noticed that the front porch light was OFF, but ALL the other lights in the house were turned on. Freaked out, he unlocked the front door and slowly stepped inside. He discovered the TV was on, blaring at full volume, that the three stereo systems in our house were on and at high volume (radio stations), that all four burners on our kitchen stove were on maximum, and that ALL the doors in the entire house were closed (they were all open prior to his leaving). Freaked out, he checked all the external doors and patio doors - all were locked. Moreover, the temperature in the house was very cold. It was April, and our air-conditioning was not turned on, nor was it on when he checked it that night.
He also felt an "energy" he couldn't quite define.

The dog still was in his car, and was whining and shaking. Himself shaking, he locked the front door, and drove to my girlfiend's home, where I was. He didn't want to go back to the house, but very curious and alarmed, I talked him into it. My girlfriend came with us. Upon arriving at our family house, he jammed on the brakes, and was speechless.

Long story short - the house was now just the way he had left it when he first left to drive to the store. He hadn't altered any of the changes he found when he first arrived back home, instead running out and driving away. We all went inside. TV was off, all lights were off (except for the two family room lights he had left on) the stove burners were off, all internal doors were opened, and the inside temperature was normal. The dog also sensed all was normal, as he came inside the house with us.

At first we thought he was bullshitting us, but I know my brother, and quickly realized he was scared out of his wits, and my brother is a strong guy emotionally.
I walked around the house, and felt the remnants of a weird vibe. I sensed that "someone" had paid our family house a call that night. My girlfriend, who was fearless, agreed to sleep over that night, and we experienced no further strange happenings. We never told our parents what had happened...my mother would have flipped right out.
By morning, the strange vibe was gone, and no other paranormal incidents occurred at our home.

By the way, my brother, my then football playing, husky teen brother, slept on the floor of my bedroom that night! To this day he will NOT talk about what he experienced that night. 
Quote from: Centurion40 on December 28, 2012, 09:10:05 AM
Honestly, I don't know what to think of it all.  I have a profound love of palm trees; seeing one in it's natural setting brings me excitement and peace.  Is that because I'm Canadian, and seeing one (in it's natural setting) lets my mind confirm that I'm vacation in Florida?  Or did I live in a southern climate in a previous incarnation?

I had a dream once (which I can clearly recall, and that is somewhat unique in that I've had 1000s of other dreams that I cannot recall) where I was a young soldier in WWII on the Axis side.  I know that I was wearing boots and a kind of woollen uniform.  I was a sort of misfit, probably because I was young and immature.  I was walking alone, away from my unit, enjoying the solitude on a sunny morning- daydreaming and enjoying the the sun warming my body.  I was walking along a rail-road track.  The landscape was flat with a row of telegraph lines running alongside the tracks, and a line of poplar trees.  Suddenly I stop dead in my tracks, realizing that I had wandered far from my unit, possibly into enemy territory.  Suddenly and abruptly, the dream ends.

I thought nothing more of it, in fact I probably forgot all about it until I was watching a documentary following Peter Ustinov as he travelled through Soviet Russia.  Peter was taking a train to Moscow and there was an exterior shot of the train going down the track.  There was the train track landscape from my dreams, complete with the trees and the poles.  Gave me a chill as I realized that I had scene that landscape before in my dream.  Did I just get a glimpse from a past life, or did my mind concoct the the entire thing?  Perhaps that scene was in a commercial advertising the broadcast of the documentary?

I can't tell for certain, one way or the other.  The only thing that I can do is look to probabilities.  Which is more probable; that I recalled a past life in a dream, or that my mind created the entire thing from something that I've seen elsewhere?

I was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. So I hear you on pining for those palm trees!

On a serious note, I found your telling of your dream to be quite fascinating. While it is probable that your subconscious mind retained visuals/imagery that manifested as your WWII, the very fact that this particular dream stands out front and center in your memory, that you retained so many minute details about it, alerts me to the high probability that it could very well have been a past life vignette that your soul memory brought to the forefront of your conscious mind. You're not alone; countless people recall having VERY vivid and emotionally charged dreams that, in hindsight, don't feel like the plethora of scattered, unfocused dreams they usually experience. There is a quite noticable difference to past life scenes replayed and "normal" hazy, irrational ones.

By the way, speaking of WWI and WWII, I subscribe to the following intriguing theory. Many people who have been successfully regressed to a past life/lives emphatically state that, if the soul experiences a sudden or violent death of the physical body, many of them (souls) feel angry and cheated out of that particular incarnation, anmd many opt to return to another physical body/life very quickly, usually right away. For many other souls who cross over, they elect to wait it out a while in the realm of spirit, garnering energy and wisdom before they, with the guidance of spirit guides, CHOOSE their next incarnation - parents, siblings, life circumstances, etc.

Anyway, there are many who have been regressed who lived lives as both Allied and Axis soldiers. Upon being killed whilst in the line of duty, their souls, as mentioned, felt cheated and robbed of life, and opted to return to the earthplane almost immediately. How FASCINATING when one thinks of the connection here - if these souls were incarnated immediately - 1940-1946, many of them would have been of the correct age to take part in the Vietnam war student protests, and the Paris student protests of the 1960's.

Think of it...you're killed in action as a soldier during WWII, and reborn to violently protest and fight against a future war...for you KNOW in your soul memory of what a waste war was for you, having experienced the horrors of it first hand. This makes a lot of sense to me.
No, this thread is not Ziznak's style. He's too heavy metal, and he loves meat and cheese.

Well, if I were a gay guy, I'd definitely go for Rob Simone...easier on the eyes, and besides, me thinks Simone plays for his own team...nothing wrong with that, but the man is NOT straight.

If I were a lesbian, I'd be Linda Moulton-Howe's bitch. She and I would create beautiful "crop circles" together at the Howard Johnson's hotel...all you can eat buffet breakfast

LOL! Oh God. I must be exhausted for responding to this question.

Mommy needs a nap.
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
December 28, 2012, 06:01:16 PM
Quote from: UFO Fill on December 26, 2012, 04:27:58 PM
You young guys who have turned into girls.
I never waste my time watching TV, but over the holidays I was forced to sit in front of the tube at family gatherings.  I learned that there is something called the Home and Garden Channel or something like that.  On it, alleged men and their girlfriends (never wives) go out house shopping.
The guys speak with voices higher pitched than the women.  One of them walked into to kitchen of a prospective home, clapped his hands, and said "This one needs a lot of updating."  WTF?  He looked like a girl.  Then he started talking about the need for granite counter tops.  What man notices such a thing?  He should have been looking under the cabinets for signs of plumbing problems or in the attic for leaks.

On another one, the man threw a little hissy fit for a screened-in patio.  The woman was having none of it.  He was afraid of insects.  INSECTS? What man says the word "insect" for the perfectly good "bug?"  The woman turned to him and said, "For God's sake, light a citronella candle."
What pussies.
The decline in manhood has to be sNoory's fault.

So true. So true. Yesterday I was out shopping at the mall. By the way, MALLS annoy the hell out of me. Anyway, I was in Banana Republic, and near me was a couple, who I'll call Betty and Biff. Biff was immaculately dressed, and I swear his eyebrows were waxed. At first I thought he was gay, but then he and Betty held hands and kissed as they perused the merchandise. I was fascinated by this she-man, and stifled my laughter when he held up two cotton t-shirts to his chest as he admired himself in the mirror. He turned to Betty and asked, yes, in a high pitched voice: "Honey? Honey? Which one do you think? Dark brown or a lighter pastel?" I almost gagged. Betty replied light pastel as it, and I kid you not, was more flattering to his complexion. Biff then reminded Betty they had those gift certificates to the spa to use for their facials! Biff is more of a woman than me!

Quote from: CrabbyOld Bat on December 28, 2012, 01:18:04 PM
... he and Bruce Williams are two different people. I believe stevesh mentioned Bruce Williams simply as another example of a radio show host who was worried that a replacement might take over his job.

Ooookaaay...now I really feel legally blonde.

Thanks for the heads-up, you Crabby Old Bat! ;-)
Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 28, 2012, 11:59:34 AM

Exactly.  I think he got a good scare when he had Richard Syrett on that one time to stir up memories of what Coast would be like with an actual good host.

Syrett is a great host. He has his own Sunday night radio program which airs from Toronto, Canada. Two hours of great interviews and guests. We get his show loud and clear.

Quote from: stevesh on December 28, 2012, 12:15:26 PM
Don't know about 'terrified', but Bruce Williams used to record extra shows that aired when he needed to be off. He used to say that his replacement wasn't going to audition on his show. Bruce was one of a kind and his job was secure. Noory is also one of a kind (thank God), but his job also seems secure, for some inexplicable reason.

Do you or does anyone here know if it's possible to listen to old Long John Nebel's shows? Are they anywhere on the net? Possible to download? I had no idea his real monilker was Bruce Williams.

Quote from: valdez on December 28, 2012, 07:05:00 AM
     You can't beat Gerald Celente for raw grit and economic doom.

I forget which forum member it was, but a while back someone here mentoned that Gerald Celente's NYC - Brooklyn or Queens voice/accent reminded them of Edith Bunker from that classic old 70's show, "All in the Family". It's true! 
Quote from: Sardondi on December 28, 2012, 10:38:27 AM
Which policies I have never heard of, nor do they make any sense. "Must take full vacation time because of insurance" my ass. Now, conceivably Prem Rad could have  a policy that vacation time not taken in the year earned cannot be carried over, which would make it a little unusual, but it's quite possible. And if so that's fine. But why not just tell the frickin' truth about it? Because then George knows he looks like any other wage-earner interested in his paycheck. Which of course is absolutely normal. But the problem is George has always sold himself as the Listener-Loving Hero, who sacrifices all to be with his beloved audience. Which of course is utter bullshit.

Actually, there are quite a few companies/employers who implement a strict policy where an employee cannot carry over unused vacation time into the next calendar year, so it's not that unusual. That said, Noory IS spewing horseshit about insurance and hiring reasons.

I've stated it before, but me strongly believes Noory is extremely paranoid and frightened to take ANY night off away from his "hosting" duties for fear that someone else will do a far better job and thus reveal George as the incompetent dufus scrotum breath that he is. I call it the Long John Nebel Syndrome. For those who aren't familair with Nebel, he was an NYC based radio host in the 60's who had his own paranormal themed program. Nebel was terrified to take one day off, as he too was paranoid someone else would do a better job than he.

The difference here being that Long John Nebel's fears were for naught.
I also recently watched (for the umpteenth time) the wonderful "Withnail and I". 80's British cinema at it's very finest.

Here's some great clips from this flick:

Withnail and I

From the C2C site: On tonight's show, writer, researcher, and skeptic Micah Hanks addresses a variety of unexplained aspects of cultural phenomena and human history, as well as the prospects of our technological future as a species influenced by science.

Yada yada yada. Yeah, right. A thousand bucks says it all boils down to Noory referencing The Twilight Zone.
Quote from: onan on December 27, 2012, 11:41:32 AM
yeah, that is what bothered me. They interviewed her (supposed) boyfriend. I am puzzled as to why there was no curiosity from him. Supposedly she had a very responsible job managing a companies portfolio. No concern there. I quit watching because it seemed no one was asking the right questions. Or maybe I am the heartless one.

I walked away from this film absolutely shaken. Not only did her tragically sad fate sadden me, but, like yourself, I was quite perplexed and angered at the aftermath...the so-called human beings who were supposedly within this poor woman's life orbit.
I swore off the typical holiday cinematic fare during the Christmas period. I was overdosed on prior viewings of "A Christmas Story", "It's a Wonderful Orgasm", "Miracle on 34th Street", and even my all-time fave, "A Christmas Carol" - the classic version.

Two films I especially enjoyed were "Departures" - a Japanese out of work symphony violinist moves himself and his wife from Tokyo to a small village, where he takes up his new career of preparing the dead for burial. A VERY insightful, deep, haunting and emotional film. We absolutely loved it.

Also watched the German film "Goodbye, Lenin". The Berlin wall falls in 1989, and a former East German family falls apart. Mom goes into a coma right before the wall falls, and awakens to a unified Germany. Devoted son does all he can to create the illusion of a still existant communist East Germany, so his mother's weak heart does not give out if she realized her former world has forever vanished.

I highly recommend these two great films.
Quote from: ziznak on December 27, 2012, 05:53:03 AM
ya know what super 8 was a really good movie.  I watched a pretty good version of it when it was still in the movies and liked it... It's got all your Spielberg staples but it doesn't get too sappy.  Special effects, hero kids, stupid adults... good stuff.

"Super 8" started off with a wonderful and compelling premise, storyline, and acting. The first half held my keen interest, then, in the seocnd half, this film virtually falls apart and abandons any semblance of its promising start. What began as a very good flick ends up as a theme ride at Universal Studios in Florida. Alien swoops up and goes home...dad, son, and girl interest all hug, smile, look up, and wave bye bye.

Please. Spare me this crap.
Quote from: onan on December 27, 2012, 06:14:05 AM
Just watched "Dreams of a Life". A woman born in 1965, died in her apartment in 2003 and wasn't discovered until 2006. Sounds like an intriguing story... not so much.

How sadly ironic that the apathy present in the above comment permeated the tragic life of this woman who died alone. The film is based on a true incident which took place in London, UK. We are a society where isolation, loneliness, and total indifference when it comes to our fellow human beings is now the order of the day. Brave new world. Be strong...for nobody truly gives a damn.

I listened to that rather cringe-inducing and infantile "interview" Noory had with Santa. Given George's chronic predeliction for all things evil, I was shocked that he never once mentioned the infamous anagram re Santa/Satan and whether Santa garbed in red was somehow indicative of Kris Kringle's devilish ways. Then again, me thinks Noory wouldn't even know the definition of an anagram...he'd think it was Western Union.

Or if he did mention the connection...

George: "You know somethin'? If I said Santa Claus, then I said Satan's Claws, would there be a connection?"

I have tons of delicious leftovers from my Christmas feast. Any takers?
Politics / Re: Piers Morgan and gun control
December 26, 2012, 06:04:50 PM
I don't profess to be wise and proficient in regards to several key political issues. Suffice to say that this particular issue re gun rights advocates and the immense fallout from the Sandy Hook tragedy has me riled up to to end. I shake my head at those who are out to crucify Piers Morgan and his high octane rant for implenting swift and severe gun control laws. How ironic, and utterly pathetic that the "uprising" against this man and the petition to deport him from US soil is the genesis of those who reside in a supposed democracy where free speech is supposedly the order of the day.

I as well would be most interested in learning why it is many Americans feel the need to stockpile weaponry and ammunition? Why? For what logical purpose is this a necessity for so many? Well, pardon me for my vulgarity, but in my humble opinion, these Billy the Kids and Annie Oakleys have bats in their bloody belfry.

I will not elaborate on several of my views, for Yorkshire Pud, Ben Shockley, and Pragmier have voiced them wonderfully. I will say that the whole gun worshipping mindset in America is one I find frightenly disturbing on many levels. The very fact that there is a call for teachers to be armed has me feeling that sense and sensibility has flown out the proverbial window. Teachers are educators, not trained militia. This "call to arms" for teachers is the cliff's figurative ledge of a very slippery slope. There is no rationale, no logic, no foresight present with this dangerous mindset.

I too am rather sick and tired of this tiresome "left versus right" pendulum. It is not about liberal versus conservative, left versus right. It is about the RIGHT and just and logical decisions which need to be made re gun control. That said, with all the guns already out there, this whole fiery debate is sadly akin to closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

Like him or not, respect him or not, Piers Morgan has every right to express his views, and I for one concur with them. I am reminded of the fire storm which erupted years back, when the Dixie Chicks voiced their negative opinion of George W. Bush whilst in London at their concert. The anger, outcry, and attack on these women from fellow Americans for simply expressing their opinion of the man made me sick and angered me to no end. Free speech is allowed, as long as you adhere to the mindset of the crowd?

To those who attack Morgan and wish for his deportation to the Tower of London, I have but one pearl of wisdom to impart. If he, like the Dixie Chicks and countless others who dare to speak up lost their civil rights (never mind Morgan is not a US citizen, but he is in America on a work permit)...if they lost their civil rights, then so has every other American. To reiterate - a slippery slope made more acutely lethal with applied soap and oil.
In the link provided above, and under the subject of small children who remember aspects or overwhelming emotions about past lives, there is one point, "I have another mommy/daddy" which strongly resonates with me. Before I write of my experience, it must be pointed out that reincarnation, NDEs, and deathbed visions are in a very real sense related, as each experience is a component of the very real truth of the soul/consciousness surviving the physical death of the human body. In the case of reincarnation, it takes the subject matter of life after death to a more profound level; our souls choosing to return to an incarnate state in a physical world, and undertaking that journey from the realm of spirit.

The vast majority of us can recall perhaps one or two key incidents from the time we were small children (before the age of five). I myself can easily and clearly recall three incidents, one of which was a very powerful sense of having lived prior to my present incarnation. I was three and a half years old. On one late afteroon, I was standing in our living room, looking out the huge window. The sun was setting, and, facing west, the room was filled with light. I clearly recall standing there, and experiencing an overwhelming sensation of homesickness, and a strong sense of yearning. I recall my mother entering the living room, and upon seeing me standing at the window looking out in silence, she asked what was the matter. I clearly recall looking up at her and stating I wanted to go home, that I missed my old home, and that I wanted to see my other "mommy". Perplexed and bemused, she stated that THIS was my home, and that SHE was my mother. I replied that I knew she was my "mommy", but not my other mother, the one who I, at that point in time, could not remember in regards to her face, her voice, or name, but rather a very strong sense that she (my previous mother) did in fact exist in another time. I also, somehow picked up, at age three and a half, that this woman, this other mother of mine, lived and "died" in a time period very close to the era I was born as my current self.

It was a very odd and unique experience for me, one I have never forgotten. Over the course of the passing years, this "memory" of my former mother from a past life has faded, but the memory of experiencing longing for her, missing her, and loving her, has remained with me ever since. My current mother has validated the incident many times, and part of her feels it was childhood imagination on my part. I disagree - the overpowering emotions that engulfed me on that late afternoon, so many years ago, were VERY real. I have attempted to somehow remember more of that woman who lived, who was my mother, to no avail. That "window", or portal, opened and closed quickly.

There are thousands upon thousands of case studies involving small children and past life memories. Young children are excellent subjects for these studies, as they have yet to be conditioned by society to adhere to the earthly human tangible senses.

I've also had throughout the course of my life a very, very strong feeling of identification with Russia in the late 19th Century, and centering around St. Petersburg. I also have a strong connection with the American South,Georgia in particular, in the early decades of the twentieth century. I don't for one second believe these feelings are wishful thinking or imagination on my part. In the case of Georgia, I've always had a strong sense of identifying with the plight of the African-Americans who lived in that era, that I was either black in a former life, or was a white person who strongly sympathized with their horrific supression and condemnation by the white race.

Oh, what tangled and fascinating webs our consciousness weaves!
Great link, Sardondi. Thank you.

Here's a link to a page of the The University of Virginia - School of Medicine's site, which includes information on deathbed visions, NDEs, and cases/data gathered by Dr. Ian Stevenson, who specialized in researching children who recalled past lives.


Random Topics / Re: What Are Your Plans For Christmas?
December 20, 2012, 05:40:32 PM
Quote from: Pragmier on December 20, 2012, 03:24:45 PM

Instead of pizza rolls, try a pepperoni omelette. Low on carbs and you can dress it up with almost anything.

You just described yet another of my ex boyfriends. He was French, skinny, well endowed, and he looked good in everthing he wore.
Random Topics / Re: What Are Your Plans For Christmas?
December 20, 2012, 05:33:00 PM
God! Bobby Bittman and Jackie Rodgers, Jr., the two sexiest men on this planet! They drive me WILD! They can come over to my house and trim my Christmas tree any time!

But, I'll have to settle for two men I met at a bar. I'm going to deck the halls with two dudes named Boughs and Holly.
I wanna see Charo and Suzanne Somers as guests on Georgie's new teluvishun show. I wanna see Purina Dog Chow as the offishal shponsher, with Georgie doing on-air commershals for Purina. I wanna see Georgie begin each show by singing a song for his live shtoodio audiensh...with lots of closhe-upsh of Georgie as he croons and swoons like Sinatra. I wanna see Linda Moulton-Howe come on, and she and Georgie do an on-air cooking segment...she'll make Beef Wellington, and Georgie will ask her, as she prepares the dish, "Linda, I gotta ask you this. Is this beef from an unexshplained mutilated cow, mutilated by aliens?" She'll reply, "Well, George, the beef was slaughtered and cut in Alberta, Canada, so yes, it's been mutilated by aliens." At that point, Tommy will hold up a huge "LAUGH!" sign at the shtoodio audiensh.

For dessert, Linda will prepare - on-air - her deep fried sugar and honey "crop circles".

That is all.
HorrorRetro, that was a very compelling and creepy read! My God, those incidents were like something out of "X Files"! Don't misinterpret my words...I believe this happened to you all, it's just so "out there".

But, I'm an avid believer in these things.

I'm a healthy skeptic, to be sure, but...

One incident that I still find fascinating, one that is still to this day steeped in mystery and unanswered questions is the famous Los Angeles Air raid/battle that occurred on February 24-25, 1942. Were extraterrestrial craft over the skies of Long Beach and downtown Los Angeles that night? Or were they Japanese aircraft, ones that just so happened to dodge thousands uppn thousands of anti-aircraft artillery fired from the ground by U.S. forces?
Quote from: Em Vee on December 20, 2012, 02:19:27 PM

my grandmother and i were uniquely close.  she and i had a long standing agreement that she'd try and contact me after dying, but so far, nothing.

Give her time. If she hasn't already attempted contact, she could very well just be orientating herself over there, settling in and embracing her surroundings, plus enjoying reunions with those close to her who crossed over before her. Three months here can be three seconds over there...no linear time existing where she now resides!

Centurion40, I'll bet you that "weird shit" concerning your father wasn't so weird when placed in its correct perspective and context! I'll look for your post and read it...you've piqued my curiosity.

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