Quayle is a typical sociopath. Here are the maxims of Quayle.
Everything he says is gospel, and is absolute truth. Anyone who challenges his assertions with reason is a 'naysayer,' and couldn't possibly know anything because they don't have Quayle's 'sources.'
All of his information comes from super-secret sources no one else can talk to, and the information is absolute truth all the time.
He can't make mistakes. He will always double back and find some way to say he was right, even when 100% wrong.
He's obnoxious and can't stand when someone dare interrupt his disconnected delusional diatribe.
Doomsday is always impending. Usually with Quayle, it's some re-hash of Cold War doomsday mixed in with some Biblical Prophecy, and maybe a little 2012.
Everything is extremely important and extremely urgent, and is always very serious. I don't know if Mr. Quayle knows how to laugh, or how to step back and gain some perspective.
There must be a book reference (his own book of course, only his own book) every minute or so.