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Messages - MentallyImpairedPandaGN

Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
May 13, 2012, 06:14:59 AM
Quayle is a typical sociopath. Here are the maxims of Quayle.

       Everything he says is gospel, and is absolute truth. Anyone who challenges his assertions with reason is a 'naysayer,' and couldn't possibly know anything because they don't have Quayle's 'sources.'
    All of his information comes from super-secret sources no one else can talk to, and the information is absolute truth all the time.
    He can't make mistakes. He will always double back and find some way to say he was right, even when 100% wrong.
    He's obnoxious and can't stand when someone dare interrupt his disconnected delusional diatribe.
    Doomsday is always impending. Usually with Quayle, it's some re-hash of Cold War doomsday mixed in with some Biblical Prophecy, and maybe a little 2012.
    Everything is extremely important and extremely urgent, and is always very serious. I don't know if Mr. Quayle knows how to laugh, or how to step back and gain some perspective.
    There must be a book reference (his own book of course, only his own book) every minute or so.
Do not mistake passion for pure insanity. I listened in because I saw there was supposed to be something on Fukushima.

I believe Mr. Quayle attempted to suggest that the Great East Japanese Earthquake of 2011 was caused by weather warfare, and that the nuclear crisis at Fukushima Daiichi was engineered by the Illuminati to reduce the population. I think that's about when I closed the radio tab in Firefox.

Not only are his conspiracies totally insane, they lack any plausible basis. On top of that he's rude and obnoxious. He can't be bothered with the facts as he sees himself as a prophet ordained by God. I think of all the times I've heard him, there was maybe one instance where he was bearable. That instance was when Ian Punnett put him in his place and kicked him off the air.
Link isn't working, can I get it somewhere else? I heard like 5 minutes of it live but turned it off before it got good that night.

Props to you sir for coming here to defend yourself, but you have to admit there is a lot of garbage out there (like the 'Numbers Lady'), so you have to understand our skepticism.

I was intrigued by your 'channeling' of Michael Jackson because it seemed like you were speaking in his vernacular, and using his selection of phrases. I'm not saying I was convinced it was really happening, but was very interesting to listen to. Maybe with time, and more trials/experiments I might be more convinced that it's a reality.

Thanks for coming here though!
Man I listened to the whole show last night, don't ask me why. IT was BIZARRE. I mean, it was like a schizophrenic having a conversation with himself, but I couldn't turn away. I was chuckling at some points, but it was just so damn weird I wasn't sure how to react.

I would be more likely to consider the guest's claim that he was channeling Michael Jackson if he didn't do the worst (and funniest) C2C show I've ever heard. I think you know the one I'm talking about, where for 3 hours he talked about gnomes and leprechauns.

All in all, it was just so damn weird and strange, too far out there... lol...
As soon as I saw the guest on the C2C website, I turned off my radio and went to bed. Then I awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of hoof beats pounding on the pavement.

Screaming and sweating profusely, I turned to the window and saw a centaur pervert peeking in my window. One hand was holding a phone, the other hand was holding...


It must have been the guest on Coast to Coast...
I don't know their names, but those two morons peddling their book on 11:11 and synchronicity. These idiot chumps blabbered (inarticulately) about how people "all over the world" were experiencing episodes of synchronicity with time, with relationships, etc...

I could smell the bullshit steaming through the speakers, I wanted to punch Snoory for being a dumbass. He didn't even question these people, he just kept say "yep," "huh," etc... I heard his chair creaking a few times as he squirmed around like a brainless worm.

Man that show was awful... but I can think of a bunch of other shitty guests, like Glynnis McCants, John Titor, Ed Dames, Ed Grimsley, etc....
Wow... this certainly was eye-opening. It really saddens me to see that C2C is a hulking shadow of what it used to be. Noory is brain-dead and I can't stand the guests he has on anymore, it's unbearable.

Now, thanks to this, I know why things are the way they are. They wanted someone to sit there and blabber without any real control over the program. They wanted someone who wouldn't question their methods.

C2C is now doomed to either continue on its shitty path or get even worse, barring any unforeseen developments in the positive direction.

But thanks Michael, this was a great read, although it's a sad state of affairs.
Stanton Friedman is a great guest most of the time, even with Snoory stumbling over simple sentences. He always brings a good show.
Yea that was pretty horrible last night. While listening I felt like I stumbled into a Gypsy tent at a circus with some fake psychic trying to squeeze a few bucks out of me for a tarot card reading. I mean man.... this show is getting so awful.

I can't wade through another minute of this putrescent garbage. This lady has got to be one of the biggest shit-peddlers I've ever heard in my life.

Draw an 8 in your wallet for good luck? Get rich by arranging your cash in a sequential stack?

REALLY?! This is almost worse than the ENTIRE SHOW about 11:11. This show is UNBEARABLE NOW. I mean it's horrible, it's like a never-ending infomercial where this jackass just peddles subscriptions to her website for desperate people who think "picking the right numbers" can change their lives.

I only started listening to Coast to Coast in 2006, but man, oh man, has it taken a nosedive lately. It's non-stop garbage, and Noory can't make anything interesting, unlike Bell who could make everything interesting. He always asks the same CRAP. I am so SICK of it. I'm not listening anymore, I mean even when he has a good guest on he never asks any intelligible and interesting questions, and always ends up with "What's the one thing...."


end rant

Numbers Lady Sucks

Noory Sucks more

Art we miss you...
I listen to Alex off and on, and I've gotta admit his voice is annoying, and he yells a lot. That is very true, he has somewhat of an irritating voice.

He also goes off on rants a lot, gets very emotional, and sometimes mis-quotes articles and sources.

But the truth movement does actually have some evidence behind it. I know the common perception of '9/11 truthers' is the guys walking around yelling "9/11 was an inside job," and I can see how that would irritate some people. But the main reason the movement has so much momentum is because there are legitimate questions about 9/11.


Take this report by Steven Jones, a PhD from Brigham Young University, that found nano-thermate particles in the dust from the WTC. I know, it sounds crazy, but it is what it is. Nano-thermate is only manufactured and used by our military, and is state-of-the-art.

Another question to ask would be "what brought down tower 7." This was the tower that wasn't physically hit by anything, yet collapsed in its own footprint at freefall speed in the late-afternoon on 9/11.

I'm just saying, although you may not like Alex Jones, or the truth movement, there are certainly legitimate claims behind some of what they say.
Actually, Celente has been pretty spot on with most of his trends forecasts. He predicted the stock market crash in 87, Dot com bubble of 2000, 'Panic of 08,' etc...

Check out the rest here: http://www.trendsresearch.com/forecast.html

I really don't think he's a 'right wing' nutjob. The guy doesn't really care for politics, and does actually call it like he sees it. Granted, sometimes he embellishes a bit too much, but he's a pretty accurate forecaster, IE a straight-shooter.

Noory, on the other hand, is a bumbling clown who couldn't tie his own zipper in a bathroom without pulling a 'Something about Mary' and grinding his rocks in a vice. I can't stand him anymore.
Archive of Old Threads / Re: I can't take it anymore
March 08, 2009, 11:41:17 AM
I'll have to find it. I think I actually saw it in a thread here as well, might have to do a bit of searching, but it's def out there somewhere.

Knapp says something along the lines of:

"Well the true intention of this show is to deal with UFO and Extraterrestrial matters."

Doesn't call GN out by name, but essentially says that he's straying from the original intentions of the program.
Archive of Old Threads / I can't take it anymore
March 08, 2009, 11:26:37 AM
Long time lurker here, finally decided to join because I can't take the rampant stupidity anymore.

I have always been interested in paranormal stuff, and stumbled across C2C on youtube randomly searching for UFO videos. It sounded pretty interesting (probably because the videos I stumbled across were of Art Bell interviews), so I started listening on a regular basis about 3 years ago.

Initially, it was pretty cool, and all new to me; I listened every night. After about 4 months, I started to get a little bit annoyed. George was asking the same questions over, and over, and over, and never probed the guest in a meaningful manner. Sometimes I would yell at the radio: "ask the fucking question George."

Recently, it has become unbearable. Like recently, when George some stupid sycophantic drones on who mumbled about the mysteries of '11:11' for hours, or the 'numbers lady,' or how he constantly pounds his listeners with the spiked dildo of economic collapse.

I mean... seriously?

Enough is enough.

C2C isn't about stupidity and drooling monotony, it's about having on genuine guests with interesting information, not street-peddling gypsies who sell tarot cards and expensive palm readings.

I really respect Ian Punnett and George Knapp, especially since George Knapp called out George Noory on sucking ass and straying from the true intentions of C2C.

It's supposed to be about the paranormal and strange, but Noory sucks at interviewing, and has shitty guests on constantly. I also really hate how he thinks he's smart, and is really a complete bag of weathered rocks.

I'm sick of hearing about how he thinks he's psychic, or about how he and UFO Phil (Phildo) remote-view spy on each other and phone sex over it.


"Duh, Phil I see you sitting in a room with a telephone, naked, remote-viewing me in a restaurant eating a, duh, umm, lobster plate dinner with french fries."

"He he he, George, he he, I think you're just wonderful, like a rainbow exploding in the sky at a clown festival, he he he, did you see my new music video, oh it's just fantastic. George you're fantastic. George are you eating a lobster dinner right now, completely naked?

"Wow Phil, you're good... real good... uh... ohhh.... OHHH."

"He he he, George you're just special and funny and gumdrop good."

"Now we're going to take calls with UFO Phil. Phil you cool with that?"

"Sure George-gummy bear, no heheheheheeh problem."

Caller 1:
"Hey thur gurge, think yur a great guy, doin lots of good things for people."

(+1 boner point to GN)

"I was wundrin if yah yah you eff OH Phil knew anythin bout lights over the airport yesterday. They wuz like blinkin and loud sounds and such."

"Well Philly Willy, you hear about this."

UFO Phil:
"Ohhh, wow. That sounds like a GREAT sighting heheehehehe. Wow... I mean we just can't be alone... George are you still eating that lobster?"


Also, UFO Phil is a shitbag, has an annoying voice, and is a turd wrapped in yesterdays newspaper sprinkled with daily dog piss.

I cancelled my streamlink membership, and am only going to listen when a 'giant guest' (like Stanton Friedman) is on, or when Ian or Knapp host. I've just had enough. Thanks for reading my rant.

PS: George, you probably don't believe in coincidences because you're too dumb to comprehend chaos.
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