Art died, Noory sucks. Does slut Heather still pretend to be a radio host? What about Senda? Is he still farting on his cats? Where is MV? What's going on ya dorks? Bring me up to speed.
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Show posts MenuQuote from: albrecht on January 16, 2018, 12:38:40 AMRight turn, Clyde.
Forgive my French but....FUCK YAH. Best movie genre ever...especially when Trucker is combined with some apes and CB radio songs. I think first version of AI. How else the phenomena spread?
Quote from: Nebraska888 on November 09, 2017, 06:40:10 PMI just want to say, you may be the biggest Knapp fan ever. I applaud that. May I ask, being a fellow Nebraskan, "Go Big Red?" lol, just kidding. They blow ass.
Ha! I decided to refrain from commentary. Hope things change.
Quote from: Swishypants on November 09, 2017, 05:04:41 PMToo late. Many came before you. You are the dingleberry after the shit storm. But you sure are special... yes you are.. what a cute little insignificant attention whore. stop being a faggot.
Soon BellGab will be my own private Shitpost Heaven.
Quote from: Swishypants on November 04, 2017, 12:00:39 PMok. got to go pregame anyway. cheers, ya wankers.
Quote from: mv on August 21, 2017, 08:28:18 PMyou get more beautiful every time I see you.
i can't even begin to remember why you were banned. i'd forgotten you ever were banned, actually. good thing we have those occasional "great unbannings."
Praise MV.
Quote from: Happier Times are coming ! on July 14, 2017, 08:19:09 PMBetter log in to your other account now th'dipshit.
Sir, I have have come to think of Falkie as a baaad case of "dingleberries" (hemorrhoids)...
as unpleasant as they are...
and although you would prefer to forget them....
"they are always with you....."
Quote from: PB the Deplorable on July 14, 2017, 08:07:32 PMHalf of those people get off. Horn, noory. They love it. Fantastic argument.. Falkies got hit for what, a decade? Or more, I see we are throwing around extremes now. If we can't talk about an old fat man, we might as well lay down and die.
Couldn't the same be said for Art Bell, George Noory, Donald Trump, Michaels Horn, Mr Fidget, and everyone else on this forum, and everyone in entertainment, sports, politics, science, business, the arts, etc, etc, that people discuss?
If fact why discuss anything with anyone that's not necessary for keeping oneself housed and fed?
Quote from: th'ONE on July 11, 2017, 09:51:14 PMReally? Even the wh clerks are getting lawyers.
OK, my iinglish is bad but what that means what you juzd said id ??
Only person that is/was terrorizing this place with lawyers was Art Williams Bell.
I'm juzt the messangerr !!