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Topics - Delphi

Thread title said it all..  Id appreciate any invites
So why isn't art on the air and who the hell is the chick?  What happened to art
Technology / Anyone want an invite to IPT?
October 18, 2015, 06:43:03 AM
I have several and wanted to check at my favorite Forum first for anyone wanting to join one of the best private trackers...  Pm me if you wish to stay annonmous or post here
Hey everyone got their profile ready?  I wanted to add you guys so I knew who I was chatting chatting with in the tunein shout box
Technology / 2x IPT invites
May 15, 2015, 08:21:01 AM
Just wanted to give the phone at my main forum a chance before I sent anywhere else
Random Topics / Anyone here know law?
April 14, 2015, 09:03:17 AM
       Hello all,  I have a question,  my wife made a fake claim that I pushed her and she got a temporary restraining order,  she also put my daughters name on it so I cant even see my baby til I go to court..

But my question is,  if I have a witness stating that none of this even happened, will it do me any good?

I appreciate any help on this and thank you in advance
I can't remember his name?  Hilly rose or something like that?  He did the secrets of jesus show, What's he up to?  He doing anything in radio?
Am I alone on this. ?  Anyone else think it would be fun
Random Topics / TV shows
February 27, 2015, 09:38:49 AM
Van someone tell me if these play online without having to download and is the quality any good?  I'm at work on my phone and can't test  it. . thanks.

Gangland undercover &  Better call Saul
Here's there newest video.. Anyone have more info on who it is?
Technology / Need an IPT invite
February 13, 2015, 09:23:12 PM
I have given several on here... Anyone of you guys I have one to can you share back..  I used a mobile client and the fackers disabled me for it..  Can someone hook me up?
Wow this is pretty cool,  anyone have any ideas on application's or how this could be good?

Scientists ‘freeze’ light for an entire minute

In what could prove to be a major breakthrough in quantum memory storage and information processing, German researchers have frozen the fastest thing in the universe: light. And they did so for a record-breaking one minute.

It sounds weird and it is. The reason for wanting to hold light in its place (aside from the sheer awesomeness of it) is to ensure that it retains its quantum coherence properties (i.e. its information state), thus making it possible to build light-based quantum memory. And the longer that light can be held, the better as far as computation is concerned. Accordingly, it could allow for more secure quantum communications over longer distances.

Needless to say, halting light is not easy â€" you can’t just put in the freezer. Light is electromagnetic radiation that moves at 300 million meters per second. Over the course of a one minute span, it can travel about 11 million miles (18 million km), or 20 round trips to the moon. So it’s a rather wily and slippery medium, to say the least.

But light can be slowed down and even halted altogether. And in fact, researchers once kept it still for 16 seconds by using cold atoms.

For this particular experiment, researcher Georg Heinze and his team converted light coherence into atomic coherences. They did so by using a quantum interference effect that makes an opaque medium â€" in this case a crystal â€" transparent over a narrow range of light spectra (a process called electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT)). The researchers shot a laser through this crystal (a source of light), which sent its atoms into a quantum superposition of two states. A second beam then switched off the first laser, and as a consequence, the transparency. Thus, the researchers collapsed the superposition â€" and trapped the second laser beam inside.

And they proved the accomplishment by storing â€" and then successfully retrieving â€" information in the form of a 100-micrometer-long picture with three horizontal stripes on it.

“The result outperforms earlier demonstrations in atomic gases by about six orders of magnitude and offers exciting possibilities of long-storage-time quantum memories that are spatially multiplexed, i.e., can store different quantum bits as different pixels,” notes physicist Hugues de Riedmatten in an associated Physics Review article.

In future, the researchers will try to use different substances to increase the duration of information storage even further.
It's on his latest pod cast,  I had to post about it.. It made my day.. take a listen.. Its in the beginning of the show..

I'm just to tickled
Just kidding...

But is anyone here going to try and be the first caller ever on the new show?  Any guesses who it will be
Title says it.. I think it would be funny to see some of yalls responses.

You know how some people just look the part?  What do see art as in an alternative universe

    Art Bell
    George Noory
     Other coast to coast am hosts
     General Discussion
     General talk radio/podcasts

I personally have the George noory section... And no not because it has to do with George, but because it's just spam and negativity.. I avoid it..

      What section do you guys not like?                       
Please o only want people to ask if your gonna use them... But I need to use them so they don't expire
IPT has alot of Art Bell and is updated daily with C2C stuff.. And yes you can sift through and only download Knapp and others if you like.

Also it has a section dedicated just for podcasts.

Also IPT is one of the largest Private torrent communities.. you can get whatever you need.
QuoteHezbollah Brigades convoy video shows American M1 Abrams tank

By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A YouTube video of a Hezbollah Brigades convoy seemingly on its way to fight the Islamic State group includes numerous American-made military vehicles.

The propaganda video uploaded Tuesday shows the Iranian-backed militia in possession of an M1 Abrams tank, Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles (MRAP), and Humvees at its disposal.

The Long War Journal, a news website operated by the nonprofit organization reported that it was unclear how Hezbollah, which is designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S., acquired the vehicles.

“The Hezbollah Brigades, or Kata’ib Hezbollah, receives funding, training, logistics, guidance, and material support from the Qods Force, the external operations wing of the Revolutionary Guard Corps,” the website reported.

When charges began that Iranian-backed militias were using U.S. weaponry against the Islamic State group, White House spokesman Alistair Baskey told Bloomberg News earlier this month that there was “no reason to believe” that the Iraqi government was providing the equipment.

Sen. John McCain, Arizona Republican, disputed that statement, telling Bloomberg that the Iranians “are now, to a large degree, through the Shia militias, in the absence of a capable Iraqi military, doing most of the fighting against [the Islamic State]. That cannot be in the U.S. interest.”   
Just wondering how those rats are going to handle it?
He has me wondering what surprise he has in store for us.. . Someone here has to have an idea of what it may be??  What do you guys think?  Alleviate some of my curiosity
Im wanting to get an oculus for my xbox but was just wondering if anyone here has hands on experience with it?  It looks amazing,  also just found out about. Microsofts new device.. Have a look
Quoteambushed and KIA during the clash between policemen and Moro Islamic Libertation Front (MILF) in Maguindanao aiming to arrest Zulkifli Bin Hir alias Marwan and Basit Usman, a high-valued terrorist target, each with a bounty of 5 million US dollars on their head.

Authorites BELIEVED that Zulkifli Bin Hir alias Marwan but they did not confirm i t.


QuoteHi Delphi,

Thank you for your inquiry.
We were all very excited to hear the news that Art will be broadcasting on the internet in July 2015 when his non-compete clause with SiriusXM expires.
At this point, we cannot say what will happen in July of 2015 but what we can say is that C. Crane support's Art Bell.

If you have additional questions or we can be of further assistance please email or call our toll free number.

Jessyca Martinez
Customer Support Specialist
C. Crane Company, Inc.

Customer Service and Technical Support Hours
Mon - Fri 7:00am - 5:00pm (PST)
Saturday, Sunday and Major Holidays (Closed)     

I really hope they reach out to art or. Vice versa.. Hopefully art will read this
Just curious of anyone here could tell us?  Anyone here that can give us some information would be appreciated
I've been going through this website for quite some time... And I just heard on one of Arts old shows with Bob lazar that he owns a company named United Nuclear. . Is this his??

I'm just asking if you see anything of interest and you download it,  could you let me know if it worked correctly ect. .. I compressed them on Android OS  and just curious if they went well.. Adding to it daily
Just curious before I download.. also this IP torrent has a folder of strictly bumper music.. Was this once sold on arts parts or no?  Just curious

OK so far I'm between Plasma and 4k..  Im leaning toward plasma because of the high refresh rate and nice cord.. The only experience I have with 4k tvs involves standing in front of them with my wife bitching at me at Best Buy..

BTW I'M WANTING TO KEEP IT IN THE 40' RANGE..  No smaller than 40 but could budge a few inches up if need be
Politics / Why are so many people going to Syria?
January 19, 2015, 06:48:31 PM
I seen on the news how alot of Belgians are going there.. I mean Omfg look at this video.. Why would you go there. ..

Random Topics / Who else here loves Marijuana?
January 19, 2015, 08:13:02 AM
Just curious if there are any marijuana lovers here?

I think it's a good thing as long as your an adult and your done developing and what not..  Anyone else agree? 

I live in Oklahoma so I'm sure we will be one of the last to legalise.. If ever.. KY state is like 1 of 4 States sueing Colorado... I wish I could move ha..
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