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Topics - Faustina

Radio and Podcasts / Podcasts You Listen To?
October 28, 2017, 07:40:57 PM
What are some of your favorite podcasts? 

I love Radio Free Burrito, Sword and Scale, Bizarre States, Euphomet, Realm of the Weird, Crimetown and Weird Tales & The Unexplainable. 
Has anyone listened to Ethan Bearman's radio show?  He's very good.  His radio show, and podcast, covers current events and politics.  (No paranormal, sadly).  Sort of reminds me of a crisper Bateman.  (Ethan, too, likes Rand Paul).  Worth checking out. 


He's on 810 KGO in San Francisco very early on Sunday mornings. 

Radio and Podcasts / Late Night in the Midlands
March 08, 2016, 05:58:52 PM
Another online radio show is looking for unpaid interns to work on calling up terrestrial radio stations:

"Looking for Volunteers to help LNM
-- Michael Vara March 8, 2016. 

We are looking for volunteers to help Late Night in the Midlands

I need someone who will contact stations and help us bring in more affiliates.

I also need help with writers for our website to write original content related to show content.

if your interested please contact Michael Vara at latenightinthemidlands@yahoo.com or mv@latenightinthemidlands.com

Be serous and be motivated please."

Radio and Podcasts / Spaced Out Radio with Dave Scott
February 13, 2016, 04:13:35 PM
Anyone listen to this show?  It's live seven nights a week (10pm Pacific /1 a.m. Eastern).  I haven't heard it yet, but I've had several people PM me on FB that it's good and that I should check it out.  I'm going to do so tonight, so I'll let you guys know what I think.  (I hope it's good:  would be really nice to have an alternative to c2c on weekends).


Their website is very cluttery:  not well set up, imo.

Here's their FB page:

Under "About" --->> 

"We are an entertaining online radio program and website dedicated to talking about intriguing topics from UFOs, to the paranormal, to Sasquatch and more!

Spaced Out Radio is a creation of Jonny Enoch's and Dave Scott's to help provide a medium for those intrigued or affected by paranormal or supernatural activity.

Dave Scott will bring his journalistic skills to the airwaves on www.spacedoutradio.com to talk about and enlighten his listeners in a range of topics from UFOs and Extraterrestrials to ghosts and angels. Dave's goal is to find the answers to questions that many people around the globe have every day. From conspiracy theories to time travel, Dave will tackle all the topics, seven days a week, live from 10:00-midnight (PST).

Spaced Out Radio brings you quality guests with whom you can interact with via email, Twitter, Facebook or by phone. Spaced Out Radio encourages you, the listener, to make this your show. We want to hit your topics of interest. Maybe you've seen ghosts, had psychic intuition, had an out-of-body experience, been contacted by extraterrestrials, wonder about First Nations legends such as Sasquatch or the Little People, we want to hear from you. Your opinion of Spaced Out Radio and our topics and guests are what will make us stand taller than the others.

We want to make this the best and most popular on-line paranormal-supernatural radio show going, but we can't do it without your support. So please "like" our page and share it around to people who would be interested in our different type of programming. This is only the beginning, so you can learn with us."

Radio and Podcasts / True Crime Garage radio show
January 31, 2016, 05:03:03 PM
True Crime Garage is on LIVE on Deep Talk Radio right now:


I believe the topic is the ABC serial killer.
Radio and Podcasts / Marc Maron // WTF podcast
January 29, 2016, 09:50:41 PM
Interesting article about podcaster Marc Maron

Random Topics / Golden State Warriors
January 23, 2016, 01:09:41 AM
40-4.  Steph Curry made two baskets tonight from 3/4s of the court away.  (Okay, one was after the buzzer, but....)
Radio and Podcasts / Mutual Broadcast Network
January 17, 2016, 03:19:25 PM
The 'Mutual Broadcast Network' is Leo Ashcraft's little online broadcasting network.  I note it now has a show hosted by David John Oates, who Art hates (with pretty good reason).



Radio and Podcasts / Podcast: Where Did The Road Go?
September 12, 2015, 09:28:51 PM
This radio host/podcaster is excellent.  Good voice, sharp, asks pertinent questions.  The show is on the DMDN (not live) but does air live on WVBR at 8pm/11pm East Coast every Saturday night.


3rd best radio host on the planet after Art Bell and Steve Warner.
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