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Topics - lightningline

I was just on You Tube as usual looking for a good recent C2C show to listen to. Guess what. I couldn't find one recent show....as a matter a fact I was hard pressed to find one entire show. Two weeks ago I could look up any C2C a day ot two after and it was there. I was able to google some but when I clicked on the link is says removed!!!! But when I type in Dark Matter every damn one of Arts shows are there in there entirety....many titled C2C Alternitive. Im pissed. Go ahead...look. I challenge anyone to find me the C2C show from Sun Nov 3rd. and post the link. Bet ya cant....but Dark Matter.....you bet. I'm disgusted. I found out Google is in Bed with Sirius XM...look it up!!!!!! And Google owns..you guessed it. You Tube
Radio and Podcasts / Was Art even Art anymore ????
November 10, 2013, 04:53:39 PM
As I walked into my kitchen to indulge in my usual evening of beer and radio I thought about putting on an old Art Bell show from you tube. Then I just felt sad, like what's the use. I always used to listen to re-runs but it was with a sense of wonder and enjoyment. Hoping one day he would be back, Art I mean. I think listening to any Art Bell at this point would just make me feel bummed out as hell. Its only remorse and dread I feel now when it comes to Art. I'll always love the guy and have many fond memories listening to him but I think he big time messed up this time and wont be back. The other part of my dismay is Art just did not seem like the Art I remember. He seemed short, in a hurry and down right grumpy sometimes. Or like he himself was dreading the show. Maybe it was the way the show was doing that changed his mood so much. Maybe he felt like he was nothing compared to what he was and it tolled on his esteem. To go from millions of listeners to having a hard tome keeping the phone lines going must be hard to swallow. I can only speculate. I hope something good can happen but if it does it has to be on Arts terms completely. If he could do it like Alex Jones it would be great. Start off small on the web then sell the show to stations all over the country, maybe world. I just wanted to get that off my chest and was wondering if anyone else was feeling the same way. I don't hate Art one bit...I think he could have went about it different but that don't matter now. If he comes on I am sure to listen. But if not Im just going to have to let go completely.  Best wishes to ya all...;)
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