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Topics - nextgen.fm

Exhibit A - The Great Totino  vs JC


Exhibit B - Art Bell vs JC

tune in to Bill Cunningham show

Awful 8)
Random Topics / The Langoliers
February 13, 2015, 10:43:36 PM
im watching this on  Netflix

Isn't that one of art bells favorite movies or something I thought I heard that once


This seemed to break late in the day yesterday but I think it's going to be a big story. 

Guy apparently had ADD and OCD in a news station environment.  That can be tough.  And the firing all seemed to center around a Facebook post he made on behalf of the station of a police chief.


Help me!!

I especially watched the preview shows for BEYOND BLEEF just to see George! :-[
Technology / Latest hacking attacks!
December 12, 2014, 09:17:29 PM
damn, they got everyone!

Is this a trend?
Lot of disinformation floating around wandered if anyone can point me in right direction.  I know that John Lear and Bob Lazar were some of his early guests.



Hi THis is George Noorey and you are listenign to TOK RADIO 1603845134"
I like to tune in with affiliates in the Southwest so I feel closer to George and Art.
What would it be like?

Tommy and him shooting the shit?
Wow this is interesting.

He keeps dropping Art's name and keeps saying he wants to talk about paranormal ghost stories.

The usual guy Jon Grayson mostly talks about the latest crap on Facebook and his favorite celebrities and tries to play it safe. :-X
Radio and Podcasts / Miss you tonight Art!
September 06, 2014, 11:23:23 PM
Tonight's show looks to be completely awful.

Why not move it to the bottom of hour?

no other show on the air does this break

Most already sit through the news (which is all bullshit plus a minute of spots) then another minute after the news of spots

then finally coast joins, some weird song by the Noortis, then dumps you right back to what I think is a 2 minute break

when Art was hosting, you hung on, but with Nooris, no one does lol

Radio and Podcasts / Tonight's show is good!!!
August 22, 2014, 01:36:33 AM
George always talks about twilight zone!!!

He loves it!
Radio and Podcasts / The George Noory Song Notebook!
August 20, 2014, 10:13:53 PM
And the hits just keep coming!!!!!!

Share your songs about the legend!

Have you ever thought about what you would do if you lost power to your home or ran out of batteries?

How would you listen to news about the nuclear bomb blast?

Well there is a radio that is just better than everything else

it is called a C Crane

it picks up broadcasts from Mars

God himself sometimes can be heard on certain frequencies

get yours today

it's the best one
If they were afraid or didn't like it.

Funny, because

There were no other shows on the air like his!
I know he had a political show before Coast.

Were Bob Lazar and John Lear some of his very first guests?

And...does anyone have a copy of it??
Just curious. :)

I would recommend the show featuring Dallas Thompson who planned to fly inside the Earth through the North Pole with a jetpack.


I tenderly await your responses, I'm sure there are some veterans here with some great suggestions. :)
Really Premiere?

just what i want

tune in in the middle of the night to hear some cool ufo stories and instead I hear a guy talking about how fat Americans are.

Type into your URL bar...


And you are transported back into the beauty of preWEB2.0 good ol' days when Art ruled!

I don't know why they still have this up?  Fun to click around and find stuff. :)

:D :) ;D ;)
I heard him one night say he at one time thought of bringing an Ouija board into the studio and having a live seance on the air, but he stated he was afraid that the spirits might be of not good nature and be delivered directly into the minds of the listening audience!

He was worried this might not be good and he didn't want to take responsibility for causing demonic possession!
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