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Topics - KnyeGuy

I can't remember the guest's name, but he came on sometime in 2002 with Art, and the show was F'n hilarious.
He was going to bore into the earth with some machine, then upon meeting the inner earth dwellers, he was going to breath via a mystical bubble that they would form around him.
Yes,...it was GREAT fodder for Art.

There was a totally hilarious moment that outlined Bell's sarcastic nature and left me absolutely cracking up while listening. Some guy with a thick Texan accent called in, after the guest had gone through his entire ludicrous spiel, and addressed Art: "Ya know, Mr. Bell, I just don't know if I'm buyin this here guy."
To which Art replied (with a throaty drone of sarcasm)  "Naaaaahhh, reeealllllly sir? You mean you CAN't conceive of what this gentlemen is proposing?"

Later on a really hot sounding girl called in who wanted to be the journalist that would follow this guy into the centre of the earth to document everything.  Art let her stay on the line for a long time while she bantered with the guest excitedly.

Damn,...this is another guest that would've been a great follow up with Art...hahahaha.
Another great example of how entertaining the show could be with Bell.
Archive of Old Threads / This Place is Back ;)
December 02, 2009, 11:28:30 PM
Hey just for the hell of it I went to the old GNS site address and lo and behold there IS a new incarnation..lol
Cool, I was getting tired of trying to find a C2C focused site elsewhere that 'didn't' suck.
Glad to see another version of GNS is back, and with more of a focus on Coast to Coast/Art Bell in general... (Noory Still Sucks btw!)

-oh yeah and I'm surprised that my name/login info was still kickin around XD
Archive of Old Threads / Interesting Philosopher
July 31, 2009, 06:47:24 AM
Just wanted to post a link to an interesting philosophical essay:


The main website for the guy who wrote this is  http://www.freedomainradio.com/

What script do we need to use in order to post links with our own labels?

In other words, how can we turn this:

into this:

Thanks ;)
Paranormal - Conspiracy - UFOs - Etc. / Mr. Fidget
July 24, 2009, 11:15:49 AM
Anyone catch the Mr. Fidget show replay a couple weeks ago (Art Bell Somewhere in Time).
I think it was from '97.  This dude is hilarious... Apparently he got through to Art on purpose (some people used to talk about a secret trick to get through the busy lines).
At any rate, a pretty entertaining show (with the genuine spontaneity only Art could foster) whether you could put up with the guest's smugness or not.

It's hilarious that he actually started a new website upon notification of the rebroadcast:

On his YouTube channel I like the one comment, "Uhm....It's just a couple chain links on a ring...."   lol
I've only been able to find one interview that Art did with Icke... But I seem to remember hearing him with Art a couple of times at least in 2001. Yet, I've found info pertaining to Art only ever doing one interview with Icke in 98....
Anybody know if he did more than one interview with him, and if not, why (did he express dislike for Icke)?

All I know is, back when I first really began listening to Art on a consistent basis (2001) there were ALOT of shows regarding the whole 'reptilian people' topic and I do recall both Icke and Red Elk being on at that time.
Freaking hilarious entertainment when the subject veered into the lizard people - especially from the callers. lmao

I remember a really cool show with a mercenary who used the pseudonym "Gabriel" (or even the full name "Archangel Gabriel").
I'm pretty sure that's what he went by.

At any rate, he claimed to be a righteous mercenary of sorts (hence his name), only taking jobs that he viewed as just: IE, rescuing women who had fallen into the international sex slave trade, extracting political prisoners from foreign prisons, etc etc.
Obviously he would only take these jobs for a large sum of money, but also explained that alot of it went to pay for information and access to people/places.
He described some of the nasty torture tactics he'd have to use if people couldn't be bribed for intelligence info, and of course justified this by the greater goal of the mission to save innocent people.

He also talked about how his training for such inherently dangerous missions would include going into the worst neighborhoods of Chicago, looking to purposely get into fights with multiple attackers, in order to stay 'on top his game.' There would obviously be no real life threat if he just sparred in a dojo, and he needed his training to mimic the threats he faced on actual missions.
He was former military (as you'd expect) and I remember a caller challenging him on some technicalities regarding the proper execution of a sniper rifle...

Anyways, he always stood out to me as one of the best guests Art ever had on. As far as I know, he was only ever on that one time.
He was the Equalizer, Punisher, and A-Team all rolled into one (if you believe his story).

I've tried checking the internet archive of art bell's old site, but cannot find this name mentioned anywhere.
I'd really like to track this show down again, but maybe I have the guy's name wrong.

Does anyone remember this show or have it archived per chance?
It would've aired sometime around the end of 2001, or beginning to mid 2002.

Whether real or not, it made for a fascinating story, especially if you dig the aforementioned vigilantes ; )

Never heard a guest even close to him ever again.
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