I can't remember the guest's name, but he came on sometime in 2002 with Art, and the show was F'n hilarious.
He was going to bore into the earth with some machine, then upon meeting the inner earth dwellers, he was going to breath via a mystical bubble that they would form around him.
Yes,...it was GREAT fodder for Art.
There was a totally hilarious moment that outlined Bell's sarcastic nature and left me absolutely cracking up while listening. Some guy with a thick Texan accent called in, after the guest had gone through his entire ludicrous spiel, and addressed Art: "Ya know, Mr. Bell, I just don't know if I'm buyin this here guy."
To which Art replied (with a throaty drone of sarcasm) "Naaaaahhh, reeealllllly sir? You mean you CAN't conceive of what this gentlemen is proposing?"
Later on a really hot sounding girl called in who wanted to be the journalist that would follow this guy into the centre of the earth to document everything. Art let her stay on the line for a long time while she bantered with the guest excitedly.
Damn,...this is another guest that would've been a great follow up with Art...hahahaha.
Another great example of how entertaining the show could be with Bell.
He was going to bore into the earth with some machine, then upon meeting the inner earth dwellers, he was going to breath via a mystical bubble that they would form around him.
Yes,...it was GREAT fodder for Art.
There was a totally hilarious moment that outlined Bell's sarcastic nature and left me absolutely cracking up while listening. Some guy with a thick Texan accent called in, after the guest had gone through his entire ludicrous spiel, and addressed Art: "Ya know, Mr. Bell, I just don't know if I'm buyin this here guy."
To which Art replied (with a throaty drone of sarcasm) "Naaaaahhh, reeealllllly sir? You mean you CAN't conceive of what this gentlemen is proposing?"
Later on a really hot sounding girl called in who wanted to be the journalist that would follow this guy into the centre of the earth to document everything. Art let her stay on the line for a long time while she bantered with the guest excitedly.
Damn,...this is another guest that would've been a great follow up with Art...hahahaha.
Another great example of how entertaining the show could be with Bell.