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Topics - williedee

The show has been on for a while now and I'm just really curious what kind of listenership Art is getting online. I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be a drought of callers each night. 5000 per night? 10,000?

I know that Art/Keith/etc have numbers, I wonder if they'll ever share them.
Hey guys,

As you know I really like collecting Art Bell shows. I'll be archiving both the mp3 and aac stream each night, and I'd like to make sure a few others will be too. I know there will be a podcast, but I'd like to capture the show as it airs.  Anybody else going to join me? :)


Looks like something fun to go through, has the scans of all the documents.
Random Topics / Infrared UFOs
August 26, 2014, 12:59:06 PM
I've watched this guy's videos on and off for a few years https://www.youtube.com/user/Lou20764

They always intrigue me. I know a lot of what he picks up are satellites and the like, but he has some very strange things every once in a while. I really like his daytime ones.

Any thoughts? I'd love it if someone interviewed him on a radio show/podcast, find out his story.

Edit: This video in particular stands out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x62beRagC8Y&index=5&list=TLffzzzmmWbn9aa1F4reSDassJzc8qQO8l
Technology / bitcoins/litecoins
November 15, 2013, 09:51:02 PM
anybody wanna send me a dollar or two worth of bitcoins/litecoins? I'm trying to get started a little bit, and its a pain to transfer money to an exchange just to get a little bit. Thanks!
Radio and Podcasts / Final Torrent
October 27, 2013, 12:04:08 AM
Update - 4/20/2014 - Its finished!
Magnet link:


There it is boys and girls, 1330+ individual shows and some extras. All tagged, formatted, corrected, sorted, and album art-ed up for maximum enjoyment.

Its not perfect, no. But its better than anything else out there ;)

So that's all I've got to say. Thanks to everyone who helped, I truly couldn't have done it without the support and expertise of many on this forum. This was a real team effort.

As some of you know, I've begun the final phase of work for the "final" art bell torrent.

With the influx of new shows provided by widespread and a few others, I have been able to add about 150-200 new shows to the years 1992-2003. I have also begun to work on tagging the 2004-2010 shows, which total around 280.

I thought I'd create a thread to keep ya'll updated, and to ask for opinions. Here's the format of everything I'm doing so far.

Filename: yyyy-mm-dd - Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - Guest/Topic - Guest/Topic.mp3

Title: exact same as filename
Artist - Art Bell .. Even though I'm sure there are a few shows in there that are hosted by barbara simpson or linda moulton howe (mostly dreamland)

Album Artist: Art Bell

Album: Now here's where I'd like some input. I was planning on just doing Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell, but now I'm considering naming it something like "The Ultimate Art Bell Collection" . Thoughts?

Year: Year that it was broadcasted

Genre : paranormal talk radio? or maybe just Talk

Album Art: I have the ability to add a picture to each mp3 file, and I was thinking it'd be fun to put a picture of art or something for it. Any suggestions?

So in addition to the art bell mp3s, I've been adding other extras to the folder.
I currently have the following extras
1995 AfterDark Magazines
October, 2000 Dreamland Website Snapshot
Phil Hendrie's Art Bell Parodies
Scans of the complete show lists of dreamland and c2c
The Art of Talk audiobook
Another snapshot of the art bell website
misc. audio and oodballs that aren't long or shows, etc

In conclusion, this is what I'd to ask from you:
What would you like to see in this "final" version? Is there something you'd like me to add, or do different?

Also, I'd like to have some people "beta test" the collection when it's near completion to check for errors and the like. Since this is a 1 man operation, i'm bound to miss stuff.

Lastly, if anybody would like to help tag the 2004-2010 files, please let me know. Currently I have every show named "2004-01-01 - Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - " with no guest, and no topic. There are around 280 shows to add this information for, so itd be a lot of work for just 1 person. Please let me know if you'd like to help.

Thanks all, I can't wait to get this out there!
Politics / Obama's speech on syria
September 10, 2013, 07:18:37 PM
All I can say is that this was one of the strangest presidential speeches I've heard. Definitely didn't sway me towards his side that's for sure. Good luck Obama.
Hi guys, I just got an email from funky letting me know that he received a C&D from premier today. Just a friendly heads-up for you all..

Its pretty sad to see them going after people sharing old Art shows.. you can't even buy them if you wanted to.


I created 4 new streams that play peaceful sounds for sleeping. So if you're tired of listening to Art, try throwing on one of these.

They will be on tunein by the end of the week, and you can search shoutcast for "sleepscapes"

http://willstare.com:8550  - Slowed down songs
http://willstare.com:8650  - Nature
http://willstare.com:8750  - Forest sounds
http://willstare.com:8850  - Rain

Hey everyone,
I am currently building up my collection of shows from wherever I can find them. I've got a good deal already, but I know there must be some people with a lot of rare shows that aren't freely available on the internet.

I'm basically looking for people to contact about obtaining shows. I've already hit up many people (malacoid, funklbaldy, etc), but I know there are more who have stayed less visible.

Years that i am most interested are:
Totals current year totals:
1992 : 1 (not really expecting much more)
1993 : 1
1994 : 19
1995 : 45
1996 : 34
1997 : 100
1998 : 62
1999 : 64
2000 : 27
2001 : 89
2002 : 91
2003 : 44

As you can see, I'm really hurting for 95,96,00,03 shows.

My end-goal is to make the best and most complete Art Bell torrent around. I'm tired of seeing torrents with random shows, random dating schemes, and 9 parts to them. All of the shows I have are merged into single files and labled yyyy-mm-dd - Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell - topic - guests

If you would like to contribute or know someone who could help that would be great. Thanks everyone.
Hi all, you probably don't know me, but I relay funklbaldy's C2C streams that some of you might listen to. The other day I was looking through his archives and thought that it would be useful to have a podcast system set up for the current shows that are updated daily. I decided to throw up a page on my server and upload weekly the past weeks shows. If you subscribe to the podcast, you will automatically get the last week's shows downloaded. Its not a full archive, probably just a month of content at any one time. I'm going to subscribe to it myself (so it syncs to my ipod for on-the-go listening). I know a lot of you don't like the new shows, but I find some of the guests interesting.

Thanks guys, hope some of you might take advantage of it!

funklbaldy's website: http://funklobaldy.fatcow.com/index2.html

podcast page: http://willstare.com/podcast/podcastgen

Subscribe with iTunes or another podcast aggregator by clicking on the links on the right side of the page.
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