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Messages - phrodo

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 21, 2016, 02:23:10 AM
Quote from: MV on February 20, 2016, 10:02:57 PM
wow.  been a while since the crickets were so loud in this thread.

Aww .. whassamatter? Is baby's butt getting chaffed from you having to used recycled diapers? Moving this cesspool to your basement 8086 server still not working out for you financially? How's your "letting the inmates rule the asylum" tactic working out for you??   8) ;D  :o
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 21, 2016, 02:14:20 AM
Quote from: ge30542 on February 19, 2016, 10:25:07 PM
Where are all of the AB protectors tonight? Are they having a meeting somewhere?

Maybe they had something better to do than peruse the swill here. Trolls like you .. well -- not so much.  ;D

Sure must be a supremely sad existence when all you have to do with your Saturday night is sling shit at Art and his family.  ::)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 18, 2016, 03:46:40 PM
Quote from: NXOEED on February 18, 2016, 03:33:05 PM
haha who the fuck's reading all the pages here? Maybe some day, when I'm in a nursing home.

It's cool that you guys managed to get a hobby going out of this, and I totally support that, even if I don't want the show to die. I plan on continuing to draw fun MiTD-related shit and spread it around to whoever's willing to me a S.A.S.E. or find it on a coffee shop bulletin board.  And like I've said before, if that makes me a total idiot, then cool, I'm an idiot. But at this point it seems like waiting around for a show to either die or go on forever depending upon your view of it is a little like sitting around and watching paint dry.

But I guess there are folks who like doing that too.

When I check in I skip about three pages at a time.... it's much quicker that way and I don't miss a thing as I scroll past the infantile pablum.

On a side note - the cesspool appears to be clogged with shit ... it takes forever for a page to load if it actually tries instead of just instantly showing a blank page. Anyone else noticing this??

Looks like MV is spending all the adsense money on diapers and has moved this forum cesspool to his trusty basement 8086 powered puter.  :o
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 05:01:58 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 04:59:24 AM

Alright my stone headed friend, i gtg though. Theres 1's and 0's that need to be slain in a virtual world somewhere far away from this awful place- somewhere where i dont have to be victimized and bullied by the likes of you  :'(

Yep .. and I gotta go dump a dark penguin.. or as we call it here in the states .. a huge shit.  8)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:55:31 AM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 10, 2016, 04:51:57 AM
Jesus Christ, you're desperate aren't you? Can't you just go play with your Lego or something?

Not desperate at all here pudwhacker. Lego my eggo bitch. Vagtard should be awake soon. Go nudge his pudge or slob his knob. .. Whatever you gay limeys do.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:51:15 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 04:48:31 AM
Se, thats exactly what I was saying earlier.

It starts with buying the babies diapers and not making the babies get a job and work for their own shit so they appreciate things.

This is why we cant have nice things.

FYI = You best CYA when you're around deJuan. He like Yak ass and Penguin ass. Well .. unless you like that .. not judging here..
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:48:33 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 04:42:53 AM
Now you're crossing the line fucker.

I look good dressed up as Beyonce  *snap* x3  so dont be hatin.

Oh look .. a troll snuck time from mommy's laptop. She's gonna be pissed if she catches you up this late girl.

Even if you can twerk your big bootie like Beyonce.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:46:19 AM
Aww hell .. I hate it when all the trolls' mommies make them get off their laptops and go to bed.

Well .. maybe someday they will grow up and computers of their own.  ;D

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:38:15 AM
Quote from: theONE on February 10, 2016, 04:22:54 AM
profound - Very Profound


Do you like fucking Yaks better than Penguins? You know .. those DARK Beyonce-like Penguins?

I bet you like fucking Yaks .. while thinking of a Dark Penguin dressed like Beyonce fingering a Fidget. LOLOL!!  ;D ;D ;D

Wow...  you are one twisted Mongolian.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:24:15 AM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 10, 2016, 04:20:34 AM
It says much. You can't live without the taste of AB on your tongue, eh? It's okay, your among friends, we understand.  But it made you sweat a bit thinking you'd be denied? Having said that, you're in a queue there son, admittedly it's shorter than it was, but still enough for AB never to need to use toilet paper again.

FFS you are delusional. Don't worry .. you can get help .. if you really want to.

Have you ever had sex with a woman? Didn't think so. It shows. But it's OK to be gay. Just keep telling yourself that.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:20:49 AM
Quote from: theONE on February 10, 2016, 04:18:13 AM
we have yaks and reindeer in Mongolia,...you uneducated worm...

Oh .. which do you like fucking most? Yaks or reindeer? For Santa's sake I hope it's yaks.

Fucking yaks ... yep .. sounds about right for deJuan deYak fucker.

Thanks . or Yaks for clearing that up. Yakfucker.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:16:00 AM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 10, 2016, 04:11:38 AM
I'll do you a deal; I'll back off SV and you get your tongue and the rest of your head out of Art Bell's arse. Agreed?

Nah .. I wouldn't want Vagtard to feel neglected on my account. Fuck away faggot.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:14:44 AM
Quote from: theONE on February 10, 2016, 04:10:17 AM
who da fuck is that deJuan that you and Bordelo is allways talking about,..
I'm in Mongolia you fuck, near Ulan Bator,..what is this shit with mexican dude
Explain, you twisted worm.....

Oh .. so you're Mongolian .. well that explains alot. I gotta type even slower when replying to your mongolian ass. Fuck Mongolians are even worse than Mexicans. At least Mexicans take a break from fucking their donkeys to let them get a drink of water. Mongolians .. umm wellll .. what ? take a break from fucking their Mongolian monkeys??  ;D 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:08:38 AM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 10, 2016, 04:00:38 AM
Do you still French kiss your mother with that mouth, fuckwit?  Get yourself a course in English language and I'll try and come down to your level. I can't promise though.

Pull your dick outta Vagtards ass and I may think about conversing with you on a level befitting a prep-school graduate.
You may live in England but you have a fuckofalot to learn about how to communicate with those who know the language cunt.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 04:04:51 AM
Quote from: theONE on February 10, 2016, 03:55:14 AM
"fish-mammal-dolphin" inbred ,...you are sick puppy, that show with Art is done,
stop jerking off to it.


Poor deJuan .. can't get over the fact dat he is a lowly inbred illegal mexican immigrant. Stop herking off to huor pictures of EMvee an his gurls .. hee doesn car bout you or your seeesters ... so stop heurking off whille tinking bout dem toooo... deJuan you can fantsize bout Beyonce or some black girls ... so don tink bout emBVee... ting bout yoer cosins or beyonce ... or black girls. mvee don need such on hees mine. he got diaperz to tink bout. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:56:45 AM
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 10, 2016, 03:52:48 AM
No he wouldn't. Written questions didn't get asked, so a heretic calling in would have no chance. You know it would be a pile on of 'how dare you disbelieve the living god'. And followed up with more vitriol.

Aww.. Pud puller... is your boyfriend Vagtard neglecting you again? Did your transplant not go well?

Write this down. Vagtard is a cunt. So are you. Lick it. Like it. Fuck you too.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:53:20 AM
Quote from: theONE on February 10, 2016, 03:46:26 AM
DarKPenguiN ,just be careful -
when doing video with those pervs,...they will be jerking off
under the desk when talking with you,...FUCK THEM ,[in my humble opinion],
this place is infested with pervs.
I'm for real man.

Aww  Dave shutthefuckup and just let Tommy slob your knob. You miserable Cunt.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:51:07 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 03:42:42 AM
Ive already explained, man. Its a pointless endeavor-

The chance of resolving anything, finding consensus and geting to real truth is hovering at around .0005%... Theres not a whole lot of reason- If it were an actual debate that was moderated and each side had no exclusive control over the format it might be different but even then its not like were really going to get anywhere or change opinions tbh.

Dark Pussy .. you and Beyonce. Nuff said.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:40:04 AM
Nice of you to post during your 'free time' Dave. Now go back to ignoring your guests.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:36:48 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 03:33:30 AM
;D Maybe even a bit more.

Soo .. where were you last night little piggy? Even Ms. Fidgnuts managed to call the Gabcast with her Obamaphone.

What's your lame excuse?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:32:54 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 03:28:47 AM
Not as  proud as we are of our president.

Sooo .. I take that to mean WAY less than most of us like having a root canal without any anesthetic?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:29:31 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 03:24:39 AM
Ill do more than just call in- I'll volunteer to sit there and wait for your call (which you will agree will be a video call) and then we can have it out, you and I.

In before "I dont have a webcam"- I'll buy you one.

You wanna keep talking motherfucker. Now lets do this.

So .. where were you last night little piggy? Was the trough at the local pay phone clogged? HAHAHAHA!  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 03:27:16 AM
Quote from: DarKPenguiN on February 10, 2016, 03:09:01 AM
Fuck that- That baby needs to go out and get a job. Tired of this entitlement shit the youth have today... Babys expecting parents to pay for their diapers is the entire problem with society today. Baby needs to go work in the coal mines , buy its own diapers and learn the ethics of hard work.

Nice myopic reply little piggy. Obama wouldn't be proud of you at all.  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 02:57:08 AM
Seems if it weren't for Fidgnuts and deJuan this place would be blissfully dead. And MV would have to work for his baby's diapers. OH the HORROR.

Yep . got adblock and custom host file here ... so no ads or baby diaper money from ME. BEYOTCHES.  :o
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 02:53:04 AM
BTW - this shit hole is a little easier to peruse lately if you skip ahead about every fourth rancid-cunt-swallowing page.

Trust me .. you won't miss a fucking thing.  :D

OK .. maybe skip ahead 10 pages and then scroll/skim those .. no big difference.  8)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 10, 2016, 02:47:04 AM
Ha ha -- I just skipped thru bout 16 pages of this shithole and didn't miss a fucking thing. Bitches are still bitching .. cunts are still sore cunts. Trolls are still trolling .. limper dicks than ever. Squeaaallll little piggies -- squeeeal . be happy wallowing in your shit.

What a pathetic bunch of wallow in squalor little piggies you are. One can only hope you get to phone sex each other whilst you post here. What other enjoyment could you possibly get from this? 

PLEASE - Fervently fuck each other over the phone little piggies!! And I sure hope you all can COME together as one . and simultaneously. If not ... well .. try . try . again ... little piggies.  ;)

One would only hope that your piggish routing would go UN-rewarded.  Oink . oink . onward . little piggies. how's your shit wallowing today?  ;D
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 05, 2016, 02:17:20 AM
Quote from: MV on February 05, 2016, 01:53:17 AM
It's been great.

Lucky for you the diapers paid for by the likes of theJUAN and Ms. Fidgnuts posts don't come pre-filled with their endless shit. Those crates of diapers are pre-emptied here on this site.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
February 05, 2016, 01:43:52 AM
Quote from: Morgus on February 05, 2016, 01:25:47 AM
On the gabcast, Art Bell didn't seem to like MV's policy regarding releasing the inmates...  8)

And I don't care much for his way of letting the inmates rule the asylum .. but it's not my asylum.

Not my monkeys - not my circus.

Guess that record adsense check sleeps well in the bank at night and assures there will be no change in policy.

Praise Google Adsense!
Quote from: GravitySucks on February 04, 2016, 11:51:24 PM

If he donates PLEASE let him take ms. fidgenuts slot in Turbo Mode posting privileges queue. Please! 
Quote from: MV on February 04, 2016, 10:55:24 PM
bellgab recently had a record adsense month.

Many diapers make baby's butt daddy happy.
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