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Messages - kingotnw

I'm sorry I missed the show.  :P
I don't see why any if this matters. Art, his executive producet, and one of his good friends that he brings with him make a lot of money doing radio?!?! Oh no! Not that! What a shocker! Come on, this is ridiculous. We are all adults here. We all know that in life you will most likely maximize your earnings if possible. If not you're sort of an idiot for not doing so. Hoagland's show doesn't even have on air sponsors for Christ sake. Him being paid well by Keith and Art should not be a surprise either, as like him or not, having Richard after Art round out the feeling of having everyone back together.

I'm quite certain this guy is right that those three make a lot of money. But him hinting at Art being overly consumed with making money and then Art leaving the air is yet another silly thing. Lastly, this guy was plugging himself moving exclusively to a different network. Why in the hell would Keith want him talking about that and pecking away at his audience, particularly right after they just took a hit of likely listeners and subscribers in the 6-7 figure range? He would yank him, which is exactly what happened. To me, it sounds far more likely that this guy had to take a massive pay cut and was pissed about it, so he was making a stink while taking his toys and going home. Whatever.

I'm glad everyone was making money. As much as people not want to admit it, that's the goal, to be successful. It's just too bad that wasn't enough to keep Art on. We will never know the inner workings of what went on. Its unrealistic to expect it. This isn't a government conspiracy, this is a business with confidentiality agreements in place. As they should be.

Refunds were offered even though they were not deserved. Nobody here has anything to complain about in terms of money. Nobody.
Quote from: GravitySucks on December 28, 2015, 12:35:46 AM
You need to have your doctor check your meds.

You're really an asshole. God forbid you just disagreed.

In any case... This is what Art does. He quits and comes back, quits and comes back. He's always going to do it. MITD affords him the opportunity to be his indecisive self.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
December 28, 2015, 12:44:07 AM
Quote from: GravitySucks on December 28, 2015, 12:38:25 AM
You did not have stellar reading comprehension test scores did you?

You'd be surprised.

Art always does this shit. Fortunately for him, and his fans, MITD affords him the opportunity to have his "fuck this I'm out" moments. Go along for the ride or not. Art was always coming back. It was obvious the second him came on the radio to interview that idiot on he day of his retirement.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
December 28, 2015, 12:36:27 AM
Sounds to me more like he regrets his decision. He's clearly coming back. He seemed happier without the affiliates anyways.
All a quote.

I don't want to give anybody false hope that I am coming back because I have had enough come backs and this one was screwed up by my own words which were said at a time when frankly I was scared, stressed out and had not slept for some time, so it's on me all the way.

However I do feel that those who want to see MITD continue need to support the show which is just $4.99 a Month. Heather is doing a great job and improving every day. She is dedicated to exploring the Paranormal and having a alternative on the air is golden in my view.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Heather sucks. Discuss.
December 14, 2015, 04:08:01 PM
Quote from: GravitySucks on December 14, 2015, 04:02:09 PM
I would keep the Chase opening and the Crystal Gayle closing and Heather's choice in between. Art set up the show and passed it to Heather. She should be free to make the show her own and grow with it.


I 100% disagree. When I hear that opening or closing and it's not Art it makes me upset. If she keeps those, all she's doing is inviting comparison and reminding people she's not Art. She's going to lose every time doing that.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Heather sucks. Discuss.
December 14, 2015, 04:06:12 PM
No way the radio affiliates are going to keep her. That's just reality. Moving on from that, speaking just about the podcast. She probably has about a week to grab people who are tuning in with the hope that Art either changes his mind or just shows up on the show. It's not for me, but I wish her all the best. In any other circumstance I would be in her corner. In this one, I'm just praying Art changes his mind.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Heather sucks. Discuss.
December 14, 2015, 03:44:21 PM
People can defend her all they want, it's nice. But at the end of the day all that matters to 99.9% of MITD listeners is that she isn't Art Bell. That being said there's no point in being a complete asshole to her friends about her.

If she intends to do the show, she needs to drop Art's music. All of it. Particularly the closing song. That's Art's song.
I'm Tony from Minneapolis, second or third to last caller. I wanted to slam her about dumping Art but I couldn't do it. I just wanted to know if she would own up to it and she did. It was a bad, bad choice. I still am in shock she did it. She may know Art but we don't. That last bit of time feels stolen.  At the end of the day, no matter how angry I was there was a human being on the other side on the phone performing, and she most likely was scared.

I just don't understand why she went to that idiot instead of Art.

People seem disappointed I didn't start screaming. I'm a grown man. I'm not going to tear into some girl I don't know on the phone, likely to get dumped if I do anyways.

What I really realized on the phone was this... I had nothing to say to her. I didn't want to know anything about her, I just wanted to know about Art. Since she essentially dumped him, she didn't get that. She also didn't get that she had the chance to have a major news interview minutes after the event happened and she pissed on that chance. Nothing like that will come again.

I'm done with MITD unless Art comes back.
Quote from: SixWeekTenure(tm) on December 12, 2015, 01:07:17 AM
That call went on waaaay too long.

It's still going on....
Quote from: KMKMKM on December 12, 2015, 01:03:41 AM
Art phoned in and Heather wasted his entire call talking to a fake time traveler.

Quote from: Dr_Blue on December 12, 2015, 01:01:05 AM
It shows me she has Guts, I'm liking it!

Guts to wait too long to bounce him so we missed our window to talk to Art?
Quote from: Zetaspeak on December 12, 2015, 12:58:34 AM
Uh oh calls !!

Does Heather have a screener?

She must.
If Art doesn't show up for open lines in out.

I can't believe she's actually going to take calls.

Quote from: Barbara on December 12, 2015, 12:52:09 AM
What email to cancel subs from Keith?

I got it too. It offers refunds even.

I wasn't going to take mine, but after this slap in the face tonight I'm going to.
Quote from: VoteQuimby on December 12, 2015, 12:48:52 AM
He wouldn't have called in and saved the show if he didn't give a fuck.

He gives a fuck about Heather, clearly. He's wanted her on the air since day 1. Affiliates cleared airtime for his show. They will have no choice but to air her for a little while. Art knows this.

I was thinking she was actually ok tonight until she made the choice to talk to this guy instead of Art. Now I'm done with MITD. I wasn't going to ask for a refund. I'm going to now.
"Um, uh, um..."

I hate this guy. He stole Art's last appearance tonight. Plus he's a horrible liar. No wonder Art doesn't want to do this anymore. Listen to this guy..,
Quote from: Bonanza Pilot on December 12, 2015, 12:46:24 AM
I would bet a large chunk of change he wont be. The email to cancel subs from keith was the nail in the coffin. It's over.

This. He's done with DMN.
Quote from: Ciardelo on December 12, 2015, 12:44:37 AM
What a strange thing to say. Art didn't sound very "pissed"

He did in fact sound irritated when she said she was bringing the shit guest back instead of taking calls from his listeners. Go back and listen to it later.
Quote from: superfan on December 12, 2015, 12:40:28 AM
Again.Art is in a state of shock and adrenaline surge right.He will come back when Premiere networks is charged with attempted murder.

He's not in shock. I've been shot at and there's no way to know by listening to someone speak on the radio days later. That's the most composed afraid person I've ever heard in my life. Maybe his wife threatened to leave him because of all of this. That would make more sense. But to not take up on his offer to talk to us is unforgivable.
I'm furious.
Are you fucking kidding me?!?! Art has been dumped?? What a waste...
Quote from: Ciardelo on December 12, 2015, 12:34:50 AM
I heard it too ;)

Yeah, because this is his show!

Enough with the fake time traveler please...
Quote from: trostol on December 12, 2015, 12:32:42 AM
what was said was he heard a shot..or a firecracker and he went to the ground

We would know more if he was being asked questions like he offered to do...
Can someone please get through to Heather and ditch the guest so we can talk to Art for the last half hour?!?! FUCKING PLEASE????

WTF is going on that Art isn't being interviewed and taking calls LIKE HE OFFERED when he came on 45 minutes ago?!?!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
December 12, 2015, 12:26:38 AM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on December 12, 2015, 12:23:33 AM
So on the same day he quits, Art comes back to take over an interview of some dipshit pretending to be a 'time-traveler'.  Uh-maze-een.

Art offered to take calls and instead we are talking to this guy... Unbelievable.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell cancels show for good
December 12, 2015, 12:25:09 AM
I seriously don't understand why we aren't talking to Art.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell cancels show for good
December 12, 2015, 12:19:13 AM
Art offered to take calls and we are wasting time on this idiot. No offense intended. Usually I suspend disbelief, but Art offered to take calls and instead we are listening to a fake time traveler who isn't even good at telling his fake story!!! Blowing that off is pissing me off to the tenth degree.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell cancels show for good
December 12, 2015, 12:06:31 AM
Quote from: popple on December 12, 2015, 12:03:04 AM
Art is gonna end up hosting this show...  :o :o :o :o

He's hosting right now. He even just offered to go to his studio. This is so weird. I don't know what to make of it.

As for this guy.... She has Art on. Take calls. Please. Can we be done with the guest and just have our last hour with Art...
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