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Messages - KnyeGuy

Finally have listened to Heather, and I think she's decent.
I think this was a fairly good show. I know alot of people just want to hear paranormal topics, but I think that unless there's something new to uncover, it's all been said and the topic has been beaten to death. I would rather listen to this show than the GIS people and their EVP recordings.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Quits Dark Matter
November 06, 2013, 11:38:26 PM
I gotta say, this is freaking hilarious...Art isn't and won't do his show, but here he is on an internet forum, keeping us posted..lmaoo

At any rate, I was ticked off as much as anyone when I heard the news, BUT I wouldn't have been quite so ticked off if I had known there was some sort of clause that could possibly allow Art to stream on his website; Nor would I have been ticked off if I had some sort of indication that Art really was trying to stay on the air in whatever form possible.
His posts today about all of this really should have been made CLEAR from the start.

Screw Sirius anyways...I detest their crappy internet player and it's errors and scheduled time-outs.

I'm cancelling even if Art stays with them.

Godspeed Art
Actually, Thanks for re-posting it here... I don't feel like wading through the pages in the Art Bell quits thread...

Damn I feel like an idiot for paying for a full year of Sirius upfront. Guess I'm gonna have to deal with the outsourced filipino call station to get a refund now- oh joy.
I've had the Sirius internet stream drop out on me a few times when I was listening to the show live, and a few times while listening on demand. In addition to this, it actually still gives me the " Are you still listening" prompt every hour and a half (I thought Art got them to extend it to four hours?).

At any rate, I paid for a full year up front so I hope Art isn't quitting yet... fml
I have a feeling this thread is gonna see a dramatic loss of activity...who freaking cares anymore? Valdez your write-ups are great though...
Art's on his game for sure. Great to have him back...
Wow I didn't realize Noory had been posting so much here this past month. I just caught up on most of it.
I said it years ago, but George, you really didn't come across as lazy, insincere, and generally uninterested (in the first 2-3 years you took over the show) as you do now.
Time and time again you would have the same guest on and appear to have not retained anything from the first 10 interviews.
It was blatantly apparent in your dialogue and not just the fact that you asked some of the same questions 'for new listeners.'

You dropped the ball increasingly over the years. I haven't listened to a show hosted by you for a very long time.
Browse the forum for reasons why people are extremely disappointed in your reign over the show.
If you had even a slight amount of competition over the last number of years, your show would be dead.

Disclaimer: I am not a bottom feeder; I don't see any reason to endlessly mock your pronounciation faux pas; and I don't live in a mud hut stealing my neighbor's internet. I also do not engage in constant ridicule of you or your show. I'm simply being real.
I'm not 100% in the loop...Where and when did Art call Noory lazy and inattentive? (or whatever the correct quote is).
Any links or screencaps?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: New Art Bell torrent
August 04, 2013, 01:28:05 PM
Thanks,...Downloading now and will seed for a long time afterwards.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 31, 2013, 01:21:55 AM
"unscreened callers" -real interviews -actual personality... it's like we found a bloody time machine...Bring it on...
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 31, 2013, 01:00:45 AM
Quote from: SomeVelvetMorning on July 31, 2013, 12:39:02 AM
I loved the news story links on artbell.com.  I do not think one of them mentioned that C2C is still on the air and is hosted by Dave.  It's like they all thought the show ceased to exist after Art left and in this conclusion, they were ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.

Wait,...C2C didn't cease to exist after Art left? Can't wait for the new ArtBell.com site to launch!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 30, 2013, 11:26:08 PM
Alright, everybody fastblast noory with "Art is Coming Back, Art is Coming Back!" Inundate the asshat as a final farewell to his suckage.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
July 30, 2013, 02:24:43 PM
Awesome news, Art. I'll have to look into Sirius now. It was always best listening live... oh,.. and about F'n time!
Thank the heavens that Art Bell did not call.
I think Noory should be held to his verbal contract of retirement from the show after the 2012 Mayan Calendar end date. I'm sure we were all looking forward to that until we heard him renege that promise in the past year or so.
Quote from: Grimace on August 09, 2012, 03:10:32 PM
Also if say I'm really nervous about a file/program/etc running it in a virtual machine should totally negate any risk other than to the virtual machine itself, no? That's the way I've understood it anyway.

Yeah, I forgot to mention that using 'Sandboxie' is great for installation in a virtual (sandboxed) environment.
Kaspersky also has a "safe Run" feature that essentially does this as well.
This is a huge help especially when many antivirus apps find false-positives in alot of files.
Quote from: MV on August 09, 2012, 02:13:52 PM
3) don't use file sharing sites.

This recommendation is an utter impossibility.

I have used Kaspersky since 2008 (paid, legit license) and have been pretty happy with it. Other malware programs generally can't be run when it's installed. I also one of these resources to multi-scan various P2P downloaded files:

"Maybe, just maybe, if someone had been nice to this guy at some point in his life, this wouldn't have happened."
- George Noory July 21/2012, regarding the shooter in Colorado.

Alright, I usually never tune in to Friday night calls for the obvious reasons, but tonight I needed some background noise as I was getting ready for bed. Prior to his statement, some caller mentioned to George that people react to nice gestures with equally nice gestures in return, and vice versa for mean/negative interactions.
So Noory actually thinks that the shooter in Colorado NEVER EVER encountered ANYONE who was ever nice to him in his entire life?
This is why I am a weekend coast to coast listener and wish that Noory would not do the last Sunday show of every month.

Oh, and about the other posts mentioning how Noory is saying that 'people are acting strange lately'; this is a recurring 'observation' of his that he's been spouting almost since the time he took over the show.
People are ALWAYS acting strange to him, and he will continue to mention this until he leaves the show, no matter what events happen to be going on in the world.
He's a blathering fool with no actual sincerity towards, or genuine interest in the show or its topics (not that I have to spell that out for anyone here).
Quote from: Sardondi on July 10, 2012, 12:43:04 AM
I call absolute BS if Noory made a statement to the effect that he has kicked numerous guests off the program for being frauds. I know of no occasion - not one single time - in which Noory stated to the guest he found him/her to be a fraud and was therefore terminating the interview. I don't even know of any occasion on which Noory told the audience he had done so after the guest was gone, when he even didn't have to summon the moral courage to accuse the guest "face to face". I don't think George has even said so after the guest's back was turned and out of hearing, as if he said days or months later, "I dropped so-and-so". Nope.

There are two times I can think of that would somewhat defend Noory's claim.

The first is when he had two individuals on to discuss the secrets of Fatima. I'm not entirely knowledgeable about the whole Fatima story, but they were supposed to come on and disclose what was told to them by the two remaining survivors of the event. Instead they came on and said that they had been sworn to secrecy and would not be discussing the information they were privy to. George did kick them off the show during the break and told everyone that they had falsely gained an interview by promising something that they knew they would not deliver on.

The second is when Silvia Browne was on during the time there were 13 coal miners trapped somewhere in the mid-west (I think) quite a few years ago. She alluded to the fact that they would be found alive, without actually using the term "alive." Then during a news break it was announced that they had found all 13 miners, and I think only one of them was actually alive (or maybe they were all dead- I can't remember). At any rate, after a bunch of angry callers and fastblasts called Silvia out on this, George finally succumbed and ended the interview with her. Mind you, it took him quite awhile to do so, and I don't think he would've if so many listeners hadn't flooded the show with concern over Silvia's bullshit 'vision' regarding the situation, and utter word spinning after everyone had found out that she was full of shit.
Coast has never had her back on the program ever since that night.

That's all I can honestly think of, and I used to listen quite often for the first few years Noory took over the show.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
May 23, 2012, 03:18:51 AM
Coast To Coast has been dying slowly for a long time, so at this point I don't really care if they hand the show over to someone who ideally should 'qualify himself to a smaller local market first.' Nah.
I like John Wells. I'd listen to the weekday shows too if he took over. I don't agree with everything he says, and he is no Art Bell, but he does a damn better job than Noory.

I also like the fact that he takes on conspiratorial topics instead of the lame astrological/numerological junk.

John B is decent and has potential.

1. OPEN phone lines (like Art actually had), and someone who knows how to actually handle them.
2. Someone who actually wants to make the show their own (mentioned by someone else in this thread).
3. No more flaky numerologists/astrologers.
4. No more psych majors who have turned into bullshit metaphysical meanderers that then evoke endless responses from noory like: "great tips," "that is sooo true," and "could it be angels?"
5. More conspiracies.
6. More batshit crazy guests that draw out the really weird (and entertaining) callers (providing they are UNscreened).

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Is George Noory an Alcoholic?
January 03, 2012, 02:31:23 AM
Interesting hypothesis Gassyman. Someone else on this forum was theorizing that it may be early signs of dementia.

Quote from: Gassy Man on January 03, 2012, 01:00:04 AM
She does come across as a flake . . . George seems to have pronounced her name two ways -- LEV-in and Le-VIN -- and didn't get it when she was asking a simple hypothetical question to suggest what is and isn't important in life and went on to talk about how he would violate local laws and stay at his post.

Yeah I heard this. She asked Noory what he would take with him if a fire suddenly broke out. Of course, Georgie couldn't forsee where this question going, so he instead tells her that he wouldn't leave his mic period; he then goes on to mention that fire alarms have gone off at the studio before and he refused to leave his post.
Wow George, you're such a trooper (gag).

Please LEAVE your post, whether there's a fire or not you asswipe.
If Rob Simone actually challenged Dickie C, then I'll have to rethink my position on him. Up until hearing that I agree with some other opinions on here that he's a generic type of radio DJ.

At this point anyways, I'm just glad to listen when Noory isn't on...
C2C is not even close to what it used to be and there is probably no saving it. Damn I wish Noory would keep his 2012 retirement date.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
December 31, 2011, 06:21:57 PM
Quote from: TaoOfLuxLisbon on December 31, 2011, 12:26:43 PM
Ian was awesome last night. Especially the way he tried to pump up the guy down on his luck, and then handled that right-wing anti-semite fucktard who called in. My HOPE is that guy drives off a cliff.

Yeah, because mentioning "Zionists" must ABSOLUTELY mean that someone's an anti-semite, right? Pffff, gimme a break man.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: I blame Art.
December 29, 2011, 03:46:18 AM
Yeah I tend to agree with what you're saying. It's too bad that Art didn't somehow maintain control of the show and maybe just oversee the progress of it if he was going to retire. But then again, maybe he just really didn't give a crap anymore...And actually I can fully understand that too.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Alex Jones
December 29, 2011, 03:42:09 AM
I'm sure it's already been said, but if there ever was a so-called government 'shill' Alex Jones fits the mold perfectly. His documentaries contain nothing but sensationalism and hyperbole and extremely 'watered-down' versions of much more credible material that's out there.
The only person who may possibly be an even better example of this is Jesse Ventura.

I'm not saying that I believe in the whole New World Order/Illuminati agenda, but good ol' Alex and Jesse sure would be great disinformation agents working for anything but the truth that they claim to be touting.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Ian Punnett
December 19, 2011, 12:44:43 AM
I think I heard Ian mention that his kids' book proceeds are either entirely going to charity, or at least some percentage.
Quote from: Frys Girl on December 17, 2011, 12:29:30 AM
Any caller who starts with "George, it's an honor to speak to you."

Aye, and anyone who actually tells George that he's doing 'such a great job.'
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
December 17, 2011, 12:36:00 AM
John B seems okay. Hopefully he'll grow into the position over time as someone else mentioned.
I know there are alot of Ian fans on this site, but I for one have gotten tired of his incessant cheesy humor in the middle of an interview. However, I will miss his intellectual approach to the show, and I definitely hope he can get some relief from his tinnitus.
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