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Messages - BigDave

To hell with that Joseph Stalin wannabe!
Quote from: Paper*Boy on March 17, 2013, 08:24:57 PM

Yes, let's get back to blaming Bush for everything.
Barry Soetero has lots of supporters on this message board unfortunately! I hope that everything He tries fails
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
March 06, 2013, 06:17:46 PM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on November 09, 2012, 10:51:46 PM

I must be drinkin' the Kool-aide, I got -

R 87%
L 69%
D 19%
G  4%

I would have guessed less than that for the Rs and more than that for the Greens (although maybe not, they are more 'Left' than 'pro-environment').  The L and D looks about right.
Mine are:
96% Republican
53% Libertarian
16% Democrat
12% Green
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
March 06, 2013, 06:07:30 PM
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on November 08, 2012, 10:14:28 AM
      I think that's another reason ensuring Art would never return, a significant portion of his "peak" audience(circa 1997-98) would abhor Art's "politics" these days. Remember on those rare occasions when Art hosted from 2007-10? He'd have a subject like climate change and by the end of the second hour you could hear the frustration in Art's voice as he got negative feedback via the fast blast. The show he did on July 30, 2010 I could have sworn would be his last, he sounded dejected, pissed. I'm stunned we got another 4 shows out of him after that.

         Personally...I never listened for Art for political takes. He always reminded me of Howard Stern when it came to politics. Opportunistic, trendy, no core convictions other than protecting their piece of the pie. A thimble has more depth. A big fan of war, too. Not the band, either.

Art's liberal politics irritated Me. When He started blabbing them,I changed the channel
Quote from: coaster on February 28, 2013, 05:52:35 PM
he pretty much "fired her from the show" on air. I doubt she cared. She knows Noory is a moron. Noory's sense of humor... what a cutup he is.

George is an asshole,that's for sure >:(
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
February 24, 2013, 11:36:37 AM
Quote from: Sardondi on February 24, 2013, 11:12:00 AM
Nunh-unh. The jams were kicked out in the 60's (tee-hee!), and the actual collapse you felt began in the 70's.

Nah,the 70s rocked! My favorite music is 70s rock
Quote from: Caruthers612 on February 24, 2013, 01:51:39 AM

           Does lighting your own farts count as spontaneous human combustion?

LOL,The blue flame club doesn't qualify
Radio and Podcasts / Re: John B. Wells
February 24, 2013, 01:16:59 AM
Quote from: michio on February 24, 2013, 01:11:26 AM
Stop the presses. A new conspiracy arises from JBW and company. Wayne Madsen believes Philip Marshall's "murder/suicide" is a plain conspiracy of targeted murder. Coincidentally, Madsen appears to me as the same guy who believed that Andrew Breitbart was taken out by Obama's henchmen (because a malfunctioning ticker wasn't reason enough).

The only questions I have left are, what is NOT a conspiracy to JBW, and how far is too far to bastardize Coast to Coast as his personal public highchair to attack Pres. Obama and his administration.

Is Obama Targeting Key Patriots on Enemies List? Wayne Madsen Reports 1/3

People that attack Barry have My blessing 8)
Random Topics / Re: TV Westerns
February 23, 2013, 06:52:32 PM
Quote from: onan on February 23, 2013, 04:51:10 AM
I was going to link a bunch of westerns I found on Youtube. Instead I found this, you guys may already know of it.


Didn't see this on on their site.

Yancy Derringer: The Complete Series - Trailer

That website is cool,I just watched "The Great Train Robbery" from 1903 8)
Quote from: UFO Fill on February 23, 2013, 06:14:12 PM
After reading all of this, I'm tempted to go to Publix and buy some pizza rolls.
If I wouldn't have to find my shoes, I'd probably do it.
That sounds like a good idea,George Noory pizza roll night 8) ;D
Quote from: Sardondi on February 23, 2013, 02:23:19 PM
The movie? If you mean the movie, I think the first 20-30 minutes of that is one of the most captivating openings of any movies. Certainly among films of its genre, but even of suspense/mystery/adventure movies in general I think its set-up was brilliant.

Same with The Fifth Element.

I love that movies,I've never seen the Stargate tv series
Quote from: Usagi on February 23, 2013, 01:05:17 PM

Definitely my kinda gal!

If you like Blacula watch Blackenstein ;D
I'm watching Stargate while listening to the Braves-Yankees spring training game
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
February 23, 2013, 11:14:30 AM
Quote from: Paper*Boy on February 23, 2013, 10:28:06 AM

And the Kardashians aren't anywhere near the top of that list.

I blame Sean Combs, or whatever his name is this week, for some of it - he's the one that told the world J-Lo was extra great looking because she had an extra fat ass.  Kim and her sisters and about half the NBA sure jumped on that wagon.

Kim Kardashian has a hot body,that's about all She has going for Her
What subject causes You reach to change the frequency when C2C has it on? For Me that is shows about subjects like Global Warming. Even on the Art Bell repeats I listen to,when people like John Hogue preach it I change the frequency. I don't believe in Global Warming,I think it's a cycle the Earth goes through
Random Topics / Re: Things That Annoy You
February 22, 2013, 07:36:13 PM
The movie channels on Satellite tv  showing the same movies for six months in a row! >:( ::)
Random Topics / Re: Painful Movies
February 22, 2013, 04:30:30 PM
The "Story of O" was a painful movie to watch. Bloody S&M throughout the whole movie ???
Random Topics / Re: Painful Movies
February 22, 2013, 04:28:26 PM
Quote from: Eddie Coyle on February 22, 2013, 04:27:07 PM

            I'll get on my moral soapbox here...

             Fucking Scarface, the 1983 DePalma/Pacino vehicle, which is unfortunately has become an cultural icon...in all the worse ways. Urbania is clogged with 12 year olds walking around with the Scarface poster on their T-shirts. A coked Pacino with an assault rifle. Terrific. There are no cautionary tales when you're dealing with fools. So that movie, while entertaining to base instincts, is ultimately pernicious in the long run.

            Off soapbox.

Scarface is one of My favorite movies,I watch it whenever I can 8)
Radio and Podcasts / Here's a blast from the past
February 22, 2013, 04:21:24 PM
A Bill Cooper rant concerning Art Bell.


??? :o
Quote from: Caruthers612 on February 22, 2013, 03:19:06 PM

      What about The Rifleman? As a little boy I stumbled upon the reruns of that. America could use some Real Men like Chuck Conners again, eh what?

Clint Eastwood's show Rawhide was good
Quote from: McPhallus on February 22, 2013, 02:08:48 PM
Interesting.  It will be funny to hear the sock puppets call in to defend their "religion," like a few did when Punnet had a former Scientologist on.

I think shows on Cults are interesting. I'd like to hear a show on the Bahais,Mormons,Christian Scientists or the Jehovahs Witnesses
Quote from: LAM4:2 on February 22, 2013, 12:35:37 PM
Who's hosting the show?

Doesn't John B Wells have Saturday nights?
Jenna Miscavige Hill will be the guest. I'll have to listen to that,it sounds like it'll be very interesting! 8)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Stream!
February 22, 2013, 12:17:00 PM
Quote from: linden2k on February 22, 2013, 11:45:36 AM
Wow, over 1800 listeners last night!

Being able to listen to Art 24-7,I can't listen to George anymore 8)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell Stream!
February 21, 2013, 07:13:55 PM
Quote from: highdesert on February 17, 2013, 06:55:41 PM
Also, hearing ads for the magnetic water softener GMX makes me scratch my head and wonder if Art actually had one of these in his house, because they just don't work - total scam!

I was listening to a C2C from September 2001 and a Dish network ad said you could get a month of Satellite tv for nine dollars. Damn,I wish it was still nine dollars ;D
Quote from: Usagi on February 21, 2013, 06:42:05 PM

Wow.  I can truly get behind all of these.  It's not even funny.  It's necessary!

I feel obligated to use smilies so often in order to denote tone.  Occasionally, I'm torn whether or not the textual situation is casual enough for it to be appropriate.  I shouldn't have to deal with this anxiety!  I sure as hell don't "lol"... why should I be relegated to a semi-colon and a p‽

Here's something funny that I think fits in here


Random Topics / Re: Painful Movies
February 21, 2013, 05:35:33 PM
Quote from: ItsOver on February 21, 2013, 05:29:11 PM

I just about lost it with the final scene with Hannibal and the child on the airplane when Hannibal decides to share his "meal."  :P
Is there anybody who makes a better "bad guy" than Hopkins playing Hannibal?

He should have gotten an Oscar for that role
Random Topics / Re: Painful Movies
February 21, 2013, 05:17:16 PM
Quote from: ItsOver on February 21, 2013, 05:12:07 PM

I should have mentioned "spoiler alert" before my "Special Bulletin" comment but it's still not bad for a made-for-TV-movie from that era.  My same reaction to Testament, too.  I don't remember much from it other than being depressed after seeing it years ago.  I really miss movies like "Fail Safe" that had first class acting to carry the movie rather than non-stop CGI crap.

Speaking of painful movies, from the visceral sense, one of my favorites is "Hannibal."  It's still tough to set through Hannibal's special dinner with Ray Liotta at the end without a little squirming.
My friend almost threw up when Ray Liotta told Hannibal that His brain tasted good :o ;D
Random Topics / Re: Painful Movies
February 21, 2013, 05:06:54 PM
I found the movie "Triumph of the Spirit" staring Willem Defoe a hard movie to watch,very dark and sad. It was about the Greek Boxer Salomo Arouch who boxed for His life in Auschwitz. If He lost it was death,if He won He got a loaf of bread. It was unbelievable He survived Auschwitz for two years pretty much fighting twice a week for the entertainment of the SS. Salamo and His wife were the only ones in Their families who made it out alive
I had to move a mattress a couple of Hours ago. I wonder why all matresses have that warning label on them? Stupid and pointless to me ::)
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