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Messages - Keykou

The video isn’t about porn.

It’s about bullying.

I have to ask, did anyone watch the video?

If your up for it Chris would be an interesting guest. This is the kind of stuff we got from Art Bell.


The hat man.....

I was sitting my living room watching TV when I noticed in my peripheral vision a tall man wearing a hat in the form of a shadow appear to open the closet door which was next to the front door and go in.

I'm thinking what the hell was that.

I ignored it and continued to watch TV.

Ten minutes later the same guy appeared again and this time I looked at it and he looked at me and then walked into the closet again.

Now I'm curious about what this thing is doing going into the closet like that.

My daughters room is on the other side of that closet and I'm getting concerned but what can I do but just wonder at this point.

Later that night I had a dream about the closet and I see a cartoon hand pointing to the upper part of the closet.

The next day I open the closet and looked where the hand was pointing and saw it was the top of the shelf.

There I found a few old picture albums that were being stored there that I was not aware of.

The albums were full of pictures of my daughters great grandpaw, a tall man in a black suit wearing a hat.

I decided it wast nothing to be worried about, just a relative checking up on us.

The reason the guy is wearing a hat is because that is how they dressed back in those days when they took pictures and visited relatives.

That's all it was and I figured nothing to worry about.....

Never saw him again.
Who is Heidi Hollis?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The tip of the iceberg
June 13, 2016, 07:11:13 PM
If this guy was in the crowd at a boxing match do you think he could he influence the outcome?

A few of you may find this interesting.

 Maybe this is why there were giants in those days….

This is what I think happened.

The angels that were on earth were males.

They had sex with human women.

The angels growth genes were not checked and the female growth were not checked.

The genes that keep growth in check in humans are coded in the males.

So when the angels had sex with female the growth genes were out of control and giants grew to huge and ultra huge levels.

I also think the angels genes were crossed with animal genes to produce super beings with all kind of abilities those animals posses.

Maybe that is also why the nephilim had all kind of animal parts.

So when they were trying to create a pure human spices the nephilim screwed up the process and ruined the spices some were trying to create.


Giant footprints.....

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Witchcraft
March 29, 2016, 09:04:06 PM
Quote from: weeberwubber on March 29, 2016, 07:57:08 PM
She's hosting Midnight in the Desert.
The Desert presumably has lots of sand.
Therefore it's more like she's performing sandwichcraft.
And that's a good thing.

Ohhh, sandwitch.

Radio and Podcasts / The tip of the iceberg
March 29, 2016, 01:48:19 AM
The tip of the iceberg 1.

1.The small, perceptible part of a much larger situation or problem that remains hidden:


Radio and Podcasts / Re: Witchcraft
March 26, 2016, 10:18:25 PM
Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on March 17, 2016, 08:27:20 AM
Witchcraft is a catch-all term for those of limited understanding. We like it that way. Focussed intent is what we are really talking about here. It matters not if it is just one person or 39. What does matter is that the intent is focussed.
Dig ?

To answer your question, good or bad has absolutely nothing to do with it.
What price are you prepared to pay ?
I'm here. Get in my face.

It can be looked at as a game - by those that have slight understanding.
They may have in-depth memorization of ritual, but they understand not the meaning and purpose of the ritual, yet they think they do.
Besides, rituals are for acolytes.
It is real and it is powerful and it operates at more levels than most can fathom.

"The Force can be bent to your will, but often there is a cost. The most powerful rituals sic [castings] exact a toll few are willing to pay."

I realize your post was directed @ Heather, and she apparently pissed you off.

Blanket statements serve no purpose.

Is this what you wanted to hear ?

No, Heather hasn't piss me off.

She is in an impossible job and how she got there is a mystery to me.

We have spent years with Art telling him through emails and emails what we like and don't like about his shows.

And with Heather we are starting over again.

George disappointed us and we see a lot of George in Heather.

When I say we, I guess I mean I.

It's like starting over.

I know with time Heather or anyone can do the job.

But it's a lot of work and we are tired.

It's about time and that's all it's about.

I wish Heather the best. 

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Witchcraft
March 17, 2016, 02:01:42 PM
Ok, I admit it. I was well over the two drink maximum when I posted this thread.

What was I thinking?

Hummm… Maybe that witchcraft is like taking shortcuts at other people expenses.

Hummm.... Maybe I was thinking this.

If you want a job someone else occupies ahead of you.
You just direct negative energy at that person who has the job you want.
Your intentions are to make that person for some reason leave their job.
If he leaves his job because he got a better job then that’s great.
If he leaves his job because something terrible happened to him, well that’s life.

What was I thinking....?

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Witchcraft
March 17, 2016, 06:01:04 AM
Quote from: Auslandia on March 17, 2016, 05:17:56 AM

If your going to comment please don't be lazy, let everyone know what your thinking. 

Quote from: analog kid on March 17, 2016, 05:58:12 AM
Check out this "Bashar" guy

Common, there are a lot better Bashar videos than that.

When I post a thread I do hope people will at least try to comment in a thoughtful and entertaining way.

You guys aren't even trying tonight.

Radio and Podcasts / Witchcraft
March 17, 2016, 03:43:57 AM
Heather Wade saying she is a spell casting witch…Is that a good thing?

Witchcraft is like a board game. You make a move and then others make theirs.

The reason witchcraft works is because most people don’t know they are playing a GAME.

If they knew they would quit playing the game and kick the shit out of the person casting the spells against them.

That is the nature of spell casting.

If we knew spell casting worked we would be in the face of those casting the spells.

We don't want to hurt anyone but we don't want to be bothered either.


Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Scot Free Line!
March 05, 2016, 03:01:15 PM

I got this, lets just wait till Friday and let the callers choose a line.

This way no one can prepare their story and make plans that they and their friends will be listening that evening.

Then when no one suggests a line and why should they.

Then, I'll just make up a line on a subject no one has ever heard of before.


Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Scot Free Line!
February 27, 2016, 12:09:48 AM
Nice Line tonight!

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 25, 2016, 03:04:15 PM

'They' are such nebulous creatures aren't 'they'? Has anyone actually come across a 'they' who can verify that 'they' are the 'they's' that the YT research scientists conspiracy theorist web site repeaters, who call it work, would know to say 'There's a they!'? . As soon as you find a 'they' can you identify him or her as being a confessed 'they'?


Who are they?

Very good question.

If I saw then on the street I wouldn't know them.

A wise man once said, "you will know them by their works".

So from here I'm going to refer you to Mr. Don Preston maybe he can answer your question.


Quote from: coaster on February 24, 2016, 10:14:38 PM
I don't think some faggot on youtube is talking to aliens, so I win.

Quote from: coaster on February 24, 2016, 08:52:28 PM
I stopped reading this thread after I saw the title of the video. "answers of an alien from andromeda". Derpity do.

Total Time Spent Online: 55 days, 18 hours and 55 minutes. Total Posts:5,474 posts  Total Topics Started: 8 topics

My neighbor's dog does the same thing in everyone elses yard.

No use starting a new thread....

X-Files’ climax shines alien spotlight on CRISPR gene-editing technology


Related video....

PENTAGON BRIEFING ~ A Vaccine to Cure Us Of Religion

Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 24, 2016, 03:33:54 AM
Go on, I'm game; Prove it.

Ok, here are your last 25 posts spoken in a robot voice named Alice.

Click on the attached to listen.


After listening to the audio, I think the voice adds some quality to your transcript, and comparing the two audio files, one is definitely bullshit.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on February 23, 2016, 02:34:33 PM
You're right; the moronic robotic artificial voicebox is bothersome. The content is complete bullshit; don't let it keep you awake.  :)

An ugly voice, doesn't make information invalid, nor do you know what animal pooped this.

Just to be clear, it was not a bull.  
But I thought you would like to hear it anyways.  0:44 - 1:48


Here is the audio book about that alien that was captured, who lived but turned off a few years later. Mentioned in the above video at 14:25.

Radio and Podcasts / Re: If Not Art Then MV!
February 23, 2016, 12:29:43 PM
Freeman Fly is available and willing.  What are you told to think about him?


Radio and Podcasts / Re: If Not Art Then MV!
February 22, 2016, 08:54:10 PM
Who is this MV, is he another gate keeper of the truth where no real secrets may pass?

One Noory is enough.

M! MV!

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