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Messages - Marc.Knight

Quote from: (Sandman) Logan-5 on November 09, 2015, 06:14:56 AM
Re: Art Bell
« Reply #61777 on: Today at 02:41:22 PM »
I guess I need to say something about the email and messages I have been getting about RCH. I did everything I could to help him in every way possible, including getting a loan of expensive gear from Telos to transmit his show to the Network. I found Rossy for him. I gave him the best advice I could muster up on how to proceed. I provided help in more ways then I will try to detail here.

I am sad that events have unfolded as they have. I am not going to discuss specifics but will say that we are currently not in communication nor have we been for some time now. Sometimes you think you know somebody and then find out you never really did, just sad. Please understand that I do not run the Network, I just do my show.


Do you peeps think maybe Dick stopped communicating with Art right about the time he decided to force Rossy out ? :o

This is really strange. 
Quote from: dan7800 on November 09, 2015, 07:54:20 AM
I listened to Hoagland from time to time, and thought his new show was decent. No Art, but was somewhat tolerable. What transpired in the last few days?

Perhaps losing sight of how bad Dave is in comparison.  RCH provides a great addition to Art's show.  He's not perfect, which means we need to pick what we want and let the rest go by. 
Quote from: trostol on November 08, 2015, 10:33:08 PM
sadly i agree on Art..i didnt listen to a single show last week save open lines lol

Quote from: trostol on November 08, 2015, 10:20:51 PM
but thats just it..since Scott took over...there has not been an interesting show...his science is faulty at best and he hasnt covered anything remotely paranomral(he may have..i have a bad memory)..at best he is a conspiracy nutter

He is a conspiracy nutter.  Even worse, he's made a career of being a radio show guest who is a conspiracy nutter.  I think he will find his place and, like Art Bell, it will reflect his interests in weird science, paranormal, conspiracies and other off-base stuff.  Pick out what you like and ignore the rest.  That is what I do with what Art serves up.
Quote from: Saltheart on November 08, 2015, 10:08:12 PM
Marc, you are free to your opinion, and mine is no more legit than yours. But, I saw it play out was this way.
RCH disses SR and a bunch of bellgabbers cancelled. Only after we quit did he raise this issue of bandwidth. Suggesting that maybe we actually got our point across and the numbers reflected it, and hurt. Only since then has this been an issue. But hey, that is just how I see it and it damn sure don't make it true.
Maybe you missed my posts showing the RCH and OSOM stickers I personally had made up and was running on my truck. Check my history, I as was most of us on this thread, a RCH supporter. We didn't get off of his hook, he cut the line.

In general, he might provide some shows that are interesting and entertaining.  I think we can be a little forgiving and just enjoy the parts that are worthwhile.  Despite his faults, he is one of the best weird science and paranormal hosts out there.  Besides Art, RCH is the only host in this area I can listen to.  Listeners will do things according to their own assessments, I just think that he's worth a little time, effort and money to listen to.  Art gives us three hours, which is not nearly enough.  RCH provides a chance to add on a few more interesting hours.
Quote from: GravitySucks on November 08, 2015, 09:16:21 PM
He has permanently lost this "useless eater" of bandwidth. Falkie can have my share. RCH and Falkie deserve each other.

The context of his "useless eater" comment was a reference to listeners who are asleep, but still connected to the live show.  If I ran a show with variable expenses I think I would be concerned about the cost of bandwidth used to entertain sleeping listeners too. :)
Quote from: Ciardelo on November 08, 2015, 06:14:19 PM
An obvious omission made on Dick's part was Amanda's long history of being a psychic numerologist.  She even tried to get it mentioned more but he breezed over it wanting to get to the dirty parts. If you look around you can find where she has been on shows frequently.  Not big shows, but shows nonetheless. A thinking man (one with PT Barnum instincts as RCH imagines himself) would have let her do the numerology stuff with callers and highlight her music in the bumpers.

A good time to be had by all for sure.

But instead he tried to present himself as a music lyric expert (!) and fawn over her like a big creep. And he caps it off by insisting she has to write a song just for him!

I listened to Amanda on a couple of those other shows since listening to her RCH interview. She's easy-going and bright. It would have made maybe one of his best shows.

I am not taking any "side" but I think you have one of the most intelligent posts in this thread.  RCH wants a show that is stimulating and perhaps with unexpected content.  If you look at the "Best" show from a human interest perspective, it does provide a wealth of "lessons learned".  It wasn't the most exciting, nor the most memorable, but all shows can't be about Data heads on the Moon.

I think we should remember that RCH is trying to make 'us' happy.  He reads the stuff written here in BellGab.  He's not perfect, and his decisions may not always make sense to everyone.  That describes me as well, and perhaps the majority of posters here on BellGab.  While we have it, let's enjoy the interesting alternatives that Art and Richard provide us every week. 
Quote from: trostol on November 06, 2015, 02:21:21 PM
Art though has the credibility and credentials to get away with it ..Dick ..not so much

Yeah, the Data Head on the Moon still hangs over his head like a group from Heaven's Gate.
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on November 06, 2015, 02:14:43 PM
The French will side with anyone who will do the work instead of them. Then they go on strike to protest at the way they're being hard done to. You think the US the only country that hangs onto revolution? Even the French press are liking the recent literal shirts being torn from the backs of Air France bosses as being shades of the French revolution. The French adore being a republic, they ooze (like particularly nasty bile) the fact they gave it to the monarchy and other aristocracy.

You mean, took it away, as in, removed the heads in question.
Random Topics / Re: What is this?
November 06, 2015, 02:05:24 PM
Quote from: K_Dubb on November 06, 2015, 02:03:17 PM
Hahaha I think if you ever gave a hearty endorsement of anything I'd fall out of my chair  ;)

You have to read between the lines.  He gave a hearty endorsement of a view sans giant swords.
If I recall correctly Art did this once or twice a hundred years ago.  A neat new intro to the show and then switch to a re-run.  I can't recall if he announced it beforehand.
Random Topics / Re: What is this?
November 06, 2015, 01:25:35 PM
Quote from: albrecht on November 06, 2015, 01:21:06 PM
The monument outside Stavanger for the famous battle in which King Harald conquered all of Norway. It is an impressive thing to see.

quite beautiful.
Random Topics / Re: What is this?
November 06, 2015, 01:20:44 PM
Quote from: Albemuth on November 06, 2015, 01:19:20 PM
I don’t know, but I’d like to have it in my front yard…(Chicks dig giant swords.)

3 at once?
Quote from: K_Dubb on November 06, 2015, 01:17:54 PM
Granted, but doing a fresh intro and then launching the rerun is just underhanded and sneaky.  There's nothing on his schedule that indicates it's anything other than a fresh interview.  Did he think nobody'd catch it?

I wonder who came up with the idea.

We should tell him how we feel.  It is analogous to WD-40 and his noisy chair. 
Quote from: K_Dubb on November 06, 2015, 01:12:00 PM
I can sure understand having to play a rerun if something comes up last-minute but to do it the way he did without acknowledging or explaining it shows contempt for his audience.  Can you imagine Art doing something like that?

No, but ole RCH doesn't have the experience AB does. 
Quote from: MV on November 06, 2015, 12:29:48 PM
well... carson's done.  now let's move on to rubio's financial records...

Yup, anything to detract from Hilary's years of corruption.
I am not apologizing for him - but I do know that they are working hard to find the best possible guests.  In the current manifestation of the show, I think we should expect some imperfections.  And, he is 70 years old.
Random Topics / Re: I DON'T GIVE A DAMN
November 06, 2015, 12:45:05 PM
Quote from: Caruthers612 on November 06, 2015, 12:41:06 PM
        There's a guy in front of my house sanding the fence on my deck with a power sander. He's been at it for days, in preparation for repainting the fence. The noise is like a large dentist's drill. While I have hitherto been sworn to not give a damn about a damn thing, a pledge which I've unwaveringly upheld, I must tell you that I'm weakening, I'm coming dangerously close to giving a damn about that noise. Please, please, my fellows, I entreat you for your support. Now is my hour of need.

The guy in front of your house doesn't give a damn.
Random Topics / What is this?
November 06, 2015, 12:36:44 PM
Can anyone guess what this is?  (no fair using Google image)

Quote from: trostol on October 29, 2015, 10:44:28 PM
holy crap this dude is scary looking

you know how some people start looking like what they hang out with?

Quote from: The General on October 30, 2015, 01:58:23 PM
Anybody else having glitches in their podcast for this show?
Random out of place audio snippets are interrupting the show for a few seconds at a time.
Maybe it's just my device or my connection.

What if your device or your connection are just fine?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
October 30, 2015, 01:47:54 PM
Quote from: Barfly on October 30, 2015, 12:19:32 PM
Chicks take  longer than ten minutes, hell i can do it in 30seconds if i really try.
And i dont cuddle..ever

Quote from: Dyna-X on October 30, 2015, 07:52:07 AM
Thanks Ciardelo. I do my best, but there is one that baffled me last night - I've checked his requests thread, last nights live thread, and a couple other live forums' threads - googled like mad for "songs with church bell and wind" etc and nothing! I did find one by Horde that was similar - but it went into a metal sound...so that wasn't it.

Thursday (10/29) With Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Maybe Keith can let you know.  I wonder, is the bumper music posted anywhere on the Art Bell site, like the old days?
ahhhhh, Star Trek...

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
October 28, 2015, 08:56:49 AM
C2C Marketing Department checking out Art's new list of affiliates:

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
October 26, 2015, 01:19:43 PM
Quote from: ponyboysunset on October 26, 2015, 01:16:25 PM
Damn, good to know.  ;D I am taking option passionate sex. Wait, does that mean I want to pre-empty myself?

I have no objection to pre-emptying yourself. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
October 26, 2015, 01:17:26 PM
Quote from: ziznak on October 26, 2015, 12:55:39 PM
I can't find a link to become a time-traveller.... :(

Yes, the site is not very user friendly.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Podcast Not Included
October 26, 2015, 01:11:15 PM
Quote from: The General on October 26, 2015, 12:25:00 PM
Will your podcast have an 'ignore' feature where listeners can mute the mic of certain hosts?

George Noory has spawned a whole cottage industry for this type of advanced technology.  You can now buy an app that blocks out only the host of the program, leaving the guest, callers, commercials, bumper music and news perfectly audible.  In place of the host you have a choice of noise substitutions, such as silence, pig snorts, passionate sex, vomiting, and for you esoteric types, wet camel farts.  Happy listening.
Quote from: ZomZom on October 23, 2015, 10:14:43 PM
Dead Air is pretty good, but I like Midnight in the Graveyard.

How about "Grave Air"
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