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Messages - ThaJackaL

Radio and Podcasts / Skywatchers Radio
July 19, 2016, 01:01:17 AM
Shows on a new night! Tuesdays at 11pm est.

Check out our podcast page: http://soundcloud.com/psnradio/sets/skywatchers-radio

And our main website: http://www.skywatchersradio.com/
Radio and Podcasts / Re: UFONAUT
July 18, 2016, 11:56:04 PM
Here is the official podcast page on Soundcloud if anyone would like to download the podcasts it's 100% free! :)

Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
July 18, 2016, 11:50:10 PM
Quote from: nooryisawesome on July 12, 2016, 01:39:57 AM
Church's fake shock jock voice irritates me to no end. Also his constant claims that he broke the Sandusky sex crime story is laughable. A lady won  Pultzer for breaking that story. Church just made a couple Falkie like youtube videos and claimed he blew the story wide open.

Fuck Jimmy Church.......  :::Drops Mic:::
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Skywatchers Radio
April 01, 2016, 09:52:24 PM
Well the show i still live over on www.psn-radio.com and it's 100% uncensored. We don't like it either my friend.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Skywatchers Radio
January 06, 2016, 02:51:36 AM
Quote from: the_peeve on December 21, 2015, 12:50:08 AM
Yup, you lost a bit of respect doing that last show the way you did. Should have taken the long road. It doesn't bode well to poo poo the house you are in. Always take the high road because you never know you will meet in the future who will judge you on your actions. People never forget.

I understand the hosts frustration of things that happened at DMN, but there are just some things the public doesn't need to hear, because they will take it the way they did.

Move onto your new network and brush yourselves off.

What did I do? I allowed others to speak their minds but I agree Art doesn't owe us anything, and truth be told I wasn't mad at Keith or Art. Keith I have tons of respect for. And Art is one of my main heros in radio! I have crazy respect for that man, and It's sad what's happening but  don't like to censor people on the show. But what did I do or say that was that bad?

Anyway the whole situation just sucks... Hope Art and his family are OK, and that's honesty my only concern. Oh, and I'll support whatever Keith wants to do, and will try to help in anyway possible to making his network great if he decides to continue to have it open, and continues to carry our shows.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Skywatchers Radio
December 17, 2015, 09:22:57 AM
Quote from: Ciardelo on December 17, 2015, 02:26:05 AM
Angel--you're quite the traffic cop! lol Great show tonight and happy landings! I imagine we'll find your show wherever it is :)

lol thank you sir...  And yes the show will not stop so keep listening por favor! :)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Skywatchers Radio
December 17, 2015, 02:23:55 AM
Quote from: trostol on December 16, 2015, 11:32:49 PM
nope..but some poor things he was in lol

This is true....... But he was still great! :)

By the way I love him so much check out what I would like as Barf! :)
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Skywatchers Radio
December 14, 2015, 12:44:50 AM
Quote from: the_peeve on December 12, 2015, 02:38:07 AM

lmao loved John Candy as Barf... Miss him.

Quote from: Morgus on December 12, 2015, 02:39:18 AM
Angel, if DMDN indeed folds it would be great if PSN could pick up the DMDN only shows, Heather, Hoagie, and Dr. J

All shows who need a place are welcome. :)
Quote from: ShayP on December 12, 2015, 02:33:57 AM
Well...good luck Hoagie.  I'm thankful for the archive I have.  YOU are just a fucking asshole.

LOL  :o
Quote from: trostol on December 12, 2015, 02:30:45 AM
thats great and all..but if you take what Hoagie says as gospel...you have other problems lol

Well he said he spoke to Keith Rowland... And funny thing since we are doing the show on DMD I was thinking of folding PSN RADIO after this year, and just focusing on DMD... So yeah I'm not poaching.

I'm as upset about Art leaving as anyone... So I hope this works it's way out just like the last 2 times he almost quit this year.
Quote from: Faustina on December 12, 2015, 02:18:05 AM
PSN Radio is already trying to poach DMDN shows.

poaching? Really? I sent that to help shows who might not have a place to do a show in the future... If the network is going to fold I don't mind helping them keep their shows going. But don't take that as poaching. Don't be a dick.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Skywatchers Radio
December 11, 2015, 01:12:34 AM
Quote from: WildCard on December 10, 2015, 02:37:39 PM
Hey Angel. I was tryin to keep this Falkie 2.0 b.s. off Art's thread and now I went and mucked up yours.

LOL No worries! :)

Quote from: WildCard on December 10, 2015, 02:37:39 PMBut yeah, good show. Keep that up and Michael Horn will put you on ignore.

LOL I could only wish... Horn loves arguing with people.. We've had some epic arguments on email. He won't ever be on my show..  Not that I'd want him on.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Skywatchers Radio
December 09, 2015, 11:42:09 PM
Quote from: the_peeve on December 09, 2015, 10:47:49 PM
Angel does a good job. Been some good shows lately.

Thank you very much! We're working hard on doing the best job possible for you all listening. Happy you're enjoying the show.

P.S love the avatar of Barf!! :)
I've always voted Democrat... This election I'm voting for Trump. If we're going to hell in a hand basket I'd like the trip to be entertaining. Trump gives us good entertainment. lol
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
December 03, 2015, 12:56:42 PM
Quote from: SredniVashtar on October 28, 2015, 03:41:24 PM
Yes, that man has an uncanny ability to suck all of the oxygen out of a room. He must work for the fire department.

I don't suck anything... But you can suck it.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
July 24, 2015, 12:07:55 AM
This guys big claim to fame was that he "broke" the Jerry Sandusky Scandal sexual scandal. Yet there is a then 24 year old reporter named Sara Ganim who won a Pulitzer Prize who's actually credited for it. But SunshineBoy makes it sound like HE was the one who broke it, and that it caused him so much hell that he left sports radio for paranormal/ufology talk. The guys a liar, and a walking contradiction of the facts. He should be ashamed of himself he told people I know that he was "keeping the seat warm for Art until Art returned because Art picked him." Art hardly knew the creep. JC or SunshineBoy as I call him is a scumbag.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: The Blitz
July 06, 2015, 11:12:14 PM
I made a banner for Art, and placed it on all my sites! www.psn-radio.com / www.thajackalshead.com / www.skywatchersradio.com Well this last site I used one from ArtBell.com heh

Here is the one I made...
Well that show's full of crap hence why he's on so much I  guess? They have "little ray of sunshine" himself also on there a lot... They cater to b/s & con artists I guess on that network.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 01, 2015, 11:33:07 PM
Quote from: malliard on May 28, 2015, 08:17:53 PM
kinda funny how i was on KGRA and dark matter before mr church and yet i am tied to him.... maybe hes tied to me?

Someone has a big ego... lol
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
June 01, 2015, 11:28:17 PM
Quote from: coaster on June 01, 2015, 08:29:29 PM
Heard your call. The fella co-hosting with the Birnes  sounds like Jeff Garlin.

lmao I do?
Random Topics / Re: Daredevil Netflix series
April 27, 2015, 01:33:32 AM
The daredevil show is amazing!!! I cannot wait for more episodes season 2 cannot get here fast enough.

The Kingpin was badass!
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 20, 2015, 01:02:15 AM
Quote from: Mind Flayer Monk on February 20, 2015, 12:02:00 AM
IMHO this makes Keith look worse than Church.

How? Keith is being honest while JC has been lying his ass off... hmmm Are you a FaderMutt?
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 20, 2015, 01:01:08 AM
I was called by a guest I had on my show last year because JC contacted him a day after we had him on, and he had never heard of JC. My friend who's name I won't reveal because I don't want to drag his name into this but he calls me and asks me if this JC  guy is on the level because he was sounding a little off. He told my friend that he was "holding ART'S spot keeping the seat warm until Art returns, and that he's Art's Heir apparent." JC is so full of himself.. He's full of himself, and he even went as far as to say that he decided to get involved in radio when Art Retired because he wanted to fill the void left by Art. I mean really JC? So his plan was all along to replace Art on C2C? Looks like he finally got his wish he had to kiss George Noorys anus to get there. He will probably end up backstabbing Noory to take his spot next. JC is all about JC, and he doesn't care who he backstabbs along the way.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Jimmy Church
February 15, 2015, 03:51:40 AM
Quote from: Jraken on February 09, 2015, 10:24:28 PM
Looking at the twitter feed a fadernaught seems to refer to particular type of dingleberry that posts the same asinine collection of meme pictures about the Jimmy Church show.   They also feed Jimmy his questions since he can't seem to come up with them on his own.

To be fair, I enjoyed listening to the JC show when it was on DMRN.  He wasn't the best (Bateman and Howard Hughes hold the top quality spots) but I thought having a nightly show was good for the network and for Keith to figure out how he was going to get Art up and running.  But since Church revealed his true colors... good riddance.

Creating and fostering a cute name for your fans and a bunch of overused show clichés does not make up for quality.  And it certainly doesn't gloss over selling out to C2C.

JC is one of the biggest frauds I've came across on internet radio since I've been doing it! And I've been at it since 2008. He's a liar, a snake, and his show sucks. I've never been a fan of his, and his Fakernuts or FaderMutts or whatever his fans are called all 18 of them are full of twits like him.
Quote from: Gassy Man on August 23, 2011, 11:10:30 AM
A shovel is needed to listen to this ass clown . . . a total blathering con bag.  Full of himself -- the reincarnation of Edgar Casey, he said last night -- and all his anglocentric yammering about "big headed" ancient peoples (read:  non-white) smacks of 19th century phrenology and race categorizing despite his lame attempt to argue they were alien hybrids.  What a douchebag.  A complete shit stack.  I took a look at his photo -- he could use a transfusion, too.

Okay, editorial over.  Thank you for your attention.

Great OG post!!! I Can't stand David Wilcock either... He's a fraud, and a joke.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Messing with "StashSquash!"
November 24, 2014, 09:01:43 PM
Well at least your honest!  8)
Radio and Podcasts / Messing with "StashSquash!"
November 24, 2014, 08:31:32 PM


Join Angel & Alan as they welcome back Jason Martell to Skywatchers Radio! Live!

Jason Martell is an alien investigator who is very well known in the paranormal circles appearing on shows on the Discovery Channel and History along with the web and radio shows, talking about UFOs, Planet X, the structures on Mars, the Bagdad Battery, Ancient Astronauts, and the Sumerian culture. Mr. Jason Martell is a world-renowned researcher and lecturer specializing in the ancient Sumerian culture, Sumerians advanced technology, and how it relates to Planet X.

Backed by leading scientists from the mainstream scientific community, Mr. Martell has been a guest on numerous television shows, radio programs and has given lectures throughout the world. Mr. Martell has based his findings in conjunction with principal ancient scholars such as Zecharia Sitchin, and scientists such as Dr. Robert Harrington.

He has corresponded with top NASA scientists on the subject of Planet X, and the structures on Mars. As one of the leading researchers in the field, he has created the world’s most popular website devoted to the subject of Planet X www.xfacts.com This non-profit venture features Mr. Martell’s research along with other leading scholar’s findings. Xfacts.com attracts over 1 million new visitors each year and ranks in the Top 10 most visited paranormal websites on the Internet. Looking forward, Mr. Martell is preparing to conduct several groundbreaking international research expeditions.

His goal is to gain first hand access to ancient Sumerian artifacts, and other archaeological relics not currently accessible to the public. By bringing worldwide attention to these hidden artifacts, Mr. Martell hopes to usher in a new era in the Ancient Astronaut theory.

Mr. Martell is a professional employed in the high tech industry. As senior interactive programmer and Internet designer, Mr. Martell has worked with leading technology companies including Intel, HP, Cisco, and Blue Martini.


This week we have a packed show!!

Join us on Skywatchers Radio tonight as we welcome back a few good friends. We have been off the for the past two weeks, and we have a lot to catch up to do...

First hour of the show we will have news, and intro as usual between Angel & Alan, and the second segment of the first hour which is after the first break we are going to have William Michael Mott on with us who will talk about an assortment of stories in the world of Ufology and talk about what he's been up to recently with his own show, and other works.

Second hour we will have on Joseph F. Marra another good friend, and regular on the show during the first segment of the 2nd hour... After we come back from break for our last segment we will than have Stephen Roberts host of Cancel the Cabal, and Unraveling the Secrets on the show with us.

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