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Messages - grano salis

No ideas on that one, but the (1962) movie with Angela Landsbury was memorable--she must be the only surviving cast member.
When I was in college, my adviser was Jack Williamson who was a long time faculty member at a small southwestern college and Hugo and Nebula award winning science fiction writer.  I am re-reading his last book (2005)  "The Stonehenge Gate"  which features some of the other college faculty (Chemistry, Archaeology) as characters ( under different names, of course but still recognized by character traits and habits)  I am also reading the Landmark Julius Caesar by Raaflaub and Strassler--fascinating.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Midnight In The Desert
May 09, 2018, 04:29:45 PM
Quote from: Kolchak on May 09, 2018, 04:27:33 PM
Heather is busy designing a headstone for Paul and Ella Craddock's dead dog, which has been in a freezer since 1987.

LOL but we all grieve in different ways....
Quote from: GravitySucks on May 04, 2018, 03:19:58 PM
Converse away. Just don’t put out a false premise and prop it up with your CV to make it sound like the truth. The repeal of the Obamacare mandate has absolutely zero impact on the cost or availability of healthcare on May 4, 2018.

The appeal of the mandate did and does influence behavior. Consumers shouldn't have to be forced to buy insurance ever IMO but if they are not mandated to or pay tax penalties, they will gladly opt out due to high cost, and absent punitive taxation.  You DO understand what  the mandate was don't you?  If you actually read the initial remark before erupting, you would realize that I never tied the mandate to costs of health care INSURANCE which actually escalated  since 2008. 
As originally stated --Congress and the health insurance industry have done ZERO to address the high cost of health insurance.  I leave it to your imagination as to the reason for their collective "disinterest".  The actual availability of quality healthcare options to the uninsured is another issue.
Quote from: GravitySucks on May 04, 2018, 06:39:13 AM

The Obamacare mandate has been lifted for a total of 4 months and 4 days and you are going to attribute an increase of “pretty ill” patients to that?  I call bullshit. You made that up. First, during open enrollment for Obamacare, they would have had to have known the mandate would be lifted in the tax bill that didn’t pass until mid-December, then they would have had to cancel their insurance; then they would have had to develop some disease or malady in the last 4 months that made them “pretty ill”. OK. I’ll bite. Name both of them.

How about if we deport all the illegal aliens that are taxing the health care system and that have higher incidence of substance abuse and then we will give free health care to the two people that got “pretty ill”.

I see the uninsured and underinsured in my practice daily. You can get pretty sick-- rapidly-- from flu, MRSA, other indolent infectious disorders.  I'm no proponent for Obama care--it is a trainwreck  people get seen by NPs and PAs and get fromulamatic care sometimes incomplete.  Referrals are tough which slows down the dx and disease resolution process.  "Illegal" aliens are a small part of the entitlement issue which is "taxing" the healthcare system.   Incidently--many pay cash and are actually more honest about their bills in my experience.  What set your britches on fire?...the suggestion that families should be able to actually afford health care insurance?  Don't blame the practitioner.  Individual provider bills are approx 10% of total health care costs--most are related to hospitals administration,etc.   Too bad we can't have conversations in 21st Century America without one side getting unhinged...
Quote from: bellNwhistle on May 04, 2018, 06:04:24 AM
Someone I've known for years had a family history of mental illness. The mom kinda went nuts.. not sure about other relatives, but he and his mom did drugs together.  In his mid-to-late teens, his drug use seemed to trigger problems.  He went from being a "regular" young guy, to being a ward of the state. He lives in a group home, and may as well have the mentality of a 15 yr old boy.  He can't always remember who his son is. He's a Schizophrenic. It's very sad to see how much he's changed.  (I don't know what kind of drugs he was on, and whatever they are, i wouldn't legalize). 

I have some in-laws who are alcoholics. They've lost multiple friends to alcohol-related deaths. You'd think losing several at a time to a night-time boat trip where some fucker was driving so fast that nobody saw the dock they were about to literally lose their heads to, would be enough to turn someone sober.. nope.  Instead, they went out and bought a boat.

Don't want to be cynical about this but how much of our health care expenditure is utilized for folks with addiction problems?  I am in the health care field and I have a sad theory based on utilization patterns.  There are fewer patients making routine doctor's appointments because of two reasons: 1) the Obamacare mandate was lifted so they don't have to go bankrupt buying health insurance--of course congress and the big health insurance lobby aren't doing anything to make healthcare "affordable" so people are just going with out insurance--of course by the time they make it into the doc's office they are pretty ill... 2) Many just went to the doc to get their Hydrocodone-oxycodone Rx.  Medical boards have made routine Rx of addictive substances difficult to impossible for doc's to exploit, so many are just not going.  (I was asked to help a local doc who was in trouble with the MB for having too many Rxs for  opiods but on examination of his records, I soon discovered that his quaint little Dr. Welby Family Practice was more or less a pill mill--the MB put him out of business).
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on May 03, 2018, 09:43:44 AM

The person who called in from AZ said he was Ben; I at first thought it was Chefist, but it wasn't. Voice wasn't his unless he'd put it through some spooky software to alter it..

"Fritz" from Phoenix.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 28, 2018, 01:52:35 PM
You voted for Hillary. You should be open to that kind of diversity. Why are you being so judgmental?! ::)

You are a cloaca, "Dr."  I did not happen to vote for Mrs. Ceausescu, and it's really irrelevant and silly of you to get so unnerved at people who disagree with you politically. 
Quote from: Inglorious Bitch on April 28, 2018, 01:36:43 PM

Because they are poor or because they are criminally inclined?

Morally diffuse.
Quote from: bellNwhistle on April 28, 2018, 01:31:53 PM
That stinks. Did you fire their ass?

Well-- there are many ways to rectify this situation and all of them will be unpleasant for the silly fool.
Quote from: Dr. MD MD on April 28, 2018, 01:23:05 PM
Oh, here comes Yorkie's faggot buddy in for the assist because Yorkie can stand on his own. Looks like the muslims let you out of your cage early today. :D

Calm down.  You've been agitated since the Trump-plankton comment for some reason.  I've had a REALLY bad day--found out that an employee was 'borrowing' money from petty cash for lunch--Now that is something to get upset about. 
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 28, 2018, 06:03:54 AM
Quote from: Lord Grantham on April 28, 2018, 05:38:58 AM

"Bud and Jacobs were two peas in a creepy pod."

What about (the suspiciously departed by weird London pedestrian traffic accident)  Harvard professor John Mack?  Do you think that he had a pair of T E Lawrence's undergarments in his files?

Quote from: Sean92008 on April 27, 2018, 12:35:01 PM
TMI response deleted...

My advice:  Talk to an estate attorney about this.  Dad may be (mentally-emotionally) beyond the point where he  is capable of naming a guardian-conservator and or executor, but if you as the responsible party who has been doing the hard work of doctor's visits, health maintenance, emotional support grocery shopping etc--you might be the obvious choice  (it's between you and your Dad--best kept between you two).  I do not recommend court room proceedings with third party GCs as these corporate entities will charge high monthly fees and exhaust the estate as will legal GALs (Guardian ad Litem(s)).  If siblings are truly taking or mismanaging money you can call and discuss with your state Adult protective Services (nuclear option).
Quote from: Lord Grantham on April 27, 2018, 09:08:31 AM
To die, to sleep, perchance to dream â€" aye, there’s the rub, for in this sleep of death what dreams may come?

Art knew. 
Quote from: bellNwhistle on April 27, 2018, 08:59:23 AM
The “Art Bell ‘He’s our biggest fan!’ Memorial Tour”
Quote from: Lord Grantham on April 27, 2018, 06:41:31 AM
I walk away from this thread for a few hours and it takes the darkest turn imaginable.

God damn.

Seneca state imposed (by Nero) suicide note:  "Death is the undoing of all our sorrows, an end beyond which our ills cannot go"
Quote from: DanTSX on April 27, 2018, 06:04:32 AM

Bellgab Hates everyone

Tell tubby Rowland to grow he fuck up and put his man pants on, fire heather, and do whatever the fuck it is you had in mind.

Amazing message from Keith, how silly ---so many topics and points of view on this forum---I have returned after a few years and have been back since Art's death.  I would say that MV is the most balanced, respectful, careful, and thoughtful guy running any forum I visit  for example--his advice to HW is "be yourself".  I believe that his position regarding Keith is supportive.  Almost everyone here has a sense of humor directed towards the forum participants...some parody-- true--- kind of the SNL of the paranormal--but funnier.   
Quote from: chefist on April 26, 2018, 09:21:53 PM
Ala Patrick Swayze and Yul Brynner...all studs who smoked heavily to keep thin...by their own admission...then regretted it...

when is the next Gab Cast?
Quote from: Yorkshire pud on April 26, 2018, 03:03:58 PM
Maybe because it isn't the public's business..Yeah, that's a good reason.

So true ( I love you white rose guy)
Quote from: bellNwhistle on April 26, 2018, 11:42:34 AM
damn, that’s pretty generous! My donation makes me look like a putz.

No way.  I get the impression that all efforts are appreciated--plus you have so many little furry mouths to feed....
Quote from: Ghost on April 26, 2018, 11:35:51 AM
Thank you for the greetings! Another thing that doesn’t add up with HW, she said online she couldn’t afford her vet bills (sick cat) so her fans sent her $. Suddenly a week or so later she BUYS A HOUSE. Who’s getting scammed?

Eh--Who knows.  Anyway I came back to Bell Gab after a few years' absence and am having such a good time I just sent MV and his crew a donation of $75.00 so he can keep Mrs. MV from pulling the plug on the Gab Cast .
  Re:  Grave memorials:
Dallas has some Confederate general statues potentially up for auction--recycle.
Quote from: bellNwhistle on April 26, 2018, 06:52:59 AM
Whitley as her first guest, but Keith blew it. Suuuure he did.  ::).
Keith, unless there’s something I don’t know about between the two of them, would probably love to have Whitley on, because 1) he was good friends with Art, thus we might actually listen; 2) it means having an actual live show. Which we all know Heather is refusing to do.

I’m starting to think Heather is a narcissist. You long-time listeners may have figured that out by now, but it’s all starting to make sense. My mom is one, and I only realized it in college. (Before that, she was just a bitch).

Yes-- as much as I think Whitley craves a certain amount of limelight and on going  media exposure--I'm pretty sure that he (and Brinkley) realize that this "situation" is radioactive.  On the other hand, dealing with folks like HW vicariously professionally--I think I see a pattern emerging--attaching oneself to a minor celebrity for self advancement--Whitley being a kind of target on the horizon.  One might think of HW as a kind of opportunistic "Cling-On" so to speak. 
Quote from: SredniVashtar on April 26, 2018, 06:35:34 AM
The more we find out about Heather, the more she sounds mentally sub-par. Her reaction after Art's death is infantile, and there were all kinds of stories of her ignorance of basic things on the show. I think designing the headstone is the sort of unimportant busy work you give to someone to keep them out of your hair. Like a child with a colouring book.

I would imagine that those who interact with an individual like this in a real life work or domestic environment have to be looking for a bloodless coup exit strategy.  I'm kind of afraid it may come down to employing a lawyer and court order.
Quote from: whoozit on April 26, 2018, 06:01:53 AM
The headstone has to say “I speak RADIO, come talk it with me.”.

What a crock! There is actually very little consumer or artistic choice in grave monument design which is handled by only a few companies, (unless there is something in Art's Parts materials we don't know about) - Perhaps she can find an engraver who knows how to spell (see Ramona's memorial--"who's vs. whose") or might actually proof read the inscription. 
Quote from: Sean92008 on April 25, 2018, 04:12:46 PM
Interesting dates of residence for HLW.

Blows the recent move claims out of the water.

Thanks for the tip, yoursongs.

Seems to have a few Facebook fans with the same names as her... relatives/ alter ego(s)...coincidence?
Quote from: bellNwhistle on April 25, 2018, 03:13:42 PM
Aldous, I’m sorry about your mom and child. :'(

Me too, sincere thoughts and prayers.
Radio and Podcasts / Re: Art Bell
April 25, 2018, 03:25:21 PM
Quote from: mv on April 25, 2018, 03:07:20 PM
An interesting read.

I read through the 1998 deposition taken in Nashville Davidson county.  Art was a litigious man having initiated more than a few suits over the past 20 years.  I found it interesting that the first wife was declared under oath to be Vickie Baker and the only child at that time AB IV, which means that Art wasn't technically married at 19 to the Okinawa lady?  Vincent and Lisa are not legally his heirs(?).  other interesting reading in that deposition.  Thanks MV.
Quote from: mv on April 24, 2018, 03:15:08 PM
why?  the host no longer does.

touche ---(as Sardondi would say in AB 2013)
Quote from: yoursongs on April 25, 2018, 07:40:38 AM
That post was written by HW!  You can tell by the words used:  "you all", "absolutely", "just you wait" etc.  Lasha either IS HW .... or Lasha simply copied and pasted what HW typed to her privately...or HW is dictating to Lasha.   Absolutely.  For shoo-er.

I have never listened to MITD.  None of the guests are too appealing.  The Taylor guy, for example is a transparent bore--IMO.
HW I suspect has multiple convenient on line supportive  identities--otherwise I have never seen such one sided devotion to an individual outside of the Manson family or Jim Jones .  If the story of her meeting AB for a "private"  interview is correct, I suspect that some were manipulated while their defenses were impaired.  HW seems to have all the hallmarks of a "drifter" (spelled starting with the letter"g").  chickens are coming home to roost--"be yourself", indeed--lol
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